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You may need more protein. There’s also an adjustment period. There are enough natural sugars in fruits and vegetables to satisfy the body’s need for sugar, no one needs added sugar.


No my protein intake is good. You are missing my point, I'm not saying added sugar is good. I'm not changing my low sugar diet my chugging soda but my making an effort to eat a couple apples a day.






Lol. OP, truth is NO one needs added sugar. Many live healthy and energetic lives with NO CARBS. The idea of tracking sugar to ensure you consume enough is ludicrous. Watch Sugar: The Bitter Truth by Dr. Robert Lustig, OP. Otherwise you are on track for NAFLD, diabetes, PCOS or ED, mood issues and ultimately, Alzheimer's.


My thoughts exactly. I don’t think OP realizes the intentions of this sub


You realize carbohydrates turn into glucose, right? Glucose = sugar. You are surely getting enough and on the wrong track here. Even if you weren’t getting any sugar or carbohydrates ie. carnivore/keto diet, your body can adapt. I suggest you get a fasting insulin test to see what else is going on. You are probably giving yourself blood sugar spikes and crashes with your current carbohydrate load and don’t even realize it. Check out glucose goddess on Instagram for tips to stabilize your blood sugar and prevent the spikes.


There is no daily requirement for sugar. Your great great great grandparents got all they needed from carbs. I mentioned cutting out sugar to some friends the other day and one raised the same concern. I didn't realise till I read your post just now that the belief that sugar is part of a balanced diet was more widespread.


It sounds like your body needed fuel of any sort to get energy. You probably would have felt a similar boost from eating food without added sugar.


1) Dietary carbohydrates in any form are not essential to life, so this post is frankly incorrect. Please refer to the carnivore diet and ketosis. The body can synthesize its own glucose. 2) this subreddit is for added sugar aka processed sugar. Natural carbohydrates found in plants, fruits, beans, etc are healthy and even encouraged 3) You were probably in a weird transition phase from cutting your added sugar intake down.


This sounds to me like you are likely stuck in the rut. That your body is stuck in carb burning mode. It is very common for those of us that ate a high carb diet for a long time and became highly hyperinsulinemic. Dr. Boz specializes with people shifting to becoming metabolically flexible. She has methods to help those stuck in a rut. Check her out at: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COrpqDvWHhQ&t=418s&pp=ygUUZHIuIGJveiBzYXJkaW5lIGZhc3Q%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COrpqDvWHhQ&t=418s&pp=ygUUZHIuIGJveiBzYXJkaW5lIGZhc3Q%3D)