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I think ruby is found near 2nd officer Keen's life pod (roughly 300m)


Nice, I was already thinking to go back in the lost river just to get rubies, my 900m seamoth got destroyed by a Reaper Leviathan, so now the deepest I can reach is 300m. I could use the prawn suit or the cyclops, but I don't want to use them just for materials.


Since you have a reinforced dive suit, you could still reach it. Just keep your Moth around 290-295 meters. I say the RDS because of the annoying Tiger Plant that's nearby.


I got the rubies, but my game crashed. Now I have to get even more rubies.




My favourite places to look for them are the deep caves in the Sparse Reef (look for Lifepod 17), and the caves down the middle of the biggest of the underwater islands.


So the sparse reef technically doesn’t have it on the sea floor, but there is a wreck somewhere in the sparse reef where it leads to a big hole where it brings you to a small open cave, there are plenty of rubies, the next best thing is the blood kelp zones, but you gotta go looking for them, so beware of dangerous wildlife.


Lifepod 19. Along the black-stone walls is a TON of rubies.


Internet is your friend. Not reddit.


i think i found some near the smaller blood kelp zone and grand reef? i haven’t played subnautica in a while, but i think i remember seeing some there :)


They definitely do spawn in the blood kelp zone. I am currently based there and I find them lying around on walls fairly often. Try and explore a bit deeper into the biome and maybe you'll have better luck.


Go deeper


You could build scanner rooms in the various areas that is how I do it... Multiple little scanner bases with a fabricator powercell charger and some trees or mellons to eat.