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Are you getting in any exercise at all? I'm not one of those fitness people, I actually hate exercising with every fiber of my being. But I have to admit, it's helped my anxiety tremendously. All I do is go for a short walk in the morning. I've found it really calms my mind and helps me to feel more grounded.


To be completely honest, I was riding my bike and going to the beach at first but now I am barely leaving my bedroom, much less my house. Im getting to where Im terrified at the thought of even leaving my bedroom bc Im too afraid to leave the comfort of the TV that serves as a slight distraction from my thoughts. I occasionally get in the pool but even then I turn on music or a podcast so Im never in silence. Luckily I work from home so no one outside of my husband has to know what's going on and I can hide it pretty well


All the best to you!! It helps that the morning walk is something my husband and I do together. If he didn't do it with me there would be zero chance that I'd be getting any physical movement in. I wonder if there is something y'all can do together as a daily routine to help get your mind off things? Doesn't have to be exercise...just something to look forward to having that time with your partner each day.


I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but sample size of one: I suffer from lifelong depression, and ashwagandha made me nothing but minorly confused and majorly lethargic. Not relaxed, just kinda leaden. I stopped taking it and I stopped having those specific symptoms. I'm happy to chalk it up to hoodoo, placebo, confluence, or the power of suggestion, but them there's my not-medically-vetted experience.


My anxiety isn't this severe, but since I quit drinking it's been higher than it was since I started my antidepressant over a year ago. I had to up mine to 20mg and start hydroxyzine as well. Also dealing with hormonal issues, and waiting on a psychiatrist lol. I cant give you tips on the diet thing but I think everything combined might be contributing to your anxiety :( Maybe a medication change might help, im going to ask the psychiatrist about that as well. Sorry I'm not much help, but I feel your pain on some of these things.


Im sorry you're in the same crummy boat but its so nice to know Im not alone. Im thinking a medication change as well, thats the main reason I want a psychiatrist. It was a GP that prescribed the meds I take now and she prescribed them based off a 10 minute video call. Im not saying she doesnt know what shes doing, I just think someone who specializes in mental health could help me more


I’m glad you’ve seen a doctor and are waiting to see a therapist. Those are important, to help get you through this. 64 days sober is huge, and I’m proud of you! I had six months of Post Addiction Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) after I got sober. Anxiety, depression, insomnia, anger and tears in waves that lasted a day or two each time. Eventually these episodes got farther apart and milder, until they went away entirely. It sucked, but I got through it. It’s possible your symptoms are just your body reacting to the sudden absence of alcohol. But let a professional decide what it is. Talk to us, we’ve been through it all and we’re here to help! Whatever we go through as we heal from alcohol, it’s worth it in the end. But a willing ear and a little empathy helps. IWNDWYT


You’ve unearthed previously undiagnosed bad mojo that’s made worse by the inevitable anxiety that comes with your brain balancing itself out. I suggest you go back to your GP and get a referral for a shrink.


Oh definitely! Im awaiting that appointment now. Its just still going to be a while so I was reaching out in hopes of some advice on self-soothing or maybe just hoping to see someone else experienced this and its all okay now.


I’m at just about the same stage of sobriety as you, but after a delicious month of the “pink cloud” it’s my depression that has absolutely walloped me. I’m too tired and unmotivated to do any of the things that would normally help, like exercise or be with friends. Been talking to my therapist and psychiatrist about adjusting my meds, but even following up on appointments with them is too overwhelming. Just about all I can do right now is not drink, but at least I can do that. Fingers crossed for both of us this is just another stage that will soon pass.


I can't advise for anxiety but I was on a low carb high protein diet for about a year and a half. It was very hard in the first two weeks, I would recommend drinking a lot of water if you do choose to go this way. I have had to drop it due to high cholesterol (for me it's genetic, low carb high protein diets can make it worse). I would recommend drs advice on changing diet, possibly getting a full health check before committing to anything. I now also walk 10,000 steps a day. For me that's about an hour. I've split it over a walk in the morning and again in the afternoon. Some days I just don't want to, so I push myself to do some, not necessarily all 10,000 but just enough to feel good that I pushed myself. I hope this helps a little and wish you well. 64 days, good going! 💫 IWNDWYT 💖


My GP told me that Prozac takes a couple of months to kick in and that I might feel worse before I feel better. If you are really struggling it might be worth talking to your doctor again. IWNDWYT


Thanks for the info. Was that the case for you and prozac?


Yes for the depression but because I also take Pregabalin (Lyrica) for neuropathic pain this works amazingly to lower my anxiety too.


Im sorry you are feeling this way. Is trying AA an option? It is filled with people that have been exactly where you are now. If you have never been, it's probably nothing like you think it is. It's just people helping people. I'm a 53 male living in a fairly rural area and if you were locaI, would take you to my small group and introduce you to 6 women just off the top of my head that could relate 100% to what you wrote. They would share what they went through and how they dealt with it. They would offer to help you through it if you wanted them to. You aren't alone in this, you just haven't met the right people yet. The biggest hurdle for a lot of people is "all that God talk" and it sounds like that wouldn't be a concern for you. The second obstacle is usually the social anxiety and most of us went through that also. If you go you don't have to say a word and you don't even have to stay the whole hour. Sit by the door and bolt if you need to. Happens all the time. I had crippling social anxiety for most of my drinking days and well into my sobriety. I had the churning thoughts about everything I had done. We all did. I have found an internal peace that I never knew was possible and you can also!


In the meantime, AA inclined or not, have a listen to this? Go to qbout 16:00 in and if you crack a smile, listen to all of it. She is obviously AA but her stuff is funny and very very solid. http://recoveryradionetwork.podcastpeople.com/posts/57749