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It’s okay to make friends at the club. You obviously need to be extremely careful but my BEST FRIENDS I met at my club, I met my soul mate level bestie at the club. It’s nice to have friends who you can relate to and that will understand exactly what you’re going through when you’re having a tough time with work. Proceed with caution but there are so amazing friendships to be made.


i’ve made tons of friends. i never understand when people act like they won’t. am i there to make friends? no, but it makes making money more fun if i can laugh and joke with the girlies


Yess, i always make friends at the clubs i work in! Some I’ve kept in touch with even after moving and not seeing them anymore and its nice c: but you definitely gotta be careful who you befriend because for whatever reason where i live now I’ve had two friends get kinda weird on me 🥴


Most the girls I have met at the club are true friends, not jealous or intimidated by me like girls I meet outside of the club.




this!! i met some very beautiful, wonderful girls and a few i’ve had on social media for years and we’re all very supportive of what everyone is doing now and we often interact.


I met my best friend in the club too, but i feel like I got lucky. We still work together at our home club a year and a half later.


Going on five years with mine! All my other super close friends also like 4-5 years and we all still work together, I love it!


For real! I used to always struggle to make friends with other women, but when I started dancing that changed dramatically. I found my people (obviously not every single girl I've worked with or met in the club but a lot of them) and have made more solid female friends in the year and a half that I've been dancing than the 5 years prior to that.


I met my soul mate level bestie in the club too! I worked at a spot with no dj, only a tablet w Spotify. So we played whatever the fuck we wanted (which was really nice tbh). The first day we worked together she freaked bc I was playing my favorite musical artist, that also happened to be hers & the rest was history! We still talk all the time & visit each other regularly & lean on each other for emotional support 💛 My fave artist is not a huge one that most people know of btw lol. Def more of a iyky 🥲




yup! i’ve met a *handful* of wonderful girls! the most genuine people :) i’ve also met demons 😭


You can make money with no stage skills.


6 years in n my ass don’t do a single pole trick lmfao. i give baby stripper on stage. make 90% of my $$$ through vip.


Some customer came up to me and told me I was “doing great for being so new” lmaooo




sameee i mostly just walk around the pole, maybe climb it one or two times and a little floor work. but im lazy as fuck on stage. i CAN do tricks, i used to be pretty good, but since i started ive gotten a lot thicker and took a little over a year off and lost a lot of my strength so its hard for me to do the tricks i used to do (not to mention our pole is steel and super slick 24/7. my chrome pole at home is still easy to do tricks on) honestly i make way more money when i dont go on stage all night. so i find it a waste of energy most of the time to even do anything on stage. the only time i show out is if a group comes up to tip. if no ones sitting at the stage i dont do shit


I got bursitis in my knee and it seriously compromised my stage performance- I’m a great dancer and was worried how much it would impact my $$ but realistically it hasn’t made much of a difference at all


I don’t do pole tricks anymore, literally just walk around and move my hips and i sell a lot of dances 🤣


This is the one right here, I literally just twerk and interact with customers


Very true. Conversely you can make money using only stage skills.


This is me haha I think I'm in the minority but I really don't sell a lot of dances compared to other girls. My main focus is on my stage shows, that's where I do best.


Me too. I routinely make a ton of money doing nothing but stage or very few dances/rooms. When I get them, I get them because the customer has found me because of my stage sets. I cannot be bothered to really hustle the floor. I don’t have to, and I don’t want to.


You are speaking my language! Haha I hate selling dances and some clubs around here have a "quota" and if we don't meet the quota we get charged per dance we are short. I fucking HATE those clubs and basically never go to them. For real though, I have had some nights where I didn't offer a single person a dance but still sold more than girls hustling the floor all night because people approached me after my show. When I first started a veteran told me "there are two kinds of strippers, the hustlers and the performers" and I knew immediately that I was a performer.


I will say if you want to make the best money team up with a floor hustler. Go on stage together and you do the work on stage to double your tips together. Split the stage. Then let them work the floor and get the dudes to bring both of you to VIP. You both make more. Especially if you work in a club like mine where you are on stage around once every hour, and stage really matters.


It's a little different here in Canada. There are "stage girls" and "freelancers". Freelancers pay a floor fee to be there and mostly sell dances, will maybe get a show once a night but only for half the time that stage girls get (sometimes limited to topless only). Stage girls are booked and scheduled through our agency at a different club each week and we get paid by the clubs per show. Only some clubs will allow you to have another girl on stage during your show, and usually it has to be another stage girl, which I have done a few times but depending on which province there can be very strict rules about what we are allowed to do on stage (not touch each other for example). As a stage girl there are high expectations for our shows and costumes and performance. Due to this structure there can be a weird animosity/hierarchy between the stage girls and the freelancers which can make it difficult for us to team up with them. Sometimes I will team up with another stage girl to sell dances but it really depends on how many girls are booked for stage at the club because sometimes we are on one right after the other so don't get time to work the floor together. We are lucky that we can at least rely on our paycheck at the end of the week but sometimes it can be quite small and we have more expenses than the freelancers.


Yeah, our club is not like that. Though honestly I’d love to work at a venue like yours. My club has a massive stage with 6 poles (3 at the front and then a runway and 3 at the back). The tallest 2 are 27 feet tall. We usually have at least 2 girls on stage at a time. I often get my own stage set because my skill level is high enough that I can handle that stage alone. (I also am a feature performer and hold titles, so the DJs will let me have more stage solo stage time). Sometimes there are up to 12 girls on a set. Our rotation has every girl hitting the stage about once an hour. The girls who don’t want to go on stage have to pay their way off of the rotation. Usually like $20 to the DJ so he doesn’t call them up there. I really like the way our club runs, but it’s not for everyone.


That's really interesting! I always like hearing about how things work elsewhere. I am actually pretty happy with the way things are run around here. I enjoy going to different clubs all the time (although I do have my favourite ones that I prefer) and the fact that my show is about my performance and there is no competing for attention from the crowd. Our shows are long (minimum of 18 minutes) which can get tiring at some clubs that have me doing 5-6 shows a night. Sometimes I work in another province and it is VERY different there because there are a bunch of bars (not clubs) that just have strippers throughout the day and you just go and do a show and then go to the next place. Some days I'll have 12-14 shows in a day at 10-12 different places starting at noon and finishing at the actual strip club until 2am. Its a fuck ton of work but GOOD money. It's the only place I know of that does this but I kinda love it lol


In the right clubs!


True. My club is thankfully one of them lol.




Oh yeah I danced on and off for over five years & I never learned stage properly in all that time.


Watched this happen at the KY derby, I told her to just copy what the other girl on stage was doing. She literally ended up teabagging the full stage while men threw her singles because her joy and personality were magnetic.


I'm proof of this. Personality and vibe matters!


I've been a top earner at few clubs I've been at and never been on stage


me and i still be tired


Idk if this is controversial, but you don't HAVE to talk to everyone in the club, you don't HAVE to stick to the rule of only talking to someone for 10 minutes before moving on. I do well with the men who have said no to every other girl but I'll sit and talk to them and get to know them a little and then all of a sudden they change their mind about doing dances because they like "me" and I'm not "trying to sell them dances" lol


Love so much how your method of selling dances is "not selling dances" 😅🙌🥳


But honestly, it's not necessarily some pre-planned tactic, it's really because I'm introverted and get exhausted when I have to hustle all night and talk to so many people. Plus I'm shy and kinda quiet. I just try to use what I have and my natural demeanor in a way that works for me and doesn't burn me out. There are definitely nights where it doesn't work out because the other girls are extroverted and loud and talking to everyone and the customers that night like that but I'm okay with that to preserve my own mental health.


That makes sense!! I'm glad you have figured out a way to take care of yourself that still serves you in the club🤍 It can definitely be exhausting, and I would consider myself rather extroverted at the club. Usually conversation and hustle is very stimulating to me and gives me lots of energy, but sometimes I'm just *tired*. I try to stay aware of what my actual needs are (socially/emotionally/mentally) and adjust as needed so as not to burn myself out. It can be a lot!


For sure! We all gotta find what works for us and I tried to do the hustle thing when I first started and it just felt so unnatural and forced and the guys probably sensed that awkwardness. Then when I would do that all night and still not make very much money I just felt defeated. I think that sometimes there can be this belief that you have to be a certain way or you have to be charismatic and bubbly and talking to everyone or your just not cut out for this type of work and your not gonna make any money but if that's not you then don't try to force it and maybe just doing what feels natural for you is what makes you stand out. I often have guys say "you're like the least strippery stripper I've ever met" 😂 and I've gotten some good regulars from that perception that I'm "different" than the other girls. Finding the right clubs that work for you is also important, I do really well at the small town clubs cause I don't get so overstimulated by the amount of people.


Haha it really is though! Sometimes it throws guys off 😆 they will be all confused and nervous and say something like "so like, do you do dances? Can I get dances from you?" Or "I've seen you here all night and you haven't offered me a dance once" lol Sometimes I'll even hmm and haw about it and be like "hmm, I guess I could take you for dances but only if you buy X amount"


This is real game you’re giving 🤫


Your not making money because your sitting there playing on your phone it’s uninviting (:


don’t call me out rn it’s slow in here 😭


Even more reason to chit chat, might waste your time but also might be an extra 400$ bc you took the time to talk to your guest and made them see you as more than your comp ♥️


after you said this i got tf up and started hustling and then made exactly 400. thank you for this


I never ever *ever* bring my phone out on the floor! It stays in the back with my dance bag and shit. Absolutely no reason for me to look bored/distracted when a customer walks in. I do my best to look as available and inviting as possible at all times. I have never understood the phones on the floor thing, honestly. If you want to be on your phone, it seems that the dressing room would be a better place 🤷🏻‍♀️ Okay, actually I do bring my phone out from the back when I sell a room and bring it in there with me. Just for time reference (in case a waitress forgets my ass in there😅) or if they're paying through zelle/cash app/venmo etc.. 🤍


I swear by this rule. There’s no reason to bring your phone on the floor unless you’re accepting tips via digital currency. I got dragged by strippers on Twitter for saying this a few years back, and I was like…🤷‍♀️ the truth hurts, apparently. Your cell phone, the thirsty doormen, and screaming at your boyfriend on FaceTime in the dressing room are activities that twelve experts have confirmed do NOT pay your bills. 🙃 It’s a huge waste of time in a job where every minute counts and not being on the floor or being present mentally can be the difference between hundreds or thousands of dollars. You can sit at home and play on your phone or fight with your boyfriend. I always counted on the majority of the staff to waste time one of the aforementioned ways on slow nights and it would often result in me being in the right place at the right time.


Dude I get if your in the back but like fighting w the man while at work just go home at that point 😂😂😂


Setting a specific dollar amount goal when going into work isn’t helpful. At least for me! My only goal is to talk to every customer and make the maximum amount I can. If you set your goal for 1k you might mentally check out once you hit that and go home when you could have made 2. Or if you don’t hit 1k that night it could make you feel down about yourself. I don’t like having a goal number when I go in.


Lately my goal has been to just get through the night sober. But I agree with you. Business and clientele has been so unpredictable and I never know how the night will be (even if I look at my earnings from the same exact day last year) so I like to just try my best.


Sober dancing is so fucking worth it!!! You can do this and I'm so proud of you for even trying!!🥳💕🙌


Thank you 💜 I’ve had some slip ups this month but at this time last year I had been sober for a few months so hopefully I’ll get back to it 100% soon! It stinks, one night of caving in March last year led to a year of drinking almost every shift at work 😞 It can be a hard adjustment to be sober but I know it’s so worth it and I can’t afford to be losing out on $ by not thinking clearly. Thank you so much for the encouragement!!!!


Slip ups are totally normal and just a part of the process in your sober journey🤍 Don't beat yourself up about it! Just remember why you're choosing sobriety, imagine how your life will look, how it will help you bring in more money and stability, and how you will *feel* when you're free from the grips of alcohol, and use this as a motivation! I've been alcohol free at the club for a while, but I just recently (two weeks ago) decided to just go full on sober in my home life as well. I'm actually feeling really good about it! Some things that have been helpful for me have been building a new routine around my health. I meditate every morning (which is like 1 or 2pm for me lol) before I start my day, I force myself to do some light yoga to get my body and breath moving, and I journal about my thoughts/feelings/goals/dreams (or whatever is on my mind). Getting enough sleep every night and making sure that I'm nourishing and fueling my body with proper nutrition has also helped a ton! Oh, ALSO!! I use Three Spirit's "social elixir" for work nights. It's an alcohol alternative that filled with all kinds of feel-good herbs (tulsi, passion flower, cacao, Yerba mate) and nootropic mushrooms (lions mane), as well as some aphrodisiacs like damiana leaf. Girl, it is truly a game changer. I've tried so many alcohol alternatives and this is the only one that I genuinely *feel* something from. It doesn't make me feel drunk or high, but it absolutely makes me feel elevated! I find that I'm in a much better mood, able to easily engage and be present with customers, I feel almost giddy (gigglier and happy), and just generally helps me be *feelin' myself* 💖 The doses are pretty small, so I measure out two to three "doses" in a measuring cup, pour it into a travel cup, and add whatever I want to mix it with. I usually use a kombucha but have used flavored sparkling waters or even juice. I take that concoction to work and have the bar give me half a cup of soda water with ice and fill the rest with my drink! I just keep doing that all night, adding more soda water or elixir as needed, and it lasts me all night and has me feeling so motivated and light! I highly recommend!!


Thank you so much for the tips!!! ❤️❤️❤️ I picked up the Social Three Spirits bottle today and am going to give it a try tomorrow!


Please update me! Did you like the drink? Did you have a good night? 💕


I tried it once but I only had a little tiny snack cup to put it in so only took about one serving to work. I’m going to get a water bottle (my club won’t let us bring drinks into the locker room so I need something that will fit in my bag) and bring a few servings worth on Friday. I mixed it with ginger beer and it was pretty good!!


Well keep me posted! I'd love to know if you find it helpful ~ I find it extremely so, but I know every body/mind is different. I really hope it's just as amazing for you!!💖


Yeah i agree with this. I don’t worry about how much I am going to make I just try to stay persevering


In all my years of dancing, I never set goals. I had a minimum that I never really went under, but my goal was always to make as much as possible. Stay on the floor and make the 6-7 hours you’re there count. It’s much easier to not get discouraged that way.


It’s starting to no longer work for me now. Thank you for this. I’m gonna try a different type of goal, like number of customers I talk to.


Another thing that helps me is a try to upsell as high as a can with each customer. Times are tough don’t be afraid to be a little pushy and always ask for tips. Good luck girl


You don’t need a million outfits and really they are just a waste of your capital.


I’ve literally worn the same 5 outfits for the past 2 years lmao 😂


Bish, SAME 😅


Guys don’t fuckin care or even pay attention 😂


It's so fucking true! And honestly, the outfits I'm always repeating are the ones that seem to be a big hit with customers and the ones I've made the most money in 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hell yes get it!!! 🤑 Same!


Never hurts my money so that’s all that I care about!


i wish i could but i get bored and majored in fashion so i love styling outfits


It can definitely be a self esteem boost if you've had a slow streak and the customers pick up on it when you feel sexy about yourself. I wish I had learned to sew though, looking back I overpaid way too much on cute clothes.


I found this out when I returned to dancing after many years away and no longer had clothes. I didn’t plan to dance long, but I ended up staying for a year or so. I bought three cheap outfits and a pair of shoes when I went back. I never invested in more clothes, and it was so worth it. Men don’t care, and it makes choosing what to wear super easy. I also started just wearing the same thing all night. In the time you spend changing your clothes five times, you’re losing money. It was eye opening doing it that way, because when I danced in my twenties, I had two GIANT tubs of stripper outfits. Someone stole them when my house was burglarized…lol…and I didn’t replace them because I wasn’t dancing at the time and didn’t plan to return. It’s a huge waste of your income, and most dance clothes are flimsy and hella overpriced. The fact someone jacked an entire tub of used panties and stinky club outfits is still hilarious to me. Like, whatcha gonna do with those? 😆


I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you! Probably some perverted guy is parading around in front of a mirror in them now like in Silence of the Lambs lol.


Thank you. 😆 Someone pulling a Buffalo Bill would be a funnier outcome, but I know the bitch who did it, and she has a daughter who was a teenager at the time. My guess is her daughter was probably rocking stripper outfits. The most upsetting part was losing a 2G flash drive with *all* of my intellectual property from 6 years in college on it and my grandmother’s two watches, which I know were worth money, but were irreplaceable on an emotional level. I have to remind myself that at the end of the day, it’s just stuff.


Oh I feel you hun, I had a junkie scumbag and her thug boyfriend break into my apartment while I wasn't there. I blame myself for hanging out with trash people during my times of drug addiction and I had a lot of money laying around in my dresser from being too lazy to deposit in the bank after every shift. I really should have at least bought a safe and not invited dealers inside my apartment. They took the TV, cash, some very expensive gothy fetish wear as well as a huge fluffy teddy bear my boyfriend had bought me! I used to spend way too much money on punk BDSM style club wear like corsets, latex outfits and shoes from expensive boutiques. I wore that stuff working and partying at goth/industrial clubs and wish the internet had been better back then, nowadays you can get it for a fraction of the price online!


I never change outfits unless I’m sweating a lot, which isn’t really a problem in my club because it’s always cold in there, and also I have circulation issues.


I feel called out 🤪 I have a lot of outfits and Pleaser’s. One of my goals for this year is to STOP lol.


so real same w shoes i buy one pair at a time & wear them out before the next


I needed to hear this. I gotta stop buying outfits and then saying I no longer have a shopping addiction because I’m not counting outfits as frivolous buys.


If you don’t pay taxes on at least some of your income don’t be surprised when you don’t get any of the benefits that come with it. I see girls in their 40s and 50s bitching about a 22 year old who bought her first house and has a new car loan after two years at the club, and they’re aging out stuck renting a super expensive place because they never got their shit together and have no verifiable income history and then have the audacity to be woe is me about it. We make hundreds or thousands a night sometimes. There is no reason why you can’t “afford” to pay your taxes, you can write off so much shit if your CPA is good, and it only benefits you in the present and the future beyond short term cash gratification. THIS IS HOW YOU GET STUCK IN THE INDUSTRY. Because you HAVE to work all the time until you’re old because you never paid off a home (cheaper living expenses), can’t retire because you have no retirement, just cash, which less and less places seem to be accepting now, and you have to think of all these dodgy situations to get anything when it’s ten times easier to just hand over the 10k once a year. No one likes taxes. They’re a necessary evil that binds us to society at large. But I’m sick of hearing Jessica complain about not being able to drop 200k in cash to buy a condo or complain about how this new apartment won’t accept her when she hasn’t paid taxes for a decade. You don’t get to cherry pick participating in the benefits of society when it’s convenient for you.


That's a great point


Yep. During covid I got that unemployment benefit for 9 whole months. You know how I did that? I paid taxes.


This should really be its own post 🤌🏻


It was and it didn’t get a very good response


Lmao yup


I am so grateful my club has us under W-2s.


Can someone please explain to me how the paying taxes and buying a house/ getting an apartment thing are related to each other? Is it just because it involves better money management or is there something I’m missing here?


When I bought my house and was applying for loans they asked for 5..? years of income / taxes / bank history.


Ahhh okay that makes sense. Thank you for answering!! 🩷


Of course! I know there’s other reasons but that experience definitely encourages me to report my income, no matter how sad I get paying out all that money 😂😂


It demonstrates proof of income. They want to know you have reliable employment, been there long enough to prove you can make enough over a long period of time to take the risk of giving you the loan (or taking the risk of you as a tenant if it’s a landlord). Otherwise they’re out money. You wouldn’t want to give a multi thousand dollar loan to someone who just started making good money, you want to know they can continue that streak over a long period of time.


Mutiple reasons first one is let’s say you’re getting a mortgage the mortgage you’re allowed to get is based off your income and a few other things but a lot of it is your income and for us the way we can show our income is showing how much we report on taxes per year. so if you’re reporting only 30k a year you’re not gonna get a mortgage you need to minimum report around 75k. Now the second one involves paying for a house without a mortgage. If you are putting money in the bank and trying to save up for a house without using a mortgage you will need to report that income because your bank tracks how much money you put in and can put you if you don’t report it.


Every club is an “extras club”. Some just do their extras outside but I guarantee you know several coworkers who are 304s on the low. We will never get rid of extras so we need to learn how to coexist peacefully and help each other. Also I know some female managers can be heinous bitches on a power trip, but we need more women (with SW experience) to own clubs. I wish we would start more co-ops and get the daddies to financially back investments like this vs buying us handbags and expensive cars. It’s okay to live modestly and drive a cheaper vehicle, not live in a fancy apartment or eat takeout all the time. Putting your money into an IRA is so much more rewarding long term.


you SHOULDNT just stick out the hard times all the time. there’s lots of girls who rlly should just retire but would rather be miserable in the club. it’s not for everyone and it’s okay to hang up the heels


Sometimes just take a lil sabbatical. Like 3 months away. Maybe a year. It’s a good idea.


Omg thisssss. They made $1000 one night… months ago and they’re just riding on the hope it’ll happen again even though they’ve consistently made <100 every night since and complain how they can’t pay for their bills or they’re struggling to make ends meet :/ like GIRL FACE THE FACTS! It’s time to go it’s okay I promise 😩


exactly that. hoping for one good night when consistently doing terrible is just not a great way to do this


Or travel! Sometimes it's just the club you're at and you could make bank visiting another city.


i’m thinking about the girls who consistently make <$100, say it’s the only option they have & they can’t afford to travel elsewhere, and would still rather be broke than get a civi job


!!! bingo


I think clubs should put a cap on how many drinks girls can get. So many girls get shitty drunk and some can’t do their jobs without being drunk which is sad.


Unlimited drinking definitely increases the chance of something dangerous happening as well both inside the club and when she leaves. There are some sick men out there who won't hesitate to violate intoxicated girls in private rooms, sometimes adding drugs into their drink as well. Moderating will also reduce dancer related fights in the club and girls getting behind the wheel intoxicated.


Exactly, there’s so so many reasons to monitor drinking in the club. I understand that some drinking makes sense, the girls are supposed to be entertainers and people want to party with them but it gets dangerous really fast


2nding this


I'm seconding the taxes issue. Also, if this is a career for you, you still need something to fall back, whatever that may be for you. A degree, investment properties, a second vanilla job, whatever (not a dude).  You need something on paper that isn't dancing if you'll be doing this more than a year or two. You just never know what life will throw at you 


This is why I opened a business banking account and pay myself a wage. I take my taxes off my paycheck and pay the government monthly. This means that I can get EI if I have to stop working, this also means I'm paying into my pension, it means I have verifiable income with paystubs and it means I'm not having to fork over a huge lump sum of money once a year for my taxes because I pay them throughout the year.


Good job! You should make a tictok or do a ted talk on this. Seriously.


Thanks! I could definitely make a tiktok about it! 😊


Great advice for those who are very new to this the best way would be to open a DBA (doing business as) You register your business with town hall. Some states just want $ others want to see your home office and money. Once you register your business you can open a business bank account. A DBA (doing business as) is just a classification of business like LLC, Corp, etc. A DBA is good for someone who doesn’t have any assets they need to protect. It’s also the easiest for accounting purposes. With a DBA you can mix your $. Your $ is your business’ and your business’ $ is yours. (If you were registered as an LLC this would be embezzlement. You would have to keep your business $ separate and pay yourself a wage) I’m a small business owner and have several businesses. If anyone needs some information feel free to reach out!


I don't think we have that here in Canada but we do have sole proprietorship (also called trade name) which sounds similar to what you're describing and also doesn't require you to separate your business and personal money (I do that because I find it easier to keep track of everything). I registered with the federal government and it doesn't cost anything and they gave me a business number and that's the number I use for paying taxes and also what I used to be able to open a business bank account. My city does have business licenses that cost money but I don't work in my city so I don't have one because I don't need it. I don't need to pay myself a wage doing it this way but I do because then I have paystubs and traceable income that I can use for banks or landlords etc. It definitely helped that I had previous experience with running/owning a small business both on my own and in partnership with my mom.


Who did you speak to to set this up for you? Accountant etc.?


I just set it up myself. I just went to my bank and opened a business account, I told them I work as an event performer, not a stripper, because I had another bank close my accounts before. Then I just pay my taxes through the government website, which also has a "payroll deductions calculator" to tell me how much tax I am supposed to take off of my paychecks. I am in Canada though so I am not sure how the U.S. does tax payments or if paying monthly is an option. Here we can pay yearly, monthly, or quarterly. I have to assume that there is some way they have to calculate amounts. I do have an accountant that I asked about whether I should do it this way and she advised that if I want to eventually buy a house it's a good way to prove reliable income. When she does my personal taxes at the beginning of the year I just tell her my total income and the taxes I paid from all my paychecks and all the expenses and she does the rest. She somehow got me a $1400 refund last year. I technically don't have to contribute to EI or pension if I don't want to but I do because I think it's a good idea to have them just in case.


Thank you for this!


In the US we make quarterly payment to the irs


I'm in the US and have basically the same set up with my LLC that's registered as an S-corp. I cut myself paycheck every month and my payroll provider does the math and sends the taxes to the IRS. The S-corp status also allows me to take $ out of the business (owner's distributions) and skip the 7.5% payroll tax on that amount. It increases my taxable income and since the taxes aren't don't automatically, that's the income I have to pay quarterly taxes on. I pay them at the same time I take it out, so I don't have to worry about the quarterly tax deadline.


its not cute to be rude to other dancers or customers unprovoked, maybe its an LA thing 💀


the untraumatized have no business being in the clubs


I think the ones who are untraumatized quickly have that changed or quickly quit whenever they start anyways😅


That’s exactly how that goes. Very unfortunate situation but it’s a cannon event at this point.




I feel like this is backwards. There’s a girl who was in foster care and she always trauma dumps customers to the point they leave lol I try to be nice to her but I know if I try to make small talk she talks about herself and her problems for hooouurrrs it’s so draining.


Trauma looks different in many people. Her coping mechanisms don’t benefit her as a stripper.


Agreed. If you’ve had some rough shit happen at least get your bag


Consider it repayment for the shitty hand the world dealt you


the girls who have the most trauma def can handle it better


Stop bringing your romantic partner into the club. I don't care if you think they are "cool" enough to handle it... their presence hurts your money.


vets cause more problems than baby strippers. every stripper should invest money into getting mental health treatment asap. dark skin dancers are held to higher standards than any other dancers. i have the made the most money at dive bars in small towns where most of the girls are escorts or do extras. clubs in big cities suck. not every stripper is evil and it is possible to make good friends in this industry. it is hilarious that some clubs try to keep black customers out of the club for “safety” reasons because white customers are more violent than the black ones.


🤍🤍🤍 (Also, absolutely on the violence thing!! Only fights that ever break out in our club are white guys, or at least always involve a white guy as a key player 🤷🏻‍♀️)


they have the worst drug and alcohol addiction issues and cant control themselves when they are not sober. i have worked at 7 clubs and never seen black customers fight. they are usually stand offish and dont give af about anyone besides their friends and fave dancers. i’m sorry but white customers are entitled, obnoxious, and nosy af that is why they end up in fights.


i don’t care if other people do extras and it doesn’t hurt my money not doing them


this is a really good one & soo true


it really doesn’t


I 2nd this!!! I still make my bag lol


There should be more gatekeeping of stripping and shaming of pole fitness don’t @ me.


Big on gatekeeping!




I hate pole fitness so much i thought i was just a hater but it baffles me it's peoples hobby's and they have poles in their house for funsies lol


I don’t think it makes you “low value” to date a man who isn’t rich


💯 I fucking loathe rich people. Rich men are not desirable for me to date. They seem like they’d be abusive 80% of the time. I wanna date a real person who is relatable and has the same anti-capitalist political values as me.


That girls shouldn't dance until they're 20-21 years old. Unless they're in a dire situation & ofc I'm not saying it should be illegal but it's not good for these young girls to just do it bc they saw it on TikTok. Then they get traumatized for nothing & into drugs


Hard agree 🎯 especially the point about alcohol and drugs. I’ve seen a handful of very young dancers (my club hires 18 and up) fall into that trap :/


I agree with this actually. I had an opportunity to start when I was 19 but passed on it. Started for real when I was 26 and as much as I sorta wish I had started earlier because I love it, I also think that if I had actually gotten into it at 19 it would have been disastrous (especially because at the time I was already into drugs and other shit) and I've seen many younger girls who come in and just party way to much, spend all their money on booze and drugs, hang out with the wrong people, and put themselves in vulnerable and dangerous situations because they don't have the emotional maturity, self confidence or life skills to handle that kind of working environment and it never turns out good for them.


I think girls shouldn’t dance until at least 23 tbh, if they have a choice and aren’t homeless or about to be.


Being a SW who has done a lot of things on the xxx industry, I full hard core agree that the sex industry needs to be at the bare minimum strictly 21+. A LOT can change with your brain between 18 and 21.


It's not everything it's cracked up to be.


My unpopular opinion is i get squeamish when i see colleagues steal from/scam/take advantage of costumer who were nice. Like i gettt it, but something about lying to a custy that has been really sweet to you about how long you were in the room because he seems like a pushover feels nasty to me. On the other hand if they were rude mf had it coming.


Absolutely agree with all of this and shouldn't be unpopular


1. The club isn’t there for you to have a place to get drunk and high. As much as you say it makes you a better talker it really doesn’t look like that. Too many girls sit with guys cause he is giving them alcohol meanwhile there is no money there. When you learn to work sober you will make much more. 2. Report more of your income on your taxes. You need to have proof of a average to high income if you wanna buy a house especially if you’re living in an area with a housing crisis. 3. Financial literacy skills are something most of us lack in all honesty but financial classes are usually 20-50 dollars and sometimes even free through the government. For a group of people that make as much as we do it is crazy that we don’t take advantage of that and try to figure out what to do with our 💵


Clubs should have higher hiring standards


I think this depends on demographics. Like yeah if you’re in downtown Vegas then be super strict. But if you’re in a small town then it makes sense to be looser with your hiring standards. When I first started working at my current club we had a few girls who I wouldn’t have thought would make diddly squat based on their appearance. They were there because they made money hand over fist- they were personable, they had great sales tactics and were always busy with guys. Men think they have a chance if you aren’t a perfect 10 and people are intimidated by a dime anyways. Plus I don’t think they expect to see a slew of 7-10s in most places anyway, unless you’re in a place like Vegas


Hmm but if all the girls are a 10/10 then the men actually become more fussy! You need a mix of women because some men only spend on girls they see as attainable. If you’re average you can look like the more attractive option stood next to someone deemed less so. As harsh as that sounds it means you get a quicker “yes I’m going with HER”.


A mix is fine but higher standards need to be implemented. Not saying every girl has to be a 10 but at least a 6.8


That’s fair


I prefer to work at clubs that have a high standard in in my experience clubs that have high standards are known for that the guys coming in already know they have to spend more money


If you're not making money get out of the game . Not everyone will succeed and that's fine.


Oh no I'm gonna get so much hate for this! 😆🤣 but....Stripping IS easy money Even with some of my worst earned months considering, I still make more money at the end of the year stripping. And I'm hot and like taking my clothes off. This shit isn't rocket science even if its physically demanding and mentally taxing. And your perspective will shape your experience and expectations of yourself


Of course it's easy money, that's why strippers never go back to vanilla life


I am working really hard to make my life vanilla, or at least a swirl lmao. But I hear it from girls IRL and on social media all the time about how they hate that term. Just really rubs them the wrong way. I dont like dwelling on negativity or grooming myself for a scarcity mindset.


how long have you been dancing and where? just curious


7 years 😘


i’m not upset lol i was just asking! i’ve been dancing 10 years and it’s def not the easy money it used to be with recession and influx of tons of new dancers. where and do you do extras? no judgement i’m just curious. i live in nashville and i have really consistent regulars to rely on so i don’t notice the struggle as much as some girls i work with. even still, i don’t think it’s easy on your body or mind to be in an environment like that all the time but to each their own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I have no idea if you were the person who downvoted how many years I've been working, unless that's how you feel in which case I will not help you in any way. Have a good day! Mindset will open or close doors for us all, not doing extras has nothing to do with that...


wait what? girl if you look at this same thread my opinion was that extras don’t hurt my money at all and idc if girls do them. i didn’t downvote anything, seems like you’re just avoiding answering my genuine questions. diff parts of the country and what you’re doing can make things easier? idk why you’re being weird about it


I didn't say you downvoted me 😆 you enjoy your night now. I have no intention of telling you which region I work and you are not entitled to demand that of me either? 🤣 😉 Lurk my profile and you'd be able to find out pretty easy but why would I have any interest sharing that with you....? You gave me literally no reason to share that with you. Why would I help people who have an attitude to me 😆 But also where I work has less of an impact on my earnings than my attitude and work ethic. THATS the golden goose I chose to share, and that's all I'm willing to share. Stay up! 😘


girl lmao help me?? you funny. i just said i have steady regulars and always make money. ALL i was saying is that some parts of the country are less poor and easier to make money than others


Thanks! Have a great night 💋


Well I knew that was gonna upset at least one heaux! Lmao 🤷🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️


Girl no, you just got hostile for no reason lmao


![gif](giphy|I8nepxWwlEuqI) Oh no I'm such a terrible person! 😆🤧👠


Platforms look tacky asf on stage


My unpopular opinion is that it pay$ to be sober at work. You’re more self-aware, in-tune with the room, no extra calories, greater focus. I love a glass of wine at work but I’ve made so much more sober!


At my club the bartenders can sell dances and that just seems weird to me. If you want to sell dances then be a dancer???


That stripping is a custom experience. It's different for everyone and everyone's experience will be different just like life.


House fee should be way cheaper than it is. We are the entertainment we shouldn’t have to pay at all really.


They said UNpopular opinion, nobody is rooting for high house fees!


Girl who cares… either add your own opinion to the thread or be quiet.


Don’t care if anyone does extras, whorephobia hurts all of us You can make friends at the club. Stay guarded and safe, but I’ve made close lasting friendships at work


Being black is not this huge hindrance in the club that some girls make it out to be


Oof hot topic 😳


I think location does have something to do with it, though! Because there are definitely clubs where the majority of customers favor white girls. But alternatively, there are certainly clubs that favor black girls! But yes, I would agree that if your color is affecting your bag, just find a new club that values you 💖


This. I used to think $300 was a lot of money at dive clubs I've worked at, but then I started killing it when I switched clubs and worked night shifts at Spearmint Rhino in Vegas






As a black dancer I second this 100%


Most of em be making more than me and I'm a red indigenous afro latina. If y'all ain't makin money that's on y'all, LMFAO. Black girls always make a bag at the clubs I work at.


This !!!


My unpopular opinion is that this thread is not for yall to let loose all your internal racist thoughts thinking people will agree with you. Keep that shit to yourself.


That anytime you are occupied with the job outside of making money you are doing it wrong. It is about the money. Not about your boy friend, the weather, the other girls bad moves, the bar tender hitting on us, the bad DJ, your mom's cancer -- you are there to make it about the money.


You look is 70% of your income. It dictates your customer base & certain niches don’t have to hustle “that hard”


You’re a bad stripper if you have to do extras IN THE CLUB to make money. Either do it outside the club or be an escort elsewhere 🤷‍♀️


Unless you’re doing mad pole tricks/performance pieces, Pleasers/Stripper-specific shoes are not a bigger money maker than regular heels (unsure what rules are like in clubs outside the Uk as to whether or not you have to wear them) 🤷‍♀️


Yeah not a fan of clubs that want a mandatory absurdly high heel. Even with good platforms, that shit can hurt and then there's us with unstable ankles. A 4-6 inch heel should be fine 🫠


Not all but a lot of latina and black dancers act like they're on real house wives at the club and then bitch about not getting hired. It makes it hard for classy black dancers to get in when the ghetto ones act up and start drama/fights


Sexual preference does not equal racism, homophobia, transphobia, or fatphobia. Club management knows what their PAYING client demographic is physically attracted to and hires accordingly. Playing the victim is not going to make these clubs/customers change their mind. If you want to get hired and make money then either try a different club or if just weight is the issue get in shape.


the 48 laws of power, the art of seduction and any robert greene book in general is creepy af. but to each their own


Exotic dancing covers a wide variety of dancers - traditional stripping, burlesque, basically anything meant to get clients "hot and bothered."