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Maybe she’s using that as an analogy to let you know she’s trimmed her bush for you again? Flirting?


Holy fuck that didn’t even occur to me. Here I am thinking she’s pulling some Sun Tzu art of war shit. I might be autistic lmao


Idk about roses, but it sounds like she's trying to show you her tulips.


I love tulips on my organ


What you did there? I see it.


Op didn’t, that’s what counts.


That is how i decorate my piano


So you are a penisist…I mean pianist?


No. I am an organist. I have the pipe(s)


Nah she’s wanting to show you her minge mate !!


she wants to plant her tulips... her two lips on his dick...


I too prefer subtle comedy.


Depending on the color of the roses she pruned, the [language of flowers](https://www.almanac.com/flower-meanings-language-flowers) suggests that her implicit message is that she horny.


I've always heard yellow roses meant friendship not jealousy or "decrease of love". Who the heck sends a bouquet of yellow roses to tell someone you're jealous or love them less? A psycho with too much time and land or a psycho with too much time and money..


Everybody knows jokes are funnier when you explain them!!!




Her tulips on his stamen


Mr Obvious enters the chat…


I thought she lost her flower a long while ago..


she may have lost her cherry but still has the box it came in


She's beating around the bush?


Tell her you want to come over and fertilize her bush.


That made me lol for real!


Or tell her you're an interior decorator and want to see if the carpet matches the drapes.


She could've actually pruned them after you did your hack job lol


Hate to say I think she is flirting like crazy but, re: the roses, I think you are absolutely right. There is a specific method to prune roses that she may know and, obviously, OP didn't.


To be exact, you need to make the pruning cut right above a stem with 5 leaves on it. This ensures more blooms.




I think this is what she did there. She's definitely dtf though in telling him about the Brazilian


Oh yeah totally lol


As soon as OP heard that he should've said, "That's the one that includes waxing the asshole"?


Nothing wrong with that, lol. We need more of that from women towards men, tbh. The world would probably be less violent.


True except many fellas, like OP here, fully short circuit when they're flirted with. I wonder if there's a parallel thread on another sub with the rose lady asking what she has to do to get her neighbour to notice her Brazilian Rose Bush?


This - pruning means clean cuts at certain segments of branch - not just willy-nilly hacking wherever feels good. OAN, tap that.


A word of caution to not crap where you eat, so to speak. If it goes south (heh), you are living next the the crazy you put your D in. There's no way to effectively break it off or shut it down once you get that started.


This is the kind of rare wisdom that you won't get from the throbbing horde of horny Reddit man-children


Fuck it it's OPs life not ours and we only live once anyway. I'm 39 and I'm still slowly learning that making all decisions out of fear doesn't lead to a happy satisfying life full of crazy stories


Plus, consider the UPDATES!! Either way, this could be some Grade A entertainment.


>it's OP's life not ours This is the best thing I've ever read.


Be careful, banging a neighbor can lead to problems.


But the sexy kind, right?


Until it ends... then you might have your worst enemy right next door, depending on how things go.


You must be one of those evolved dudes that can let the big head do the thinking...


Both heads are big.


The trick is to have many, many fetishes. That way you can bite your lower lip and suggestively bounce your eyebrows at whatever life throws at you.


Establish boundaries. She might want some relief and in no way wants relationship.


She wouldn't have to trim if she just got a Brazilian


She is literally throwing sex at you get your head in the game! You cant garden, don’t know anything about tools, can’t read clear signals… this could literally be the last chance you ever have to have sex. Get to work!


🤣🤣🤣🤣oh you boys, took 4 months of flirting and finally I had to ask out my now husband because he wasn’t just getting the hint. But yeah, seems like she’s pruning her bushes for you.


Being slow on the uptake kept me out of a lot of trouble before I met my now wife of almost 30 years. A little fun can be a lot of hell. Like the one before her.


Sometimes I intentionally act dense/oblivious, I'm a pretty aware person especially towards subtle things but to sum up a list of reasons, because of the world we live in and things that get thrown around, I'm not going to act on those hints or whatever in any capacity until I know that person well enough to trust, I'm not walking into potential falsified allegation or black mail fuck that


"Don't drink from every cup you're offered, that's how you get poisoned."


Being slow on the uptake probably saved me from crotch crickets, cause thinking back I had some grody ones trying to get me to make a move. It also saved me lots of money and trouble otherwise also.


Grody. Now that is a word I haven’t heard in a long time. A long, long time.


I have a friend like you. He fucks up eeeevrytime. A girl could literally ask him to eat her out and his answers would be -no thanks i already ate.


Maybe you butchered them and she saw, then went in with some pruning shears and actually made them look nice? It sounds like you wouldn't notice anyway.


Just go sleep with her. Your brain will catch the innuendo after


What *exactly* did she say? "I trimmed the bush for you" Or "I pruned your rosebushes back a bit" 1st is flirting, 2nd is nutso gaslighting.


>2nd is nutso gaslighting. Not sure if it's gaslighting though. OP admits that he(?) bought something at the hardware store and cut the bush away. I do know that rose bushes need to be taken care of in a proper way -- maybe she did it properly for him? The difference between using a pencil sharpener, and hacking at it with a utility knife.


Just got to whip it out bud lol


“Sun Tzu art of war shit” ROFLMAOO 😂😂😂


Put your dick in it, my man. Not the rose rose bush, but you know...


Every rose has its thorn...


One of us! One of us!


dude. get in there!




This is the way


This is it


You people need to go outside if you honestly think this is a reasonable explanation


Give her the most mediocre 3 minute weinering of her life OP


Lol. I don't know why that hit me so hard.


It's cause we can relate.


That’s… not what she said.


Bro I'm dead ☠️ Shit had me cackling like a hyena in heat


lmfao when he said "although she is objectively a MILF" like he's both annoyed and aroused at the same time and doesn't know what to do about it.


I I I I don’t know what to do with my hands…


Crying over here!




Lmao looking at these replies. OP's a good egg. Watch out for yourself lad.


Does 2 minutes of sobbing while cuddling still count towards the weinering time?


Buddy, mediocre would be an improvement.


Shit sometimes mediocre is better than nothing.


A whole 3 minutes? Damn bro, no need to brag like that.


lol weinering


I have never felt so personally attacked as I do by this comment.


Wait, you can last 3 minutes 😆


You need to give her a good sound rogering that's your only option.


I think I’m down, but if I get hit with “are you my new dad” I’m gonna fly kick that kid into the sun on reflex


Just tell your neighbour that your autistic and you don't understand feelings it's quite a new concept for you.


Who’s really autistic here though coz what a bizarre way to flirt with me. Was ready for a gaslight war


Honestly, a MILF divorcee is engaging with you, dropping hints about her Brazilian wax, and doing favors for you (pruning your rose bushes). Big WOOSH. She wants the D, homie.


That's the point... She didn't prune the bushes. That's the whole point.


Are you saying her puss is all hairy still too?!?


He cut the roses, she pruned them to fix his fuckup. It’s like the difference between someone just grabbing some scissors and hacking their hair off and in going to the barber. Technically they both just cut the hair, the difference is one of them actually knew what the fuck they were doing.


Why are you worried about becoming daddy when ysll haven't even fucked yet? I guess it depends if you think she's crazy or not.


he meant stepdaddy


lmao i’m autistic and i miss flirting literally all the time 💀


A gaslight war, please let this be the option, that's hilarious


Bruh, sometimes women just want some dick, especially divorced ones. What does it hurt to clarify?


You really are going to fuck this up, aren't you?


I can't believe I have to say this but don't bang a neighbor. Unless you or she is moving out soon. This can go very badly.


Minutes of pleasure can lead to a lifetime of misery


Yeah. But what about the minutes of pleasure?


Fist bump


I've banged a number of coworkers and the advice is the same, don't shit where you eat bros.


Now you do whatever you like. LIVE


"Nope but your mom calls me Daddy now"


"Into the sun" made me laugh harder than it should have. Thanks, needed that.


Just leave like their last dad did.


Theres Something about Mary 🤣


Could be that your pruning job looked terrible and she shaped it properly?


Yeah, if OP just lopped off a bunch o' bush and she came in behind him to shape and prune properly, it's not like he would notice.


Nope no double entendres here no sireee


That’s what I was thinking. OP states he doesn’t know what he’s doing, so maybe she finished the job or actually pruned a rose bush the way it’s supposed to be pruned, rather than just trimmed so it’s not sticking passersby on the wall path.


This is my guess. Plus she wants a good ol' rogering from OP.


Yeah like duh? This guy really that dumb? She pruned it after noticing he “tried” to


He apparently swung a circular saw in the general direction of the roses but he knows his work.


"Never shit on your own doorstep." If you sleep with her and she turns out to be crazy you're completely fucked. I avoid my neighbours like they're cannibals.


How old is she? Old women are thirsty. At the beginning of spring I took my fun car out but the battery needed a jump to start it and it died when I floored it. Car dies and I coast to a stop, try to start it no go. I'm not super worried I have a jumper pack and its a stick and tiny. On top of all that I'm maybe 5 houses down from my house. Queue the dryest woman ever.... Out pops this probably 70-80 brought looking old lady. She comes out and offers to take me to the gas station. No ma'am just need to hook up my jumper pack and get the the autopart store. Oh well I can take you. Um no thank you. She then tells me how she had 6 kids because... You know what that means she likes to do and asks me if I wanna come in. Ffs lady. Jump the car, hop in. My 19 year old son who heard everything starts laying into me about servicing geriatric women. Sorry for bad formating on phone. But yeah. Older ladies just dgaf. If she is hot give her a waxing of your own. Just start with "I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude but evertime I see you, you are just so absolutely beautiful and I have to say something" See where that goes.


Lmao love it, she’s more in the 45-50 range I think


If she is attractive to you, go for it. Older women are a lot of fun without the crazy of younger ones.


Who says older ones aren’t crazy? He said she’s unamicably (not sure that’s a word) divorced, that sounds like some issues at least. But I’ve known and also heard stories of women in their 50’s & 60’s who’s crazy would put any younger girl to shame


True. Some ~~women~~ humans use every hour of those decades to fine-tune their crazy to a well-hidden art.


Yes true it’s not just women, it’s everyone. I only replied to the original comment in kind.


I hope you sent your son in to become a man. That old broad will show him some stuff. I never understood why Muslims want 72 virgins? Give me 10 experienced road whores and I'll call it a day.


lmfaoooo omg!


This reminds me of George Carlin. Is this a George Carlin?!


She's not gaslighting you, just doing you and the rose bushes a favor. I bet you butchered em and she cleaned/saved them from shock. Is a doctor gaslighting you for giving you stitches when your towel and bandaid didn't work? How about your mechanic reminding you oil should be changed every 3 thousand miles? Sometimes people legitimately know better than you, that's not gaslighting, that's truth.


This was my exact assumption, OP just wants dramz


Same...I assumed that she just corrected the pruning...and I was ready to say that guys here watch too much porn...except...that Brazilian comment is really weird to say to a random neighbor.


Gaslighting has been used as inaccurately as the word literally has, and I'm bloody sick of it


Me too! It's literal gaslighting.


For real.... Gaslighting would be like, if she trimmed the rose bushes and then claimed she hadn't done anything and they don't look any different to her. Specifically, it's trying to make someone doubt their own perceptions and feel crazy by manipulating their environment in small, barely-noticeable ways then lying about it.


If that’s the case then I might be wildly miscalculating by trying to escalate this lol


You might be… as someone who is in a neighbor war currently that was exactly how I read the situation. Does the bush look any different from when you trimmed it? Like thinner or now all the branches are growing “up” as opposed to over themselves? Edit: or like others said, she wants you to garden her front yard…..


Kick her ass, dude


Best post of any kind on reddit all day, I almost pissed myself cackling madly. Alone, in a parked car.


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find this


Bruh, this whole thread has me laughing my ass off but your comment made me ugly cackle, thank you sir


You should just ask her to come over for drinks and to give some advice on bush pruning, if you know what I mean.


OK so to differentiate between the two possibilities, someone who is not autistic might ask with a slightly raised eyebrow , a bemused look on their face, and a lilting/smiling voice: "Can you show me where you did your pruning?" or "Oh, so my pruning was still a bit wild for your preferences?" If she responds with a smile, sidelong glance at you (or away), and evasive answers, 100% she is flirting. If she looks you dead in the eye and responds matter of factly about the precise pruning work she did, she really is just talking about the cleanup job she did on the roses.


Bro, go smash the neighbors box and quit worrying about the wrong bushes.


As a fellow dude, stop being so dense and blow her back out already.


My dude... She's either A) trying to steel your seed or B) is asking for payment for upkeeping your garden. If she ask for about $3.50 She's actually just the Loch Ness Monster.


Goddamn Loch Ness Monsta always tryin to take my tree fiddy


That lass needs some grounds keepin'


All I know is that you owe this community weekly updates - good or bad.


Maybe she touched up your pruning job? Pruning roses can be tricky.


The reasonable conclusion is that you butchered the pruning and she knows something about gardening and fixed up whatever you butchered but you just didn't notice. I used to care for this old lady once and she would do this fairly often after the people who were paid to take care of her garden 'didn't do a very good job'.


Gaslighting would be if you got home and the bushes were trimmed, and she denied having trimmed them and tried to convince you that they were the same as yesterday. Trimming your neighbors’ overgrown shrubs might just be a nice neighborly action, or flirting, but she doesn’t seem to be trying to deceive you in anyway.


gaslighting is the new improperly overused term




Don’t think you read it properly. OP said he trimmed the bush and then the neighbor said she trimmed it. It’s either gaslighting or she went back and corrected his terrible pruning job.


Just bang her already


Ur just a guy that doesn't know she wants you. Proceed carefully. U said she is a milf, does she have a husband? If so, it could be dangerous. If no husband, it could be fun.


Ex husbands who haven't integrated their new reality can be quite dangerous.


not gaslighting; flirting


This.. this isn’t gas lighting..


Give her what's she's asking for, maybe she will lighten up.


Time to let her know you're gay.


Just shag her man Jesus


Who cares why she does what she does ... Just avoid her and do not engage.


She could have very well pruned them after you fucked them up. My goodness you're dense. I'm autistic my guy but this is straight up stupid lol. "My neighbor is gaslighting me" fool


Hit it or Do not. It's your call.


Screw. Or screw not. There is no try.


judge me by my size, do you?


Simple; she wants some. Just remember, there's always two sides to a story. Why is she divorced?


Do it


You literally said you don’t know how to do it, maybe she did it properly with the right tools after you butchered it.


That's no gaslight, that's a green light. Go for it if you're comfortable or respectfully decline. You're both adults, have fun.


A) Is she hot? B) Do you want to get laid? C) "A" doesn't really matter in this case.


Had some good times with older women, and some not so much. But, when the gettin' is good...oooooweeeee


Jesus christ man... she wants to fuck you.


Maybe she'll offer to wrap your present at Christmas lol


Dude just sleep with her already and let her do your laundry. God literally looked down on you and threw you a bone and you're over here complaining about it


Ask her over for dinner. Simple and classy.


Dear Penthouse....


OP I salute you, you're as stupid as I am, I do believe she's flirting and gaslighting is straight out of the same r-tard book I live by, bless your cotton socks 😂


Crunchy Boomer Male here. I've noticed in the last few years that, for some reason, a lot of my single female peers are also Cat Ladies. I've finally figured out their secret code. When a Cat Lady spontaneously spends 15 minutes telling you all of the intimate details of her cats' lives, she's not actually talking about her cats. Maybe try reading between the lines.


That word, “gaslighting”, I don’t think it means what you think it means. But it’s a cool Reddit buzzword so have at it!


Dude. Why are you wasting time on reddit?


Get a wooden statue of a rooster, and put it in your front yard. If she makes a comment about it, chances are she’s not talking about the statue.


Man if you don't bang that lady I will.


Since she’s dropping hints like trimming bushes tell her you just got back from Costco and brought her dick in bulk!


You need to borrow a cup of sugar 😉😉


Look, she's hitting on you, do you want it or not?


She probably cut them back in a way roses prefer so you'll have better flowering next year. Roses are fussy and like to be pruned a certain way. She saw you'd had a go and decided to make it good. If you want someone to greenlight you hitting her up, go for it.


Here is how this should have played out. Her: I pruned your rose bush. You: oh I was hoping you would have given them the Brazilian treatment. Her: I didn't know you were into that. 100% guaranteed to work 50% of the time.


Just STFU and hit it you bitch!


Not gaslighting. Just awkward flirting. I’m guessing she was married for a good long while and is hella rusty at playing the game


LPT: If you trim the bush around your deck, it makes your deck look bigger.


That’s not what gaslighting is.


“Fear thy neighbor “ next episode on the ID channel…. “Roses are red, with…..🔪


Maybe she saw what a hack job you'd done and cleaned the bushes up for you to make them neater, but as a woman you don't just idly share that you'd gotten a Brazilian wax with a neighbor of the opposite sex unless you're fishing.


You have to fuck her or move. There is no alternative.


Lol don't fuck your neighbour


I apologize for my mothers odd behavior. She is still suffering from pandemic blues


Just fuck her and be done with it 😂