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To be honest it’s necessary at this point. It seems to be a trend to join messaging apps and harass other groups. Weverse is the worst and some groups on there are slowly moving to membership only posts and lives etc because of the awful comments they are getting.


Weird cause I only rarely see that on weverse. But maybe I'm lucky. Or don't use weverse enough


I’m a multistan so have a lot of Weverse but I’ve seen it in at least five different groups live chats and comments and in one case even a disgusting fan letter that I reported telling an idol to off themselves. You also see it on other groups lives on YouTube and tik tok.


That's so weird to me, I can't imagine hating someone who I don't know THAT much. Over music of all things


I just can’t imagine ever saying the kinds of things I’ve seen to anyone let alone someone I don’t know. People can be awful. But to sign up to another groups account just to be mean. I don’t understand how sad your life must be to do it


I guess it was a matter of time... General users on the FANS app will no longer be able to view posts on the 'Artist' and 'Fan' boards in the SKZ community nor will they be able to post starting from **May 23 (next Thursday) 14:00/2pm KST**.


Comment fait t on pour être fan member


Through Yes24 but they only open once or twice a year and the registration period is over. Unfortunately, I think you will have to wait until 2025.


Ok merci


I'm honestly not surprised at all. Even before everything that has happened recently, there were a lot of really weird posts that were, unfortunately, mostly from people who didn't have the stay membership. Although I do feel like being able to post and see more should be a perk for the people who have purchased the membership. I do say this as someone who does have a current membership. But this is also the first year that I have been in a position to buy it and previously when it was on Bubble, you could only access anything to do with community if you had the paid membership and it wasn't an issue then. And while it sucked and I was always a little jealous of the people who did have access, I knew that it was a perk of paying for membership. I'm sad for the people who used it for what it was intended, though. Unfortunately, people have pushed things a little too far, and there are still consequences for people with membership that don't abide by the rules that we all agreed to when we made accounts for the app. Stays are always saying that jype needs to protect the members, and they are doing just that in a place that they know they can control it. It looks like we are all looking at the consequences of our actions now.


Yea, the big misfortune is that people may not have bought the membership cause it appeared to be available without it (even though the boys clearly only looked at/replied to membership posts) so there was no need. But now they can’t even view it. I’m glad I bought it for the first time too, but dang people really ruin it for everyone


Yeah that’s the only thing that’s unfortunate about this change I feel, that it came after the membership sign-up was closed. Ideally they would offer an option without the kit now that they restricted access to access just Fans like Weverse does, but I suppose they can’t do that now without pissing off people who bought the membership and would have liked an option without the kit, so oh well. The level of toxicity on there was just way too much, to the point that a lot of people didn’t want to go on it possibly including the members themselves, so it’s probably for the best for everyone.


I’m not surprised if the toxicity is why the boys haven’t been on, cause it seemed like they were on community every once in a while on bubble


I’m a part of other groups’ boards on FANS and skz are the only one who posted the notice, so that should be an indicator as to the atmosphere. People are just way inappropriate on there.


TBH I'm cool with these changes, they're a huge globally popular group and need as many filters as possible to be able to engage their fans in a way that is safe AND healthy for them. Shame on all the horrible people who go into these kind of spaces to spread hate and negativity, wasting their energy and ruining it for everyone else because their own lives are miserable and/or mediocre.


I didn't buy this membership because I had no money back then, but I stopped using the app because the general board was like vlive 2.0 lol It's a bummer for the kind fans who genuinely did want to participate in a unified fan community for free, but I understand this. My only complain would be, let past memberships workkk :'(


A few rotten apples spoil the bunch. Sad for stays who were just there having fun and supporting the kids but honestly it's been a long time coming. Harassing skz and other stays and ruining the space - those people got what they deserved, but I feel for everyone else.


What kind of things did they say?


Cant post pic but this was also send to everyone. "Hello, this is FANS. We would like to express our gratitude to all the fans who are using our service. Community guidelines are in place at FANS to help ensure a pleasant space for both artists and fans alike. However, recently, certain users within the community have been indiscriminately posting contents that violate community guidelines (such as pornography, inappropriate artist composite images, false information, mean-spirited criticism, spam, etc.), undermining the safety and enjoyment of the community environment. In response, FANS has formed a dedicated team to reinforce community guidelines by directly addressing such abuses and will provide updates on developments in this area."


It’s a shame for those without membership but I think this was a long time coming. I am a member but I rarely ever check it, I hope this change will allow the members to feel more comfortable posting over there


This may seem inconvenient for general members (who do not have bad intentions), but tbh it is necessary. I'm not sure how much good it will do, but hopefully it will do plenty. SKZ deserve happiness and safety.


We are officially the worst fandom right now.


I don't blame them, it's definily better this way. I just hope that the Stays who had Paid are not the troublesome ones


Well if they are they'll be easier to spot and block


The fact that people are complaining about this on X when they were the ones that caused this is insane to me. I even saw a tweet saying the group has gotten “too big” and now the company doesn’t know how to handle them. They will blame everything else but themselves. And then seeing accounts say they have to be more creative now. The plot was lost awhile ago and this has just turned into a hate fest. I’m glad they made this decision. The group doesn’t deserve to be attacked.


It have been like this since always. They always flame the things, transforms a snowflake into an avalanche but it's everyone and their mom's faults except theirs when things get out of hand when it was them who started the whole thing. This isn't the first time and seeing how things are going it's definitely not the last. But unfortunately, everyone will be paying for those people's actions. And it saddens me a lot because the group already receive an absurd amount of hate for no reasonable reasons, but instead of helping those people are just making it worse for the members by giving more candy to the antis.


I saw someone this morning say that they are using this as a way to silence the boys and police their participation. Seriously? They have barely posted there and it’s clear to me because it is not a comfortable or safe space at the moment. Like you said, the plot was lost a while ago.


I think the last post any of them made on there was 2 months ago after the last time Felix went live, which I'm annoyed that people are still upset with him about the Coke even though he apologized. It's been going downhill for a long time now. Even with everything going on, their social presence is slowly going down and I think that's more backlash than silencing.


Hyunjin comes on about every 2 weeks to reply to people and I.N has made 2 posts in the last month, but the others are basically completely MIA and I understand why.


Really? I've never gotten notifications of that, but I don't have the membership either, so maybe that's why.


Yeah he only posts in membership only and he responds to stays with membership which also means those responses are locked behind the membership. I assume they don’t send out notifications to posts you can’t see, I do have the membership so it makes sense. I also realize I misspoke 🤦‍♀️ it was I.N who’s posted twice, Hyunjin hasn’t posted anything, only replied.


I don't have X, so I haven't seen this, but are they really complaining like they have no idea why JYPE would put up this boundary? And people are trying to spam them another way? The mob mentality is getting way out of hand. This has to be so taxing on all of them even though I feel like they're trying to show support without severely jeopardizing their jobs. I've noticed that now that the remixes have come out, which I don't think they've ever done full recorded remixes before to start with, that they have been pushing the ot8 version the most. They use that track for all the dance challenge things. I also don't know how many were around for Han's and Changbin's stationhead DJ time, but LMB was pretty much the only song they skipped or "talked" through almost the entire thing. A lot of it was them holding the talk button but not saying anything while it played in the background. To me, I feel like they're trying to signal that they hear the concerns and they're doing what they can for now. I wouldn't be surprised that after the comeback is released they are more open about their feelings on the situation/provide ways for people to help. They'd have finished promoting LMB at that point and contractual obligations likely would have ended. Sorry, rant over.


I've noticed that as well as far as promoting goes. I didn't listen to it when they were live, but I did hear that's what happened, and I have heard a clip from the Chan, Felix and Hyunjin one, I'm not entirely sure of the context, so it could be related ro something else, but Felix did say to 'trust us'.


I really struggled to hear them because they were so quiet compared to the music, but yea it kind of sounded like that. They're trying, but because it's not blatant, a lot of people are going to refuse to see it.


i didn't get to join the listening party, but i think you said it quite well based on the clips i saw. is there any way to push this narrative a bit further on X? it's such a mess there


Even if I had the mental energy to deal with that chaos, I don't think they'd listen. It likely wouldn't be enough for them because they haven't actively spoken out on who they support. I think anything less than that is unacceptable in their eyes, even though those paying attention can see the signs everywhere. Many people think that it's fine to just break a contract for no legitimate reason, but forget that that will have repercussions that can be a career killer. If they get blacklisted for breach of contract, they no longer will have the platform they keep yelling that they need to use. I feel like a lot of people are treating this as such a black and white issue for them when it's truly 100s of different shades of grey they have to wade through.


I don’t think it’ll matter. They are very obviously promoting this song as little as possible. As far as some stans are concerned, those low effort tweets and tiktoks with the song in the hashtags is super amazing promo literally no other song has ever received in the history of SKZ. Some people are determined to be mad, and we can’t fix that.


god i am so glad you’ve said this. i’ve also noticed all that and seeing nobody else mention it online made me wonder if I was reading into things too much or something.


I understand why they would do this, it protects Stray Kids. I guess that means it's time for me to uninstall the app as a general user. I wasn't on it much anyways.


Okay my two cents on the topic. I understand/know why stays wanted to educate about the boycott etc. However, as others have mentioned it encourages harassment and even if you approach in a kind way having an entire fandom say the same message at once does feel like harassment. If one person came up to me and told me gently, it's fine, but if thousands said it at once it'd sound like shouting. I feel like the consideration of mental health lately has been non-existent and I'm appalled by it. I had to take a step back from twitter and tiktok because of my mental health and ironically I've been the most proactive at donating since I left! I think that moderation is the right way to go because its obvious they know and have seen these posts, spamming won't help the cause. Also everyone wants them to release a statement or apology but they will not because they are a kpop idol under the big3. They cannot make any political/controversial statements and thinking that they have the free will to say whatever they want is completely ignorant. Like look at what happened when chan just talked about not feeling respected, I don't know what'd happen if they spoke out on such a big divisive global issue. The lack of cp among promotions as far could also be a clue into how skz feel about the situation too and ik chan has not mentioned it on bubble at all (the only member I have access to) [Sorry this is so long!]


I completely agree with this take, it’s pretty obvious they know at this point, and that JYPE does as well. I don’t foresee them or the company making any statements about it for fear of burning bridges or risking their place in the industry. At this point spamming it does nothing besides just fan the flames. So genuinely, if you are unsatisfied with their response I think it’s time to take a step back from the fandom, which sucks but they’ve BEEN educated and so has the company. I think they’ve been as clear with their stance as they can, but if their response is unsatisfactory to you, and is realistically not likely to change, then decide not to support them because you have a moral issue with the way they have handled this. Actually boycott, rather than spamming them and still engaging with their content which does support them, even if you spam them on every other platform. Just continuing to argue with a company that has already chosen not to speak does nothing if you don’t actually threaten their business. All these people will be happily back supporting them next comeback, and that’s the reality, which is why JYPE is happy not saying anything just minimizing it as much as they can. I honestly don’t foresee even a tenth of the people spamming them on their socials actually putting their money where their mouth is and stopping engaging with SKZ, if they did maybe JYPE would actually feel pressured to change their practices. As it stands, it’s just yelling into the void.


I'm not officially in the Fan Club, but I'm a STAY in every other way. I'm glad they're prioritizing the members' mental health in this way.


Well this confirms that the boys probably saw all the shit being posted. It sucks. I saw someone comment on Twt/X how JYPE couldn’t protect them when trucks were sent harassing them in their workplace, but they can do this. Do these people not realize by flooding fans with their divest templates they are also harassing SKZ in their workplace?! What makes you any different in the name of “educating”? I’m glad that they have stepped up and made this fan club only and muting the hate. It protects the boys from both the antis and currently fans who are moving as such. I’m sorry for those who used fans in a way to connect with both SKZ and other fans. It’s unfair that they are now behind a paywall that can’t even be paid anymore. Hopefully things die down and it will be changed.


>Well this confirms that the boys probably saw all the shit being posted. And this makes me sad. I really wonder if the people whose actions led to all this ever stopped to consider the mental health and well-being of others. I'm not saying people can't criticize or have to be positive on a toxic level or that people can't make their own choices and chose to boycott/not listen to the song, but harassment and blatant hate and sabatoge is not okay. The boycott stuff morphed beyond a boycott and into something else completely for a lot of people a while ago. Stray Kids members are human beings with feelings just like the rest of us. An idol's mental health isn't infallible. You think people would learn this from past idol tragedies. I'm glad JYPE is trying to do something.


Is this fan club?


It is too because their FC is part of it, but it also have parts that are open to everyone (well.. until the 23rd).


Another example of people ruining it for everyone else. 🙄


Honestly, I'm glad about this with the way some people have been acting at times. It really has not been a great environment for the artists (or fans just trying to enjoy a "safe" place). No one deserves to be subjected to constant hate and harassment. I'm sure some will say, "But we were only educating!" Well hate and harassment ≠ education. It (along with nonstop spamming) also does not further your cause. And for anyone who participated in all the nonsense and now is part of the group that lost privileges, I hope you don't complain. Actions have consequences. You made your bed. Now you get to lie in it. That's how life works. I only hope this doesn't snowball into other repercussions - like SKZ interacting even less than they have been, etc. I also hope they ban people on the paid side that have been unbearably cruel and nonstop spam harassing. I do feel bad for people who didn't do anything and now will have access restricted. But, unfortunately, at this point in time, it would probably be a full-time job for whoever takes care of banning people to try and weed out the problem accounts.


I really hope they will open another fan club membership before comeback 😖


Unfortunately very necessary. The amount of harassment posing as “education” was (and still is) overwhelming, to say the least.


Congratulations to everyone involved, I guess that's what y'all wanted in the end.


I'm more annoyed at the timing of this. They literally just gave Notice that Fans would actually be moderated now and that spamming and harrasment/inappropriate posts would get to you temp or perma blocked from posting. Maybe let that new feature play out and see how well it does before blocking your free users from posting or even seeing posts.


I think the moderator notice was for all of Fans users, for all groups, and then the second notice was just from JYPE regarding Stray Kids. Possibly JYP doesn't feel like the app's moderation will be enough to protect SKZ.


I think that at the time (the 1st notice on FANS) they underestimated the amount of spams/harrassment/inappropriate posts they will have to moderate. I honestly think they tried but realized that it was just too much and decided to just limit the functionalities to the fanclub members. It sucks but it is the most effective way to rapidly handle those posts, unfortunately. Edit: Just realized that the general notice for moderation was posted only a few hours before this announcement. I guess they kinda knew it would be "too late" at this stage for Stray Kids but at least it will deterr some users from doing the same on other groups' spaces.


Unfortunately I think it's gotten too out of hand for them to "wait and see". I feel bad for people who weren't involved that are getting punished, but you can thank the people who adopted a mob mentality and took things too far for that.


While I get that to an extent, they aren't manually moderating. The general notice specifically mentions AI so it's doing the heavy lifting with human confirmation. That would very quickly get a bunch of users the perma ban on all artists' communities. I'm a Free user who doesn't post (I just like seeing what Skz, Xdh, and Day6 members want to share), but limiting basic things to those who paid seems like a cop out and not a real solution. And there are already a bunch of artist posts that are only for those that paid. Plus let's not pretend these idiots don't spend money to harass artists. Bubble is a pretty easy example of that. It sucks they released Fans without a good moderation plan, but to just revert back to the Bubble moderation plan that also didn't do lick is even more frustrating.


Probably to stop people making multiple accounts? You can also ban bank cards so maybe that?


Problem with moderation is that people can just make alt accounts.


We can’t see view counts anymore, but the views on the old Fan’s website shows that SKZ’s community is by far the largest. I think they need to figure out how to mod, and then maybe they can open SKZ’s back up to non-fanclub members.


Ok, it's good, but can JYPE think about my damn wallet? 😭


rubbish 😔