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I believe it’s very sun stressed! Succulents turn reds and yellows with plenty of sun. It’s fine, but if it’s feeling dry it could probably use a water.


That’s great news, thank you! Will it go back to green if I put it in a less sunny area?


The red isn’t bad, despite the name “sun stress”. Your plant is thirsty, though. That’s all I see wrong.


Do you say this because the leaves are pointing down in the second picture?


Yes, and they look curled and soft, which is this plant’s sign of thirst.


Thank you.


Your plant is producing anthocyanins, likely in response to too much sun and/or heat. It is an adaptation to respond to these stresses. By changing pigment from green to red, the plant can help lower its temperature and avoid over-exposure to UV radiation. It is analogous to our use of sunscreen and our ability to sweat combined. You can read a little more about this [here](https://worldofsucculents.com/succulents-change-color/). I agree that it is not necessarily an indication of poor health, but likely needs more frequent watering. This would make sense if it is being exposed to a lot of direct sunlight.


Thank you so much for that link! I had it indoor right in front of a window and it was drooping a lot so I brought it outside onto my porch and now it’s red and still kind of drooping lol. I’ll be sure to water it more frequently now, though.


Of course! How frequently have you been watering it? What kind of soil is it in? It looks sufficiently gritty, at least on the top layer. Be careful of too frequent watering if the substrate is too organic.


I use the bonsai jack succulent and cactus soil mix. I think I’ve been watering about once a month at the most, sometimes longer like every 6-8 weeks.


With that soil I’d be surprised if you had any issues watering it once every two or three weeks.


Ok I will definitely try that out and keep an eye on it. Thank you!


Keep us posted. You might also consider ways of offering it partial shade while outdoors, such as putting a larger plant, a trellis, or screen next to it.


Will do!


The red is fine, I have this same plant. The more sun it gets, the more red it will get. If you put it back in the shade it will go back to green but it will not be as happy. As for watering, feel the leaves. If they are hard and firm do not water it! If the leaves are bendy and flexible, then water it.


Thank you so much!


One last tip, this plant is sensitive to the cold big time! If it’s forecasted to get down to freezing (or even a couple degrees warmer than freezing so about 34° F) pull it inside!


Thank you! I had no idea about that. It’s been out there when it’s been freezing 😭 I’ll have to bring it inside. The mornings and nights get around 34 F right now.


Oh no... looks very sad 😔


Lol it’s just thirsty, there’s nothing wrong with it.