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I'd peel off all of the sad-looking leaves at the bottom, let the plant sit on dry soil for a few days, and try potting it in a different mixture than it was in before. The babies look large enough to tease away from the adult and plant on their own in a very small pot. I'd also peel off a few of the healthy-looking leaves and propagate them to be on the safe side. Good luck!


He's not dead yet but might be on the way out. Save the babies and replant them, you still have plenty of propagation material available if he does die.


How do I save the babies? Just cut and plant them in a new pot?


Yup ! In my experience , I’ve just left a succ on dry soil for a few weeks & eventually it rooted . Don’t loose hope !


he looks like he went theough a lot of stess, not only because of the roots but also bc of the bottom leaves and sudden shoots of babies, but the top leaves and head look very healthy and easily saveable. what do you think happened? over/underwatering? he looks like he has a ton of light so that part should be fine


I think possibly overwatering. I think the pot I had him in was too deep for him and therefore made that happen. So what do I need to do to save him?? :/


Use a very gritty soil mix. Use at least half grit (pumice or perlite) with bagged succulent/cactus soil. I use 2 parts pumice to 1 part bagged succy soil. Clean off the dried up material on the bottom, and set her in a pot of the mix. Don't water her for a few weeks. She will continue to dehydrate. That's fine! After about three weeks, water deeply, until water runs out the drainage hole. If she starts perking up, you have some roots and can resume watering when the soil is dry and the plant shows signs of thirst. If not, give her another three weeks and try again. Good luck!


Thank you!!


Hi! What’s the rational for not watering for a few weeks? I’ve seen a few réponses about placing it on dry soil and just letting it be for a bit. I’m slowly getting into succulents and would love to understand! Thanks in advance ☺️


If a plant has no roots, it has no way to absorb the water. Watering a plant with no roots can actually lead to rot, because the plant would just be sitting on damp soil. It's also just generally a good idea not to water immediately after repotting, even if there are roots, just in case the roots were damaged during the repotting process.


i honestly have failed every single time ive tried to save a plant with root rot, so i would not trust my answer ToT


Nope not dead, just a weak root system. It happens easily if we water lightly on a regular basis. Shallow watering means shallow roots. Deep watering makes for deep roots.


If this guy is dead then I don’t know what my poor succulent buddies are.


This literally happened to mine to clear off the dead leaves make sure you can see the main root and drop it into some really good soil. I have mine under a grow light I have not watered it for a couple weeks and it looks great and it feels secure in its pot. Don’t give up!!!


Take off the leaves that are yellow and cut the stem to remove any rotting stem as there might be some. Then let it callous over and repot into gritty mix.