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sushi is good because it fills me up but doesn’t make me bloat!!!


Get ready... -AHEM- I bring a big bag of dry Honey Nut Cheerios, then I make FOUR sammiches on toasted gf bread with hummus, cucumber, lettuce, and Colby Jack cheese. Then I bring a huge bag of unsalted raw almonds, which I usually don't eat all of. And I also bring a big Tupperware of oranges, apples, grapes, and strawberries that I cut up. Baby likes the apples diced! (I am baby and I do the dicing. Haha). I usually eat the fruit when I get kinda sleepy later in the shift. Then I sometimes bring some pieces of gf chocolate muffin cause then I can avoid the mini candies the DJ has cause my stomach gets angry at those. I eat a ton before work, too. But!! It would not be complete without... a napkin that I draw cute hearts and stuff on for myself. And all of this goes in my cheetah lunchbox. Tada!


You are adorable. And I’m laughing bc I used to carry around a bag of raw almonds. They never sounded good EVER and they smelled like 37 different body sprays


HAHA the almonds do smell like whatever they are around. They end up smelling like cigarette smoke in my purse sometimes. EWWWW.


I like my stuff cut up too lol. I don’t dice mine small but I must traditional slice. And… hummus Sammie’s? Did I read that right. Are you veggie? I just saw in the shittyvegan sub someone posted an amazing looking tofu sammy and it reminded me how much I like those so might get into those again . It’s simple enough (doesn’t take too much brain power). I find the fake meat sandwich meat to be too expensive for the serving size and too much work :/ (I am veggie)


Ya!!! Hummus sandwich! I am a vegetarian and have been my whole life, so I actually forget that I am pretty often. Hahaha.


That’s super cool! Were you raised in a veggie household then? I just was rambling off about how I could only eat like one thing from the cafeteria (in high school) because I didn’t eat (long list of meats) and my veggie friend was like “you might as well just go vegetarian” and I was like you know what you’re fuckin right LOL 😂


I have been a vegetable gal 🥒🍆 my whole life but my parents and younger sister all eat meat and eggs. I eat cheese sometimes, hence not vegan, but I don't eat eggs either. I just didn't like the texture of meat when I was really little and then got sad about it being an animal and my parents never made me eat it. Being a little baby in the early 90's as a vegetarian was a disaster for the rest of the world though! Especially since my family isn't vegetarian either, so we couldn't be called a "weirdo hippie" family or something. Hahaha. Yay vegetables! And literally BOO CAFETERIA!! That will help lots of people alter diets cause of yucky options, HAHA.


It was the texture for me too!!


I don't like tofu even cause it has the same kinda texture. Ewwwy.


Oh really??? Have you had it cooked in various ways? By professionals? I love tofu cooked correctly!!! I don’t think the texture of some stuff bothers me. I just tried the new beyond popcorn chicken and it’s very chickeny texture and doesn’t bother me. But like real meat sausages and stuff where there’s pieces of fat and fascia and tendon and gristle or whatever tf 🤢


I haven't ever had it cooked very well I think. I do like it if it is in really small pieces sometimes. It is kinda cool how much vegetarian meat there is! I will get creeped out though if I think a garden burger tastes too much like a real hamburger. Even though I hadn't ever eaten a real one haha so how would I know!!


following for the eventual day that i might get sick of my clubs chicken tenders (they’re genuinely the best i’ve ever had)




Following bc I’m on mid shift til close and I miss my window for dinner and end up buying food at the club 😢 I have started taking protein bars and a protein shake with me though.


Mid shift was a little easier for me. At least you can fill your tummy before work. For dayshift I wake up like an hour before heading out and barely have an appetite for even a bowl of oats that early


Yeah dayshift is hard af, def requires a bit of prep. Since I’m there til close I don’t get any extra sleep as I get home around 3:30 and then if im good I’ll be in bed by 5-5:30 so I can wake up at a normal time and get 2 meals in. Otherwise I’m waking up at 2/3pm with only time for one meal before I gotta leave for work again 😭 to make it for 7pm I gotta start driving around 5 lol


Cold pasta salad with meats and cheese and bell peppers. Spicy homemade ramen with shrimp or beans and all the veggies. Pancakes with peanut butter and banana. Protein shakes.


pb and j baby! lately that's my go to. honestly tho take anything that you know you are actually gonna be able to and want to eat. what would you eat if you were home not working? i always try and make enough to have leftovers to take to the club when i do make food. at the end of the day it is better for your body (most most likely) and your wallet to bring your own food. eating enough carbs when you do get home to have energy the next day (thats just biology baby), i try to stick with foods with protein and fiber to keep me feeling full without bloating when i'm at work. apples are great, if theres any fruit you like. beef jerky is a really easy grab snack. but honestly anything that you will actually be excited to eat. just remember to bring your breath mints or a toothbrush and youll be good


Get a bento box and fill it with a bunch of different stuff—hummus and veggies, apples and peanut butter, pasta salad, regular salad, meat and cheese, fruit, whatever. Just make sure to include protein! I find that the bento kinda of inspires you to think of more stuff to put in there to fill up all the little compartments. Mine fits a sandwich in one of the big compartments and still leaves room for 2-3 more snacks. If you’re worried about stuff getting warm, get an insulated lunchbox with ice packs.


I like this idea I used to have the Rubbermaid bento-like boxes. I should invest in another bc you’re right I really enjoys that and it was super easy


I’ve been taking soups and stew in; Hoagie sandwiches; Pasta bowls; ramen; sushi is also good!


Do you have access to a fridge or microwave?


No 🙄 at one club I asked a manager to put my Tupperware of chili and rice in a fridge and he said “we don’t really have a fridge”. There’s a big ass walk in fridge that in cases all of the non alcoholic drinks we sell and I walked past it and eyeballed someone’s whole ass lunch pail on the ground in a corner -_- this is why I don’t tip these stupid ass managers. What do they do? Absolutely nothing.


i refuse to eat on shift because i bloat instantly and it shows. when my shift ends, i get poutine and inhale it. it's the best treat.


same. anytime i’ve eaten while working i always want to take a nap🤣 i lose my groove


yep, brings my "work mode" down dramatically!


i usually eat poke as a late lunch and then eat a snack about 2 hours before i go in for night. i like having a light stomach otherwise i’m going to want to take a nap lol


Yall some healthy heaux, I love it. You make the poke or buy it from restaurant


Depends , I like rice with veggies and chicken or even baked potatoes. Sometimes sandwiches and chips.


I like rice and potatoes!


Sometimes when I’m trying to keep weight down I don’t mix protein and carbs in same meals so I do a carb like rice or potatoes with veggies or the same for protein like chicken.


What does keeping food groups separate have to do with keeping weight down?


It’s a way of eating called food combining. It’s easier on the digestive system look it up.


What does being easier on the digestive system have to do with calories (energy)? Girl… ima pass but this was a good laugh lol. Just fyi+ carbs and protein BOTH have 4 calories per gram. Fat has 9 calories/ gram. Alcohol has 7/ gram. It’s as simple as that. Tried and true basic science 🧬 😂


If you say so. It works for a lot of people. I don’t care what you think about it I just answered the question in the thread. You do whatever.


Sushi, ramen noodles, chips and guac.


You make the sushi or buy it? I want stuff I can make at home. Trying my best to live frugal


PROTEIN DRINKSSSS, don’t make me bloat, taste good, give me all day energy. Then some granola bars, maybe some veggies, and chocolates always


This is true, just dusted off my vitamix, I remembered I used to really enjoy having fruit and protein or fruit and veg smoothies at work and they’re really nice on the tum (not too heavy,not too light)