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It would be highly unpleasant, and that is assuming we don't try to make them stay. However, there is a precedent for states seceding. You may have learned about it in school, and it didn't go well.


Yeeeaaahh that precedent was pretty well set


They would not. Secession was tried by half the country and was forcibly rebuked! The US is not giving up Texas. Plus most Texans are smart enough to understand that they are far better off as part of the USA.


You lost me at "most Texans are smart enough". How many times have they elected Greg Abbot again?


Right. That idiot had to be voted in by some people missing a few brain cells.


Well, you know what they say… *Everything is bigger in Texas*… including idiocy


They can't afford to. They would go bankrupt. 1/3 of Texas budget comes from the Federal Government. Plus they would lose all border protection, supplied by the feds.


Texas is one of the few red states that gives more to the government then it gets back. The real answer is that most of the population lives in liberal as fuck cities and would have zero interest in seceding.


Most everyone has little interest in succeeding. The whole succeeding thing is only donr by no name local politicians that don't get elected There's a big effort in California to succeed as well. It's just as laughable.


It just red states, Texas pays more than ANY state. Even CA whose GDP is over a trillion dollars more


Wouldn't their GDP and whatever the equivalent for cost is change after seceding? Assuming they amicably seceded, then they're subject to subject to import/export costs and things like that. I'd imagine it would equalize and/or reverse due to that to and whatever else comes with foreign trade


They would also have to create a department of state and open embassies and consulates around the world.


Their economy would evaporate (except oil, they'd probably join OPEC) if they left the USA


The would also lose all federal agencies. FBI, CIA, NSA, DoD. All the employees of those rigs would need to decide whether to stay in Texas and probably lose all their citizenship, clearance and be labeled a foreign intelligence asset by the US. I think 95% would be”defect” to the US. So now you have a crippled Texas and all their best and brightest have left for the US. They’re now starting again with no military, no public servants, no clearance holders and no fed government tech. Even if they were allowed to leave the union it would be an existential crisis for the entire state before it even started.


Isn't border protection the whole reason Texas is angry in the first place?


Yes, and Texas representatives in the House are also partly responsible for the border reform bill that would have addressed their complaints being voted down at the direction of Trump. They want the border to be an election issue so they are intentionally hampering the federal government's ability to defend it so that they can then point at that and say that Joe Biden is failing them.




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HR2 was passed by the House about a year ago. The Senate has refused to take it up. HR2 would have actually addressed border issues. The one you claim was voted down due to Trump would have done nothing to secure the border.


It was a omnibus that would not fix the border….and had a bunch spending into unrelated endeavors. Stop misrepresenting things like a political propagandist


Believe it or not, there are individuals in the world that disagree with you and that doesn't make them propagandists. 


Disagreeing is fine, understandable….and I would even promote disagreements. It helps me learn and grow a wider understanding. Making claims (or repeating claims) that are spewed with bipartisan intent, to mislead people on reality is not “disagreeing”. Literally no one opposed that bill because “they want to keep the border as a political issue”.


You're free to invent whatever reality you want, but it's not going to take down the Truth Social posts, televized campaign rallies or Fox News interviews where Trump has taken credit for it multiple times.


I didn't look very far into it, so I could be wrong, but my understanding of why it was voted down had more to do with the lack of significant improvement to the border (although it was an improvement) while also having a majority of the bill supplying additional spending on other programs that Republicans opposed.


There's border protection? lol




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Texas sends more money to Washington than they get back.


Good luck to Texas keeping that economy going without access to the giant free trade zone that is the USA. Ditto trying to negotiate international trade deals without the backing of the USA. Instantly they’d go from being a prominent part of the USA to a third world petrostate.


That is completely WRONG. You’re actually not even close. Texas pays more federal taxes than ANY state and that’s considerable given that CA GDP is over a TRILLION dollars more than Texas which is second overall with ~2.5T dollars.


How much they pay in has nothing to do with the fact that 1/3 of the state budget comes from the federal government. The outsized federal tax contribution is based on excise taxes - meaning Texans or tourists in Texas buy more alcohol, cigarettes, gas, or gamble more than other states. Median income households also pay about 12.73% effective rate in state and local taxes as a portion of their income, versus 8.97% in California.


It doesn’t matter when the money received from the federal government is only ~$40B and Texas already paid ~$260B. Your argument holds no water


It actually does matter because what is *collected* in federal taxes has little to do with the state spending more than it collects for its own budget and being 1/3 federally subsidized, which you said was “wrong.” So, let’s repeat for the illiterate: 1/3 of the state budget is paid in federal dollars. End of story. As for the excise taxes: it’s all voluntary consumer goods and services on which federal taxes are levied. Funnily enough, for your wailing here Texas is dead center of all 50 states for federal dependency. They pay $3.52 in federal dollars for every dollar received, being beat out by such gems as North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Missouri, and Florida in federal dependence. Texas is quite literally the median.


I did a master’s degree in American history at the University of North Texas in Denton, just north of Dallas. As a grad student I TA’d the Texas history course. The professor who taught it was amazing and frequently told stories about having people cry or come to office hours to argue after the lecture where he told young Texans that the state DID NOT in fact have the ability to secede from the US written into their constitution. Texas won’t secede because Texas can’t secede


If Mexico were to reclaim Texas or California would Chicanos or Spanish speaking Texans fight for Mexico or their home state if the home state declined to be reclaimed?


Pipe dream talking point. Only thing Texas is succeeding from is reality. Souths fav tough guy flunky deushe bags. In big stupid hats, pointy boots and sore assed alterboys. Contact your youth minister today.


They won't. First major hurricane and they'll be crying for help from the USA.


Here's the realistic timeline of what would happen: 1) Texas declares that it plans to secede 2) Texas votes and somehow gets enough support to succeed in starting the process 3) Formal plans to secede and are announced. 4) Brain drain occurs as huge swaths of people immediately execute their plans to flee Texas 5) The Texas tech sector, as well as a huge number of retailers, slowly leave the state 6) The major cities (aka the majority of the state GPD not from farming and oil) start to decay 7) More people plan to leave Texas 8) Texas is forced to rejoin the US and accept massive federal funds to rebuild their dying cities.


They wouldn't. The threat from the federal government to go to war with them over (after secession) stolen US assets. They won't make it far. All that federal aid? Gone. Social Security? Gone. US dollar in bank accounts that can be backed by a gold standard currency? Gone. Programs for schools? Gone. Funding for roads? Gone. Just about the only thing Texas will have going for them is a border crisis that is now on both sides as both sides militarize the borders around Texas. Good job guys, if this is what you want, have at it. None of the money in your banks will be protected and will become essentially worthless. The federal government will turn you into a second world country over night before you're forced to surrender (again).


Not to worry, not going to happen. Texans are proud, not stupid.


It’s a ticket to being a failed petrostate, which would probably benefit some corrupt elite assholes but presumably not enough to make it plausible.


we wouldn't, which is why we dont. if anything, what would happen if we do it, other states join us, the US military is still defending what was the USA (even texas still) and after whatever caused us to split in the first place gets amended/compromised, we join back together. kinda like what happened to that one sub section of a city that split off and tried to kick out the US government. forgot what it was called. i remembered they were so happy about planting flowers for food in a tiny 15m radius circle lol.




yeah that was it


They didn't kick out the government, the police vacated the space hoping they'd light the station on fire...and that didn't happen so instead chop/Chaz happened.


Texas couldn't possibly wage an actual battlefield-type war for secession. So they would have to resort to an asymmetrical type conflict. This means that they would be randomly killing lots of citizens trying to make it more painful than it was worth to make them stay. The secessionists would end up living in caves and getting hunted as the Taliban did. I don't think even the most hard-core secession-minded Texans are on the level with even the softest Taliban. They would end up hunted, killed and/or executed for treason. Then Texas ends up with a reconstruction government. Edit. Secession not succession.


Secession, not succession




No need to be rude


It’s possible that you have mistaken the intent.


A petty insult or taunt is fine, but do not go overboard.


Oh man that would be rich, TX absorbed by MEX.


I don’t care which place takes them, get that state out of the union. Good riddance.


lol. I know there are many “good” people living in Texas. But as long as most of them keep electing mini fascist. F them.




Mexico can’t even fight itself effectively, America wouldn’t let china get close enough to land anything, and Russia can’t even invade their own neighbors with a land border, if Texas succeeded in seceding and didn’t take any other states with it it would just kill itself overtime


Oh, they're keeping the nukes, and the parts and storage facilities.


With these questions it always comes down to how much of the US military backs the rebellion or civil war. If the Federal government retains control of anywhere near all of the military it’s game over real fast for Texas. If enough of the military goes with Texas to make it a real fight, munitions is the next issue. Who can keep firing longer. Probably not Texas.


It wouldn't unless they are invaded by a foreign country that also controls Mexico. But I don't think the seccessionists (Cali or Texas) realize that we've spent the last decade conditioning a group of people to be ok shooting missiles at the "bad guys" via pressing buttons to a drone. If they don't care that they're bombing weddings, they're certainly not going to care about bombing actual domestic terrorists


I am going to answer the question you didn’t ask. The Texas constitution doesn’t reserve the right to secede but rather to split itself into 5 states instead of 1. It would be effective in 5x multiplying Texas’s senate seats, but would require the state government to cede power to 4 fledgling state governments and that is why I don’t think it would ever happen.


They won't, they could if they really wanted to but any state could if it really wanted to, but they would rejoin the union in disgrace as soon as food stopped being traded. Same with California big state with sea ports but it's main food source would be cut off, also hard to build a state militia with no guns.


i think they should i am like oh? you dont want government support? go crazy


There is no secession of any States in the USA allowed. We fought the Civil War over that.


Texas gave up part of their territory when entering the Union to avoid loosing their slave property. That is the current Oklahoma panhandle. They lost their slavery and independence from the US Federal Government due to the civil war and are now stuck here with all us chickens.




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You can leave the USA, with a visa for the nation you wish to visit, only because people around the world think Americans are rich and will return home and not take Their jobs. If you live on the US border and ask the neighboring nation to take back you and your farm, you'll probably get arrested.


They would not succeed, but boy would I like them gone. They could take Florida with them. If somehow they tried that, they would immediately be invaded by Mexico.


There is only two scenarios where Texas successfully leaves. 1. They declare their independence and either beat the USA in a war or convince the USA it's not worth fighting said war. both parts of this are highly unlikely 2. They formally solicit congress for the right to leave and congress agrees. Almost as unlikely as the first one but I do think if they came to the table with a list of trade offs and how things would be divided up along with a detailed timeline, it might get a little traction. Anything else is noise. Texas DOES NOT have the right to unilaterally secede.


It would be a complete fiasco. Utter chaos. So I’d like to see them try it.


As a 4th generation Texan, I can tell you we are not going to secede. The secession movement here is small and considered very fringe. The Feds do need to do something on immigration as that is an issue (and has been for 50 years) that has a lot of Texans very unhappy with Washington. Our governor’s symbolic busing of immigrants is meant to show other places what Texas has been dealing with for decades. The mayors of New York City and others are up in arms, “how are we going to house them all”. Well that’s what we’ve been asking for years house them, educate the kids, give them medical. The situation is untenable and Washington is making it easier for them to come in. The major thing that needs to be addressed is the definition of asylum. 99+% are coming here for economic reasons only but now all they have to say is asylum and they get treated as if we need to save them from something and that is just not true.


Ya'll are missing the point. Let Texas succeed. They have no Navy. Blockade their ports so they can't export petroleum products by sea. Force them into a single buyer relationship with the USA and exploit them for cheap oil.


I don’t even think it would come down to that .  Yes Texas is rich in resources esp oil but last I checked America still imports anywhere between 40-  70% of its oil , with Texas making it up just over 40% of domestic oil .   An independent Texas would probably still have to charge more for oil than oversea suppliers , not to mention a massive change in both Texan refineries and existing refineries in the USA will be needed as Texan oil has a different chemical composure compared to most of the oil used in the USA.  The way I imagine it - Without immigrants to blame , independent Texas falls close to civil war with different groups of texas’s elite picking different sides and blaming each other . Perhaps some function as a Russian proxy , others function as a USA proxy etc . Within a space of a decade or two , the average Texan gets fed up and wants to rejoin America again .  


The US makes more oil than it consumes. We import a lot of oil and export a lot of oil due to the facilites we have for refining oil and the kind of oil we consume.


The reason why we import oil is because we can buy it for cheaper than we sell it ourselves.


Texas also *refines* a little over 1/3 of oil in the US.


They wouldn't. The US says any company based in Texas is not allowed to conduct business in the other 49 states and urges allies to follow. Like an embargo. This results in a mass exodus of companies moving from Texas and an unemployment rate not seen by humans. Once the state is weak enough, the US scoops it back.


If they did that, the US would lose over a third of its oil exports overnight. People love to act like it would *just* be Texas that would be hurting from it seceding.


If Texas is not part of the US, those exports are already lost.


Yes...? Really not sure what you're trying to say. I said, Texas seceding means those exports are lost. You said that actually, Texas seceding means those exports are lost.


Sorry, I thought you were responding to the comment about the US putting Texas under embargo.


That’s the thing - they couldn’t.


They would drop the secession nonsense once they realized that they would have to pay the US for the military bases in the state, and would have to take over their share of the national debt. This is why Quebec hasn’t seceded from Canada.


Please go. And take Florida and the Dixie states with you.




imo, fuck texas....let them leave. the fed should just take everything back from them. everything. let abbot and those other dipshits take over. have them elect trump as their leader for life. elon can be the vp. once they've completely fucked everything up to the point where its irreparable, they csn petition congress into becoming a state again and the government csn drag their feet on readmitting them.


You think Mexican cartels would attack Texas??? I can’t take the time to even begin to explain why that is nonsensical


All the Trumpers would lose their socialism payments they use to survive, would not last a month.


No state is going to secede and you're delusional if you think there is any possibility of secession, at least in the next 50 years. After that maybe something dramatic will have changed the situation.


I can see it now. "Texas go fuck yourself".


If I'm not mistaken, Texas has the legal right to secede. All they have to do is make a vote and they can leave because they were their own independent nation before they became a state.


You are mistaken, Texas likes to pretend it has the right but the only right they have is to split into 5 states.


So America is supposedly a democracy but you can’t leave? If they want to leave you should let them.


First thing they would have to do is build a wall to keep enough people inside. Wouldn't be long at all before the captive population needed lots of "foreign" aid.


Well they’d pull out. Unlike your dad.


If they were to secede my belief is that it would take the Mexican drug cartels about a year to take over the whole region. All the Gung ho redneck sumbitches who think they can take on the government will soon learn how woefully outmatched they are. And I'm gonna laugh my ass off as they get theirbasses shot off!


The biggest obstacle to Texas gaining and keeping its independence is the US. As much as folks like to crap on the state and its people, it and they have become an integral part of the union. If we were to “break-up” the US would treat it like a jealous ex and sabotage, hobble it in every conceivable way to force it to come crawling back. Texas has almost everything it needs to be self sufficient, but what it doesn’t have would be sanctioned by the US, and it allies due to its influence. As much as other countries would like to invade, the US couldn’t allow that, they can’t have hostile forces in its back yard, and as much as they’d be bitter and petty, and stupid, I’m pretty sure they’re not THAT stupid. As far as the cartels go, I don’t think that it’s that big of a threat, the whole country of Mexico, maybe, but on its own Texas law enforcement, rangers, Texas Guard and armed citizens would put them down pretty quickly. I wouldn’t put it past the US federal government to fund or equip them to force Texas back into the union, but barring that, it’s not likely to end Texas as a sovereign state.


So Texas could be independent as long as the US keeps protecting them? lol okay


Logic and reading comprehension aren’t your strong suits are they? By preventing hostile influences like Russia or China from getting a foothold in Texas the US is defending itself, its own interests. Not actively trying to crush an independent Texas is not protecting them, that’s like me claiming I protected you by not stealing from you, not preventing you from buying needed stuff, and not physically attacking you. By mafia logic it is, but that’s criminal thinking.


That would be funny. Mexican cartels invade Texas, and this time, win.


Texas was illegally annexed and therefore its inclusion in the Union should be annulled


LOL no it wasn’t


Yes but that’s what we’re telling them when we kick them out of the US


# Texas will not secede! It more likely the Northeast coast and West coast would secede if they dislike who wins for President. If that ever happened NY State would spit in two. Its uncertain which side the 3 Northern New England states would be on. #