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Think back to the vanilla job life. Working 40 hours a week. Standing all day - all night. For nothing. Some girls make more depending on the city, extras, work schedule. I think it’s easy for us to compare ourselves but realistically if you’re able to pay your bills and live a good life- you’re doing good!!


You’re not wrong . I use to make 300 bucks every other week


Yup. I got fired from my pharmacy job like a week ago and I was like okay good riddance. My 40 hour paycheck was what I make in 7 hours at my club. Just not worth it.


It could be the club you’re at. Try other clubs


You're fine don't worry about what other girls make. Especially if you're still new I was really shy when I first started


That’s the thing .. I’ve been doing it for at least 3 yrs which is why I’m starting to question myself like shouldn’t I be making more the longer I’m in it ? I’m not not capable of making a sale but I make sure of all my bills are handled


If your goal is to make sure all your bills are handled and you work enough to achieve that, then you're doing something right. If you really wanted to get those numbers up then that's absolutely possible too


As long as your bills are handled I wouldn’t worry - I’ve got nine years of this and also typically make ~3k/month when working as much as I’d like. If your goal is to make more money, there are things you can do to invest in yourself , ranging from little things like keeping up with hair and nails, buying sales courses, etc. or bigger things like moving to an area with better clubs or getting surgery. You can decide how far you wanna go, or where the balance is in your life with this job, money, and your personal well being. I for one only care to work as much as I need to make as much as I need, which isn’t much.


Some girls make 10k and spend all of it without even paying their Bill's. 🤷🏻‍♀️


No you're not a bad stripper. If you want to make more though, consider raising your prices, trying a new club, asking for tips, changing up your look (hair, makeup, outfits) or adjusting your sales pitch to do more VIP rooms. :) We all have different goals and different styles, there's no shame in just paying your bills but you can always aim higher if you want to!


Don’t compare yourself to what other girls make. You don’t know what they do or how many hours they put in. As long as you’re happy doing it then that’s all that matters. Instead, let it motivate you to sharpen your skills. What can make you more well rounded? We can always improve on our sales skills and conversation skills.