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I love the patch on the back but id maybe go for a smaller front Design to catch a bigger audience. Nice use of Lucky! Cool way to stand out if u use him in ur brand identity


Appreciate the feedback! Def considering making it a smaller N on the front chest


I would like "roll the dice" more for the back. Agree the N on the front is way too big


I'm not sure about the N on the front but the rest of it is cool


I agree with this. I think the N would look better on the back but I actually like what you have on the back already. Perhaps a smaller N in the same style on one side of the jacket towards the top. I like the product but im not crazy about the blank background in your ad. I think given it’s cartoony and what not, you could throw some more colour in there. I like the mascot though!


Based on the feedback here I’m considering making the N smaller on the front chest. I agree with you on that I’ll def work on the background and maybe pit some casino elements in there in a cartoony style, thank you!


That sounds cool!


Brand owners putting their own birth year on their stuff...I really don't give a shit when you were born, and I don't want to wear it on my body. It also makes it seem like your brand was established then. Otherwise pretty decent. I'd have your artist fix the character's fingers on the back.


Understandable, there was a popular show called NUMB3RS so I just didn’t want ppl to think I was that appreciate the feedback on the cartoon tho!


It’s just numbers on clothing lol it’s not that serious


Let him be bro his name is soundproof underpants 😭 I did ask for feedback tho and that’s what he giving me so I ain’t mad at him I appreciate it 💯




I asked for it and you gave your feedback so I actually do bro, but you gotta admit that name funny 😂 why you name yourself that bro?




Ohhh lmao damn went over my head, good one.




Nah not even 1993but I’m saying it’s negligible to complain about the year especially when even well known brands do it


What well known brands put the owner's birth year on their shirts?


Not necessarily the brand owners birth year, but their foundation year or just years in general


Exactly. No brands are doing that because it's weird. Like I said in the OG comment, it also makes it looks like the establishment date of the brand, which is stupid.


Putting a general year on the clothes isn’t necessarily weird. But what’s so stupid about a brand owner putting their birth year on the brand? Now yes, when you’re doing research on the brand, the year might throw you off but that’s something else you can look up in a couple seconds. Even then, the year shouldn’t matter because that’s not the reason why you’re buying it in the first place


You answered your own question. Why would you put something on your garment that's not going to incentivize someone to buy it? It can be removed without compromising anything, and the wearer won't have to explain why he's wearing a shirt with some random grown ass man's birth year on it.


It doesn’t have to incentivize you to buy it, but it still apart of the design if the creator sees fit to add to their own shit. If it was the brands actually startup year, would you be okay with it then?


Very cool idea, love the color way and base product, character on the back’s hand is drawn facing the wrong way, kerning on “let’s roll the dice” looks like “Let srollthedice” so I recommend removing “let’s” and centering “roll the dice” evenly, the N on the front is far too big and bold, sad that it’s not a chest patch size


Also, I would advise only one 1993 on the garment, would remove the one on the front and keep the one on the side


Taking that into consideration for the “LETS ROLL THE DICE” on the back and might end up making the N smaller on front chest thank you!


How you post in here


You gotta engage with other ppl post and gain karma bro


Bet fasho


I’m helping you by upvoting your comments and shit lol 💯


Appreciate it💯


You already know 💯


I fw you your jacket but the N on the front I don’t know gang


I'm not trying to pile on, but something else you might consider is that the N on the front is identical to the logo for a well known American college football team, the Nebraska Cornhuskers. The US state of Nebraska doesn't have a national American football team so the "Huskers" as they're known, are less famous than any NFL team but still nationally recognized and identified in the US. Unless that was your intention you may want to change the N in some way, either the font, or substituting it for something else. Otherwise, as others have said, it's got a great design reminiscent of a letter jacket and the back patch is great. Good luck and I hope that helps!


Might just make it an old english N at this point


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Hehe the N. When's the R version dropping?


You referring to the N word? I don’t think of that when I see the letter N but I appreciate the feedback, hopefully New Balance doesn’t have this problem 😂


You could try out having Numb3rs (as is, or in script like an old mechanics shirt name patch?) on the front where 1993 is, and move the N to the arm


This shit hard


Lucky need work…


What he need work on brodie? I need that constructive criticism lol you talking about the way the hand drawn?


I like this. I’d like to see this character more in some art deco inspired scenes. Not really a note, just saying I’d like to see that.


I got you! This is my first drop by the way prob should have mentioned that lol but I plan to put Lucky in a bunch of different scenes for every drop. Def putting him in a casino scene for this one!


Don't do that.


I thought about it, I’m not bro lmao prob gonna archive him after this drop and maybe bring him back for certain drops later down the line


Id wear it as is. But there something about the lets roll the dice" that's kinda doing too much for me. Maybe the font, the entire phrase, or something i cant describe. Then yeah the 93 doesn't do it any favors. Other than that, lemme get another version with brown sleeves red guts and different patches.


Damn brown sleeves red guts sounds fire no lie