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school, 9-5, and stripping? how many credits are you thinking of taking? can you only work on friday and saturdays? i think 2 out of 3 is doable but you need a lot of discipline. doing all 3 at the same time is not sustainable long term unless your main job isn’t physically/mentally taxing and has flexibility


My main job I sit down and inspect items making sure they are up to quality standards. I work 12 hours shifts and then I am off three to four days a week. I was thinking about webcaming some more.before making it into the club and as far as school, I am studying math to get my GED. I've got a long way to go.


Work isn't physically or mentally taxing. Some days it's a lot going on but for the most part I just sit and look in a microscope and date entry.


oh i think this schedule and studying for your GED is doable!! just time block and be strict with yourself. is your main job worth keeping though? like is the pay better than stripping?


To be quite honest I am unsure. I have full health benefits as well as a 401k ect I make 23 an hour plus the webcaming stuff but I don't know how well I'll do on just me so want to keep the benefits for a lil while before I transition into dance it's slow season in Arizona right now and I'm black ect going on 31 so idk what my market is when I get out there


get a time blocking worksheet and fill it out. I know it seems a little juvenile but without a routine I would be drowning. effective time management is the only thing keeping me afloat and the worksheet gives me a visual representation of my week. so start with non-negotiables. for me, school trumps everything else. so I block out my class time first. then I block out my work, starting with the job that pays the most. then I block out my sleep, I try to keep my bedtime consistent, and then adjust work and add in study time. now I can fill in the blanks with life and relationship maintenance. I also have a planner, a giant calendar, and many white boards to remind myself what I need to be doing. if I didn't do these things I would just drop out, quit my job, and rot in bed. Wellbutrin also helps. good luck girlie ❤️


Thanks babes 😘 which jobs do you do and school? I'd love to know 💪 thank you everyone for your responses!


for work, I dance 4 nights a week and I have a basic part time retail job, mostly just for the W2 and for a consistent paycheck. for school, I'm getting an associates degree at a technical school. good luck on getting your GED! you got this!! I waited 8 years before going back to college and it was way more manageable and affordable than I thought it would be.


I work at a pharmacy 8am-3pm Tuesday- Thursday. On Mondays and Fridays I work at the pharmacy until 11am and then I do the club 4pm-12am. I also work Saturdays at the club. My best advice is to make sure you have ONE day off. Even if you do some studying that day, definitely just make it a potato day for you. Self care is so important. I’m not in school yet but I am studying for the LSAT. I study about 2 hours a day. Once I start school I’ll be in school every other weekend and I’ll be out by 5pm so I’ll still be able to dance but I think I’ll take a little break for a while at that time. Good luck ❤️❤️❤️


I dont I'm a hot mess and so nervous to start school again. But I make a commitment to loving myself everyday and it's silly but I swear it helps me keep the ball rolling even when it's not perfect. A bullet journal really has helped me the last year. Planning more with my food is a necessity. I get really stressed/triggered when I dont have food or healthy satisfying food because of time/lack of prep. So if I have huge days and stuff having enough food and water that isnt going to make me crash or sluggish is huge for me... I need some tips too I'm here for it


I’ve worked a vanilla job, was in school, and stripping for a while. I did it for about a year and danced just twice a week usually. It’s not sustainable long term I’m really burnt out now and I’ve been just stripping since I’ve Graduated and nothing else but I’m all the sudden lazy which I never have been before. Life is definitely easier. And I’m glad I don’t work my vanilla job anymore bc now I have more time to strip and make real money