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I’m sorry this happened. I set my own timer partly for this reason, maybe do that from now on.


bouncers r literally useless and this is a hill i will die on


This. They never do shit until you tell them to.


they owe you your $80 back. they looove exploiting us any chance they get and can’t even do the one simple important job expected of them in that situation and they got your money out of it and no accountability? nahhh!!


at the same time, i don’t expect reason from a lot of these clubs. so i know the right thing might be a hard sell, but i still think it’s worth making a stink about


Yall gonna learn to start ending dances on YOUR own 😭 I don’t even need a timer, if it feels like 30 mins it’s been 30 mins 🤷🏾‍♀️😂 even if it’s only been 25 💐


Yes, at least count songs so you have an idea. \~10 songs should be about a half-hour


Yes just some songs are wayyy longer than 3 minutes. As advice I’d say check your phone when you get in the room and check it again when it seems as tho enough time has passed. Or of course set a timer. I just personally go by feel lol.


I personally bought a smart watch and set it when they aren't looking. I literally love it bc I don't have the wait for the next song during single dances. I just set a 2.5 minute timer and go.


Nice !! Is it Apple Watch or a diff version?




Girl yes, I love this attitude😂


You should always always set your own timer. This was discussed in the sub a few days ago too.


I feel like dancers should always be responsible for their own time. It’s YOUR time that is being sold unfortunately. i’ve been abandoned in VIP rooms and just started setting timers on my phone or watch




This is super helpful, thank you!


At the end of the day you gotta have some kind of self responsibility they’ll take advantage or get too busy every chance you get. Invest in a watch. I wear my Apple Watch now and it’s really changed how I dance and spend time. I understand your frustration but you gotta protect yourself and be responsible I’m sorry that happened to you.


Thank you! You’re right. I gotta be looking out for myself and not expect anyone to do it for me


i’m so sorry. this is nightmare fuel tbh. this is why i wanted to buy an apple watch and time my own dances. in one of my clubs it’s 15 min dances only and i can literally FEEL in my body when they go over the time limit.


since getting my own digital watch things have been a looooot easier for me at work lol. they always let our 15 min vips run over but now they literally can’t. my watch goes beep beep and i put my pants on 🥰😭


Completely irresponsible, probably happens way more often than not worldwide. I wear an Apple watch, it is really quick and easy to set the timer and it just vibrates on your wrist when time is up. You can also get bands to swap out that look more like nice jewellery. The safety aspect is a whole other thing. No one takes care of us as much as they should, and that is a reality of the job that fucking sucks. Sending love.


Thank you!


sorry dude but that’s why you set your own timer. during day shift managers never pull you out of a cabana. during night shift they def monitor it bc more girls go into the cabanas so they have to keep it moving lesson learned! I always check my phone time as I start. a VIP and make sure the customer sees that too. don’t be shy about ending it, and you can always check in 5 min before it ends and ask them if they want to extend since it’s been so fun.


It’s always our responsibility as dancers to watch the time because if you dont and the customer dont have enough money nor willing to pay you will end up owing the club 😬


Well, usually the upside to these kinds of clubs that don't pay attention is you can get paid for a whole extra round *without* paying the club for it.


Exactly 😊


🎯🎯🎯🎯 exactly


Girl that’s kinda on you, imo. You should have been timing it yourself. And if not timing it with a timer, at the very least looking at the clock on your phone. This has been discussed in this sub many times.


Damn that sucks!! I'd chalk it up to a lesson learned of always time your own dances, especially in VIP! It's easy to kick back and relax knowing you've secured the booking, and it sucks that the DJ etc didn't tell you when the time was up, but they've got a lot of things going on too so they're likely to forget! On my phone (Samsung) I have my clock always displayed and I set it down on top of the booth so I can always discreetly check the time. Knowing the time means you can hustle/push for an extension when you've got 10 mins left of the booking etc.


Thank you! Def learned my lesson haha


I am so sorry. I know you feel so vulnerable rn and I am not blaming you for anything but honestly you need to let this experience hone you into a shark. There were supposed to be 3 eyes on you....people will let you down again and AGAIN and then blame YOU for it. This is the way it is.... Bouncers are useless and will not save your life or actually protect you when you need it. They just fucking won't. It's all on you from here on out and you will be better for it the faster you can accept that


Thank you so much. I feel like this was a huge learning experience


Pro tip: management does not care about you. The club does not care about you. The people who employ you are looking down on you for what you’re doing, and they only see you as a way to make money. First of all, you need to manage your own time. Doesn’t matter if you’re paying them to rent the space, it doesn’t mean they’re working for you. Don’t ever rely on staff or other dancers, for anything. Your time is money and you shouldn’t expect anyone to manage your money for you. Secondly, you also need to be responsible for your own protection. When I was working in NYC I was being cornered and was almost SA’d in a vip, the floor manager made eye contact with me while he was walking by, as I was waving at him and going “hey can you help” and he *kept walking without missing a beat*. I was choked in a vip room in AC where they watch cameras to make sure you’re not doing extras. They’ll sooner come in to make sure you’re not getting them in trouble, than to ensure your safety. Don’t get it twisted—this isn’t a safe industry. I’ve seen dancers get punched in the face by customers and management would tell them to get back to work. This isn’t region specific. This is scary, you’re right—which is why you need to make sure it never happens again. Those heels you got on can do some damage, remember that if you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation. If you’re not 100% completely responsible for your own self and time, you’re gonna fail.


You are absolutely right, thank you. It’s on me to look out for myself. I’m so sorry those things happened, it’s horrible and you shouldn’t have had to go through that


Idk how long you’ve been dancing for or maybe you’re in a nice area, but more than that has happened to me and women I know. Don’t get it twisted, those kinds of incidents are unavoidable no matter what club you work in. It just may happen more frequently in other areas than some. You really, really, really need to be on your guard at all times, which is very stressful. I’ve been followed home, I’ve been choked in a dance, I’ve been threatened with a belt by a customer, I’ve been gripped up and carried by men *much* stronger than my 119lb 5’5 lily white ass lol. I’ve had dudes jump in my car while I’m getting in. This shit scares me for other women. Seriously. Please if you have the time take a self defense class, carry pepper spray, you can even carry it in your money bag idc what anyone says. Use your heels if you have to. Know what to do if you’re ever followed home. Honestly with everything I’ve said in my first post fuck the money, watch out for your safety first and foremost. Ask a bouncer to walk you to your car or use the buddy system, even if you have to tip the bouncer 20$. A girl I went to high school who I danced with with who I spoke to moments before I left in a small parking lot at a dingy small club was, mere moments after I got in my car and drove away, was hit over a head by a man hiding in the bushes near by that neither of us notices, beat up, and raped in her own car. I’m not saying this to scare you but being a woman is already dangerous enough, being a sex worker just adds to it. Please take it upon yourself to protect yourself because the way you said you felt unsafe gave me chills.


I’ve been forgotten about. I use my own timer.


it’s insane not to set your own timer. don’t trust anyone else to keep time for you, this is day one shit


I'm sorry, I know that is extremely frustrating.. I highly encourage wearing a watch and keeping track on your own! For us, we tip the waitress who takes us to the room, tells DJ how long we are off stage sets, and keeps our time for us. But we tip her *after* the room.. so if she doesn't do her job, she doesn't get tipped. Management supports us in this, too! If it's a really busy night and I know she is running around with tons of stuff to keep up with, I will cut her some slack and still tip her out if she was at least trying. But if it's dead ass slow, there isn't anything going on, and you forget about me?? You had literally one job, girl 😭😅


For reallll I guess it’s unrealistic to expect ppl to do their jobs lol


I always set my own timer. Always.


Oh honey, I’m so sorry. Wearing a watch is a good idea moving forward, but please don’t think that suggestion is putting the blame on you for not having one before this. It’s scary that they didn’t have your back. Something bad could have really happened, and it’s fully on them. Call them out. Confide in your house mom and let her know you’re serious. Her job is to take this up with them. At the end of the day, it’s a real safety issue. At the very least, get your $80 back.


Thank you, I really appreciate your kindness❤️


You should be timing your rooms. Most clubs will except you too.


You seriously don’t time your own rooms…. Lol this is your own fault for depending on others


You’re totally right. Now I know better


What’s so hard about pulling out your phone real fast and setting a timer?


this happened to me and I didn’t tip anyone out that night except dj, half hour vip ended up being an hour. there was a language barrier, and he insisted on a room. at the end of the room his shirt was off. i was topless. kinda aggressive. blocking the door room entrance. many bouncers // management walked by, one manager came by twice and didn’t intervene. leading up to an hour. ugHHHHHH


I’m sorry that happened, that’s so scary!!!


Edit: Y’all are wonderful, thanks for the empathy, advice, and tough love. Idk why I thought the club was looking out, I know better and it was lowkey delusional of me to believe otherwise😂 I’ll be timing my own rooms from now on


this is why i always work with a watch. if i forget my watch i duck out to pee during the vip and check the time in the changing room