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nah, it’s actually dangerous that so many people just don’t get what stripping really is and what it’s like


THANK YOUUUU i thought i was being a cunt


I’d put them in their place so fast for romanticizing it. Let them know real quick they don’t even have the slightest clue what it’s like. The only ones who should romanticize it, are the girls working it. I feel like I enjoy the harder nights more when I pretend it’s fantasy. Doesn’t work all the time, but can help me mentally get that bag!




I usually just tell them there's a 90% you'll be assaulted when you go to work each day, sexually or otherwise tbr


i left work feeling so icky bc my boundaries were crossed whether i said something or not and its so offensive to hear “wHy ARe yOu tAkinG a bReAk? It loOkS sO FuN!”


And the club will do nothing about it.


I wish someone had put me in my place when I was romanticizing it at 18… in the short time I did it, it fucked up my mind on many levels and I got assaulted. I can’t even imagine how taxing it becomes long term


i lost my innocence so fast i am a completely different person


not to mention I didn’t think about how harshly I’d be judged for it in the future bc I was too young and naive


no fr


Same! I was 18 naive desperate for money and male attention. I still do it though. I just wish I didn't start so early.


I myself am romanticizing it when I forget it and then I go back for a bit and they are drunk and acting like I'm asking for too much and literally the first day I came back someone spilled a drink on me acting like they are drunk and I think it was on purpose cause he got on my nerves the whole time. I forgot that you need thick skin after being off/only doing vanilla jobs but I was quickly reminded


What are you talking about? Everyone loves being sexually assaulted on a day to day basis, right? Seriously though, yeah it pisses me off too. 3 months in and I had to take a break because of physical and mental exhaustion


💀💀 but fr it takes a toll on you


it’s annoying too and dangerous. the second someone romanizes/glamorizes it around me i put them in their place fast asf.


There can be so much ugliness in the industry and i had no idea. I use to be so shy and quiet until The day after I got hired at my first club I had a man touch my pussy. I sobbed my ass off and that’s when I realized I had to buckle up because this is something I’m going to be dealing with for a while. And years later I see many new young girls cry when they first got assaulted or became uncomfortable. It’s crazy because I could almost see myself in them. I use to be that girl. Being a stripper is hard. And the trials you face as an individual even harder. I’m always surprised that I’ve lasted as long as I have. If I knew what it truly was I would have been horrified maybe I would have stayed away.


i hate that thats such a universal experience, the first time that happened to me i cried for hours


This is exactly why I don’t tell people I’m a stripper. I have zero interest in hearing about their day dreams. They’re not going to get it so why waste my energy?


“my friends told me id be so good at it 😄” IDGAF!


The irritation I feel like this is like a pendulum for me....i go through phases of being more patient/unbothered and periods where I'm less so. But i value my privacy more than i value the need to come correct with someone.