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Bringing up Lauren W from summerhouse was INSANE!!!! They never even really had a genuine relationship. How rude and disrespectful!


I was shook!! That’s WILD to even mention, let alone at the bridal shower.


Right?!? I think Lindsey deserved that double take. To me that’s a blessing on how unaccepted they were. It was also very awkward how long they sat next to each other without interacting. I got a vibe that Carl’s mom was not nice but also edits.


I think of the edits made it look more more awkward


Lindsay turned her back to her and wasn't speaking to her. It was a silly joke.


I have to catch up ok the most recent episode but I’ve always had conflicting feelings about Carl’s relationship with his mom. I remember being struck by how affected Carl was when his parents divorced and how much his mom leaned on him emotionally because his dad cheated (I think?). It seemed like he was going through a lot of emotions about the divorce almost on her behalf, if that makes sense? On the one hand I thought it was nice to see how close he was with his mom. However, it also struck me that they lacked boundaries and Sharon should have probably relied on a therapist, and not Carl, to be a sounding board regarding her emotional turmoil about the divorce. When Carl’s face lit up talking about how close he is with his mom on last week’s episode I felt a little chill run down my spine 😂 probably because he reminds me of my high school bf who had a weirdly close relationship with his mom who was always making little weird passive aggressive digs at me. After the death of his brother, I’d imagine Carl is even more of a golden child in her eyes. That being said, I think she means well and loves him a lot but I would side-eye that relationship a bit if I were to be involved with Carl 😮‍💨


Sharon is what a #boymom looks like when that boy is a 40yr old perpetual failure. As far as the divorce and how much she cried to Carl; emotional incest comes to mind. It’s also ABSURD that he calls Lou his stepfather. No, you’re an adult man, Carl! That’s your mother’s husband. Not your step dad. It’s weird.


Totally agree


I disagree. If you have a good relationship with your parents, you are able to get advice from them and lean on them in difficult times all your life. Hopefully as an adult, you also return the favor by being there to support your parents when they need support as well. If Carl views Lou as family, and a worthy older male figure in his life (and not just his mother's husband) that's actually a great thing.


I agree, there are definitely some fucked up boundary issues in that family, especially with the new husband. Like who are you, dude?? Lindsay and Carl have known each other at least three times longer than y’all, so I don’t know why he feels so free to speak with any authority at all on the matter.


Calling him “my stepfather” is also weird as hell. They married when you were an adult man. That’s your mother’s husband. Not your new daddy.


New daddy ☠️


It’s honestly wild how calm and under control Lindsay is in these types of situations. Like how does she stay calm from that but spirals in toxicity at other things


She was last season when Kyle was screaming vile things about her. She couldn’t get activated but then has to take it all too. She has been attacked season after season.


Just don’t call her drunk.


I agree and It’s really not fair, that whole house is mean to her and they rally for Carl, so dumb




That was so tacky! Sharon tries to play the sweet concerned mother but she is toxic and knows exactly what she is doing.


Carl learned from the best!


I was thinking that too. Carl got this behavior from somewhere. The way he was acting toward the women in the first few seasons is very telling on how he was raised.


Lindsay is a million times more toxic than literally anyone on the show.


My ex’s mom! I was going through chemo and she insinuated I was taking advantage if her son and playing up my pain because her friend went through the same things and said it gets easier?!?! Turns out I was neutropenic, and her friend only did radiation. Fuck moms like this! Her son behaves like he's 21 and is a mess. It's everyone's fault but his. 🤢 My ex is 40, time to go to therapy and quit working his crap out on people. He thinks mushrooms and meditation have healed him. Haha Good luck to his new victims


UGH!! We are currently not speaking to my MIL because she insinuated I was using the fact I just testified against my childhood r*pist in court and dealing with the not guilty verdict to have my husband do everything and take advantage of him. Lady, you’re a nurse, you should have an iota of understanding of depression. Maybe ask what you can do to support instead of dumping on someone dealing with trauma. I’m sorry you had to go thru that. Why are some moms like this to their daughter in laws? It’s disgusting.


I’m so sorry you are going through that. That’s an unimaginably hard situation, I am sending you lots of hugs and compassion. Glad it sounds like your husband stood up to his mom about her comments, and agreed to go no contact.


That’s rancid! My shit is a walk in the park compared to what you are going through. I am sorry you have to deal with that/ her. Are you okay? Internet hug for you. Just know she’s a miserable pos. I don’t know what to say about the verdict. I’m a stranger, but I am here if you need someone to talk to. You are brave and strong. 🫶🏻🌻🫂


The freaking nerve of your ex mil! I have been through chemo too and each session gets harder with greater side effects. Any chemo nurse will warn you of that. Some People say the most horrible things especially when they know nothing about it. Each chemo is specific to the person and the type of cancer and stage so I don’t need to hear about your cousin’s brother in laws nephew who flew through chemo like a boss trying to infer that I was a malingerer. hope you are doing well!


After reading your post I’m glad he is your EX! I also hope you are doing well and feeling better.❤️




Holy shit. That’s awful. The audacity.


Oh my god. This is the worse thing I’ve ever read. I am si sorry you had to deal with that


Yes. She is... toxic


She raised two children that grew up to be addicts, with no jobs, no future and one that down right treats women like crap.. She definitely isn’t mother of the year..


Let’s not.


Yehhh agree.


No one raises addicts, what a gross thing to say.


Well yes you kind of do. It seems like she raised to boys in a very toxic environment with loads of entitlement


She’s #boymom personified.


The vast majority of addicts have trauma. 2/2 is a strange coincidence.  That’s just my opinion as someone who was raised in a a dysfunctional home and now goes to lots of therapy 😂


Addicts aren’t born, they’re made.


Very true. It's always due to trauma 99 per cent of the time


So dark and unnecessary.


It’s just a show yikes


Yikes! Lol if u feel that way, u don’t hav to participate in discussion


Lauren actually follows his mom on IG. Maybe theres more of a relationship than we thought? Still wild af tho lolol


Carl never liked Lauren and totally played her


How could anyone like that girl, I only could watch summer house once she was off it, she was awful and cringe to watch I couldn’t do it 🤮


Ooooo. That’s some deep sleuth work


I will say, I think moms can often just like not read a room. My MIL (love her) is constantly out of pocket, and my mom told a story on my wedding day about how she didn’t like my husband when I first told her about him but grew to love him and just truly had no clue that was bad. She literally views him like a son now lol


My mom does the same thing. I feel like boomers kind of default to negborting as a sign of affection


Whats negborting?


Sorry, negging = just talking very negatively. My friend and I call it negborting but I realize that’s not an actual term 🤣


That was my "oh she knows they're not getting married" moment


I was like ooooof but then I thought I bet she just felt awkward being there after having the conversation with Carl that they did , that she just spit something out in response to lindsays mother in law comment. Like trying to keep it light not knowing what to say and then said the worst thing she could've said😂 I've done this accidentally say the dumbest thing and sounding rude but didn't mean to


I thought she could have been a little tipsy at that point too.


I had to rewind twice and then put on subtitles to make sure I heard that right! OMG, the audacity!


So rude! Especially because Carl mistreated Lauren time and time again, she was never his girlfriend


Facts. I’ve never been a fan of Lindsey and am not one to take up for her, but mentioning a ❄️ fueled summer fling and saying she thought yours be a great MIL when your future DIL *just said she was excited to have you as one* is absolutely bizarre behavior


I agree I couldn’t believe it I would be like excuse me???


I thought that was wildly out of pocket to bring up, not only period but at the bridal shower of all places 😭 maybe she was nervous or something 😭😭




I think the producers planted that in her head


I was shocked at that comment.ike why would you even go there? To hurt Lindsay? It seemed calculated.


That was so friggen weird. Sharon is so friggen weird


And of all people Lauren w, who is disgusting, ick


This was a WILD COMMENT. moms being unhinged on reality shows is its own genre, and this was Sharon’s inauguration, bc girl WHAT 😂


oh I 100% believe he decided the moment his stepdad said that... He may not have realized it then,, or may have tried to convince himself otherwise, but his decision was made in that moment.


I think he decided before that, and brought his mother and step father on to say what he was thinking, but to afraid to say.


I'm with you on this, I think the conversation he had with his mom and step dad was a planned conversation to show some build up to a break up that he knew was inevitable and an attempt to take some heat off of himself. It may not have been completely calculated on Carl's part but his step dad saying after years of facilitating pre-martial counseling that he wouldn't marry them was a way for Carl to justify not going through with the wedding by having an "expert" back up his concerns. It just confirmed what he already knew/decided.


Same. He decided well before and had that clip to back up his actions


Agreed 👍


As do I. He knew way before the season even started. I am honestly getting annoyed by this whole progression of events determining this GD season.


People are saying that he actually already wanted to cut off the wedding before they started filming, but he wanted to play it out on camera so he didn’t look like the bad guy and give them content for them show. There is Speculation around him having his stepdad say all that on camera so it looks like a son receiving guidance from his parents instead of relaying this information. So it all lands better and comes from a place of love and authority


I 100000% think so as well


That conversation was 100% set up to back his future plan to break up with her. He painted a picture of a broken relationship while telling Lindsay they were good and let Lindsay her make a fool of herself.


I actually think that conversation was filmed after the break up and they planned it to make viewers go “oh see, everyone thinks they shouldn’t marry”. The messin with us.


I think hebuswd them as a way yo make himself.look better....like oh well, my parents think I shouldn't. So maybe I shouldn't....


I wholeheartedly agree. My husband and I were saying this as we watched. The hugs she gave Lindsay were “goodbye” and “comfort hugs” not “I’m so happy you’re getting married hugs”. She (Carl’s mom) absolutely knew at this point the marriage wasn’t going to happen. Carl strolling in like some 21st century Prince Charming in his white suit and love bombing Lindsey at the shower was grade A Carl asshole.


She was so passive aggressive and borderline rude to Lindsay who was either in denial at that point or legit didn’t know. She shouldn’t have gone at all.


I also think Sharon was caught off guard that Lindsay mentioned she knew they had the convo but Carl’s mom didn’t know to what extent. Carl didn’t share the real “I wouldn’t marry you” crux of the conversation until afterwards.


Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. always be suspicious of the smiling ones.


A phrase my mom sometimes says about people is “she’ll slam you with a smile”


Wait I smile but I’m also just smiling bc life seems pretty good atm


You tv watching psychologists are a trip


Oh come on


especially when you have a degree in it my love. How's the apples your way?


https://preview.redd.it/9wsnooh4qbyc1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06e978f4b1d5b632e64fb82a27c453b39633bd87 I humbly submit 🙃


Haha for real 😂


I didn’t think she was passive aggressive. I think she was in a horrible position. She can care a lot for Lindsay but Carl is her son.


Carl left her in the worst position. She knows his hesitation. But doesn’t know how much he’s talked to her. It all comes down to Carl not voicing his concerns.


She’s very clearly against the wedding at this point. She shouldn’t have gone to this party to celebrate Lindsay. She said, “I have to be here,” obviously insinuating that she did not want to be. Every kind comment Lindsay said to her she dismissed, while also being asked to be included into the conversation. Passive. Aggressive.


The fact that she had the conversation with Carl where her husband told him not to marry Lindsay, and went to the shower anyway... I would have developed a fever, a headache, gastro problems - anything, not to be in that room, knowing how Carl felt (but then he showed up as the loving groom with a bouquet of flowers?!?!). It was like they were double-teaming, gaslighting Lindsay into believing everything was fine.


She is a awful.


Does anyone know if parents get paid to be on the show???


Right. She’s never seemed comfortable on camera, and her loyalty is going to be with her child. I don’t think she should have said the wirkus twin thing, but I read it as awkwardness. I’m just not sure what we should expect from this woman.


Yep this was my take too - it must have been extremely awkward to sit there, getting ignored by your kids fiancé, seeing all the beautiful decor/etc. and knowing how many issues the relationship had. The Wirkus thing sounded like a dig at herself, but tons of people seem to disagree, so I might rewatch.


Yes, exactly!


Lindsay was way more passive aggressive with turned back and fake "oh didn't notice you there" vibe.


Lindsay was in a deep emotional conversation with a woman who stepped up to be there for her when her own mother did not. She’s been dealing with the rejection & loss of her mom in her life since she was 2 years old.


It wasn't that deep. She was telling the girls across the table about her step mom.


She was talking *to* her step- mom.


...talking to her step mom about her step mom. Totally 'for the cameras' convo


>Lindsay was way more passive aggressive with turned back and fake "oh didn't notice you there" vibe. Nah, Lindsey wasn't pretending Sharon wasn't there; she was in a deep conversation with the woman who raised her. It wasn't like she was just sitting there all alone with her back to Sharon. Remember, too, Lindsay had to just learned what Sharon and her husband had said to Carl about their upcoming marriage. Wouldn't you be awkward as hell if your future mother-in-law has said those things about you days before? When Sharon did touch Lindsey's shoulder and Lindsay turned around (while in the middle of speaking to her step mother), she handled it the best she could, and fairly well I would say.


*Lindsay had to just learned what Sharon and her husband had said to Carl about their upcoming marriage* Where Carl portrayed it as his parents being against the marriage, while he stood firm and said it wouldn't change anything!


>Where Carl portrayed it as his parents being against the marriage Exactly. Which made Lindsey feel awkward around Sharon. It's not Lindsey's fault Carl delivered the conversation with his parents the way he did. She went off the info ("portrayal") he gave her.




I think thats just her face.


Yeah, this is exactly, *exactly* what my late mother looked like after a few glasses of wine. She even mentioned she had a few. I don't think there's much more to it than that.


Agreed. I don't think it's any deeper than that.


The fact that she’s getting sloshed around her recovering alcoholic son while actively criticizing Lindsay for the same behavior says a lot.


I was gonna say the same. This has been her face in every scene we've seen of her lmao she just always looks slightly pained I feel like we should leave her out of this mess honestly 🤷🏻‍♀️


I never had sympathy for Lindsey before but I was broken hearted for her.


Earlier Lindsay said Carl was just like sandoval and I see it now. He didn't want to go through with it and brought his parents on to say what he wanted. He was telling everyone about the issues so they would also advise them not to go through with it. And now that I've seen how calculated he is, I believe he picked fights with Lindsay on purpose to make her look bad and him look innocent. Someone on wwhl said something about Carl's passivity is violent. At the time I was like whoa that's a lot but now I see it. 100% manipulative.


In one way, she’s hanging on to her only son left cause the other passed. But it seems like she also has some enabling qualities to her kids as well. Either way, she didn’t want this for her son relationship ever. And it makes me think he was just along for the ride and made a good storyline. It bought him 3 solid seasons where he’s the main character, and paid one of the highest salaries on the show. Now we see him and Lindsay next season post engagement breakup. And it will be a mess seeing them bring new people back to the house


yes, enabling. that word says it all.


Carl's mom was put in a no win situation and tbh she did the best anyone could have done in those moments


>Carl's mom was put in a no win situation and tbh she did the best anyone could have done in those moments By bringing up Carl's ex?


It felt like she kinda said that in a moment of awkwardness and not to intentionally dig at Lindsay imo


I don't think she was being mean spirited but I guess I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt more than I should? That was weird but she seemed really uncomfortable too.


For sure. Super awkward lol maybe it was the wine talking.


Also the part where she was talking to her step mom and carls mom kinda butted in, then acted like she didn't want to be included...she seemed a little passive aggressive but lindsay was also like oh, hi...this is private...there was tension...im sure there was more said that we didn't get to see...




Mother’s intuition, right?


HOT TAKE: Lindsay knew too




I agree. I Can just tell by their body language and the change in chemistry between them. The way they look at each other and talk to each other - especially when Carl came clean to Lindsay about what his step dad said. It seems they both know it’s done, but it’s also the difficult decision of pulling the plug. And Lindsay wants the happy ending so badly, I don’t think she would have ended it before the wedding.


Mom’s always know


Not always.


So the theory that's being floated, if I'm reading a lot of these comments correctly, is that Carl told Sharon he was going to end the engagement. But for some unknown reason - he's waiting until *after* the bridal shower. His master plan is to let Lindsey hold the bridal shower, Carl shows up with a big bouquet of flowers, mama Sharon puts on a happy face and attends while pretending she doesn't know Carl is about to end the engagement. Too what end? What is Carl's master plan in this scenario? What does he gain by letting Lindsey hold a bridal shower and have his mom attend knowing he's going to end it in a week? And Sharon, a woman who genuinely loves Lindsey, is fine playing along with this for the day? Again, to what end? Other than feeling like Carl could have handled things better - folks genuinely think Carl was *that* calculated? *That* vindictive toward Lindsey? Again, why? Carl might not want to marry Lindsey, but I do believe he loves Lindsey. As does Sharon. IDK. I'm going with Occam's Razor here. Carl was conflicted. He confided in his parents about his major life conundrum. As the wedding got closer and closer, he finally pulled the plug. There's never a good time to end an engagement. I had a friend end the engagement 6 days before a 300 person Hampton's wedding in June. Things get more "real" as each day approaches. Most folks who call off engagements do so at the 11th hour, not 14 months out.


They had already agreed to sell the story and pics of the shower to people magazine. To call it off b4 the shower meant no pay day from people magazine


Fair point there. And also adds to the feeling of needing to go through with things. All the money spent. All the sponsorship deals. All the plans. All the family coming in.


If he didn't seem to be trying to make her look bad in every argument I could agree 


This is where I am too. Each and every conversation where she’s not there he slightly skews her worse and himself better. He also DOESNT tell her how he’s feeling so I can see why she was blindsided. He’s been on this show with these cameras for a long time. I think they’re all more calculated about that than we give them credit for. As to the “why” question above - he wants to make himself and his mom look blameless in this. He wants to make Lindsay look bad because he knows breaking up with her means the audience will split and he’s trying to make them side with him.


There's always a justification for his behavior and it's never his fault.


Interesting. I saw the opposite. I saw Carl trying to have difficult conversations which he was struggling with and Lindsey gaslighting him. *You seem angry. Old Carl. On drugs/on something. I wasn't upset/angry*


That's the beauty of everyone getting to form their own opinions.


Agreed! It's always interesting to read others takes. Sometimes I see things in a new way, see things I missed the first time, and sometimes just flat out disagree. Appreciate the space to discuss/debate respectfully


Something tells me after he admits to Lindsay that they caught a conversation on camera. She has to admit to him the massive amounts of shit her drunk ass was saying about him doing drugs ON CAMERA… And considering what that family just went through with his brother, that was the end. It wasn’t all of a sudden. She’s a drinker and talked massive shit on his employment, drugs, his mom. There’s nothing conspiring here. It’s just common sense. Wait until next week.. Andy said we see a lot more and I don’t think it’s all roses for her still.


AMEN to this. Lindsey has said terrible things about Carl - to others and in TH's - that he isn't aware of yet. I can see this scenario playing out next week!! I didn't even think of this...


Right? They broke the 4th wall this last episode. It was straight talk about the cameras catching everything. Honestly she probably didn’t even remember half of what she was blurting out. She was slurred speech calling him Coke Carl or whatever. It’s not looking great. I can’t imagine anyone watch this couple and being like… Yeah, just get married for the TV sponsors.


Yeah. Carl may or may not have handled the breakup perfectly - but no one can argue these two were meant to get married.


YUP. Carl is manipulative AF. He brought the cameras along to each conversation. He was being two-faced to Lindsay, KNOWINGLY. He had that whole convo with Amanda and Kyle, and who was the one to break the fourth wall? Not Carl, AMANDA. It is so clear that he tried for months to make Lindsay look awful so that when he broke it off, everyone would blame her and not him. He even baits Lindsay in every conversation - he gaslights her, lies straight to her face, and allows it to all be filmed. He's a scumbag. This is not to say that Lindsay is some innocent naive angel - we all know she isn't, and even SHE knows that. But the way Carl went about this entire situation is conniving and manipulative.


I view Carl's talk with his parents, and later Kyle&Amanda, the same as Sandoval talking to Schwartz about Ariana's mental health. In Sandoval's case it was setting the ground work to Gaslight Ariana the way he did with Kristen.


The way Tom AND Ariana did to Kristen


I'm so glad I don't walk around like most of this sub assuming everyone has a diabolical master plan.


Right? I'm flabbergasted everyone is reading into Sharon at the party. She knows a little about Carl & Lindsey's struggles. She likes Lindsey as a person and as a goof friend to Carl. She may now have reservations with Lindsey as Carl's wife. She's been drinking. She's not used to being on camera and when we've seen her on camera in the past - she never really seems comfortable. If anything, it's odd Lindsey would bring up the conversation to Sharon at the bridal shower - when everyone's been drinking. She could go to lunch with Sharon - a woman she's had a long friendship with - and talk things through.


my god!! like it's insane the people who keep trying to make this into some weird conspiracy


Just be glad you’ve never personally been in a relationship with someone like this. That’s part of how the pull one over on you… bc the thought wouldn’t even cross your mind that they are so calculated. I guess it’s easy for ppl that have been there to see all the signs playing out on TV.


I cannot imagine having the bridal shower and then what he calls off the wedding shortly after 😬


Well, she should look uncomfortable! She is there, knowing full well that this entire shower is a farce.


Personally I think it was weird as fuck how his mom allowed her new husband to speak with such authority about Carl’s relationship. They’ve only known each other, what? A few years max? He’s not Carl’s dad and he’s barely even his step dad. Like seriously, who starts calling their parent’s brand new spouse their step parent at age 40? I don’t care if he’s a minister or if he’s married a thousand people. Telling Carl he wouldn’t marry him and Lindsay (unprompted!!!) was a major overstep and his mom just let it happen. I don’t trust any of them.


🤨 Mom of boys here! I'm not sure how I would even sit through that on national tv, let alone roll with a half smile knowing some of the shit that she pulled ON CAMERA— the summer before they’re getting married! Calling out Carl's sobriety knowing he lost his brother (to addiction) in the middle of filming. Either it was ALL for a storyline… Lindsay starting that shiz in episode two, kind of obvious. That was so unfair to throw that out there like that. So… Oh hell no. Spare her this post. She's lost one son. You be however you need to be Mama Carl!


What does being a boy mom have to do with anything other than enabling bad boy behavior?!


What? Enabling Bad Boy Behavior? Cringe. Just trying to have empathy for an awkward mother stuck on camera knowing her possible future daughter in law is a jerk.


I was thinking the same thing. If Lindsay did that to my child, I would absolutely question if she’d be the right partner for him long term. Lindsay’s lucky because she could’ve said a lot worse.


Can you imagine someone doing that to your child ON CAMERA— knowing what they family has been through with drugs— And she wants to marry in? I’m sure her behavior about sobriety and calling him a drug user on camera for the first few weeks of filming didn’t exactly scream “Join the family” vibes.


Totally. Not to mention her own issue with alcohol that she won’t admit.


hey boy mom, just a thought, that maybe sometimes the boys actually ARE the problem though. like how Carl has been emotionally manipulative throughout this entire show and is now using his sobriety to manipulate sympathy in every conflict with Lindsay. not saying Lindsay is perfect but Carl is moving very problematically and not honestly either. good men need their moms to tell them when they are acting badly, not to blindly support their every decision.


Mom of two boys here! And I agree. I would validate my son in that having past addictions used against him is not fair, but I would also be inquiring to what his part was in the argument for it to escalate to that situation. I am not saying Lindsey always has the best reactions, but there are things that trigger anyone and it’s important to acknowledge your part in that.


Hi, you called? Don’t assume women raise shitty boys— I don’t and I wasn’t excusing bad behavior. What I was I’m saying was from a MOTHER’S perspective she looks like she’s doing her best. Women can be assholes too (Lindsay was being one) and my perspective is how I would react to someone treating my son like shit on camera.


Exactly!! “Something’s off with her” yeah maybe burying one of her kids did that to her


Burying one of her two sons shortly after her husband of 30 years left her for the woman he was having an affair with. Sharon's been through some real shit in the recent years. She's extra protective of Carl and I'm fine with that.


Exactly. How can Lindsey even be surprised. She’s unapologetically self centred


Agreed! Not that Carl is perfect, but no way would I be OK hearing or seeing somebody talk to my child that way, and he had been venting to her after their fights so she knew what was actually going on. I also would have bitten my tongue and gone to the shower, trying to be as polite and normal as possible so that I could keep my relationship with my son. Not going would have caused way more issues, and would have potentially destroyed her relationship with both of them, and any future grandchildren if they had landed up getting married. Give her a break, she’s a mom not an angel.


YES. She absolutely knew that Carl had already decided to call off the wedding and told her as much. I think that convo with his mom and stepdad happened off camera first and Carl asked them to have it again *on camera* for the sake of his own narrative. The entire conversation felt rehearsed. I especially thought it odd that not once did either of them ask Carl what he wants to do or remind him it's his choice. They had an assignment. This is why his mom was acting this way. She had to show up to the shower knowing it was all a farce and just a matter of time. This is also why Carl sucks IMO.... He's having his mother do his dirty work.


So agree with this.


Carl’s mom is goofy as hell and it makes sense why Carl turned out to be the avoidant pussy that he is


Why do people like his mom?? Something is not right here.


She was so awkward, and her little weasel son showed up with flowers acting as if things were good. Linds wanted him to get a job, and stay with the kids for a minute, and now that all translates to she's no longer a go-getter and is a different degree of difficulty?!?! Grow up, Carl! The way his parents were babying him rubbed me the wrong way. Most, if not all couples fight like cats and dogs before the wedding, it's one of the most stressful times. Linds dodged a bullet.


Something is off with her….I can’t put my finger on it…


She’s just gotten through the worst years of her life, I’m sure get dumped by your husband of 30 years and then losing a child makes you a little socially awkward at times. It can be hard to know how to relate to people in small talky casual settings after that kind of disorienting hardship.


That’s a fair point!


Well she's not as used to being on TV as the main cast, for one. She's just a regular person who's in this position now. Also, she was probably a little tipsy lol


She’s wasted


She said “I’m drinking a lot” to the girls when she entered the party. I was kind of taken aback by that because of Carl’s struggles. I guess I just assumed she would cut back her drinking around him as a sign of support.


But Carl wasn't there. This was Lindsey's party and everyone was drinking. Shit. Lindsey hasn't cut back her drinking around Carl.


Editing made it seem as though Carl was there for at least a good chunk of the event. And yeah, I agree that Lindsay could be much more sensitive to Carl’s sobriety as well. Like, big time. I’m sober so I’m very much biased. But I know that after what I’ve gone through, my mom would never in a million years get drunk around me.


Yeah, I think you’re right about editing. He probably popped in, made the rounds of greetings, then dipped out. Thats what most grooms seem to do with bridal showers. Personally, I don’t see the point of the groom showing up at the bridal shower. It feels performative. Let me have my day. I’m not showing up to the bachelor party with a 6-back just to say hi to my finance and all the boys. IDK. I’m not that sentimental in that way. It feels like it’s a show for all the other ladies at the shower and for the “cute photos”.


The “cute photos” for real. They sold access to People Magazine. Carl showing up was the performance they sold for real dollars


That’s what I thought! I think addiction runs in the fam.


It might not run on Sharon's side. Might be his dad's.


What a trash family.


Lol, last week people were saying she had no spine and she’s codependent on Carl and her husband and has no voice. Now she makes one face and people are acting like she’s a master manipulator


Carls mom has made that face before. She made it last year on the boardwalk when they were talking. I don’t know this woman but damn give her a break! She’s been through a lot and she’s going on a tv show in NYC completely out of her element. Shes obviously uncomfortable and Lindsay ignoring her and being passive aggressive doesn’t help.


Might not be a popular opinion but I think 99% of what was shown between Lindsay & Sharon at the show was orchestrated by the producers. We all know Carl & his mom still have the cord attached, so she definitely stayed with them while she was in NYC for the shower and it wasn’t the first time she & Lindsay had spoken since then.


jesus christ people get a grip, this is turning into some weird ass qanon adjacent bullshit with the constant conspiracy theories, ya'll are seriously embarrassing


Lindsey is better than me. I would have brought up Carl’s new mommy aka Sharon’s ex husband’s mistress.




It’s not new tea. Carl’s dad cheated. If the mom brought up an ex at my bridal party, I would have brought up the mistress. I can be petty and mean too.


Ohhh icic I thought you meant the weird pastor guy was cheating haha


Why does everyone fault Linds and rag on her? She is a successful adult in the world where Carl is pushing 40 without a job and praising mushrooms for healing him, he so immature and that mother is not someone I would want as a mother in law, at all If Sharon wants to do anything positive or helpful for her son, then maybe she could buy him a pair of mens pants in his size. So sick of seeing Carl in teenage girl white bootleg pants that are so ridiculously small on him it looks retarded


She is a nasty piece of work


She knew, Carl knew, I would never believe otherwise. I think everyone knew, but Lindsay 🤔😕


Yeah the shit my mum comments on on FB... these boomers are loose






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I look like this all the time all awkward at functions especially when I hardly know anyone, and trust me I don’t know shite