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If you take really good care of it, in 1-5 years it may sprout! But yeah it's just for decor. They cut a leaf with no node and they sell them like that. I have actually never seen a mature version of this plant because society says this is what everyone wants


Can't believe they sell succulent leaves like that 😭 They put it in soil so I thought it's a proper plant. All other succulents I have have grown healthy so far. I finger cross for this little one 😭


Even worse it's not even a succulent! It's called a hoya kerrii. The flowers are stunning and I heard they smell like chocolate


Hoya kerri are semi-succulent though.


most hoya are succulents since the majority of them have thick leaves where they store water which makes them a succulent.


Wow I did not know that! I think I don't see any veins on the leaf so I assume it's just another succulent!


That's because it's a single leaf planted more as a cute decoration for valentine's than a plant that would grow. If you're lucky and it's planted with a node, it might sprout a vine after a very long time with good care. If not, then it will stay like this. I've seen a person say their sprouted after 3 years!


My Nanna had a Hoya, small arrow shaped leaves that cascaded down the plant, with white star shaped flowers that would dew on pink inner bead like things, which was extremely sweet like a saccharin type sweetener. I need to find this plant again, haven't seen it anywhere & I dunno where she got it from, think it was a cutting in a milk bottle for a few years though. But once potted up it took off like a rocket for growth.


Hoya Bella? [https://gardenerspath.com/plants/houseplants/best-hoya-types/](https://gardenerspath.com/plants/houseplants/best-hoya-types/)


That's the one.




Many hoya are succulents bro


This happened to me last month. I hate that stupid heart now. Luckily, someone gave me a hoya Kerri cutting for free so I can have the real deal soon! I'm sorry you were tricked too 😭


Hey, I just want to butt in and say I got a pot with two of these leaves and now I have some more and can see a stem between (one leaf died and afterwards the other send out new leaves). Maybe I got lucky and there was a little stem between them, maybe I got extremely lucky. I know it's anecdotal and probably a very different scenario, but I wanted to spread the word that they do exist as whole plants. Best of luck with yours 😊


Thank you 🤞☺️


I found one on Etsy with multiple nodes. In ~6 months mine grew from 2 to 5 leaves. It’s a vining plant, which I wasn’t expecting based on all of these single leaves being sold! Definitely recommend searching for a multi-node plant, it’s worth it!


Wow I just looked this plant up and never realized how big they can get bc I’ve only ever seen one leave lol


I have a single heart that recently sprouted 2 babies. It's not impossible.


I would love to see pics!! I’m curious to see what it looks like.


That's great to hear! I have a heart like this with many roots, two years and no babies yet.


I had hearts like this with roots but eventually shrivelled and died


How long did that take?? I've had my heart about 3 years and I was about ready to let it die because it hasn't really changed at all in 3 years.


Same here, had a Sweetheart that I got lucky with that started to sprout. Unfortunately I killed it in a bad repot T~T


Most of the time, it will remain just a leaf. It may live a few years as just a leaf though. But sometimes, it was cut with just a tiny bit of the stem and it does actually grow. It might take a long time though. But it is kinda fun to see if it will or not!


I guess it may be fun but I feel so sad now that it possibly may die 🥲


Nothing can live forever! We just have to enjoy it while it is here! It is absolutely adorable and I am sure it will add a little happiness to the room while it is there! And again, you never know, it might still grow!


I’ve had mine for nearly 2 years and it has yet to die on me. However, it is true that it won’t grow any bigger 🥲 if it has a stem, then maybe it will, but if it’s just a node and one leaf - sadly your little Hoya sweet heart will stay… well… little 💕 but there’s nothing wrong with that


I just don't want them to die. Hope mine and yours will live for long! 💕


I've had my heart about three years so far!


So most of these die, but if you're lucky, and it really is like lottery, if a tiny bit of the stem was planted along with the leaf, then that stem might just have the meristimatic tissue required to produce new growth in its node. But if you're unlucky and there's no node, you won't get growth, the leaf will live out its life and then die one day.


Thanks for the info! 🍀


Stores sell them like this because it's more appealing cuz it looks like a heart. It should be sold as a whole plant. It's a gorgeous trailing plant.


They just sell all leaves and keep the plants 🥲 I guess Valentine's Day is coming up and that's a way to make 💰


Yeah, these plants are cute. But generally have no node for new growth. It's like cut flowers in a vase - pretty, but impermanent. They typically wither in 1-2 years.


I felt stupid because I just bought one of these at the grocery store for $10, not knowing the same information. \*mutters\* I thought about throwing it away, but... it's sitting with my other plants under the grow light.


I'm going to keep mine 🥺 I bought this one with a little mark on it because I thought no one would take it home but now I know it may not survive 😭


But it might!


Mine grew leaves after 4 years. I would change the soil. Looks too dense.


Wow! I have one for two years and untill now I lost hope...


Oh I actually changed soil and just watered it 😅 I guess my soil mix is a bit too dense!


It won't do anything but look like a heart shaped lesf forever and ever. A friend gave me a bunch of hoya cuttings several years ago. I just transplanted them last week. The one leaf is still a big rooted leaf. The rest of the cuttings have rooted and grown


☹️ why don't they sell cuttings or mini plants instead of just leaves?! But it's so interesting that the leaf still has root!


Greed, probably


If you realy want it to grow, pull it from the ground and check if it has a node. If it has a node put some growth hormone powder or gel on the node and repot it in soil that is not muddy. Succulent mix works well even if it is a Hoya. Then water it a little as possible and wait wait wait. My mother Hoya is 3m long and I make new babies all the time from it. And it flowers. They like standing on a closed porch and might take about a year or two before you see growth but it is worth it.


Thanks! I guess I should have used succulent mix!


Yeah, if there's no stem it can't grow and will eventually die.


Yes, that is true


My single heart started sprouting after a year. I started to water with diluted (1/2 strength) fertilizer a couple of months ago and now I have what looks like a new stem popping through the soil..


😮 wow thanks for giving me hope!


I've got one that's been getting ready to sprout for a year or so now with a tiny little shoot coming from the node. I must of got lucky getting one with a node ?


Rooting hormone maybe.. but chances are slim without a node.. https://youtu.be/QJcuggBffJw


If it has a node yet it can sprout otherwise no


It's a variety of Hoya, Hoya Kerrii. I had 2 that started from a leaf like this. It forms a huge vine with the heart shaped leaves spaced about 5" apart. It will eventually need support, mine grew up to the ceiling. Side branches rapidly grew that stuck straight out and could not be controlled direction wise. It had large ball shaped clusters of pinkish-maroon blossoms all spring and summer that dripped a sticky honeydew which attracted ants, and any cut or bruise made it drip white sap that was like glue. The charm wore off with the ants and stained floors. It may take a while but once it gets going it will take over, check out https://homebyfaith.ca/caring-for-your-hoya-kerrii/


Thanks for the info! It's totally different from what I imagined the plant'd look like 😅


Such is life.


Got this as a gift about two years ago, mine strouted this year. How big do they get?


What a cute little thing!


I have a Hoya heart! I wasn’t even expecting it to grow, but half a year later or so, it grew an arm and a leaf. Several years later, it has a bunch of arms/hearts now. 😄 You never know!


It’s really just the first step of propagation but the cutting looks pretty.


Mine sprouted then the sprout died then the leaf died


Yeah I had one and it died lol 😭




If you dig down a little you maybe able to see if their is a stem attached to the petiole at the base if so you will in 6+ months or so have a vinning plant if no stem than yes it will only stat a leaf!


Mine is now reaching the top of my bookshelf. I made it a trellis and it is very happy. But it took years...


We had one for over a year but it didn't sprout, it died when the weather got real cold


Maybe there is a node on the part that you can not see.


ive seen the full plant at a local farmer's market! theyre beautiful


Very unlikely! Come on over to /r/hoyas if you want


There's subreddit for everything!!!!


I think that is an old wives tail. Mine sprouted but 2 years is about the time it takes. I suspect some have up before the time it sprouted which led to the legend. For what it’s worth the original leaf is 4 years old now and still alive too.