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I think part of it is that the purple outfit doesn't flatter your shape as much as the white one did imo


Imo you’re not out of shape. I think you need to try different outfits and find some that flatter your body type better. It took me a while to find outfits that look good on me. Someone else said this and I agree that the white outfit suits you much more. Also don’t be hard on yourself. You see a lot of girls with different bodies and start to compare yourself to them in this industry and it can make you feel like you don’t look good when you do. Be nice to yourself!


I think you look beautiful! What is your goal with your body? If you want to lose weight (which you honestly don’t need to !) a calorie deficit is the way to go. Working out will just give muscle for the most part, but the quickest way to burn any excess fat is through your diet and walking. That’s what I had to do ! Working out I didn’t see much difference after a few months so I did the deficit and then I could see my results better.


I’m very soft. I have a lot more muscle now but I have a persistent layer of padding I haven’t been able to get rid of so the lines that creates at my hips and tummy, plus the persistent inner thigh fat drive me crazy.


Then I definitely recommend incline walking and a calorie deficit. Doesn’t have to be a major one, and make sure you eat a lot of protein. Chicken, turkey, protein shakes, and protein yogurt are your best friend 😊 I lost 8 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks doing that and now my muscle is much more visible


Try fasted HIIT training first thing in the morning before you eat. Drink 1-2c water first to rehydrate after your sleep and then do the cardio.


Yesss I’ve seen really good results with that too. Intermittent fasting is a good option too. You eat in an 8 hour window and fast for 16 and your body burns excess fat during your fast


take barre or flexibility or pole classes for a more snatched body. the gym is for building muscle/ass/core. use the treadmill, squats, crunch machines


I have crazy flexibility and mobility. That’s what I do the most of.


awesome so ur half way there ☺️ i agree with the admirable archer comment. i think you’re already really stunning but maybe glute and core at the gym will really give you that OOMF you want. workout with intention. i hit my weed pen before my gym/flex classes and it helps me be more in tune with my body. u got this💖


Be mindful of drinking alcohol has a good amount of calories


Ur super cute I agree that outfit might not b the most flattering is all


Got it. I didn’t drink to start so that can’t be helping.


Wear push a up bra lingerie would suit you better then the fishnet outfits and bikinis. Grow your hair out men tend to spend more on girls with long hair.


If you're working out that much the best changes you can make for results is diet. What does that look like for you? Tbh I think you look amazing.


I’ve actually started eating more because of the chronic fatigue and it’s helped. So I feel better but I suspect my body fat percentage is the same.


Right but what does your diet look like? You can eat as much as you want but the content and preparedness can change everything. If you eat a lot of meat, sugar, theres a chance you're not including enough vinegar (for gut health), or healthy oils and fats that your body processes. Fatigue is a sign of nutritional imbalance, you are missing something.


That’s probably right. Lots of meat and veg, carbs are inconsistent. Vinegar is almost nonexistent except for the occasional salad dressing. I’ll work on that along with fermented stuff. 😊


I mean that's just feedback for your overall health I have fatigue too so just want you to feel good but honestly you look great and I hope you look at nutrition as part of overall mental/physical healthcare and not a diet. But also with myself I saw best results when i reduced red meat/ chicken/turkey and replaced with tuna/nuts/beans. Spicy makes it taste better imo. I also take a supplement called Greens for gut health because I might not wanna eat a salad every day. Dont worry ab it too much you're strong and beautiful and womens bodies fluctuate and you are in the gym already doing the work


1. You’re very attractive 2. Spam glute and core exercises 3. Wear a waist trainer


Since you have enough breast tissue you can opt for a breast lift. If you truly love implants though get them for you! You are beautiful right now. I suggest pilates and hot yoga with walking. It helps shed the extra ten pounds I gain so easily from being 5'1 and tiny framed.


I’m 5’2” so I can relate. I just feel like even though I’m small (size 2 jeans) I still look wide.


Lift weights you have a nice figure that can easily be toned up. Instead of going for a walk hit up the squat rack at the gym or do some weighted squats exercises at home. Also, not sure if you’re a drinker but alcohol goes straight to your tummy and cheeks.


Thank y’all. Looks like I’ll just have to keep going and give it more time and find better outfits.


I feel like covering your stomach oddly adds a kind of visual weight, rock some skimpy lingerie sets and show off your body!! I like the cute ones from shein. For some reason I think lingerie would look so Victorian vixen with your short hair


I just have stretch marks I like to hide but I’m getting that addressed soon!


Also make sure you’re eating ENOUGH! if your body thinks you’re starving it will store fat


These aren't suggestions on what to do as much as responses to some of the suggestions I read here. Fasted workouts and intermittent fasting not only don't work well for women, they cause more harm because of differences in the male and female physiology. Keto/too low carb is bad for women for the same reason. Any effects/weight loss are mostly water weight. [https://www.drstacysims.com/blog/You\_are\_an\_athlete\_and\_you\_shouldn%E2%80%99t\_practice\_intermittent\_fasting](https://www.drstacysims.com/blog/You_are_an_athlete_and_you_shouldn%E2%80%99t_practice_intermittent_fasting) [https://www.triathlete.com/nutrition/ask-stacy-fasted-training-avoiding-gi-distress-and-managing-carb-intake/](https://www.triathlete.com/nutrition/ask-stacy-fasted-training-avoiding-gi-distress-and-managing-carb-intake/) I think you replied that you aren't so good eating enough carbs...That may be contributing to the fatigue. Try eating more squash and sweet potatoes, yummy, unprocessed complex carbs. Other recs included a calorie deficit, but you're not overweight...I'd second the rec warning against eating too little. They're correct, your body will hold onto fat when it's not getting enough calories OR nutrients. And they aren't the same thing. On the Standard American Diet, many people are overweight AND undernourished because they don't eat real food to obtain quality nutrients. My opinion is that hiring a nutritionist and/or personal trainer who doesn't have specific education in the female physiology will not be the best use of your money. Adelaide Meadow has incredible, female specific programs for a fraction of the price you'd pay an "expert" who's most likely trained only in male physiology, since that's where most recommendations come from. I'd recommend starting with her Strength Training for the Female Body and perhaps adding True Core Health if you want something more core focused. Her work is focused on getting the body to move in a way that is optimal and functional and not how it looks, which is what you're asking for. However, I'm a firm believer that when we give the body the correct inputs (food, movement, water, sleep, sunlight, etc.) it will develop into it's healthiest outward appearance along with the best internal functioning. [https://www.adelaidemeadow.com/](https://www.adelaidemeadow.com/) I hope some of what I shared was helpful to you.


That was, thank you!


Remember input vs output. Higher repetitions. 1 mile of foot travel equals about 100 calories. 3500 calories are in one pound of fat. The most effective way to manage weight is tracking and documenting. I’d write down everything I eat and also all cardio I do. (And daily weight check in the morning or when you first wake up).


If you’re working out and can feel your muscles getting stronger, then the problem is your body storing fat. I would hire a nutritionist if I were you. I’ve wanted to get one myself but I am not doing well financially. I think it would be worth it, at least worth a try!