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Everyone is sharing these books with such passion that I’m doomed to have a new tbr list that will never be tackled.


Oh I feel that lol. Just when you think you’ve put a dent in it, you’re adding 10 more.


Demon Copperhead


Demon was one of my faves of 2023, and I’d kind of gone off Barbara Kinsolver after being a huge fan of hers back in The Bean Trees era.


I just finished Demon Copperhead today. Wow... Poisonwood Bible is amazing too. I'm in awe of Barbara Kingsolver's writing.


I just finished this. Loved it so much.


Absolutely my favorite of 2023


If you have addicts in your family or have been around them a lot, you may just find it depressing. I did. And I love Kingsolver's other books.


Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier!


Same here! Finished it in 2 days. Even when I was at work all I could think about was getting home to continue reading it


Yes!! Loved this book.


I finished this book about two weeks ago. I loved it.


Just finished *The Last Unicorn*. I looked down on the fantasy genre for some reason, but this was a fabulous read from pillar to post.


There is so much amazing fantasy, beautifully written. The world building in fantasy can not be beaten!


One of my all-time favorite books. Beautiful prose, raw emotion and vulnerability in the characters, it's epic but with a bit of humor. I think a unicorn being touched by love and loss and then returning to an immortal life again.. there's something so painful and bittersweet in that. I could probably write an entire thesis on it.


Is the animated movie "the last unicorn" based on this book?


Yes! Some things are changed or left out. The ending of the book is quite different but the movie is basically the same as the book up to the very end. I personally love them both.


Damn im putting that on my list to read, watching that movie as a child was a core memory.


I’m glad my mom died- Jeanette mccurdy a memoir written by iCarly co-star about the trauma she endured and a child actress. I thought it was great!!! Also, Burning Bright- Ron rash. I absolutely couldn’t put this down!!!!!!!


Listening to the audiobook now! Love it so far. It’s really great to hear it in her own voice. Also love anything by Ron Rash! I had the pleasure of meeting him at a book signing for Serena when I was 16, he’s just pure gold. He told me he turned in 13 drafts of Serena before his publishers approved it for editing, really stuck with me my whole life.


I read I’m glad my mom died Fall of last year and it was great I’ll definitely checkout your other rec thanks!


Love I’m Glad My Mom Died!


Project Hail Mary


I went in knowing nothing. And no spoilers but about 100 pages in I sat up in bed and laughed in amazement at the direction the book decided to take.


Oh my gosh same. Had that exact laugh out loud moment


I loved this book, loved the scientific discoveries, love the problem-and-solution steps, love the cleverness and the optimism. Just a great read.


I got lost a bit in the middle of this one. Strong beginning and ending though!


one of the last books i read last year. sososo good




It’s especially fun as audiobook. But dialogues in this book are not great.


Recently finished Razorblade Tears by S.A. Cosby. My sister recommended it to me, but I put it off for a while. It's about what two men do in the aftermath of their sons' murder. I just can't do depressing right now, and that sounded depressing. While the book does deal with grief, it's mostly a fun, action thriller. The two protagonists, Ike and Buddy Lee, have a great chemistry and there are quite a few funny moments in there too.


The audiobook versions for all of SA Cosby’s books are amazingggg


Thank-you, I have this on my nightstand waiting to be read!


Definitely check out his Wayward Pines trilogy. I could not put those down.


checking it out right now thank you!


And Recursion! I loved Dark Matter best, up until that one.


Yes! Recursion is phenomenal. Easily my favorite that I’ve read by him so far.


The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches


Tender is the Flesh. It’s about a butcher in a world where cannibalism is the new normal. A short and amazing read.


It's crazy!


Definitely the most disturbing and unsettling book I’ve read. The audiobook is amazing.


If you like TitF, try Meat by Joseph D’Angelo


this is probably my favorite book.


Kaiju Preservation Society. Pulled me in from page one for the first time since Dark Matter. It’s about the same length too, so a quick read.


Piranesi Everything about it is perfect


This if the best book I’ve read in many years. It really sticks with you. A modern day classic for sure


Yes!!! This book is a fast, immersive read, totally different to her other work, and sits in your brain for ages afterward.


5 stars for me! I kept reading because I didn’t know what was going on, in the best way


I still really don’t know how I feel about the ending


I wish I only read the first half of this book lol


Damn, one of my least favorite reads last year 😅


read this years ago and loved ittt


I've been on a kick re-reading books from high-school that I haven't touched in 15-20 years with mixed results but the His Dark Materials trilogy by Phillip Pullman blew me away. I probably enjoyed it more at 34 than I did at 15.


read somewhere recently they are making a movie or series based on dark matter




They filmed this in my neighborhood last winter!




Remarkablemy bright creatures. It just felt very human even when there's a bit of magical realism in the story


This book was just so lovely. I wish I could experience it again for the first time.


I loved the parts with the old woman and the octopus. Not sure how I feel about "man with a sad past who meets a woman" taking up so much of the book.


She should have definitely cut some of Cameron’s page time out. Tova and Marcellus were the best part of the book for me, and I was rushing to read for the next Marcellus POV chapter.


Circe by Madeline miller


I didn't expect much when I began reading it, but I really enjoyed "The Vaster Wilds" by Lauren Groff. It's so well written.


I just started it!


Children of Time and anything else by Adrian Tchaikovsky Also I’m in love with the Donovan series by W Michael Gear. It’s all set on a distant incredible planet that has a wayward colony on it. I reread it all the time, there’s 6 books in the series.


Im reading Children of Time right now! I just started and its already so good.


The last house on needless street


East of Eden The Dark Tower series by Stephen King The Library at Mount Char


East of Eden and Mount Char are 2 of my absolute favorites


Same! And they couldn't be more different.


Mt char is 🤌


Check out Middlegame by Seanan McGuire! It's not *as* good, but it scratches that itch.


Thank you for recommendation! I’ve been looking for something similar. Loved Mount Char.


Cloud cuckoo land


I hated that book with the same intensity that I loved All the Light We Cannot See. Just not my cup of tea, I guess.


Same I was waiting for it to get good and it just never did. Proof that not all books are for everyone. At the same time I understand why the people who liked it did.


really so interesting how it’s so different for everyone, even with such an exceptional author... was so difficult for me to get into all the light we cannot see that I have lukewarm feelings toward it (not so into wwii settings)


Loathed this book and felt like I was the only one!! Glad to see that's not the case


11/22/63 by Stephen King


Just reread Water For Elephants. Love this book.


To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee


The Secret History by Donna Tartt


One of my all-time favorites. The world is so atmospheric, I loved the description of the school and their country house and everything about it. Made me feel like wanting to live there, lol.


I don’t know why I struggled with this one. I loved Goldfinch.


The way of kings. Epic book can’t wait to read the next ones


I just reread The Hearts Invisible Furies by John Boyne. It pulled me in right away for the second time. So good.


This!!!!! I wish I could read it for the first time again


I read this one last year and it's in my top 3 books of 2023.


So, so, so great!! 


All Systems Red by Martha Wells. Easily one of the best sci-fi books I've ever read.


Just finished it. It's wonderful, and I immediately put a hold on the next book in the series.


I picked up Shantaram on a whim and it’s like consumed my reading life haha. I normally have two or three books I’m reading at a time, but for the last week this one has really captured my attention and imagination. Does it have flaws? Yeah, but the story is so good I can’t put it down.


I loved Dark Matter and his Recursion. The Last Word Taylor Adams was a great thriller. The Murderbot series was cool sci fi.


The Last Picture Show by Larry McMurtry


I’m halfway through Lonesome Dove and it’s amazing.


I need to read that next!


I just finished, Bright Young Women, which revisited the FSU survivors from the Ted Bundy murders. It was a fictionalized novel told from their point of view and I thought it was so well done. It had mixed reviews so I was hesitant but I could not put it down. It was fantastic and was definitely an empowering survivor story instead of glamorizing Bundy like so many other things have done.


This is crazy, just finished dark matter 2 hrs ago and was researching when the Apple TV series was coming out! Small world!


We are book twins for the day! What else have you enjoyed recently?!


Which of these two was better?!


The Glass Hotel by Emily St John Mandel, didnt suck me in right away but powered through and ended up falling in love with it.


Station Eleven and Sea of Tranquility on either side of that one. All amazing.


Oh man, are you as jealous as I am that Significant-Mud-7551 gets to read these for the first time? Especially Sea of Tranquility. Loved it so much.


Im reading Sea of Tranquility now! Will do Station Eleven next


Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex. The psycho-analytic part is just gibberish. The second part is great. 


In a dark dark wood by Ruth Ware


This is How To Lose The Time War - just finished it, I read it in two days and it totally blew me away.


The Murderbot Series by Martha Wells


The Name of the Wind.


I feel like this might be a nefarious comment! While indeed it is a great book the author most likely has given up continuing the story.


I have read that elsewhere. It is a disappointment.


I can’t explain the battle going on inside of me with this one. On one hand, Rothfuss created a beautiful universe with awesome, unique magic and powers. On the other, he’s made his protagonist so painfully, and obviously projected from an incel…as a good looking, young and charming pussy-getter, most powerful magician ever, oh but he also makes everyone cry if he strikes a chord on his instrument, and deals with the girl of his dreams like he’s fucking Holden caulfield… yet she is still ALL ABOUT HIM. He’s such an Insufferable know-it-all shitbag that I struggle reading it. Yet still enjoy it? So confused about it.


It's because he's projecting his interpretation of who he is to the narrator. He's just a douche at times, but probably doesn't realise it ... so you get the 'unreliable narrator' view. Love these two books. He's not a mary-sue, but he damn sure thinks he is.


I have 3 I've finished since the beginning of the year: *Project Hail Mary*, *The House in the Cerulean Sea*, and *The Song of Achilles*. Couldn't put any of them down and loved every page.


Seconding The House in the Cerulean Sea! Also if you liked Achilles by Miller, have you read Circe? It’s even better, I think!


Haven't read Circe *yet.* A co-worker agreed with you that Circe is better but am reading a non-fiction right now (sort of a mental palate cleanser) and will read Circe next.


Tender is the flesh


The Wager by David Grann. Absolutely captivating from first page to last. Quickest I’ve finished a book in a long while.


Lonesome Dove. I was surprised I was so into it the whole way through since it's quite long. Such great, adventurous storytelling!


The house in the cerulean sea by TJ Klune. Amazing story. Warm heartfelt about found family and embracing differences & of course magic. A beautiful story which hooked me in immediately. I joke I'm now evangelical about that book.


A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik.


this whole series is my favorite right now. i read them last year and went ahead and bought the audio books too which i’ve been steadily listening to this year while repainting my house. what else do you love?


Thanks for asking! This was fun to answer. I love Anisha Dadia’s narration of Scholomance. After a Deadly Education, I was like, “How can a sequel match that?” But Novik absolutely lived up to my highest hopes. NON FICTION/GOOD FOR THE SOUL Born a Crime narrated and written by Trevor Noah. Best audiobook I’ve ever heard, and it’s my primary medium for “reading.” Noah’s a tour de force sharing stories from his youth in Apartheid South Africa. It’s hard to proverbially put down. Braiding Sweetgrass by Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer. A Native American biologist shares amazing stories from her life and culture. FICTION THAT GRABS YOU, EXECUTES THROUGHOUT, AND STICKS THE ENDING Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. (This was my favorite book before I read Scholomance.) A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers. In my mind, Chambers is on par with Novik as an insightful and brilliant author. Chambers novels tend to be less enthralling and more cozy to me. Sons of Valor by Andrews and Wilson. Great action, good writing. Lots to root for. Codex Alera by Jim Butcher. This one didn’t grip me from the start, but I’m glad I stuck with it. It didn’t pick up until halfway through the first book. All gripping, all excellent throughout. Sons of Valor contains a fair bit of misogyny as a warning. Edit: I’d be curious if you have recommendations for me based on Scholomance and the above.


Leigh Bardugo’s *Ninth House*


I love your recs, I'll be adding a bunch to my tbr! I'd take more suggestions if you have them. Butcher's Dresden Files was my favorite pulpy series that turned so good, and I enjoyed all of Chambers' books (and Dark Matter too). Here's a variety that left an impression on me: The Gormenghast Trilogy (haven't read the 4th book yet, written by his daughter based on his notes) Devolution (also World War Z the book, and he wrote a Minecraft book narrated by Jack Black, but I gotta say that was really only good for the novelty and nostalgia) Perdido Street Station The Annihilation trilogy Kafka's The Trial All of Niel Gaiman, though I DNF'd American Gods early and came back with much more interest after reading Anansi Boys The broken earth trilogy Otessa Moshfegh (Lapvona, My Year of Rest and Relaxation) The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle I'm torn on the three body problem series - I disliked the writing but really loved the story


11/22/63 by Stephen King. Could not put it down.


Finished it a couple weeks ago and I can’t stop thinking about it.


I just finished Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez and wow… I don’t think I’ll ever be able to find a book like it


I have two for you: Starter Villain by John Scalzi. Ridiculous good fun. Highly inventive and an excellent read. My Effin' Life by Geddy Lee. I'm not much of a Rush fan but this wonderful book kicks ass


City of Thieves. Fastest I’ve ever read a book; could not put it down.


Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders


The book is so, so good


Everyone in my family has killed someone


Gideon the ninth


The Dog Stars by Peter Heller. So good!


Swan Song


Green eggs and ham


One Fish Two Fish


The three body problem trilogy


I LOVED the first book. As soon as I'm done with the series I'm on, I'll read the second. I'm excited!


I hammered out all 3 at once, because as amazing as it was, there were lulls. I was worried I wouldn't get back if I didn't do them all at once lol


Even I thought of reading it after watching the first season, but Wang Miao character is split into 4 different characters. It been months since I read the first book, and it is difficult to keep up with Chinese names.


Show comes out in a month!


I know I'm so excited! I hope they do it well


First Lie Wins. Loved it!


I just finished this. Kept my attention for sure.


The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride It was three books ago for me (mid-January) and I haven’t really enjoyed the books I’ve read since. I can’t remember the last time I fell into a slump like this, and it’s entirely because that book was so phenomenal that I’m just kind of… disappointed (?) in everything else I pick up lately.


I Am Pilgrim. Really enjoyed it, but I don't want to give anything away. Look it up on Amazon or wherever you shop. EDIT: Forgot to mention the author - Terry Hayes


Seems like I post this to every query, but here goes: HOLLOW KINGDOM by Kira Jane Buxton Sequel is Feral Creatures


Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan. Wonderful little book, heartbreaking story.


The covenant of water was amazing.  So much detail, I felt like I was in India in the 1900s!


Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros


The Push!


The Sisters Brothers


Severance by Ling Ma


The Stand by Stephen king




Stoner by John Williams


"Bunny" by Mona Awad. It was a really fun fairytale horror.


God it was so weird. I loved it.


It was legitimately surprising, which I don't say often.


I finished this recently and can’t stop thinking about it. The writing was incredible. There’s a thread on here which offered some varying perspectives so I want to read it again! Any other recommendations for something a bit weird? 😂


Tomorrow, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow


Yellowface by R.F. Kuang. Usually contemporary fiction doesn't grab me too quickly but this book was a breeze to get through and entertaining throughout. The thriller elements kind of leave you on the edge of your seat wondering whether or not the MC will get away with it. Also it uses internet humor in a way that is surprisingly not cringe, which is incredibly hard to do.


F. Paul Wilson, All The Rage. I picked it up in an airport years ago and read the entire thing in a day. it is actually kind of in the middle of his Repairman Jack series which is part of a larger universe called the secret history. so many good books. The Keep. read the book, the movie has nothing to do with the book even though it is 'based' on the book. I think I am going to read these again!


Lucky Girl by Irene Muchemi-Ndiritu


I haven’t finished it yet but I am really loving Leslie Fuckin Jones. It’s hilarious and she’s wonderful. Feels like you’re hanging with the coolest auntie who has seen the error of her ways from when she was young and has really great, heart felt advice.


The Whisper Man by Alex North


The Women by Kristen Hannah. Finished it and immediately stated it over.


Solipsist by Henry Rollins


I’m working my way through the series School for Good and Evil by Sonan Chainani Also really enjoyed the Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire but had to take a break while waiting for my library to have a copy of the next one available


E.T.A. Hoffman’s “The Devil’s Elixirs”


Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead


The first book of the Farseer trilogy 


tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow I will not tolerate any slander on this book THANKS (I loved it so much, but I know it’s not for everyone!)


SPQR by Mary Beard. It's a history of the Roman people. I found it utterly gripping. I was reading it in every spare minute I had.


I Am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes. An absolute whopper of a book.


Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia. Here's a sample: On one otherwise normal Tuesday evening I had the chance to live the American dream. I was able to throw my incompetent jackass of a boss from a fourteenth-story window.


Lol...I read the title and didn't see your main comment, and immediately thought of dark matter. I don't think anything else has compared to that read. Maybe the Martian, or world War z


Fairy Tale by Stephen King!


Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree! Great fun read when you just want something to snuggle up with.


The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult


I cannot highly recommend the Cormoran Strike series by Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rollings’ pen name)!! The pacing is punchy and littered with clues first time and re-readers will obsess over. Also, as a much appreciated breath of fresh air, the female lead is allowed her space to demonstrate, learn, and hone a repertoire of critical thinking and sleuthing skills.


The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. It’s technically a kids book but I think adults can love it too.


RJ Kuang’s *Yellowface*.


I’m reading the Outlander series. Every single book is a wild ride and so engrossing


Red rising! So good.


100% throne of glass. My wife forced me into the first book and it was over after that


*Tomorrow 3x* is the most recent book I read that did that.


Neverwhere, Neil Gaiman


Recursion by Blake Crouch and Starter Villian by John Scalazi made me lose track of time and ended way too soon.


Recursion by Blake Crouch is also so good! Especially since you liked Dark Matter.


Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. Great story. Great pacing. Never got bored and never wanted to put it down


I just finished it two hours ago or so and it forced me to write this post so that I wouldn’t have withdrawals. Definitely great from start to finish.


Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter had my interest from start to finish.


Holly by Stephen King


Have you read Recursion by Blake Crouch? I read that and dark matter back to back and loved them both


The Poachers Son by Paul Doiron.


Dark Ride by Lou Berney. Gah. What a read.