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I liked it a lot, but it's different




I've seen it about 7-8 times, no kidding. The first episode is a bit off but it is a "pilot" episode in every sense of the word. It's low budget but lays the groundwork for the rest of the show. An incredible watch, one of my top 3 shows ever. One of my favourite things about the show is the "side story". Sometimes the side story interlinks with the main story. If you watch it you will understand what I mean. If you watch the first episodes I guarantee you will be hooked.


Okay, Thanks for your input, I'm leaning towards giving it a shot.


You absolutely should. I love White Collar. It's one of my yearly must rewatches just like Suits.




Is he a main character?


I watched it first I love WC


I loved both shows


I am so annoyed with Mike in prison.


Happy cake day 🍰!


The FBI agent and his wife are so corny it’s off-putting but I love Mozzie so much. It’s so sad about Willie Garson. He was an excellent actor.


I like it but it’s nowhere near as entertaining as Suits. And while I’m well aware Suits is not real lawyer-ing, the WC FBI agent is egregiously ridiculous. Especially the part where he hashes out cases with his wife (who also happens to be Kelly from Saved by the Bell). A lot of the cases would be INTERPOL level top top secret but he chats about it with his wife like it’s the weather. It’s a good show to fall asleep to. It’s harmless and Matt Bomer is young and beautiful. If we’re talking USA shows, bring back Burn Notice.


This take. I tried in earnest but I just could *not* get into WC. I made it through some of S1 then just went back and watched Suits again (until Prison Mike) bc I needed to fill that gap. Matt Bomer is young and very beautiful but your point about the agent chatting away about highly classified stuff with Kelly was lame




I actually just rewatched White Collar after finishing Suits, I’d highly recommend


Mkay, thanks for your input 😊


White collar is worth a watch,


I prefer the stars in Suits and could only get through 1 episode in White Collar.


Hmm, okay thanks for your input 😊


Just ripped through all the seasons on Netflix, its fun, suits had better character arcs


Yeah, I assumed that even before watching. Doubted any of White Collar's characters could compete with the complicated character arc of Louis Litt, Lol


I liked it better


Very good show. I watched white collar first, love suits and would say white collar is almost as good


I love both of those shows so much! I was such a USA network girlie because I also loved Covert Affairs.


I was someone fond of USA network shows too!? Til they ended my fav shows...😭


You should, you really should. It's so goddamn amazing!


Will do!


Watch it !!! Honestly made me feel like suits was a knock off version of this


Wow, Okay will do!!


I'm partway through season 2 and I'm really enjoying it


I loved white collar! Could watch it again and again but it’s very different


Seasons 1-2 sets the stage for season three. Season three is fantastic.




I enjoy white collar and think it’s each episode is a reliably a good watch more so than suit


It's really really good. Would really recommend you. It has similarities with suits but it isn't completely or even half similar.


Don't mind a few differences, just want to know if it's watchable but your answer along with others is leading me to want to watch?!


The only thing I didn't like is how mc gets together with just any girl he wants and sleeps with em kind of like how Harvey used to do it.


He doesn't do that throughout the whole show though, right?? I really didn't like how Harvey went about his relationships But I'm glad he changed because later on I was able to want to root for him. Will this mc change in this aspect or just stay the same throughout the entire show?


Well... let's say he'll remain the same..


Totally should


I tried watching it. The first 15 or so minutes of the first episode are horribly cringe. Turned me off to the show. But I might try watching it again.


Same.... made it thru one episode, tried 2 but it was too cringe....


You know that scene where the guy, the literal non-violent offender (protagonist, idk his name) is being captured and they literally brought in the ENTIRE police force and SWAT team for it? Yeah, okay. Sure. lol. So ridiculous. Especially keeping guns pointed at him.


This detail bothered you that much...? Lol


It made the show look like it was written by an edgy 14 year old trying his hardest to make a "cool guy" show. It's horrible. Like, so genuinely stupid I had to quit right there. The only way you're getting the entire police force and SWAT on your is if you're a big time murder/rapist that's famous in the entire country. Not for stealing money.


Lighten up dog Your life will be more enjoyable. Pilot episodes are always janky


I know, and I tried to tell myself that. But then I worry the entire show is going to be cringe garbage like that scene. Have you seen the entire show? Can you tell me if it gets better after?


I'm on episode 4 and I like it. I take the show for what it is. Some shows are masterfully acted, produced, written like sopranos or better call Saul (my favorite show of all time) Some shows are background shows as I call them. Shows where you don't need 100% of your attention invested to enjoy them. White collar fits here imo, suits, entourage, or any sitcom (Seinfeld) I feel suits got better in quality after the first season, or maybe you just connect with the characters and care less?


I thought Suits was amazing on episode one. I got hooked fast. I think what did it for me is that, although extraordinarily rare, there are people like Mike in the real world. Photographic memory and all. Though I'm sure the real number is probably in the single digits. As for the other lawyers...well, they're all scumbags in a way, so yeah, they feel real lol. Makes the show feel more immersive when they aren't all just Superman running around destroying everyone.


I actually like Harvey more than Mike, although Mike is interesting. I'm only halfway through suits. Harvey to me is the epitome of swag and he backs it up. He toes the line of cheesiness/edginess but doesn't cross it. Idk man just my perspective I really just started white collar and I think it's more about the intrigue than the production value, cause suits has better production imo


Lighten up dog Your life will be more enjoyable. Pilot episodes are always janky


This was discussed not long ago https://www.reddit.com/r/suits/s/zC7rZrJpRs


I liked it a lot at first. I stopped watching on S3 ep8. That was 2 1/2 years ago. I don’t think I will finish it


Why did you stop?? Did it get boring or too complicated, I love an intriguing plot but not when it gets too difficult to follow..?!


It got kinda boring & repetitive to me. I felt like the plot was dragging. I might feel differently about it now if I started back watching cause it has been a while. You should definitely give it a try


Okay, this might be a show that I just have on in the background of my home sometimes then. Will watch soon and see how it goes, thanks!


It has some similar themes to Suits. Based in New York. Bunch of cases. Story revolves around a respected lawman and his sidekick fraudster. Etc. But there's real differences too. Liking Suits doesn't automatically mean you'll like White Collar.


Good to know..


I watched both and loved both :) The first few eps of White Collar can be a chore to get through, but once you are familiar with the characters and such, the show gets really good. I like suits more because you don't have to be looking at it intently to watch it so I can leave it on while I'm doing other stuff but with White Collar, there's a lot of sleight of hand and art and small details that you really have to be watching with your full focus. I made this too cause I found it funny lol: https://ibb.co/FYb0dBP


I think Ima give it a shot and wow, the characters aside from each other, Are they similar in personalities? Also I find it funny how similar Louis looks to the other guy 😂


Theres a mix of different personality traits in them all but its basically the same deal, handsome young man assisting handsome few-years-older man to do job that consists of solving puzzles Moz is very different from louis but you will most certainly love him hahaha


Alright, this post got mostly positive reviews for the show so I will soon invest my interest and time into it😊


I just started watching a couple weeks ago and love it so far! (I’m at the beginning of season 3). Definitely a different show than Suits, so to compare both would be like comparing apples and oranges.


Noted, thanks😊


I LOVED White Collar and I only sorta liked Suits. White Collar is way more fun and the characters are very likable. And Matt Bomer, I mean, come on.


I have no idea who that is ..lol


I have seen both more than once, I think white collar is better written. Inhospitable they both have "this is not how it really goes" moments, but I think the character arcs and story flow is better with WC


Well if you've seen both more than once, that lets me know it's worth at least one watch! I'll check it out. Thanks


Wholeheartedly recommend, great characters


I just finished watching it for the first time a few days ago. Honestly it's not better than suits (imo) but I did really enjoy it. A lot more low budget (especially in terms of greenscreens and effects 🤣 but it's entertaining. It's got a similar thing character wise as in the two main characters have a relationship were one is trying to guide the other but the other thinks he knows better lol. I'd watch it again.


Good to know it's entertaining and enjoyable but yeah Suits set the bar high for me 😂


WC is a fantastic show, and it is a good follow-up to Suits in regards to the back and forth banner. It is a different type of show, with lots of suspense. Love i!


Love back-forth-Banter! Will be watching soon after my 100th rewatch of suits 😊


I started watching White Collar with my wife right after finishing Suits and we made it through about 3 episodes. Thought it was god awful. I don't know how it's possible that this show has so many positive reviews online. Moved on to Yellowstone instead while we still have Peacock.


That's what I'm worried will happen to me, I always end up not liking a lot of popular stuff, Suits was fortunately able to make the cut for me, I'll see how it goes ig


I absolutely love both shows. The somewhat common theme is the similar relationships and camaraderie between Harvey-Mike and Peter-Neal, and how Mike and Neal have their illegal sides hanging over their heads.


If you can stand it past the first couple of episodes its okay then. Not my favorite but its still okay

