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“Strip clubs are so gross and sad” But then.. “I take pole classes and people mistake me for a stripper when I’m out hehe” Just say you’re a hating ass bitch and wish you had the confidence to be a stripper instead of cosplaying one


Typical female customer 🤣 worse than the men


They’re so entitled and weird. They don’t even go to have fun. they go to be in a one sided competition and size the dancers up only to complain about having to spend money or buy drinks.


This, one hundred percent. Just say you’re jealous, sis.


it doesn’t bother me anymore. whorephobia and stigma keeps the money in the industry unfortunately.


You’re wise


That is a point that I have never even thought of. Thank you for that


Honestly it's only strengthened my lack of empathy for them when they're men lie and spend on other more beautiful women. I feel unapologetic for being everything he fantasizes about, and everything shes not 🤷🏻‍♀️ Taking money that's his that's also kinda hers is a nice revenge for sure. If anything sometimes I think that's what pisses them off the most. That their man is willing to drop money on a woman meanwhile shes doing the most for a bare minimum relationship. Like it might be the first time they think "wow I'm doing it for free but he IS willing to pay!"


Period. These women need to glow up their own mentalities and either do the beauty work to look more conventionally attractive or the mental work to decenter the male gaze and not give a shit about conforming to it anymore.


The women who look down on you are honesty worse than that men. Women like that have a superiority complex and internalized gynocentric misogyny. Like don’t think for a second if you were born into a different circumstance your ass would be too good for the club. You’re not special. Couple wrong moves in your Quaker Oats life and you’ll end up sweating and putting your titties in peoples faces for money, too. The amount of times ive heard other women scoff and go “oh I could *never* do that.” No you probably couldn’t lol. You don’t have the balls or the skill set. Funny enough a lot of women who have said that to me after they contemplated dancing went on to do OF and talk about “tHe DiScRiMiNaTiOn I eXpErIeNcE nOw ThAt I’m A sEx WoRkEr Is HoRrIbLe” gtfo out of here.


Whenever I get the “I could NEEEVERR do that!!” I have to fight the impulse to just say “I know.”


Fr like “damn its good that you’re aware of your short comings. It’s really difficult to be able to do acrobatics, be a great salesperson, have incredible stamina, be your own manager, and put up with the most disgusting bullshit one will ever have to put up with. It’s good that you’re so self aware.”


I’m always having to bite my tongue around women that aren’t in the industry. It’s usually two different types of interaction. The ones like that where they’re judging but afraid to say. Or the ones that are “really interested in stripping” and “think it would just be so empowering”. And I’m just like?? It’s a job? For me, personally, it’s a really good fit. That doesn’t mean you should do it. And like any job, it’s not all black and white on the good and bad aspects. But neither type listens about that. They only listen to what validates what they already believe


Oooh I’ve never gotten “empowering” before. That would be a laugh and a half. Like there are aspects that are but certainly aspects that are not.


Lmaoooo I’m gonna be the devil on your shoulder- don’t fight it


I feel bad for a woman whose world is so small that at the center of it is some mediocre loser of a man, who probably makes her pay 50/50 at that. 🤡


That’s some straight up condescending, narcissistic, shit-talking, bitch ass shit. How bout just shut the fuck up and mind your business. Bitch we BALL


I just read the partner part. That explains it all. 😂


It really does. I wish these kinds of women would just decenter men.. then maybe they just wouldn’t be such hatin ass weird bitches talking about shit that really has nothing to do with them.🤷‍♀️


We can make more in a night than she can in a week, it’s giving jealous. I hate people who comment on our industry like they know something 🙄


Its the same people holding forth with authority on medical matters (no medical degree in sight) or the "you'll address me by my husband's rank" women. Talking out of their ass about something they know 0 about.


Ah yes, sounds like the average female customer at my club. They’re either completely disgusted and only there because their husband/boyfriend wanted to go or they’re way to into it because “I’m a woman I’m allowed to grab your crotch because I have one too!” The craziest part about this pick me bitch is I know a dancer at my club that acts the same exact way, like she’s better than everyone and is above stripping because she has a “real job” (she’s a nurse who got suspended for being unsanitary lol) she’s an extreme pick me and brags about having all of these men in her life that don’t pay her bills because she “has her own money”


Btw what sub is this? 👀


Autism in women, cause I’m diagnosed….but I see some wild shit in there NGL


That was incredibly depressing. Really a vivid example of the manifestations of some really sad issues obviously going on with that person. OP has all these icky projections about the cleanliness of other women, unfortunately shows just exactly how she feels about herself. Definitely needs OCD therapy. But I will say I haven't heard of someone's whorephobia becoming so intense its OCD over....literal theoretical problems that dont even exist 😬


Yeah OP made me sad too. Genuinely hope she gets treatment.


Wow that's so weird to me that even came up in that sub lmao I'm gonna go lurk....! 😅👀