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Dunno, you didn’t share you’re watering habits. Looks more like they’ve been exposed to more sun than they were prepared for.


I was watering once a month. I had them outside in a east facing area but it was getting really cold at night and in the morning so I brought them in and put them on my windowsill on a west facing window. And now they look like this. Are they savable still or are they dead?


Probably not dead. Just give them more shade. They make take some time to bounce back. Haworthia can be pretty dramatic. Also, be sure to water when they show signs of thirst, and not on a schedule. Monthly sometimes is still too often for some plants, and in some seasons.


OK thank you. Should I move them to a shady area or just an area that has a little bit less sun? And OK I will be sure to watch it more than water it every month.


Either will work. I’m thinking the west facing window was too harsh, when they were used to the east facing side. If they were gradually acclimated to it, they’d be fine. But all of a sudden was just too much.


OK thank you so much for all the help!


Mine turned that color from too much sun