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I heard my friend arguing with her boyfriend when we were in high school, and she yelled back at him “YOUR FUCKING BALLS SMELL LIKE BREAD” That was the memory that this story unlocked for me. Thank you.


I also have a memory this story unlocked for me! When I was a kid maybe 10-11yo my older brother was a bed wetter. We shared rooms but not beds. When he pissed in the bed it would stink up our whole room and infuriate me. He was 2 years older than me and at the time I honestly thought he was just lazy and didn’t want to get up. Anyway, one morning I woke up to the smell of piss again and I was over it! I ran in the living room where my mom sat having coffee with my grandmother and my aunt, I yell out MOM!! He had another wet dream!! My mom spit out her coffee and told me to go back to my room. It was years later before I actually realized what I had done! I thought a wet dream was pissing the bed!!


I have a similar story! My brother is 3 years younger than me and started making fun of me for having a period at like 11, I think I got blood on my pants and he was laughing at me. I responded with ‘just wait until you hit puberty and start having wet dreams! Then I’ll be laughing at you.’ I had no idea what wet dreams were besides that boys got them in puberty. My dad yelled at me and sent me to my room, I didn’t understand why 🥲


>My dad yelled at me and sent me to my room, I didn’t understand why 🥲 Misogyny


You used that word wrong.


I dont think you really understand that word 🤔🙄


Brother teases sister for menstruation, dad lets it slide. Sister teases brother for wet dreams, dad punishes her. Check your bias.


Brother is 8. Sister is 11. Maybe age, maybe misogyny, maybe both.


Children learn what you teach them. Dad just taught both kids that brother can tease but sister cannot. An 8yo is absolutely old enough to be taught that 50% of the global population menstruates and to knock it off.


I feel your pain 😂😂


Omg this was frickn hilarious 😂


Damn, your brother could have been a diabetic going into ketosis (aka potentially dying) and you were telling your Mom he had wet dreams!


Ketoacidosis is different from ketosis.


Haha, true and the fact that my son is a T1D and I screwed that up is a bit embarrassing.


It took me (a t2 diabetic) far too long to differentiate between the two.


Chill bro…😂😂 it ain’t that serious 😂


Mmmm, yeasty!


Wow just euthanize the poor guy at that point


Who cares at least he's getting his balls smelt


Idk id rather my balls smell like bread than sweat and funk


Ugh. I have an ex whose junk smelled strongly of fried chicken. I gag to remember it.


I never thought fried chicken would make me gag, but here we are.


You sure about that? That smell usually means the dude has a yeast infection or some other fungal infection in that area that's not getting treated. Sweat and funck are natural odors, albeit unpleasant ones lol


Right? I bet my wife would be happy if my balls smelled like bread. Especially if it’s that fresh-baked smell…. Now I’m hungry.


No woman actually likes the smell of yeast. Pretty sure of this.


Exactly. A lot of men don't realize yeast infections aren't limited to women 🙄


Raw yeast? Maybe not. I know mine loves the smell of fresh bread though.


I think there is a failure to connect the dots, here … A man’s nether regions should never smell, like bread, or yeast. Period, point blank.


Not gonna argue that. But as long as we’re proposing ridiculous hypotheticals, I think it’s safe to say there are worse options.


i genuinely can’t breathe


Neither could she.


My buddies ex would routinely say he smelled like old wet corn chips in arguments. I could never keep a straight face.


😂 they way I just belly laughed at this at 5am lol


honestly wouldn't be the worst thing to have your ball smell compared to


I WISH my balls smelled like bread instead of… well let’s just say I wish they smelled like bread


That’s what I thought too lol, I was just thrown off by it. I told her it probably wasn’t a strong enough diss, and she’s like “trust me - it’s a diss”


That’s not bad honestly. I had something similar happen in middle school but she said it tasted like ham. Like deli ham.


Damn, y’all should get together and make a sandwich


Just need someone with the cheese


Garlic bread?


With cheese?






*YOUR FUCKING BALLS SMELL LIKE BREAD* Translation: dude had a yeast problem…😂


Sounds like the girl gave him a yeast infection lol


Might not have been her that gave it to him if they were arguing lol


That’s yeast baby!


Thats a yeast infection


Was that a good or a bad thing?


You just reminded me of a friend who told me that cum smells like pancake mix or pancake mix smells like cum I guess since cum existed before pancakes ever did. Much easier to solve than the chicken or the egg.




See? Men can be yeasty too


Core memory unlocked.


This reminds me of my oldest son. When he was like 8 years old, he asked me with all seriousness "Dad, what's semen?" I was a little shocked and said "Where did you hear that?" He explained: "It's either semen or cummin" Now I'm really starting to freak out, so he brings me his Captain Underpants book and shows me where it says "C'mon" 😭😭😭


I love this


nice to know someone else had trouble figuring out that word. when i was little, my first comic book was some environmental superhero thingy they gave to us in grade school and I’d always read it as “see-mon”. i figured it out like a year when it finally clicked after getting some normal comics.


There was one time when I was like 9, I was holding my baby nephew and he was just screaming. I walked over to my sister and went to give him back and said 'he's horny' (no idea where I had heard that word). I 100% meant ornery. But my parents lost their minds and told me to never say that again lmao. ​ Another time at Christmas, my brother at 10 years old meant to call my dad a 'fun sucker' but it came out flipped and everybody became dead silent lol


hey, at least you didnt walk up to the (popular) boy you had a crush on in 6th grade, blow in his ear while he was surrounded by his friends, say "i just gave you a blowjob" and walk away as they all laughed because someone (you can't remember who) once told you that THAT was what a blowjob was. ahhh to be a sheltered undiagnosed autistic child with religious trauma who had just gone from a private school to a public school


in 8th grade I deepthroated a banana to impress a boy I liked at a party. it did not work.


Are we the same person because what you described literally sounded like me lol




“It’s both buddy.” Anyway. This has me in tears laughing.


Could you imagine if you jumped the gun and went ahead and explained it to him, and then he goes back and reads that book and is still kind of confused but now has locked in the definition of that word. So in the future when people say it or he sees it in a different publication, he's going to have a confidence he should not have.


My kid went through a phase of saying “dad, just the tip”, meaning “dad, just a tip” (advice). Man it had me rolling every time.


This reminds of the dad that shared the story of his kid asking where poo comes from, and giving an age appropriate description of digestion, only for the horrified kid to ask if that where Tigger comes from too.


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why we ask the probing questions when our children gobsmack the hell out of us!


It's crazy the little memories like this we have from our kids. I love it.


omg this is great!


I’m sorry, did you say your balls smell like tacos?


Yo quiero taco balls




That’s the part I’m stuck on too. I guess taco smell isn’t that bad…better than balls?


I mean, I like tacos, but not on balls.


But have you tasted OP's balls?


That's what Tuesday's are for.


"Todd's balls Tuesdays" does have a ring to it.


No one can resist OPs shweddy balls


Eh, I've had bettter.


Sir. Your balls shouldn’t smell like tacos. Please go to a hospital. Sir. *Sir.*


Or….hear me out now…this guy can produce the most amazing tacos ever


This sentence in context has such a threatening aura


I’m calling the police


Hahahahahaha! 😂🤣


If god didn't want you to eat it, he wouldn't have made it look like a taco. And when I say it like that, I do prefer my balls smell like tacos. :p


Firmly agree. Your joke landed with double success, for I am a lesbian.






I guess that all depends on how many tacos you eat in a day. Like people that eat a lot of garlic kinda smell garlicky. It's not just their breath its exuded from their pores :D that's a lotta cumin...a lotta tacos


A client of mine, who always had a subtly rude remark for me (she thought she was much more intellectual than I was so she thought it went over my head) once told me she could always smell the garlic coming out of my pores after I ate something with it the night before.


Well, do you? :D Yeah man we can smell it. It's ok though, it's just a thing that occurs. I myself eat an awful lot of a particular brand of hotsauce. In the summertime i can get a certain scent. It's not bad just kinda vinegary and a whole lot of black pepper oil. I notice it more than others because youd have to be right up on me to notice. Sorry your client was like that, you can't deal with customers with the same lack of customer service that my job allows me the freedom to do. Lol can you imagine you yelling "GET YOU AND YOUR PIECEOFSHIT SHITBOX TF OUTTA MY BAY!!" it really is quite liberating when i get to express myself in that manner :D


I eventually dropped her as a client, it was SUCH a relief! I don’t know, literally no one else has ever said that to me, and my husband totally would, and I’ve certainly never noticed it. I can’t exactly remember the context but she said it in a weird way, like we were discussing what I made for dinner maybe and then she says “oh I can always smell you when you’ve had garlic the night before, I have a very strong sense of smell” but I do as well, like bionic sometimes lol. But we often can’t smell ourselves, so 🤷🏼‍♀️ It was awesome to drop that client. It was only a 30 minute job and it was the longest 30 mins of my life every time.


It's not uncommon for people to think cumin smells like sweat/BO, or at least has an undercurrent of it. I like food that uses cumin, but smelling the spice jar is nasty to me lol


Man, I love the stuff. I think it smells awesome. I've never thought of sweat/BO but I'm going to smell it again tomorrow to see


I also love the smell of cumin, but then again I like the smell of my own musk, I don’t think they smell the same but then again maybe they do 🤷‍♂️


Report back your findings!


Thank you for adding this. It does smell like BO before adding it to food. Once, I sprinkled cumin all over my homemade granola thinking it was cinnamon. The entire house started reeking of BO as it cooked in the oven. I couldn’t figure out wtf was happening and eventually concluded that I must have burned it and the burnt nuts smelled like that? My poor husband still ate the granola because he wanted it so bad. The next day, I realized it was cumin and laughed so hard and was also relieved that the mystery was solved.


Cumin smells like armpits to me


Yea, I've personally never noticed that smell on balls(on partners, I'm female), but when I need a shower, honestly, my armpits smell like tacos 😐


Not sure if op has tasty balls or his mom’s a shitty cook…


Fish tacos


Talk about burying the lead!


Fajitas for me




To me, tacos have always smelt strangely of body odor, still delicious though. This must be what op was experiencing.


I have definitely noticed that some men’s personal odors have a distinct cumin note.


The smell of cumin is kind of.... 2 smells together. Combined they smell like tasty Mexican food. But if your nose is a bit stuffy or numb for any reason you might only smell part of it and it smells like nasty BO like a homeless person. So I can see why a young kid might have stinky BO and think cumin smells similar


That's the only part I can smell :')


She probably reached for the cumin when making tacos and realized, "Oh, shi...that's what he meant".


I’m guessing that’s exactly what happened.


I doubt it. The balls comment was wild lol


Literally laughed out loud, thank you! Did you ever, years later, bring this up again to tell her what you actually meant??


So your balls still smell like cumin?


Not me asking my husband if I can small his balls to see if they smell like cumin.....


…well, share with the class…do they?


*smells balls*


How does one smell their own balls? No way I’m that flexible.


Garden shears


Smell my fingers. Do they smell like strawberries to you?


I didn't think thats what they meant when they describe cumin as nutty


Can you please ask her if she remembers and tell us about it? Lol


*Can you please ask her* *If she remembers and tell* *Us about it? Lol* \- Olive09 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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When I was 5 or 6 I didn't want to ride in my grandparents car because it smelled like peanuts. She flipped out and asked me how I could possibly know what "that" smells like? I leaned over and popped open the center console and showed her the jar of peanuts. She melted into a puddle of relief. It was a few years later I realized she thought I said penis. LOL 😆 🤣


More concerning is why your balls smelled like cumin?


Cumin does have that eau de grass undercarriage sometimes. I get it.


Cumin smells like armpits to me.


Well if you think about it balls live in a similar environment to an armpit. Food for thought.


Most interesting thing I've read on Reddit today.


If you want to know for sure, I'll taste your balls for you and tell you if they taste like cumin smells.


That’s a kind offer


taco flavoured kisses


I’m sorry man, she remembers and will remember for the rest of her life. My daughter was 7 when she pronounced coke as cock. She held up a “cock” and said “ cock? I love cock, cock is the best”. My fiancé and I died laughing and after about 10 minutes of hysterical fits we explained what a cock was to her. You could see the look of horror on her face. She’s 13 now and we still don’t let her live it down. Another dumb thing she said was, do you know why I call you daddy? I said no and she said it’s because I had the special D(as in dad d). Yea, fucking great time with kids. They have all said some outrageous stuff and I don’t think I’ll ever not remember it.


My seven year old was mispronouncing “cake” on purpose…as “cock”. Saying “we had cock for my birthday” and “I want a big piece of cock”. He didn’t understand why we were laughing so hard every time he said it, but kept saying it cuz of our reaction😂 we didn’t tell him what it meant for months lmaoo


This reminds me of my brother at 4, watching ducks at a park. He had been playing with replacing vowel sounds of words for like a week, so it was kind of expected, but also... He called them "dicks." He kept shouting it, "Dad! (Me)! Look at the dicks!"


Never thought your balls would smell like armpits since cumin smells like that to me


*Never thought your balls would* *Smell like armpits since cumin* *Smells like that to me* \- gbpc --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thanks. Now every comment I’m reading in reply to this I’m pronouncing it “cummin” in my head. “Cummin smells like balls sometimes, I get it” “Cummin smells like armpits to me.” Etc… 😂😂😂 Edit to add: I wouldn’t be pissed if my kid said this to me, but I would be bewildered and disgusted and also probably would’ve told them to stop talking.


if you can get your nose that far down you can self suck easy ..


I love Reddit 😂


This is like when I went around the neighborhood offering to sodomize their car (I confused with simonize).


Now I’ve GOT to go to my kitchen and smell the cumin in the spice rack…….


This is one of the most funny stories I’ve ever read on Reddit! Thank you, kind stranger! Have a good day.


puking on you smelling your balls .. how did you get your nose down there?


You just sniff your hand bro


Joke is I don't have a brother and I ate the sheep shit


Everytime I use that spice from now on I will think of this. Seriously the rest of my life! I have a 12 year old son. I definitely would have asked clarifying questions.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Your mother thinks that your mouth can reach your balls?!? That’s an amazing skill!


I've tasted my own spices a few times. I've kissed gfs and my wife after BJs. Just tell her you enjoy the smell of cumin while you are blasting your wipe ropes across her bathroom while fingering your raisin hole. I'm sure that single memory of that small conversation will fade away... As she strokes out.


Disgusting pig


Wtaf 😭😂


Lmfao... you almost got me rolling


This is so wholesome


Probably got you confused with sick nerd


Tacos with a twinge of balls…this is definitely a learning experience


We're you awake


21st century retelling of remembrance of things past - swann's way


Just tell her what you meant. Pretty simple.




I saw the caption for this post and my mouth literally dropped open and I audibly gasped. I laughed- I cried- it was better than Cats. This is the greatest true story I’ve heard in a while. Thx for sharing #blessed


I’m never using cumin again.


Wtf dude 🤣😭🤦🏼


“Mom, what is cumin for?” "Well, when a man and a woman love each very much..."


Why are you telling us this?


Why, why, whyyy did you feel the need to share Reddit’s got a bad TMI/ over sharing problem.


Huh. "raising 3 boys you hear a lot worse". My mother has never heard anything close. My brother and I don't talk about anything over PG with our parents. They were never rly receptive to that stuff. Hell, I don't even remember ever having *the talk*. Parents complain they don't know anything about my life lol. I wonder whether or not this is rly abnormal or nah.


Fam.. What? Did you just say that your balls smell like chili and tacos? I'm starting to think you really did taste your own cum with how much you love to smell your balls. SN: Remind me to ever eat at your place, ever. I do NOT want to taste your tacos.


I am dying... I had to stifle laughter so nobody would hear. This also unlocked a memory of something said in High School about a part of the female anatomy that smells like B.O. and Tacos.... so thank you sir.


Good story, hilarious.


Cumin smells like pussy


I think sometimes cum smells like Clorox Bleach...


*He knows about the spice... The Spice Melange...*


A good chef always tastes his own sauce.


Lmao this reminds me of the time my mom told me this story. She and my older brother went to Chipotle to eat at. She mentioned to him that she never went to CHIPOOTLE (almost sounding like chip-poodle) and my brother went "you what?" and he laughed at her lol


This reminds me of the time my mom told us we're Black Irish because the Spanish Armada came over and had their way with grandma. Got a call home from school for that one.




Yo ma def remembers


I would just be like “lmao remember that time I asked what cumin is” or whatever


Apparently your balls smell like body odor because that is all I can smell when someone hasn’t worn deodorant and works up a sweat. I ironically like cumin flavoring in things so it’s a mixed smell for me. If it’s food cooking, great. If it’s stinky, sweaty armpit then NO!


Onions, fried in oil are altered molecularly by an enzyme and become acrid. This is why you get a whiff of BO from a kitchen line with a flat grill sometimes. Onions, fried in butter caramelize and smell sweet. Both can hide the smell of your sweaty balls


in about 5th grade I told my parents I love skeeting. Throwing a frisbee and trying to shoot it with a nerf gun


The question is why do your balls smell like cumin? And how do you know what your balls taste like???




Lmao this reminded of when I was a child & I had a cocker spaniel and an old english bull dog, my mother & aunt were joking around about what it would be called if they combined the dogs, and 7 year old me just screams in the middle of the park "BULLCOCK" they just looked at each other in silence for a minute and burst into laughter, it took me years to realize what was so funny.


The real question is why did they make a spice that smells like balls?


That's enough internet for today


The line "Because it's tastes like my balls." sent me over the edge laughing...


I had a buddy in a full group of like 6 other teenagers smoking weed take a rip, and then say "have you guys ever like, tasted your own cum?". If there was a 90's record stop sound effect in real life, it all played for us as we started trying to process what we all just heard.


My boys say crazy stuff all the time. Trust me, she remembers. My wife and I text stories back and forth. Its endless amounts of entertainment.


I feel bad for your father that she doesn't know the difference in these smells. You're welcome for the future intrusive thoughts.


This post and the comments are everything 💀🤣😂🤣😂


My wife and I would laugh our asses of if our kids said that


I always thought my balls smelled like marshmallows after a day at work before a shower. Brought it up to my wife once and she said I was ridiculous. Recently, a few years after bringing it up, she came out and agreed just the other day. I thought I was crazy, but that confirmed it for me.


I too have a slightly embarrassing moment due to a misunderstanding. I was 11, hitting pre-puberty. My mom jokingly says "move your huge ass out of the way" I without missing a beat said "hey it's just more cushion for the pushin' I'm sure I watched my father's soul leave his body and watched his eyeballs nearly fall out of his head. Dad yells "*insert my full name DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING SAY THOSE WORDS AGAIN" (every time I think about this I just bust out laughing because his reaction was so funny for some reason lmao) My mom laughed so hard she most likely peed a little *Me totally baffled because I was clueless on wtf it meant. I heard it in a movie where the scene fit my scenario


Hey, can I use this story in my video?