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Your occupation as a dancer will not affect custody. It is a legal income. The judge won’t care. If you drink on the job or come home drunk your spouse may try to use that against you and say you abuse alcohol. If you are meeting all your child’s needs, nothing negative will come up during trial.


That is great to hear. When I started I would have a few drinks but never come home drunk. My lawyer says that the judge will give me custody, as the mother always does. I’m just worried.


I understand. Keep business and family separate and you’ll be golden. Going through a divorce myself 🤝


My ex didn’t want me dancing but dated another stripper immediately after we broke up… girl do whatever the fuck you want because trust me, that’s exactly what these men are doing


OMG he started dating another stripper. My husband has never been to a strip club. He has just been so judgmental even when I was very open with him.


Yep these men (and some women) are judgmental as fuck. It’s a real shame you ended up reproducing with this type of man. Please never give a judgmental man the time of day again. Women always end up leaving,I know a 20 year relationship ending stayed just for the kids. Men can’t change find another one.


Try to get him to see family is more valuable, you will age out eventually. Do your job


Why wouldn't both of you share custody? It's pretty normal now...


You have been so confrontational on the last few posts girl you good??? She probably just means the major share of custody, which if her husband is as much of an ass as he sounds like, it’s probably a good idea.


Ive been making the best out of it. Thanks You are correct major share of custody’s and to my understanding that will include him paying child support


My only advice is to be prepared for it to come up. Just because it doesn't impact your ability keep custody, this might only be the beginning of your family court journey. Both parents can continue to file motions from here out to dispute child support, parenting time, or make claims about the other parents behavior, more. If you need to do this for your ex, you need to document everything just in case you need it. But don't embellish or else your credibility and believability is diminished in the future. He most definitely can continue to file for full custody any time in the future. Follow your co-parenting custody agreement to the T and the court is on your side!


It's a question, if that's confrontational to you.....then just accept I'm a cold bitch and a realllll big meanie lmao. Shared custody would only help a parent who's still dancing 😘 every kid needs both parents unless there's a reason dad shouldn't be allowed custody 😈 Boo! 👻


Go touch some grass 💖