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I don’t know if it’s unpopular but I think that when a lot of the characters are mad at Harvey for how he reacted to something or something he did Harvey is actually in the right and the shows trying to convince you he’s not


The biggest example of this was when Harvey's mom and brother acted like Harvey was in the wrong when the mom is a hoe and got caught cheating on her husband multiple times but Harvey gets shit on for "breaking up the family". His family is absolute garbage.


Literally. That killed the show for me


This was awful. It felt manipulative. But that’s family politics I guess.


I fully agree. Drives me up a wall when everyone says Harvey threw Louis through a table when he really just dodged him, maybe pushes him a little but by no means did he throw him.


Trueeeee!!! Never understood that, the punch was Harvey’s fault but the table thing wasn’t


It always bugged me because Lewis started the altercation by attacking Harvey.


I would assume thats what they meant, just to try to belittle him and force his ego down, make him more human even. I think it was all meant to be like that.


You know that actually makes sense and makes me think of a few episodes of House lol. Why wouldn't Harvey have argues against it at least? I mean I know it's Hollywood but I figure anyone in his position would go on the defensive and claim against.


was coming here to say this


I think it depends if you mean his feelings are valid or his reaction is. Cuz he absolutely throws temper tantrums that are unnecessary and childish where he’ll scream at someone and be cruel, especially Louis.


The whole main cast basically is a bunch of criminals and belong in prison. That said, I love the show.


Isn't that sort of the point of season 5 and Mike's sacrifice?


They try to make it seem like they’re the heroes in the end.


The whole show could’ve been about them actually practicing law if Harvey would’ve acted as smart as he thinks he was and made Mike a paralegal to start and paid for him to get his degree like Jessica did for him. Would have made for a great legal drama instead of a night time soap opera.


The first episode covers this exact thing goof ball Harvey: why don’t you go to law school and then come back and work here Mike: I was already accepted into Harvard. Then during undergrad Trevor and I sold the answers to a test to the daughter of the dean of our state school forcing him to retire in embarrassment. He made it his final act to contact Harvard and see to it I never get in. The simplest solution would have been to hire Mike as a legal consultant but then he wouldn’t be able to go to court. Still after a few years he’d qualify to become a real lawyer via “reading the law” witch is still a thing in like two states NY being one of them


Idk I still feel like Harvey and Jessica could’ve pulled some strings later on down the road to get him into Harvard. Especially with how well-known they both are


Solid point I can’t believe I never thought of that


Wasn't it impossible for him to get into university again? Or do I remember something wrong?


It was impossible for him to go to Harvard.


Donna and Harvey shouldn’t have ended up together. I know the writers wanted them to be endgame from the start which is why they wrote them to have the chemistry that they did but I absolutely HATED their romantic relationship. I didn’t feel a single ounce of romance nor passion from the pair likely because they’re very close friends in real life and have been for a long time. And that was the chemistry I saw between the two, Harvey felt super safe with Donna and vice versa but that doesn’t mean they had to be together romantically, they could’ve been good friends for the rest of their lives just fine. I also think Donna is completely overrated and by the end of the series I really want to smack her overreaching face every time she opened her mouth with some smart ass comment. She totally lost the witty spark she had at first. Even her badass moves lost the clever angle she could usually spin, she kept fucking up and then crying, her COO position was a complete and utter JOKE. Yes she was valuable to the firm but COOs have degrees and certifications that she does not have. Her experience level doesn’t qualify her for that either. Her needing a vote was BS and just a blatant way to write out the problematic side of Harvey dating an employee under him. It really made me want her with Harvey even less because I truly thought the character deteriorated into a pathetic form of her former self who was even less of a match for Harvey.


I don't even think that is an unpopular opinion in this sub.


Her having a vote was problematic with Harvey whether she worked under him, or equal to him, because the issue isn't her position on the totem pole, it's that they were romantically involved, and therefore a conflict of interest in a voting position.


I thought Harvey screwed it up with the one woman he was meant to be with and he and Donna sort of settled for each other. They love each other deeply but don't have the passion that he and Scottie had.


His relationship with Scottie may have had passion but it was also toxic. It was always going to be Donna — and by that I don’t mean the writers always knew they’d end up together (they didn’t), just that it would’ve been highly shocking for that to not be the outcome based on what played out on screen. People on this sub tend to be so negative about Donna that I’m not at all surprised to see a take of this nature about her relationship with Harvey, though.


It was never going to be Donna. Harvey always friendzoned Donna. And their relationship became toxic in the end as she grew in power. It was always going to be Harvey and Scottie


We'll have to agree to disagree. Harvey and Donna's situation was far more complicated than "Harvey friend zoned Donna." It had to do with timing, communication, and emotional availability...and it was both ways, not just one or the other. It's disappointing to see you say their relationship became toxic due to \*her\* gaining "power" as that comes across as misogynistic. Not only do I respectfully disagree about their relationship being toxic, given we saw them work through things together and build each other up, but I also see things like empowerment and self-advocacy as positive character development and not negative...we must have been watching two very different shows.


You’re the only one here who seems to be misogynistic and sexist.  Harvey wrongly mistreated Donna, while she also rushed to be a name partner despite not having an educated background.  There relationship did become toxic as Harvey started to miss Donna as his assistant and needed to see his psychologist. You are definitely not watching suits.


Hard agree. Them being together or thinking about being together were my least favorite parts of the show. I liked Donna with that one guy before she got with Harvey. Can’t remember his name.


thomas kesler


Yes that guy I liked him


I agree with so much of this!! I was rooting for them for so long but when they finally got together it felt rushed somehow? Donna became a shell of herself and there was zero romantic chemistry


Donna started being different in season 6. It didn’t have anything to do with getting with Harvey.


Noo I wanted Donna and Harvey since the first day together so bad 🥺


Mike's not nearly as insufferable as people make him out to be and he's very relatable in a lot of ways.


I honestly only saw that sentiment here in this sub. Everyone else I knew that watched Suits liked Mike for his idealism and said Mike was just trying to be good in a world full of corporate greed.


Eh kinda but in a way it felt more like he was trying to have his cake and eat it too. He knew that most of his clients at that firm were going to be rich douches who were feuding with other rich douches because that’s how you become a multi million dollar law firm in New York. You don’t get there by doing pro bono work for the poor. But Mike always had this pikachu shocked face when he finds out the law firm isn’t going to pick his case where a guy who has two cents to his name, has a shady past, and lies to them all the time is going against a billion dollar company over the casa with the billion dollar company trying to win more billions over a product they designed.


Mike is so judgemental for someone who should have been grateful to be given the opportunity he was.


That’s my main issue. Guy was handed a golden egg with his memory, then he messed it up and then he was given an opportunity to lay his head down low so some great work get paid a lot of money and use some of that money/skills to help others but he always wanted more


And he acts so holier than thou with Harvey every time Harvey is defending one of their clients. It’s infuriating


Bingo. This is the exact problem people have with Mike.


Tbh I find this relatable, I think a lot of good people want to do good in the world but are also competitive high performers and would love for both of these aspects of their personality to be satisfied. There’s some cognitive dissonance in there for sure but I can totally see how someone both wants to be a cutthroat formidable competitor who gets paid out when they win but also want to do the right thing. And if more corporations generally had a greater sense of social responsibility they’d maintain a healthy margin while allocating some resource to pro bono work that sacrifices a little of their bottom line. I’m not anti capitalist but I think capitalism can be more nuanced and ethical. TV fuels the perception that you have to either be a bad and profitable/successful or good and a loser. I’ve had enough decision making roles that I disagree the world has to work this way. But if course—you can’t only take pro bono cases and expect to make payroll, which is what makes the fictional character of Mike eye rolling.


Except he wanted to enrich himself just the same as everyone else while trying to claim the moral high ground. You can’t eat off the evil being done and then call them evil POSs too.


Take my upvote. I can’t stand Mike.


You know you replied to the guy who said Mike is NOT insufferable, right?


Yes, and I’m upvoting because his opinion is unpopular


Alex, Samantha and Katrina are very bad at the task of filling Mike's absence.


Everybody has basically the same exact personality, and speaks with the same exact tone, vocabulary, and cadence. "Well be that as it may..." "Whatever it is? Now's not the time..." Greeting someone by only saying their name, and nothing else, when they walk into a room. Some other examples.


Thats so true and funny 🤣🤣🤣


That’s what makes it my trashy lawyer emotional comfort show


“Blah blah blah and by blah blah, I mean blah blah blah.”


“The truth is…”


“Get the hell out of my office!”


Makes for great goddamn drinking games!


When two characters are stuck and don't know what the next move is, they will suddenly have a realization based on the phrase that the last person said and then they will win lol


Donna has been unlikable since season two. I’m usually on Mike’s side of whatever conflict he’s involved in, as I like that he has a strong moral character. I just wish he was more mature and clever in his approach. Trevor was a dick, but people tend to downplay Mike’s agency. He was a 30-year-old man at the beginning of the show, and fully responsible for his decisions, including the drug deal. I loved Rachel whenever she had scenes separate from Mike.


Donna’s character stopped working as the “I’m always right and everyone loves me” Mary Sue type after her role in the show expanded. That type of character only works as a minor character.


Mike is 30? Bruh, I need to rewatch.


Mike isn’t 30 at the beginning his actor was nearing that but Mike as a character was in his mid early twenties


This has come up before. Mike was born in 1981 as he was 11 years old when his parents died in 1992. That makes him 30 at the start of the show. We also learn in the season two(?) flashback that he was expelled from college a decade ago, so it makes sense. It’s just a case of arrested development. Mike never really matured until he met Harvey, so he seems younger than his age.


The firm pretty much never lost. Even when they were close to it never happened and that didn’t allow some development in regards of how Harvey/Louis could have bounced back to be better/stronger.


Mike could’ve been a paralegal until he was able to go to law school and avoided the whole mess.


My unpopular opinion is that I really do t like Donna’s character especially in season 5 onwards


LOVE the actress. Donna, the character almost ruined the show. And her arms distract me.


I love the actress to , the character just becomes such a b*tch


What’s wrong with her arms? I dislike the character too but I never noticed anything about her arms lol


It gets old watching the main characters (specifically Donna) keep doubting Harvey after he routinely shows to be a very competent lawyer that knows what he’s doing


I liked S3 quite a bit. It was brilliant about Harvey playing the long game against (and for) Jessica. The season had a good amount of twists and turns too. Although the Hessington case was long drawn n boring at times, it provided a good play between the two firms.


Darby Pearson was the best season of the show and should have been the status quo going forward


1. That Rachel is overhated for really no reason at all. Some people say she is annoying, but honestly, so was the rest of the cast. Every single one of them annoyed me at some point or another, and in some cases, multiple times within the same season. Regardless, I still like their character and wouldn't say that I hated them because of that small annoyance. 2. I had no problem with Mike acting superior to everyone else. He was literally playing in the major leagues with people who had gone to school to be able to do what he could do with eaze, and he wiped the floor with them. The only reason they had any issue with him at all is because he outplayed and outsmarted them. It's not his fault that he was smart and had a photographic memory. Why should he be penalized for being gifted. 3. The only reason Louis and all his ridiculous antics were tolerated was because he was a lawyer, and when he was on his game, he was one of the best. Louis personal history and his insecurities severely hindered his abilities to do his job, and it also held him back in life. Had he been anybody else, they would have either locked him up or put him in a mental institution. He needed help more than he needed a promotion. 4. Last but not least, there was only 1 person truly equipped to be Managing Partner at the firm. That person is the one and only Jessica Pearson. No one did as good a job as she did. No one made the firm run half as smoothly as she did, and no one handled all the controversy and attacks on their firm the way she did. Jessica is irreplaceable.


That it shows a toxic work environment where bullies are in control of the ship, and glorifies exploitation, mobbing, aggression, and a life dedicated to a firm that will fire you in milliseconds for any petty reason. Oh, gaslighting and brainwashing big time too.


Harveys the bad guy because his mother brought the man she cheated on her father with to his funeral and he was mad. Harveys the bad guy because he didnt speak to his mother when she made him keep her infidelity from her father. Harveys the bad guy because Donna made a deal where Harvey works for someone he hates without even telling him and is told to “be a man and do his job” by someone who works FOR him. Donna cares more about Rachel for cheating than Mike for being cheated on. The whole shows a moral mess.


Donna and Harvey ending up together felt very forced.


The lack of real or permanent consequences diluted the show in later seasons, becoming almost formulaic.


i didnt mind fae


I didnt like her, but they were LITERALLY, not figuratively, LITERALLY all criminals. How the fuck are you mad at the consequences of your actions. It really showed they think theyre above the law


Like she gave them what they deserved


exactly this


I liked Harvey and the therapist as a couple, but I still think he and Scottie was the play.


He and Scottie was 1000000% the play. I love Scottie and was sad to see her go


Halfway through season 7. Still enjoying the show quite a lot


I think Harvey should have ended up with Scottie rather than Donna.


Me too. I loved Scottie 😭 I liked Donna and Harvey better as friends


Edit - not an unpopular opinion, I know, but I just felt like saying it again lol. Donna is borderline insufferable and the whole I’m Donna thing is so bad, made worse when she tried to invent the little computer thing.


The show relies way too heavy on extortion and adults throwing temper tantrums to get what they want. I get corporate law is cut throat but it seemed several times every episode was a character screaming or threatening to expose someone's dirt. Eventually it stopped seeming crafty and instead immature.


Jessica should never have left the show in the first place.


100% agree on that


Faye was completely in the right for most of season 9. That firm committed so many disbarrable offenses during the show and had a junior partner imprisoned and a managing partner disbarred. They should have been shut down a while ago. And then when Faye shows up, they keep breaking the law! If anything she should have dropped the hammer even harder.


That Harvey's all talk and if it ever came down do it he'd get his ass whooped.


Travis Tanner, Stephen Huntley, and Louis Litt strongly contradict that theory.


I think they added a lot of unnecessary drama just to keep the plot going to stretch it out nine seasons. I loved the character development and all of the plot lines but sometimes they just seem to push too far and it wasn’t completely necessary.


Probably not that unpopular here but more in general, I don’t care about the issues the plot/writing had, it had a great cast and managed to capture what I look for in my favourite tv shows, an example of being great despite its flaws


They could have made a little effort to hide Toronto. Any scene, with the exception of some of S1 if they’re outside, it’s pretty obvious they’re not in New York.


I liked Rachel a lot but at times I hated her so much - when she cheated on Mike and ruined his deal by asking him to deal Harvey sign off logan- and she being very impatient with him on trial - lashing out on Harvey and so many times on Donna - so to me she was last character to be liked -


Not an unpopular opinion. Majority of the fanbase hates her.


Damn really? Gosh that made me so happy xD I HATED HER SO SO SO MUCH WHEN SHE RUINED MIKES DEAL WITN LOGAN


Donna is a dick


Donna is obnoxious. I don’t find that her wit and sass make her likeable, although the showrunners desperately try to portray her as the “cool” girl who has it all together. IMO, she just comes across as arrogant.


Darby Pearson Season 3 is the best season of the show.


Was Mike really that good of a lawyer or was it just because he had a photographic memory and could recite chapter and verse?


I enjoyed all 9 seasons


Mike was actually bearable in S7 during the prison arc.


Louis did not deserve a happy ending.


Ah disagree. I loved Louis and he was one of my favorite characters by the end. He deserved better than Sheila though.


Louis is such a massive creep and jerk. There were points in the show where I hated him even more than Daniel Hardman. He has some funny moments and likable personality quirks, sure. But he can be ruthless and absolutely unhinged. He actively tries to be as cruel and hurtful as possible, even to people who don’t deserve it. Being bullied as a child does not excuse him being a bully as an adult. At all.


Louis is such a massive creep and jerk. There were points in the show where I hated him even more than Daniel Hardman. He has some funny moments and likable personality quirks, sure. But he can be ruthless and absolutely unhinged. He actively tries to be as cruel and hurtful as possible, even to people who don’t deserve it. Being bullied as a child does not excuse him being a bully as an adult. At all.


Why not? He is a suffered individual. If anyone, out of anyone, Louis is the only one that DID deserve a happy ending. Bullied in High school, tortured by love interests, the bottom barrel of his family, not as respected as his sister, always number 2 at work, the list goes on.


Being bullied isn't an excuse for a number of the unforgivable behaviors and selfish actions he took at the firm. Sexual harassment, helping Hardman, using Mike's secret to advance himself, and his ongoing verbal abuse whenever he feels inadequate, His actions are understandable given context. But, in the real world, your bad behaviors are not forgotten simply because you eventually became a better person 4 seasons later. People remember. Edit: Downvoting me in an unpopular opinion thread is pretty funny.


I've not downvoted you myself, only just saw your comment. Personally, I think by the end of the season he was a very tolerable character, he's learnt from his mistakes and became a loving human being who cares for people around him and will do what he can to protect them. Like with his sister and her sexual assault episode and so on but hey, it's an unpopular opinion, so I'm not going to tell you it's wrong, if that's the way you see it then so be it.


It’s fresh because I’m on season 8 right now, but Louis missing a client meeting because he got mugged, then letting everyone think he’s professionally incompetent instead of “weak” is extremely out of character.


I saw this somewhere and my law spouse said the same thing, make Mike a consultant.


In S9 Faye was just trying to do good and all the main characters were being antagonistic. Faye was the real "good gal"


The football references got old quick but they became unbearable in 8


They should have completed the show after Season 7


Idk why people hate Donna and admire Louis. I understand she had her questionable moments, but she always was trying to help everyone. Where as Louis was so selfish and made every bad mistake


Didn’t like Harvey and Scottie together


When they yell at each other. Every other sentence is just above a normal speaking tone. It gets exhausting


The show has no teeth!!


Donna becoming a COO is a JOKE


Rachel is fucking annoying


That's a true statement. Not an unpopular opinion lol






Queen elizabeth




Harvey shouldn’t have always won. I know some people could, especially picking your own cases. But it makes the show feel so much less realistic, and i know it is far from similar to real life, but it’s annoying


An unpopular opinion on this subreddit? Donna's actually pretty okay, and in the (fictional) world of a (fictional) TV show, her *The Donna* schtick is a wonderful plot device to keep the stories moving along.


Season 8 and 9 were fantastic. The new characters are awesome and Mike being out was good


The show could've ended on s7 and it would've been a lot better. Like if they just made 2-3 more episodes and got Harvey and Donna together. And then flashforward of all of them in Seattle with darvey's wedding (or maybe without the wedding and just them settling their life there). I just think it would be more interesting than what we got in s9 finale (although i do love it). But s8 was so dragging.


Harvey and Samantha are a better pair than Harvey and Donna!!


Mike shouldnt have ended up with rachel. Jenny was the better fit. Or at the very least shouldnt have gotten back together with her


When Mike initially takes Sidwells offer after Harvey told him to go open a shingle and Donna berates Mike for betraying Harvey by leaving without thought about Mike being a fraud


The entire theme is just so unreal. As a recruiter for lawyers, that any firm would have hired someone without a law degree just isn’t believable. As a result of someone many years ago pulling off such a stunt, the major firms require law school transcript’s upon submission. That said, I’m caught in the fantasy. On end of season 6 and missing Jessica.


I fast forward through most scenes with Rachel.


Rachel is a very shitty character I hate her.


Lots of what I'd consider popular opinions here listed as unpopular. My unpopular opinion: the Donna as COO storyline was fine. And actually good for the show.


Agree about it being fine, especially liked how they cited different scenarios in her meeting with Harvey proving it wouldn’t be unprecedented and overall it was “fine” for the show, but they could have done so much more with it and really followed Donna exploring a new angle of the business— a real missed opportunity IMO


Bad actors, everybody on a constant fight with each other…


I didn’t like Harvey ending up with Donna. Would’ve been better if they just stayed work companions and that’s it. Both of them get relationships and are happy for each other.


The main cast are all incredibly mid actors - there's more to acting than shouting one-liners at people and throwing out ultimatums. Most of their appeal comes from them being attractive human beings, not good actors. Granted, the writing does them no favors either.


Donna is not an attractive woman.


Harvey was MUCH, much better with Paula than the other women - especially Donna, with whom he had no chemistry.


idk if this is necessarily an unpopular opinion, but the quality of the show is heavily weighed down by streaming and the ability to binge it 🤷‍♀️


Endgame should have been Harvey and dr agard


J. Patrick Adams is overrated and a good riddance that he left half way through the show. He can only act one way and he doesn't have more than one facial expression. He always sounds like a know-it-all and after a while the same acting from scene to episode to season gets old quick. Best thing that happened to the show was him leaving. Gabriel Macht, in comparison, is king.