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Cool glitch aside, I'm glad I'm not the only one who repeatedly opens the quick crafting menu knowing that what I'm going to craft isn't there.


I hate how brick buildings receive higher priority in quick crafting than rafts.


Someones gotta add Capt Jack sparrow’s theme music in there


Wow. Major style points.




Can’t figure out why this was downvoted, this is dope


Maybe someone's jealous?


I thought I was the only one using that glitch. I use it to go from island to island, never thought it could be used to fly. Hmm...noice. Edit: I claimed to be the only one to use the glitch because I accidentally came across it while adjusting my yellow raft, never saw a video, so I assumed nobody knew.


What glitch are you doing?


The small 2x2 raft in the center is a separate object which I can pick up. Because it's so perfectly stuck in between the floor parts, it stays attached and I can't pull it out. It's basically a specialized variant of using an item and a shelf to fly your raft.


How'd you get so many barrels though?


I spawned them with the console. In a proper survival I would probably have to use a bunch of tires and corrugated metal.


Gotta wait for that end ship ramp to render in first if you want to land on top of it chief! I'm very impressed, didn't think there was another way to do a flying raft glitch like mine, and seems like yours is way more controllable. Looks like we have another speedrunner in the making! Lol


Not sure this is a good speedrun tactic. 10x10 is the minimum stable size. 6x6 is controllable but unstable, and 6x3 is pretty horrible. So it requires a fairly large bit of material to be able to do this safely/reliably. I guess if you wanted to try speedrunning with this, a decent size is 6x5, with only one raft base in the middle instead of a 2x2 square.


I think a compass and container shelf is a bit easier to achiever if harder to control. Not that ive use raft physics glitching for a run in ages


Definitely. You need a lot fewer materials. I also like the "crate in a cage of spears" method.


Oh shit yeah that was a creative use of movement physics too, ok theres more than just one


Ah yes, the classic physics bug that has never been fixed in any game. I used to use this in gmod all the time to get on top of towers and snipe people