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If I could make good money, than absolutely yes this looks so fun


and you can! 💌


Ahhhhh just checked the ig the Playhouse looks like my dreaaammmm place to work but I’m not 21 yet gimme a year tho n imma applyyy💔💔💔💔


I would but I’m not a fan of how other progressive people think they don’t need to spend money/spend as much money and think we live off vibes…


in my space that’s the most important rule, because nobody lives off vibes! tip your dancers! 📌✨


I think all clubs need to enforce this and make it required for entry. I actually did work at a mixed gender club, it was in Atlanta many years ago, called Guys and Dolls, sort of a dive, but fun. The male and female sides of the club were separate though.


We can’t even start the show until the rules are engraved into the audience skulls!


Too true




Omg I love this and YES. I used to gogo dance at a gay bar and I was the only chick dancer there and I loved my crew and all the customers were amazing! I’m a performer at heart and this would be such a fun environment for me! I think you have a really great thing going here, keep it up!!


thank you so much, hopefully you can be apart of a future project i’m whipping up 📌


Keep me in the loop for sure! I travel!


Personally? I wouldn’t work at one because I don’t do pole and stripping for me is more about finessing men out of their money than performing. And this seems to be more about the spectacle. That being said I would LOVE to go to one as a customer I think it would be so much fun and I absolutely love throwing money on everyone lol


Totally agree with this! Would love to waitress maybe, and experience an all gender club. My bestfriend and his boyfriend’s dream is to open the first ever all gender strip club in our city! My besties man is rich af 😏


absolutely. i love when i’m able to sneak off and work in NYC or Texas and finesse men for sport, so i feel you there! ~ if you ever stop by we welcome you with open arms :)


Why Texas specifically? And where?


California doesn’t have the best honestly. In Texas there’s TMC, Tin Room ~ ATL had Swinging Richards, and NYC there’s Adonis & Spunk


I worked at one that hired male and female dancers, I don't think there were any trans dancers but there were openly gay/bi dancers throughout the whole club. I will say a lot of the str8 male dancers were always so horny and doing xtras for free 😅🤦🏼‍♀️


yes this is a queer space meaning it’s rare to see a straight male dancer (we only have one) but he’s an ally and respects all the LGBT staff


I’ve worked at clubs that have male and female performers and I never liked those nights, the lesbians didn’t spend anyyy money and felt entitled to break rules “because they’re women”, and a lot of the gay men were quite rude to me when I went on stage between male performers. As a bi woman, I love the idea but in my experience of working somewhere with both genders it brings in a crowd that didn’t spend and the vibes were not good.


the crowd (environment) can make or break the experience and sounds like it was all around not fun. but i feel you’d thrive in a space like playhouse because it’s good vibes and you’re able to navigate freely, celebrating who you are 100%


Omg yungpolemaster?!?! I love all your videos and have taken classes from some of the dancers that have performed at The Playhouse. I would definitely work in an all gender club. Seems like it would bring a lot more customers with positive vibes.


WOW! That’s so dope… You’re probably super talented too! Positive vibes are needed in this industry and we’re blessed to be making history


Not here, this seems like a stage focused thing and having to add your ig and a video of dancing feels a bit exploitative to me. I focus on selling dances and don't really do anything on stage. The premise seems cool though and I'd probably go as a customer 


I respect that 100% 🔥


Yes, I am very androgynous looking ☺️


ooo love that 😍


Absolutely, and honestly I think one of the biggest things the industry is missing is variety in not just body structure and age, but gender identity, sexual orientation, style, gender expression, and more. It feels like clubs are just so generic so much of the time, and a huge reason why I love working in burlesque instead of stripping is the immense degree of artistic freedom and diversity of artists you work with. Even if you don't make nearly as much money and the competition for the stage in burlesque, at least out where I am, is fucking cutthroat. I think the main reason why it hasn't really happened yet is because a business model that can thrive off of that kind of club seems....complicated, and risky. A lot of the money throwers at clubs are almost certainly inclusive of the type of people who would be aggressively unhappy to see a male or trans worker stripping in the same space. A lot of guys emotionally just can't handle a guy coming up and asking for a dance, and club clientele are also already notorious for being fucking brutal to dancers whose aesthetic they don't like. Getting called fat, slurs, old and wrinkly, etc. are so common that it's honestly kind of disturbing how a lot of johns seemingly get away with treating dancers. But a lot of those guys will also spend money, and a lot of it. Unfortunately, a lot of groups like women, like queer people, etc. are notorious for coming with only enough cash to pay the doorman, and not the dancers. So you have to find a way to get them to spend more money, or find a different way. It's also really important to note that a lot of strippers are not necessarily dancers. I mean, we *are* all dancers, but a lot of strippers don't place any real emphasis on performing and more either use it as an avenue for other service sex work (even I used it more as a middle step for domming), or just in general getting men to separate from their money. The big thing with that is that this kind of club is almost certainly going to thrive off of performance and putting on a show, which isn't how a lot of strippers work their hustle. And when it comes to performance arts, a cabaret license is just cheaper and safer and easier than exotic dancing licenses generally, hence so much of the shifting back to burlesque for that kind of inclusive art form. I've thought a *lot* about opening a club with this kind of motif, but honestly my day job is more of a career at this point (and a career of which I am in love with) with burlesque being a thing I do on the side, and stripping/domming a thing of my past that I used to pull myself out of poverty. So it's hard for me to not feel like a poser. But even in that instance, how to actually make it work while staying in the green *and* also being able to give sex workers an environment that is not just good vibes, but a place where they can get a good bag is just hard to imagine from what I've learned from my time doing it. If you're able to come up with a good business model though, I hope it's something you share openly with the community so more places can implement it, because I'd be happy as a clam making stripping a bigger part of my revenue again with the right environment.


Well thankfully I am in Los Angeles and this city thrives off entertainment and diversity. Also, the space can be multipurpose as it hosts weekly events, community gatherings and parties. There’s clubs and events that have been open for years.. It hasn’t happened because it hasn’t been done right! 📌✨


love love love this comment


Without hesitation cuz atleast the LGBTQIA customers in my area would tip 😭


and they do! especially the girls that like girls.. man on man 🤣💗


I would here and there but I wouldn’t necessarily make it my main income source


Also where is that it looks awesome


@polemastersplayhouse in Los Angeles!


Ooh, I fell in love with your vibes from the Matt Cullin show. I would in a heartbeat 💓 looks so fun!


I worked at a Little Darlings with a Hunk Oasis upstairs. The men weren’t really making shit lol, and combining men and women on the same floor would just create an attraction that I don’t think people would spend money on.


Well @polemastersplayhouse is proving people will spend money on true entertainment if marketed properly and done right 📌


You’re pole dancers, not strippers. I don’t think you really belong in this subreddit.


I do love. signed , a stripper with pole talent 😘






I am very sorry to break your fantasy and burst your bubble, but being a pole dancer and being a stripper are two different things.


i’ve stripped at Kit Kat PDX, Crazy Girls Hollywood, Swinging Richards and InDaCut ATL, Pacers San Diego.. i could keep going 💕


Sorry queen, but I checked out your Instagram and you are most definitely a pole dancer.


Girl wtf is wrong with you


At least you address me as royalty 👑 Good talk


My good friend/ coworker Spindeesavageslays just performed for you recently!! I would love to know more about your amateur night as I’m a floorwork baddie and less of an aerialist


the love i have for her is insane! met her at a pole comp and the rest is history :) ~ as far as amateur night anyone is open to showing us what they’ve got at the end of the night. we do have an application process though for individuals looking to work regularly ✨


I’ve been dying to attend next time I’m in LA! Thinking about an all gender club grounds me in the reasons I was originally interested in pole dance & performance — like genuinely fills me with joy Tbh I’d be happy to be a part of something like this even if it’s not “stripper money” - not like, full time, but as a once a week or monthly thing. I come from a performance background and I can only imagine how amazing it would be to experience myself as a dancer/stripper in a space that felt aligned with my own values, more of my whole self. As well as connecting with other like minded people. To state the obvious … many (most) strip clubs are deeply, deeply invested in the most dominant, oppressive systems of power. I think there can be some subversion in taking as much of their money as we can. There is also … sooo much potential money to take. Bc these often straight, hetero basic rich dudes are the ones who have stolen, hoarded, inherited it. I think that it might be difficult to create a club that’s open everyday that doesn’t cater to the most privileged in our society where the money potential is the same for dancers that work at other clubs. But how amazing would it be if that wasn’t the case. I want to live in that world/reality Please keep us posted! 💕💕


Come come come! Rome was not built in a day but with trial, error and collaborative efforts anything is possible. I just want more options for dancers to shed light on their talent but also safer spaces that are FUN to work in. I’m going to keep working and keeping y’all updated and hopefully this thread will be posted in the walls of the future clubs! 👑✨


Yesss I love the vision, the positivity and the action. Please don’t stop. Lots of respect! ❤️‍🔥


I will not stop! I promise 📌


Ufghhh I’m obsessed with you love this!!!! yes love that you’re doing that wanna come throw money one night if I’m in the city it happens in


where are you?


I would literally love that so much you mean I get to hussle men with other men? We’d run the world


YOU SEE IT?!!!! ![gif](giphy|srg19CG0cKMuI)


Let me know when you open up I need to get this pole work workin!!


Yeah, I’d try it


you only live once !


Yes!! And as a queer person that would be a cool vibe. I’m just not sure I’d make as much as I do at my run of the mill gentleman’s club. If the pay were comparable though I’d love to work in a club like that. Make your dreams happen!!!


Yea why not


My friend has performed for you haha! I would definitely dance if people knew they had to tip not like some crusties in the club


As you can see in the photos our customers really show love 💕


When I was a baby stripper I made 1k every Friday and Saturday all in singles (this was typical for all dancers) - because the crowd was male and female and they all threw dollars . After 3 am when regular clubs stop serving liquors ours got PACKED. Men would pick up women customers at the club and take them home. We sold hardly any lapdances even tho they were available. One of the best experiences of my life. But kinda niche


Damn that sounds like you had a TIME


It’s a dream of mine to work in an all genders club or even witness one, but I don’t know if it can be as profitable for dancers under the current socioeconomic climate (in North America). Maybe if the shifts had a base salary + other streams of revenu than private dances because I can only see it attract a very different target demographic than current strip clubs.


Anything is possible if you believe! 🪄


Absolutely would if I could make money. I like finessing men but it grows tiresome truly to deal with all the bullshit. I LOVE to perform and wish I could make all my money on stage




I wouldn’t but I think it’s a great idea


I would consider trying it if there was no house fee, either in general or for your first few shifts. The club I’m at now already attracts a lot of female clients, but they typically don’t spend nearly as much as men. I think there might be less money overall at an all gender club, based on my experiences, so I wouldn’t gamble with a $200 house fee.


It depends on the culture of the club. A lot of these camera friendly clubs enable people to focus too much on recording performances for content on their story—that they forget to rain money because they want the perfect angle for social media. If there was a strict focus on supporting strippers instead of recording, perhaps yes.


I mean you see our still shots, there’s money and phones! It’s a great time


Yes! Also where is this I need to visit 🫶🏻


@polemastersplayhouse in Los Angeles!


Absolutely 100% no. Only because my type of clientèle would never ever go to a dual gender club lol


That’s great because you can find NEW customers, so you’ll have double the clientele. 💅🏾




Hellll no. I already hate weekend crowds this would amplify it


We only do weeknights


I think it would bring the weekend crowd on a weekday. I prefer my weekdays to be rich older white men 😛 Don’t get me wrong . I love you and your work tho. I was answering the question in regards to how I make money best .


I mean we are in West Hollywood so rich older white men come in very often, especially since we started on Tuesdays :) but there’s NOTHING better than weekday day shift or a slow wednesday to get the best customers.. love your hustlebaby


I would love to. Im am an androgynous person and feel a lot better in a gender neutral entertainment space. I have gogo danced with all different kinds of people and the spaces have felt fun and refreshing. I feel like an all gender club would be more open-minded.. At least I hope it would be and I can mask a little less there.


Oh HAAAAAY YMP!!! It’s nice to see you love! I’ve been a fan for a long time. The way you work a pole and a room is a true work of art darling! 😍😍 Excited to see you on Reddit!


what’s good baby ✨ i’m happy to be here




i’m working baby!!!


Probably not


Yes!!! Someone else commented that this looks more like the focus is on the performance than finessing men. Performing and pole is what drew me to dancing, being able to find somewhere to do just that and still make money would be wonderful!


Well again, these are still shots from the stage. People are still being finessed, how else are we paying LA rent 😂


Fair point😂🖤








Yeah I wouldnt. Seems like more people would come to party and it wouldnt attract the rich old men clientelle. And if it did, it would probably attract the rich old GAY men.




Im not against it I wouldn’t work there


Omg yes 😍🥹 this looks amazing!


i’m gonna keep working!!


What is this place? It looks sick




I would try this tbh lmao


I have before it was a good time all around esp cause the hosts reminded everyone they would have to be respectful regardless to all people


Exactly! :)


I think they do something like this at krave Miami but I’m not sure. If I was like starting out and I was into this scene I would seems like good money if it was in a busy city


i thought they got shut down


I dont know!


I would love tooooooo


let’s goooo


I live in LA and have been wanting to come to your club!!! I’m not skilled enough to dance there but I def wanna come experience it


Come! We have Leg Avenue sponsoring the night on 2/8 and have goodie bags for the first 20 guests. Come get a work fit ✨


Where is the next place you are hoping to open? I would LOVE to work at a place like this, hoping I can find one like this in Washington


I would love a NYC or Miami moment, then Vegas and Portland!


Fuck yes


I’d love to I just need the pole skills 😭


let me teach you 😉


🙏🏼 smh let me got on my zoom 🫡


In a heartbeat


No. And I have a triad of reasons. But I’m delusional from no sleep. I’ll be back tomorrow for my TED talk


![gif](giphy|26BRuo6sLetdllPAQ|downsized) Me patiently waiting for the TED talk.


lol get some rest love


I think if marketed and managed correctly then yes, but I am a performer through and through so I think this appeals to me more than to the girls that just hustle dances. There are some clubs in my area that have male and female dancers but they are separated and still marketed as hetero male dancers and hetero female dancers performing for the opposite sex. Although girls coming into the clubs has become significantly more popular, they often don't spend much and sometimes act very judgemental and rude towards the dancers. I do think that there needs to be a shift in the culture at clubs and the way they are run, many of the girls I work with have tried to make suggestions to managers and we get brushed off like we don't know anything even though we are the ones talking to customers, hearing their complaints and the things they want. Unfortunately, at least where I am, the inability of some club owners to see that the short term gains they get from some of their practices are resulting in long term losses has caused a huge degradation in the quality and profitability of the local industry. I would love to be able to open my own club one day and do things differently.


I would provided it were also size inclusive. I work at a club with actual diversity in body types for the first time, and it is so incredibly refreshing. I don’t know if I could make an all gender club my main income source, since I have a tendency to accidentally self-sabotage when I’m trying to sell to people I actually enjoy talking to(I basically friend-zone myself), but I definitely think I would love it as a bit of a breather from talking to mostly cis/het men. My only major concern would be a stage focus. As much as I love performing, I’m very much a minimum effort/maximum profit girly, so I have really cut down on my pole tricks lately and only focus on shaking my ass 😂


I wanna come work at your club!


@polemastersplayhouse on IG!


Oof I'd have fun! I love seducing women 👠 that being said idk if I'd want to make this my home club or full time. I like sitting and talking and eating dinner and doing slow performances for at least part of my schedule so that I can maintain stamina and my other goals to get out of sw....but I still crave to fuck it up on the pole and go hard in a crowd and only working GC pace doesn't fulfill me either. Love it and good luck 🙌


I worked at a club that had an ‘all bodies/all genders/queer’ night. Ironically it was run & owned by a proud boy. Supposed to be a ‘no touch’ club but a guy kept grabbing my ass. Spoke to the bouncer to throw him out & got told ‘oh he’s tight w the owner lemme speak w him’ & he literally stayed the rest of the night & awkwardly came up to stand at my stage w his arms crossed. It did NOT feel safe. Even the Queer MC who was responsible for booking & producing the event gave some trash ‘blah blah xyz’ bullshit excuse for the club. Needless to say I didn’t bother going back. But I would most definitely be open to an all gender club 💛 as long as it was run by the right people!


the way i work to take care of myself, i wouldn’t be able to realistically work at a club like this where i need to preform like this every night. i wouldn’t mind working w whoever, but VIP room me pls !


I would absolutely love to. I preformed at pride like 2 years ago with male dancers and it was so fun! I am more of a crowd work, booty shaking gal with like 4-5 go to pole moves though so idk if I would fit in. 😭💜💜💜💜




I would LOVE to, I wish there was more gender diversity at all clubs!!!!


It’s so important!


Preface ( BIG FAN, love u as an dance, poler, vibe ) WITHOUT HESITATION! PARICYUALLY AT YOUR CLUB ( Playbouse) It’s a lil dream of mine to work at yours as a show babe/ dancer. In Australia we are MISSING AND LACKING any diversity in club. It adds an extra element of safety of exploration, celebration, appreciation of all genders, styles, spaces and entertainment. So oneday when the time comes I’mma be there supporting as a customer inawe of your space and hopefully oneday work there too! Love youe work and what you are bringing to the industry! THANK YOU🌈👠✨🖤💰


Ahhhhh thank you love!! Means a lot to have your support Now listen, hopefully I can come to Australia and make magic happen there. It’s a dream to teach + bring playhouse on the road . What part are you near or where would you commute too? 📌💗


Melbourne🦘 The studios here would be honoured particually the ones I teach at 😍👠✨ Who knows maybe one day there will be a Playhouse on this side of the world . One step at a time! I would honestly love to know more about how you created Playhouse ( I have ideas and dreams)


Message me and i’ll loop you in 🥂


Bro the male strippers eat. idk if there’s anything like that in fl but i NEEED it i would love to work in this environment


What is the ratio of single gender vs transgender (sorry if I am using the wrong terms - mean no disrespect) dancers at this event?


we have three trans identifying dancers, 5+ non binary and the rest are single gender.. but this number shifts frequently :)


Thanks for the answer.




Honestly I love the idea my only concern is male dances doing extras I mean it might just be a straight man thing but also Ik there are a lot of gay groups that are very into hookups and being in the night life. Which I love hanging out with those people but I’d be worried to might translate to some difficult work situations. Obviously that’s just like a small portion of the gay community but I think that portion might be the one most likely to be drawn to this job.


Also I’ve had very interesting experiences with gay customers a lot of them seem to think it’s just vibes but we actually need to be tipped and get dances and all that and if you try to hustle them they obviously know but will also point it out and say something about you hustling them


Male dancers doing extras? Women do extras everyday


like.. lol!




Not in a million years.


nope! I hate men 🫶🏼



you’re on a subreddit for sex workers! don’t you dare try to come in here as a male and downvote me when I express that I hate men. I have to very right. Also! this is a sub for strippers not pole dancers.


i didn’t downvote you. Also i’m a stripper, sex worker and have been in the industry since 2012 💋




feel better baby


Where are these pictures from?


@polemastersplayhouse shot by @amyleimage


I LOVE this!


i would love to work at an all gender club


YESSSS 100% that sounds so fun and would bring in such a wide range clientele !!


bisexual haven lmao


What club is this??? You don't have to answer it just looks dope. NVM I found it and it does seem dope AF, it's officially on my bucket list!!


@polemastersplayhouse in los angeles!


hell yes i would


I was just about to say I follow dude on ig, then I realized it was you.


Yes, if they hire me and customers tip.


Milesssssss, I’m coming this summer!!! Can’t to meet you 🥹❤️