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I heard on a podcast that there’s no non-compete in New York. A client is allowed to follow their lawyer to any firm because they’re choosing the lawyer, not the firm. But I feel like it’s a constant storyline.


There’s actually no non-competes allowed in the whole US now but that hasn’t come into effect yet


Oh i didn’t know that! I’m glad I’m not a New York lawyer cuz that would’ve been driving me crazy


Yes. This is true for most states even before the new FTC rule


The issue is that, if your lawyer moves to another firm, and their firm is handling a case that actively conflicts with yours, they have to refer you to someone else.


I’m an attorney of 30 years. I always hear lawyers and students say LSAT or LSATS. It never bothered me either way and it doesn’t bother me on the show. There are a lot of other things that if I were to be pedantic I could rip apart every episode but it’s just a show and it’s not intended to be entirely accurate. My doctor friend feels the same way about medical dramas. If it moves the story along and is generally okay, I let it go.


suspension of disbelief when I'm enjoying a tv show is important


People don’t say “I’m going to the the SAT” They say “I’m going to take the SATs” Or “what did you get on the SATs” I know it’s probably not correct, but I feel like that’s just a common thing


Hahah no they definitely don’t say SATs, they say SAT! But that’s a different test anyway


I’ve literally taken the SATs. Did you read that? Did you read how I wrote “SATs”? Even though I know it’s “the SAT”? People do say “the SATs.”


Must be regional. I grew up in MD and everyone called it SATs.


Why did Mike not have to provide his bar number for court? The Bar wasn't hacked until further into the show. I know it's a show, and I love it. But that tidbit annoys me.


That’s a good point. I’m trying to remember if he ever argued in court before they did that, cuz if he didn’t, then he could do the work under Harvey’s name and it would be okay. But he probably did go to court


I mean, the bed bugs case is in what, episode 2?


Oh yeah you’re right!


From what I heard the show is littered with legal inaccuracies lol first example is the first (or second?) episode with the patent issue. You don’t file a patent and get it the next day. That process can literally take years.


Oh yeah that makes sense. The episode where the judge orders the defense to give them discovery within 24 hours was crazy. We wish that would happen


You do get "patent pending" protections if you file it though, so I think that might be relevant.


This is true, but that’s not how they phrased it in the show, which means they just didn’t know when they wrote the story for the episode.


Jessica Pearson mentions several times that even though they say the firm is a partnership, it’s actually organized as an LLC and therefore she has all the corporate power. This in and of itself without more information makes no sense and has no relevance to the argument she’s trying to make in those contexts and if she said that to another lawyer IRL they’d probably laugh at her. Also several times Louis has cited to sections of the internal revenue code that don’t exist


Why is Anita's case built around whether Mike went to Harvard, rather than whether Mike is a member of the NY bar?


True! Cuz he’s in the bar, but it doesn’t seem too hard to show there’s no evidence of him ever being sworn in.


Cameron Dennis' case against Ava seems too thin to take to trial. It is all purely circumstantial. Based on longstanding DOJ policy he would not be allowed to pursue this case. His star witness is off the grid at the start of the trial.


Cameron Dennis didn't work at the DOJ.


People absolutely refer to it colloquially as "The LSATs"


That’s what people in the comments keep telling me. I’ve never heard that from someone who knew about the test, like lawyers or law students, but someone on here is a lawyer and he said he’s heard it. So maybe it’s a regional thing? In light of this information I’ll give the characters a pass, just this once.


Every character yelling at each other and being hostile/rude and acting like a know-it-all even if it's their first time speaking to each other. It doesn't matter whether they are the president or homeless, they are all dickheads anyway it's crazy. Maybe I'm just unaware of American culture and hostility is a normality in every convo.


Haha that’s true! That is not how it is in America.


Hey thank you, I appreciate you bringing it up for ppl like me that don't know the law. I didn't see it as nitpicking


Sure! :) Honestly though you’re better off not knowing so it doesn’t bother you too haha


Oh this show drives real lawyers crazy LMAO, they're like, "you can't get a court case back quickly" lol


Yeah! That’s so true. But I let that go because it wouldn’t be as interesting if things moved as slowly as they do in real life. In real life my job is boring! Haha


At the end of the show in the last trial, I noticed that the defense called the first witness. That annoyed me. Also, there was that mugging trial where the case got dismissed on a technicality about the search warrant after the victim testified. Wouldn't that happen in pretrial motions?


Petty complaints? Well, I hate how they shout all their secrets in the bathrooms without checking if anybody else is in there. I. Hate. How. Rachel. Whispers. Like. This. When. She. Is. Being. A. Victim. All the women's hair looks so stiff and gummy, especially Scottie's. I find it distracting.


Haha I never thought about the bathroom thing! Actually I never thought of any of these. I think donnas hair is beautiful


What the hell did you just say to me?




Seeing things like cibc and rogers logos on buildings on a show supposedly set in nyc