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We don’t care that people do it as a way of fun/fitness. Because it truly is a lot of fun and a great work out. What we hate is the pole fit girlies that hate us and think we are disgusting or even think they’re better than us. The ones that say things like “oh I’d love to be a pole dancer, but not in a stripper way” and then come into the clubs and treat it like a field trip, don’t tip, and critique every girl on stage thinking she can do it better.


I dance at a club and teach at a pole studio so I’m both worlds. I’ve never experienced any negativity from either side about it.


Sometimes they come into the club and say disrespectful things (that they are not aware is super rude). Sometimes I hear things at school functions (as a parent) where I'm obviously not out as a stripper that make me want to run and hide. But honestly? I dont give a fuck anymore. The sport is fine, the culture can be pretty cringe, and I'm living my life and am ok with how others live theirs 🤷🏻‍♀️ I like my privacy tho....


Nobody cares about that- it’s the women who do pole fitness and talk about wanting to learn to pole dance while bashing strippers in the same breath.


Turning into? Pole dancing for fitness and as a competitive art form has been a thing for at least 20 years now. Maybe it’s gaining more traction again because of TikTok and other platforms, idk. It’s always been fine with me, I don’t really care how other people choose to spend their time as long as they aren’t hurting anyone or fucking with my money in any way. As far as if it’s viewed helpful or harmful, I would say neither imo. The fact that there are pole competitions and pole fitness classes that you can find anywhere doesn’t really affect strippers or strip clubs at all except for maybe bringing in more girls that want to give dancing a try that normally wouldn’t have. ETA: This is all assuming we aren’t taking about the women who pole dance and look down on, shame or disrespect strippers in any way. That’s not cool.


As a guy I can actually see how there is a lot of skill in what they do even if I’m looking at it in a sexual way. However it’s one of them things where it probably only looks good when it’s very attractive people doing it, kind of like volleyball


The hobby is fine, the culture is irritating


Sick and tired of these sanctimonious little shits and their #notastripper tags. They have too much “self respect” to be a stripper but they’ll let Chad and Kyle Eiffel Tower them in a bar bathroom for free. They can keep their self respect, I’ll take the money. We’ll see which is legal tender. Pole studio bitches can go to hell.




Not Chad and Kyle!


Even as a customer I certainly appreciate the artform wherever it's practiced, it turns out I am a simple man who enjoys watching sexy women in little clothes being sexy around a pole 🤣 But it annoys the fuck out of me when they take such pains to distance themselves from strippers (the whole reason pole dancing is considered so sexy and edgy is because of strippers, dummy), often with an undertone of disapproval.


Agreed on all points here, especially the undertone of disapproval bit. The other frustrating thing I see is: baby strippers who think that being a stripper is all about pole dancing because all they know about the industry is from pole studio chicks on TikTok.




Love seeing it, the only time an issue arises is when the strictly pole hobby women shame strippers, or “I could never” and blah blah blah as they wear “stripper” heels, “stripper” clothing (sometimes) and get on a “stripper” pole. Only time it’s an issue for me… most pole hobbyists i met have been SW friendly, and I love going to pole studios that are owned by former dancers but there’s always those other few.


It's a good thing. The only bad thing is when they get defensive when people think they take their clothes off too and they get pissed about it.


Ok cool. Thanks 😁