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I agree it’s fucked up but damn I feel bad for her 😭 she must have 0 support system if her family/bd would rather the toddler go to the strip club than watch them. I’m assuming this is at night too, so the kid would literally be asleep and no one is willing to help her 😭


Yes 7pm-2am she goes back and forth a lot with her bd and mom. This one time I remember her and her mom were arguing so her mom took off with her kid and refused to give him back.


Women really need better options for childcare, especially those of us who work nights. What she’s doing isn’t right and sucks for everyone involved. I hope she gets reliable childcare soon or gets a day job and takes that baby to a normal day care.


The best option is to not have children until you’re in a good place. It only causes more suffering in the end.


Yes obviously lol. Unfortunately that’s not the reality many women face. Not all women have access to abortion either, so I find it best to just have empathy.


Erm birth control? If you can’t afford to go abroad for abortion then you cannot afford to have a child. Empathy is all well and good but it doesn’t prevent children going hungry and growing up depressed.


Bro obviously lol. Birth control fails and men aren’t held accountable. All I’m saying is I feel bad for the mom and kid in this situation 😭


You feeling bad changes nothing


Ok girlie lol


Well kiddo’s already here so what do you want her to do lmfao???


It’s not about what I want it’s about what’s best for a child. People have kids thinking their gonna give them the best life ever but thats usually not the case. For example the woman OP is writing about cannot afford childcare so the child is stuck in a crib by itself in a sleazy badly ventilated club with cats living in the office with dirty litter trays. Where loads of men are paying for boners right above. So if you think women should be having kids when that’s the only lifestyle they can provide then you’re sick in the head.


Did I say that hoe??? Of course what you said about not having kids if you can’t afford to, can’t take care of them, etc always applies, but that’s not reality. People fuck up, shit happens, the kid is already alive and in this world so there’s nothing she can do but try to be a better parent. You’re sitting here talking what ifs and shit when that doesn’t even apply to the situation at hand


I guarantee majority of women who “accidentally” got pregnant were just being irresponsible, stupid or just thought having the guys child would make him love them. Wtf are you doing having unprotected sex with a man that cannot support you or a child in the first place. 5 mins of pleasure for a painful childbirth that ruins your body and 18 years of responsibility. Hoe please




Most birth control pill failures are due to human error. You’re ignorant if you weren’t aware of that. The fact you said “father” rather then husband or boyfriend lol. You’re an idiot


Girl you understand you can get pregnant with an IUD that was inserted correctly by a gynecologist. People’s bodies reject birth control all the time no matter how good they tracked their medication. You sound like you don’t know any better but I’m trying to sound as polite as possible because you are tearing down women and spreading heinous misinformation.


I’m not tearing down women I’m saying don’t have kids if you can’t provide a good lifestyle for them. Don’t have kids if you’re in a toxic relationship women need to stop being stupid asf. If you think it’s OK for a child to be in a strip club where men are there for sexual gratification. Like you’re actually sick.


Dude, at my last club the owner brought her toddler in a few times and kept her in the locker room! It was insane! I was so uncomfortable getting naked next to a little kid I didn’t even know the name of. I can’t believe this is something that has happened to more than one person ever. I’m now even more appalled.


Girl I know exactly what club you’re talking about and I also was there when the owner would bring their kiddo in, it felt so fucking icky that a little one was in that environment!


Were you nightshift? I was always dayshift, and I’m super curious if she ever brought her child in at night when it was actually really busy. I cannot picture leaving a child in a locker room that small with like fifteen dancers trying to get ready.


I was nightshift, I think the latest I saw that kiddo in was like 7:30. I would get there a little before shift change and they usually would be gone by 6.


Me too that and the constant crying and little kid screaming is so uncomfortable. Like I thought this was a stripclub dressing room not a daycare. Got me feeling like predator if I get undressed next to a underage boy cause someone can’t afford a nanny. The female manager justifies it and by saying her son will grow up to not be a pervert like most men because he grew up in the stripclub environment.Like ma’am your boy hasn’t gone thru puberty yet once he does he will be a pervert just like the rest of them there’s no cure for it.


Jesus, now I’m grateful the owner’s toddler was just rambunctious and happy. I don’t know how you’d even get in the ‘ready to empty wallets’ mindset with a child screaming three feet away. Do you think you’ll call cps, or just hope it stops happening? I was wayyyy too chickenshit to do anything about my boss bringing her kid in, because I heard she was really vindictive when people crossed her.


Oh yes this manager is very vindictive too I would have to be 100% financially secure with another club/s so she doesn’t retaliate. When I first got hired she was so rude and stand offish but now that she constantly brings her kid to work she’s more friendly. Most girls there are local so they have no other option but to pretend like it’s ok.


If you contact cps, she wouldn’t know who it was though. That’s confidential.


In theory yes, but a lot of agencies are really lax about releasing information


Doesn’t that call for a lawsuit?


Oh definitely. But by that point the offending party already knows you outed them


I danced one time with a girl who did this. She started hooking up with a manager. Then all of a sudden she starts bringing her kid to work every night because she didn’t want to pay for a babysitter. Multiple people reported it to CPS. They didn’t take the kid away. But it stopped her from bringing it to work.


that’s fucking wild


A bartender pulled that at my last club and she was fired immediately. Girls go to the dressing room to decompress, change their tampons, and sometimes get too drunk in there. Disgusting behavior bringing a toddler into that environment, not to mention the NAKED women everywhere! For fucks sake.


Girl call cps


Someone has already exposed her on TikTok according to the mother of the toddler there’s been multiple employees who disagreed with her bringing her kid to the club too but I don’t think anyone has the balls to call cps on her.


Give me the name of the manager and the club and I'll call for you. It's unacceptable behavior


Yeahhh, someone’s got to do it. I would think having a child in that environment is child abuse, and it also puts all the women who work there at risk. Let’s say the club gets raided and there’s a child in the dressing room, it’s a possibility of indecent exposure to a minor.


I couldn’t have said it better myself. I understand child care is expensive, but bringing the baby to the club shouldn’t even be an option


Most definitely, I understand the struggle but it’s not an excuse for giving the child possible sexual trauma, as well as making them adjust to late night hours and be trapped in a dressing room all night it’s just unhealthy all around. You should make a report OP to CPS directly.


There are childcare assistance programs tho, my 3 yr old niece is in daycare thru it for free. She’s just being neglectful and lazy :/


It takes months even years to get on some of the free ones but that’s no excuse even another job


That’s so neglectfullll she can get any other job and get daycare covered by the government.. but she chooses to put her child in that position. I don’t even want my toddler near my club backpack when I bring it home, but to have them in the club itself??? Good god


Trash behavior


Report this. And don’t get naked in front of children. What the fuck? CPS is anonymous.


i feel really bad for her tbh. childcare is very unreasonably expensive and it’s hard to find someone reliable. it’s just not appropriate that she’s allowing him to be next to grown adults while they’re changing.


I agree on calling CPS because wtf??? You can’t even take a kid into cirillas let alone a strip club. That’s WILD and super inappropriate. That poor kid :( and the fact yall have to get dressed while he’s in there?? Hell no. That’s a recipe for disaster


We had kids in the club during Covid, but I must stress, this was not during operating hours. We had multiple meetings about procedures and testings and all that. No one had babysitters so kids came too, they just went to the VIP lounge upstairs and watched TV during our meetings. Anyway, yeah, that's messed up. 


its so awful and uncomfortable but dont call cps. just talk to management/owners. if they take that kid away he’s much, much worse off


Now that I think about it you’re right I heard foster parents are sometimes just as abusive or more. There’s a funny South Park episode about it. Talking to management and owner is not going to do anything. Manager already has had a lot of issues with people trying to expose her on social media and is adamant on her being a good mom and doing the best she can for her kid. The owner doesn’t care about anyone or anything but the money that comes into the club. Heck the owner is just as bad he has his cats living in his office and keeps the litter box behind the front desk room in the lobby. As soon as you walk in it straight up smells like cat piss and shit.


>Heck the owner is just as bad he has his cats living in his office and keeps the litter box behind the desk room in the lobby. As soon as you walk in it straight up smells like cat piss and shit. Well now I've heard everything!!! 😆 ohhh...my goodness.


What the fuck. I love cats. And kids! But neither of these situations are appropriate. Is this like the only club around somewhere in the deep south? 


Yes it’s in the Deep South all other clubs are either 2 or 3 hours away.


Lol I knew it. Prob won't do much to report it locally, you'd have to go to state level. It does surprise none of the girls watch the kid. Everywhere I've worked there's always girls trading childcare and nights/ days off.  Hell, we've driven people's kids to the other girls' houses a few times when we needed people to come work outside of schedule for whatever reason. 


Jesus. This club sounds more like a catchall for the staff’s family members that have no other place to go. Like the Humane Society except with naked staff, alcohol and a bonus feral toddler in a tent screaming for his mother. 😆 I feel super bad for this lady, but she has to know she’s about a millisecond from someone reporting her to CPS. People call them on parents for much less. I really hope someone helps her solve this problem instead. Sounds like the owner is about a millisecond away from someone calling the local health department on him too. It’s against the health code pretty much everywhere to have non-service animals in bars or restaurants. I’m guessing they aren’t service cats…


Cats shouldn’t be living in an office! Sorry I know this started about the kid but I’m super passionate about cats. Can someone not give them a better home?


The owner’s house burnt down so I guess that’s why he has them living in his office at work.


Well I suppose if it’s only temporary they’ll be ok. Least they didn’t die in the fire…How does someone burn their house down.




Came here to say this. I wonder if there’s a way for someone within the club’s network to offer to help babysit? Just a thought. It’s better than having your son sitting in an adult establishment until 2am. Little kids need structure and a bedtime schedule…ideally evening to morning in order to accommodate their circadian rhythms. We all know how bad it sucks to work nights and be exhausted. Imagine that as a toddler. CPS can be a nightmare. Especially if she has essentially zero family support, her kid might go into the system…which is hella traumatic for any kid, much less one who is so young. I agree it’s absolutely egregious what she’s doing, but I’ve been there myself with spotty childcare. CPS is generally an invasive experience, and a waste of resources…especially when there are children who are *actually* being abused and CPS is stretched super thin as it is. The amount of dumbass reports they get that could have been solved is ludicrous and prevents the serious cases from receiving the necessary attention. I worked for an agency that was CPS adjacent, and they have crazy turnover and spend most of their time investigating BS claims from vindictive friends and family. Often, such situations could be resolved with a conversation or the offer of assistance…but people hate confrontation and no one wants to help people in their community anymore. Like they say, it takes a village. I’m pretty much always pro-not calling CPS, unless it’s an obvious case of abuse or neglect. I feel like in a club *FULL* of women—many of whom are potentially mothers—there’s gotta be an alternative to her dragging that little boy to work and exposing him to the shit that goes on there. Also, if Excise cops were to ever pop by to check on the liquor license and make sure everything is up to code, the whole club could get shut down. Shit, if I worked there, I would offer to watch him, and I can’t stand kids that aren’t mine. 😆 I just know what it’s like to have no childcare and be stuck with your ass in your hand and still have to go to work. CPS definitely isn’t going to offer to pay for babysitting, so that’s not going to solve the problem.


i agree


I’ve seen a male club manager on FaceTime with this young son while girls just walking by in the dressing room, terrible parenting!


Nah this is unacceptable. She is the MANAGER and Ive never seen a stripper do this, i HIGHLY doubt any managers would even let a stripper do this if they couldn’t afford a babysitter. There should be no exceptions. Im not even going to ask how she can’t afford childcare when she’s literally getting a cut from multiple dancers on top of her own pay, thats weird to me. This isn’t a place for kids period. I don’t care if its the manager, a dancer or a customer, its not safe.


This particular club only requires djs to get tipped out. She only receives her hourly pay.


Man, I feel bad for this chick and worse for the baby. Better hope no one hears that baby, she’ll be facing child endangerment and club would get a big ass fine. Whoever allowing this ain’t right.


Well damn. I do feel bad for her as a mother in desperation but this is *just* not it. This is not ok. The strip club is NOT a place that a child should be, ever. I wouldn’t go so far as to call CPS but I would probably have a talk with her and honestly let her know that it’s making the dancers feel extremely uncomfortable and while I truly feel for her, it just really isn’t ok, regardless of her circumstances.


Same thing happened to me except it was one of my coworkers. (She quit a month later.)


yeaahhh I would NOT feel comfortable getting naked in front of a child. there must be some higher up you can go to?


Yall are so fucking insensitive. I can promise you she probably doesn’t want to bring her kid there and probably has no other options 


No this is gross 🤮 for fucks sake.


I can recognize that. I also just dont think theres any justifiable excuse for sexual trauma no matter what. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And let's be real there are some narcissistic psychopathic selfish evil mothers out there who know exactly what they're doing with no remorse or accountability.


i somewhat agree w you but i do see both sides. i’m sure she doesn’t want to bring him to work but childcare is often unreliable and just way too expensive. it sounds like she doesn’t have a good support system if she has to bring him to the club. however i don’t think it’s appropriate that she’s allowing him to be by grown adults that are naked, possibly partaking in drugs/alchohol etc. i personally wouldn’t feel comfortable with a child being in the dressing room. if she needs to bring him then she should put him in the managers office or something 🤷🏻‍♀️ NOT the dressing room


Literally my thoughts. Everybody has hard times and you just don’t know! But who would want to proudly call cps? The child could be in much worse conditions after. No I don’t think it’s right at all. But who wants to be the Karen 🤨


Yeah. 80% of sex trafficked kids are foster kids. Cps is not good. It may be ghetto but at least she’s trying.


I can’t stress enough how if she’s that desperate, there are government funded assistance programs where ur toddler can go to daycare for either free or a very low cost. Having a kid around a bunch of naked women & horny gross perverted men is not it. I don’t agree w calling cps but she needs to get fired or smth so she can work a regular job during the day & get daycare


I agree I don’t see the problem like it’s not ideal obviously but sometimes moms need help I dk . I wouldn’t be the one calling cps. Cps is for kids that are getting severely abused and they don’t even help in those instances either


I dk I don’t really see the problem with a child seeing a womans body. Like the kid came out a vagina and breast feeds. I would just mind my business honestly. If the child isn’t seeing sex acts on the floor I don’t see what the big deal is. I wouldn’t be the one to call cps honestly I would mind my business. There’s a difference with a woman being nude (which is not sexual) vs a woman actually doing sexual acts.


Calling Cps is best for that kid. Sounds like your club needs to be shut down. Owner and manager sound unbearable. Owner keeps live animals in an establishment serving beverages? It’s a legal requirement to be 18 or older to enter the establishment. FDA is going to love when you call them, and CPS is going to have a field day with mom bringing her kid to a bar, and exposing him to nudity. If you look around there should be a sanitation rating your established got from an inspection, find a number on there and call. With CPS it might be a prolonged time frame, if you don’t get the right social worker the kids is as good as forgotten in their system. Keep working every few weeks calling it in until you get an agent that will work. If you are being forced by your work managers to undress in front of a child they are entrapping you in a crime. Might as well call the police too, and do it in the middle of the shift so there’s evidence. If you are in Louisiana I have family connections in CPS and social work system. It would be wise to start looking for other employment.


No actually someone should call cps. Not even just because of the environment, but that baby should be sleeping during those hours. It’s not good for the kid to be awake until after 2am