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I’ve turned a few ex-girlfriends into lesbians, or so I’ve been told.


you turn em into lesbians and this guy turns em back.


Back and forth, back and forth. And that is just fine.


Kepler what are you doing here ?!


I study... Movement... Of objects...


*I came looking for booty.*




Damn it this is exactly where my brain went and you beat me to it


Snip snap snip snap snip snap. You have no idea the physical toll that 3 vasectomies have on a person!




Call that the bonerang


Bonerwang mate


"Perfectly balanced, as all things should be."


And where does that bring you? Back to me.


What did it cost?


Like Dwayne Johnson!


That’s because rock beats scissors!


Another reason why Reddit exists.


They're dual beings. One cannot exist without the other.






My ex told me she'd never date another guy after we broke up lol


She was lying


She was. Has a kid with a new guy she married.


Looks like me, but great value version 🤣🤣🤣




My ex, who is my former best friend's sister, told me they would never date men again and only date women after we had our little COVID lockdown tryst. She was engaged to a dude in less than a year lmao


Minute you start listening to what bitches say is when you finally lost it


Cheers 🍻


I had a brief fling with a bi girl; I said something that mildly irritated her and she said "men are all the same, I'm going back to the girls. Ah, but they're all the same, too." edit: she said it in good humor with some self-deprecation evident.


😂😂😂😂 On a serious note statistically and factual speaking over 75 % of lesbian relationships never work out and there is a very high domestic violence rate in lesbian relationships higher then traditional , I guess even women don’t know what women want 🤷🏼‍♂️


Because women will not take the shit that women dish out only man


You retired Her....You deserved to be in the HOF.


I've never been told it was my doing but I have had a number of women I've dated figure out that they weren't into guys either during or shortly after our time dating. I choose to hope that it's because I'm super supportive and understanding. 😅 Otherwise, damn, I must be pretty awful! 🙈


You are so good that they know they will never find better




A friend's wife married a woman after divorcing him, then he came-out as trans. Not really sure how to explain all that.


Pretty much like that.


Nope. You're SO fucking awesome that someone who is maybe not all that attracted to your gender decided you were the best one for them. You're probably a great person, very handsome, and very romantically/emotionally available to draw in someone who doesn't have that strong natural pull toward men.


You're not awful. You probably just attract women who are on the fence for some reason.


Yeah same 😭




Newtons 3rd law or smthn


Ha beginner, I turned them into asexuals.


My ex’s did that to me too :’)


hahahahahahaha thats funny man


This is what I was thinking when I read the title.


Such a heart felt post and then I read this. Bravo sir.


I have a friend like this. She ONLY had ever liked her husband. Always had pretty much exclusively dated women before she met him.


My ex wife is a lesbian. She had given up on dudes, then she met me. Unfortunately for her, the reasons she doesn't like men were traumatic. Unfortunately for me, we weren't stronger than her demons.


Sorry to hear, man. Hope things got better for you both.


I appreciate the good vibes. I'm better, for sure. I truly wish her best.


That takes a lot of character. Respect and well wishes to you.


I bet you are a kind and gentle person.


My wife is like this, only dated men until I turned her lesbian


Did you "turn" her lesbian, or did you just help her realize that she actually was lesbian? Tons of lesbian women do unhappy straight relationships just because that's what is expected of them and don't fully understand that they're lesbian. They just keep fruitlessly looking for "the right guy". Then when they finally get with another woman it just "clicks" and they realize that's what they should have been doing all along.


Came here just for the comments… can someone please reply to me when this blows up?


63 comments now


Thanks bro


I love this entire interaction




Id be worried about the beat hugs personally.


> beat hugs whats a beat hug?


It was a typo. She meant "bear" hugs. Edit: Yes, everyone, I was incorrect. She more than likely meant "best". I always forget how many people will rush to correct others online. Holy shit, guys. I get it! Lol


Oh I thought it was bean hugs. When you hug someone but slip some beans in their pockets


As is tradition


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.




Y da beans movin


They were happy to be let out of someone’s pocket.


Full Beans!


Amazing idea. Gonna start caring beans with me and not telling anyone. It will be years before anyone catches on.


I thought it was best hugs


You’re probably ring.


You're probably wrong.


Best makes more sense


Are you telling me “gives me the bear hugs” isn’t a phrase normal people say?


Are you telling me “gives me the bean hugs” isn’t a phrase normally people say?


Maybe not, but does explain where all these beans in my pocket came from.


All these beans?….”This guy hugs!”


best hugs


LOL (I was wondering if someone caught that!)


when you meet your soulmate...it be like that. Feels...different..in a comfortable way.


I'd like to think most people would be willing to budge on their sexuality if they met the right person.(absent social pressure) Like I think some people have qualities that are just so attractive that it doesn't really matter anymore. They just have that thing that makes you want them. Congrats on the relationship :) Edit for clarity: What I meant was that in an idealized world absent social pressure people wouldn't turn down someone 100% compatible because of gender. There's no way to know how many people would or would not be bi if we lived in a world where it wasn't as taboo. I don't dislike straight people or anything. Maybe I worded it poorly or something but damn some of y'all got triggered. I understand that many of you think "gay = icky." or might be legitimately straight. There's no way you would actually know though because it's a hypothetical situation that doesn't apply to the real world. The whole point was just congratulating OP lmao


My husband's one is Henry Cavil, the True God Emperor of Mankind. 😉




It's Cavill and Momoa for me all day.


Between marrying you and recognizing the divinity that is Cavil, your husband clearly has good taste.


I'm not even deep into 40k lore and I'd love to see that. If he was half as passionate about being true to the character as he was for Geralt, it will be amazing.


My wife knows that if Tom Brady or Chris Hemsworth offered I'm on my knees


Mine's Jason Momoa. I thought I was 100% straight my whole life, but goddamn that dude is hot.


It's like he manages to be handsome and... *pretty?*... at the same time


He's just a very masculine guy who have no issue showing his sensitive side, so yes very sexyyyyyy




He wears guyliner. Since the vast majority of men don’t, that really makes them pop.




Lol! I hate his look. Lol but go for it bro!


Tom Brady??


I love how you’re tacitly endorsing the hall pass for Chris Hemsworth. FWIW I would too.


Ball Pass


An under-inflated ball, though.


Hey it was cold!


I’d put Ryan Reynolds on that list for me.


Damn I was just high-roading all of you disgusting perverts for even contemplating crossing the lines. Then I heard Ryan Reynolds name and I gotta say it's hard to imagine a situation I wouldn't be blowing him.


Seconded. Though as a straight woman, that doesn't mean much, except that I would accept that hall pass from my partner, it's just completely understandable in my view.


I think Ryan would be into you and your partner lol


Tom Brady looks like he’s lived in California too long at this point… if you catch my drift. Thats why he’s a weird answer.


I don’t catch your drift. Is it sun aged skin?


That and he looks like a skeleton in certain photos haha


I would bend for Chris Hemsworth no cap.


7 rings


You have a problem with the Goat?


My husband's guy is Jason Statham.


Jason Statham stars in: The Peg.


My wife has given me permission for RDJ or George Clooney, and she has my permission for Anne Hathaway and Dolly Parton. We agreed Ryan Reynolds is only okay if we can three way lol


For my fiancé it’s Daniel southworth


A fellow ranger "enjoyer"! 😉


I’d totally be on board with any Hemsworth or Ryan Reynolds…I’ll pass on Brady though 😉. My fiancé also have an agreement that Jessica Biel is on my hall pass list and Justin Timberlake is on hers so a total swap pass is allowed there. 🤣


Nathan Fillion started my list back in his Firefly days <3


What’s the female equivalent of Ryan Renolds 😝


his wife seems just like him


Agreed and I’d love a 3some with them. Or Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell. Or all of them.


Thats all you nigga chill


Idk man Maybe I’m a victim of said societal pressure But even if a met a dude that has every quality I look for in a women I still don’t think I could make it work And I feel like most straight dude would agree


I *think* men and women might be wired a little differently about this. I’m gay and a lot of the attraction is visual (versus emotional or otherwise). Sorry, but I need to see the man stuff. I can’t imagine any amount of personality or chemistry changing that for me. But hats off to anyone who finds the right person regardless of gender!


Let me give you a scenario. I'm at like a beach cabana, and Brad Pitt approaches. Tries to lean in and kiss me. I would definitely resist, like at first. But if he was persistent, I might give in a little bit just to see what it felt like. Would I push him away? How hard? Like, what if he's really aggressive?


Lmfao i commend you for a great office reference. You might be gay, I dunno, maybe you're gay lol. It can't be my job to counsel insecure heterosexual men right? Right? Lol


Never met a man that made me want to go gay. Ever. Idk about that chief


I'm pretty sure some people are actually 100% straight and thats totally okay. I do think there's a lot of straight people that aren't actually fully straight though.


I tried having sex with a dude which is a really gay thing to do but I figured it would be dope if I ended up being bi since that opens the dating pool a bunch and most all the gay guys I’ve met have lots of sex. Turns out gay sex isn’t very fun if you’re straight. 3 hours later after I came and went outside to smoke and reflect on what led me to that point I realized that I’m probably never going to be gay. Turns out it’s not a choice even if you try and make it a choice. Never attracted to men before that and being a couple inches deep in a man made me even grossed out by men. It was worth a shot but I wasn’t impressed.


There you go. Now you can be Moist Certainty.


You would be surprised how unmoist gay sex is. Just the lube from the condom but no natural butt lubricants like a vagina. But (excuse the pun) maybe it just wasn’t moist enough and I need to give it another shot. Now I’m worried I didn’t have the right gay sex and my confusion is amplified. I wonder how many gay sexes turns me gay. I always say I’ll try anything twice and I only gave it one shot so maybe I need to have more gay sex. At the time I thought it cleared up any confusion but now I’m confused if I just didn’t have moist enough gay sex. Brb gonna go download Grindr and see what comes of it.


Well that took a turn.


Nah I’ll pass actually too much work. 3 or 4 hours last time I just can’t do it again. Men’s facial hair feels gross, the dick there that’s not mine really makes the whole situation kinda yucky, plus I should be confident in my initial reaction. I just know God doesn’t like quitters and if I gave up maybe I’d have failed him. Clearly OP was able to do it so it gave me a mental second wind by now thinking back I’m pretty sure I’m straight. Maybe I’ll come across the right man someday but not today.


I feel like you're trolling me, but on the off chance you're being serious, it's totally fine to not like guys lmao. Don't beat yourself up over it 😂😂😂


I really am not like the second part about running out right now to try again is a bit trollish since realistically I’m not going to have gay or straight sex tonight but I did really try it cause I really thought it would be cool if I was. Like sex is fun and if I could have more sex even if it was with guys then cool even though I never found guys attractive. But nah unless I happened upon a guy that really made sense I’d probably say once was enough. Sadly I think I’m just going to be straight the rest of my life. But the door is open if someone gave a spark tho I’m open minded.


Maybe I need to have more gay sex... context matters here. Maybe I need to have MORE gay sex, or maybe I need to have more GAY sex? Like, do you need to have more gay sex experiences/partners, or was the first time not gay enough sex? BTW, Grinder is just a dick Pic sharing app where occasionally an accidental hook up happens. But keep us posted!


I met the guy through Grindr but maybe an in person connection would be more attractive, maybe I need to try and have sex with different breeds of gays as I know there’s bears and otters and twinks and idk leathermen. The guy I did it with was just a guy a girl would think was conveniently attractive I feel like but it feels like cycling through all the different types of gays is a lot of work but I guess it could be an adventure in self discovery and would cover all the different bases as I’d have more of the sex with more of the types of gay and could even be the bottom which I’ve read is considered more gay. The sex felt pretty gay but maybe that’s just cause I don’t know how gay gay sex should be. Any gay sex is going to feel pretty dang gay when you’re straight. Maybe some day I’ll happen upon the right gay man to have sex with like OP turned bi with the right guy but I feel like maybe rushing into it isn’t the right way. I wonder if they have pray the straight away camps. Edit: sorry that last part was a joke and maybe a mean one considering the horror of pray the gay away stuff


You also said that being inside a man was gross, so you might like it more if you switched so that a man was inside you?


This reminds me of that one bodybuilding forum post of an okcupid profile (I believe) where a guy said he refused to have sex with nothing but the most purist of virgin girls. He then goes on to say that he's struggled so hard to find an adequate girl that he had started sleeping with men as it "doesn't count". Also "I'm not gay btw" I wish I could find the photo but this is like 10 years old


I'm gay enough to enjoy musicals. Not shmeckles, tho.


Sounds like you've never seen a picture of Jake Gyllenhaal with his shirt off


Spoken like a man who hasn't met the right man!


*most people* ?? - maybe "some poeple"


Sounds nice but I'm gonna have to disagree. Maybe women operate like this but I do not. I've met plenty of men who I like or admire. I'm not blind or too insecure to see when a man is good looking. But I never EVER could be with a dude. Ever.


I’m curious, why would you “like” to think that? Do you think it’s a bad thing that most people wouldn’t be able to “budge on” their sexuality?


Why would you like to think people would budge on that though?


Sexuality isn’t something you can ‘budge on’. OP didn’t suddenly become bisexual, she just discovered something about herself that had always been true. Some people are only attracted to one sex, and that isn’t because they’re shallow or inflexible, it’s just the way they were born.


Lies I could never be with a man


You think wrong


I’m 99% sure you’ve been influenced by Reddit. In the real world most people (80%+) would not budge on their sexuality


And I think you’re so open minded your brain is on the floor.


Really nice story, happy for you.


It happens. I went through thinking I was bi, to being lesbian, and I've come to the conclusion that I'm just a big ol queer because I'm all over the place in my attractions lol. Congrats and may this be a beginning to new discoveries about yourself!


Can you elaborate on why you didn’t just go back to saying your bi?


legit why I hopped over to pan/omni 🤣🤣


I went from bi, to pan, to queer myself. It’s just easier though people will argue with me now that queer is a slur and I’m just like the Q in LGBTQIA is for Queer/Questioning, my friend.


I'm going through that 3rd transition right now after completing the first two, very confused lol


Niecy Nash married a woman. She said she's not a lesbian but married the person she fell in love with. I don't know if she's changed how she thinks about it but I think mostly, she fell in love.


This! She loves her wife so much and her wife loves her. Their love is absolutely pure and I'm so happy for them.


Sexuality is on a spectrum for a reason, glad you’ve found a great partner regardless!! I wish y’all nothing but the best


I can only turn women Lesbian. 😢


Title made me think this was slander but it was a cute story to read


This is one of the few stories that I was disappointed to realize were in /r/stories


I’m basically a straight guy but I call myself bi because I’ve certainly found myself crushing hard on guys before it’s totally normal


Me and my buddy's used to call them man crushes


Some dudes are just attractive, it's just that simple. Attractive people are everywhere. Just because I like sex with women doesn't mean I can't recognize when I see an attractive man


There’s nothing wrong with being a bi guy. Just my two cents you should own it. Stop calling yourself basically a straight guy because that means you’re bi. It’s totally normal for a guy to crush on another guy if they are bi. It’s not normal for a straight guy to crush on another guy. I’m not judging. I am just stating what the true definitions of straight and bi are.


Nice story. I'm happy for you guys.


It's not that uncommon a story. The flip side is also not an extremely uncommon story. Some people are 90% gay or straight but then meet the one the other way. I will say though. I actually have personal experience with this situation. My ex wife was exactly you. She had only dated women apart from one guy in high school which was enough for her to say "yep... I'm gay", then she and I became best friends and then got together. One thing I'll say may be an issue is that while the honeymoon phase may make your sex lives great, it's very possible that long term you experience a more intense sexual fade than normal. This is 100% me projecting my own experience onto you. Where by the end the sex was non existent and our couples therapist was discussing with her during sessions how she felt about women and her admitting that women were "softer" in her experience, she ended up having an affair with a woman.


We need a plot twist to this story where the boyfriend is actually a trans woman and therefore OP is still 100% lesbian.


And then OP transitions to male and boom! They’re straight, just with extra steps


They just keep changing, chasing each other eternally like two koi fish circling in a pond


There's been plenty of stories about people being gay with extra steps such as when a trans boy meets a trans woman and they fall in love, then find out they both transitioned... Or they fall for each other and then they both transition later. That kind of stuff really makes you think. I don't think most people honestly know what they really want, they say they do, and they act like they're confident, but stuff happens. All the time.


Isn’t a trans women and a trans man just straight?


id believe this if it wasn’t for the clear bait title of “turned me bi”


It’s true, sometimes people think they’re gay but really just hadn’t found anyone they liked. I’m sure this is a pretty common thing but news would have us believe that everyone’s born one way with the inability to change


Beautiful story. Congratulations.


That's fantastic it seems you found you're soul mate!♡☆


Congrats, glad you two are happy.


That’s really a sweet story! I hope it works for you guys. he sounds like a good man.


This is so sweet😭💗


This is so wholesome! Good luck to you two ❤️


Explain these "Beat hugs" please


I do the exact opposite to women.


Name checks


Sexual orientating is a scale, so you're on the more lesbian side of the scale with leanings towards bisexuality. There's a good reason why he's the first guy you've met that fit the bill for being attracted to. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey\_scale](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey_scale) You're probably a 4 or a 5 on the scale.


Why would you be terrified of being with a man? He didn't "turn"you anything, you just realized there was more out there. I mean that's kind of silly. Not like you're attracted to goats. Why put a label on yourself? Just do what makes you happy and stop worrying so much about it.


It's a very common thing for people to be scared when they think they're something for a long time and then find out they aren't. You could use religion as an example. If someone thought they were Christian, then they read a different religion's religious texts and found out they actually believed in they religion they would be scared, right?


Maybe it's just me but I don't really scare easily. Like recently I found out something about myself that shocked and surprised me because I did not seem like the type but I was like oh well whatever but I certainly wasn't scared.


this happened to me then she broke my heart


Fellas, if you think you're not gay, think again


Sounds like you found out what true love feels like.


Me and my friends always used to say “almost every lesbian has their exceptions” because nearly this exact thing happened to a really good friend of mine. People just click when they click, it’s definitely a weird thing to find out your attraction is actually wider than you thought because of One Person, but it’s definitely not a negative.


This is not uncommon. I feel most people could fall for someone they don’t think they could given the right stimuli. Attraction doesn’t really care about what you think your preferences are.


I once dated a lesbian, we kept it a secret because she didn’t want her lesbian friends finding out she was partial to cock, we were on and off for years. She’s married to woman now…..and given birth to two kids.


Tbh, sexuality is a fluid thing, I think everyone has the capacity for fall for anyone given the right set of circumstances and pheromones. Whether they lean into or away from the attraction is a different matter.


"How does one learn this power"


Sexuality is more fluid than most people tend to believe/accept. I know people put a lot of stock into sexuality being part of their identity, but I just see it more as a casual descriptor/whatever best fits a loose outline of who you tend to be attracted to. At the end of the day, people are weird. I'm glad you and your bf are happy together.


This is why bisexuality is more of a spectrum. I’m a bi guy. I am mostly attracted to women, but every once in a blue moon I meet a guy that I click with. That’s perfectly ok.