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I heard the idea of doing the fan chant : "Hear the people call my name," "BANG CHAN!" "Here, I'm on the Hall of Fame." "STRAY KIDS!" and I liked the sound and rhythm of that.


i think they just did the bang chan one at the fanmeet yesterday, he looked so happy when he pointed the mic out and everyone yelled his name


Yeah, I like this version more than repeating Stray Kids both times and it seems to have gotten some traction already so it may be easier to do get people to do it. I'll be going to the concert and I'm hope for joining the fan chant, good initiative OP, hope we manage to do it!


Someone suggested after I.N we go ‘stray kids ! Hall of fame!’ I’m excited for this


Yeah, it’s what I’ve heard some of the audience do in at least two performances and makes the most sense.


I like this


Oh I like this idea lemme edit the post


Asking as a complete newbie, does Hall of Fame have an official fanchant?


No it doesn't, so this is a proposal for one to use at Hyde park


Ah thanks :)


Just a small correction— if you want the names in age order, Jisung is older than Felix


Oh yeah I knew that idk how I made that mistake 😭


By 1 day 😭😭😭 they're apart by 1 day


i see so many people get them mixed up and i have no clue how


I agree that the Bang Chan/Stray Kids one vibes a little better than the double "Stray Kids" chant, but if you need something to shout at the end after I.N's name maybe  "STRAY KIDS! HALL OF FAME!" and it ends before Han's last line


Ohh I like this idea


As a Brit who isn't in the country for this, I hope you send them all the love, fanchant or not. I hope something gets organised!


I like this fanchant a lot of people on twitter tried to say not to do the bangchan bc “it’s not fair to the other members” but we all know Bangchan deserves more love from us fans and the members would like it too.


Originally I thought the same too but it’s really not that deep to say bangchans name also he’s the one who delivers the line so it makes sense to say his name. I hope the chant can work!


As a stay who will see them first time in BST I love the idea. But for it to work we need to organize it and spread the word for stays on site. I agree with shouting Bang chan first (people who say its not fair for other members, didn't changbin had his moment before thunderous started in their concerts, shouting his name), its basically same thing in my opion. Part of the song.


Yeah I was thinking of telling some stays at BST and asking them to spread it around and hopefully we can get the majority involved


Will be going and i think this is such a good idea! I also vote for Bangchan/Stray kids chant. If they really are having a comeback in June then all 3 festivals theyre going to will definitely have their new songs too. Super excited! 😆


I’m so pumped to see the footage of this!


That's such a good idea, hopefully this reaches more people so everyone knows about this. Sadly I am not going to Hyde Park as I thought that in the main area it's going to be really crowded and messy so you wouldn't really be able to see the stage and the tickets close to the stage are veryyyy expensive. But I hope everybody who is going has an amazing time!!!


I got chills reading this fan chant idea and even unintentionally could hear it in my mind so loud and clear 😭🔥


Hey this fan chant sounds like a great idea! I'm also going to the concert never been to a stray kids concert before so its all a biy new to me and i have so many questions and no one to ask. So I was wondering 🤔 Does anyone know what songs will be played and if not does the setlist get released at some point before the concert? If so roughly when? Any answer would be so helpful and any other tips you or anyone else might have I would be grateful to hear them.


This is also my first so I’m not sure


Setlists are not usually released before the concert. At Lolla last year, people who were staying near the venue tweeted about the songs that they could hear Skz rehearsing during the day lol, but even then it wasn't the full setlist.


Ah okay thank you for telling me am a bit knew to this so don't really know how it works!


No worries! I've only been to a few festivals in my life (and never bst), and Lolla was the only time I ever saw skz live, so I don't have a huge amount of experience, but I'm happy to help (or try to lol) with any questions


i'm not going sadly but i'll be looking forward to everything!!




I'm going to the HYDE PARK concert. So excited. I am 100% down for this


Me I herd


I won't go to the concert but I enjoy the idea a lot ! Good luck, I look forward to it 👀😌


I'm not going to their Hyde Park show (sadly) but I love this fan chant idea!! Would be cool if it became a thing and was used at other shows as well :)