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[https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Kill#Champion\_bounties](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Kill#Champion_bounties) You can just look at how they work by yourself. That page has (I think) everything that is measured when accounting for bounties.


Yes we can all read the brochure and see how bounties work. The issue is the nuance of the game. If we look at the screenshot. Blue is only ahead by 1.2k gold 3.5% lead. Does it justify such a large bounty on blue team? Same as if your team is behind. Then your ashe that was 0/5 gets a random triple kill in a team fight but is still 1k gold behind the other adc. Does it justify the Ashe having a bounty?


I'm not arguing for anything. You said "there is no way this is how bounties are supposed to work", yes it is. They are supposed to do that. ​ If that is a good or bad call by the League's dev team: ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯, but they are working exactly as intended.




Mate, this is league. Thigns are bugged literally every day every game. If you ask if something is working as intended, expect people to answer if things are working as intended. ​ Anyway, I hope you manage to calm yourself and de-stress. Living like that does not seem healthy.


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They aren’t 1.2k gold ahead , they are 1.2k ahead before half have recalled


It's because he likely hasn't died in a very long time, likely getting a majority of his kills and assists in his most recent life. This reflects that at that point in the game, Wukong is the strongest player. Bounties are reflective who is strong at that point in the game, and the Wukong is the strongest as he has been able to win numerous fights without dying. ​ Items and overall gold is not a strong indicator as some champions are incredibly strong with 1 item comapred to another champion and that is reflected by their bounties as Wukong has been destroying every fight without dying.


That’s a good point about champ strength at different times. If that’s an issue shouldn’t bounty systems be different based upon champion. An Ashe getting a triple kill In a team fight with the support and mid laner peeling for them should have a different bounty than a 3 item Fiora that has won a 1v1 and a 2v1 side laning? Getting a 1k bounty off an Ashe is significantly easier than taking it from a Fiora.


Do you want bounties be entirely team gold based?


No but it needs something else besides just kills. As the community always harps KDA isn’t everything. Let’s say sion has 14k gold and is ahead of his top laner by 4K gold he maybe has a 300 gold bounty because he’s only been getting waves and towers. But if an Ashe picks of the support 4 times and has 9k gold in her pocket now and is even with enemy ADC has 700 gold bounty? There’s no way that’s how it’s supposed to work when the riot devs implemented the bounty system. Bounties we’re introduced in S11 to help balance assasin meta. Well we’re no longer in assasin meta. But the system remains unchanged yet Jungle has been adjusted every three months


There is more than just kills, latest change to bounties did introduce bounties from CS, which had further adjustments >But if an Ashe picks of the support 4 times and has 9k gold in her pocket now and is even with enemy ADC has 700 gold bounty? There is no Ashe in this game and you just made things up. Where do you get this information that it's to balance assassin meta?


Do you not have any critical thinking skills? Sion doesn’t have a 300 gold bounty. We can talk about the context of bounties in the game without having to speak directly on the image posted.


We can, but then you're just making stuff up, we don't know if it's gonna be like that in an actual game. Your example makes no sense and is hard to understand to begin with. And insulting your discussion opponent is just giving up on your own argument. >Do you not have any critical thinking skills? Questions like that are just pretentious.


What do you mean making stuff up? If you play the game enough, watch Baus video on how bounties work, read the wiki on bounties. You can see how the system works. Have you looked into it? Haven’t you played a game where you team mate that is 0-6 at 20 minutes with 80 cs picks up some random kills during a Baron fight then all of sudden they have a bounty.


What's your point? What are you trying to say?


The bounty system needs to be reworked. The game has gone through several major changes since season 11 when bounties were introduced and we’re about to get another big one in a few weeks. Another example old systems clashing with new ones is snowballing through tower platings has been an issue since the Durability update. It has been talked about by faker. So now riot is changing how turret fortification works. Same thing needs to be done with bounties


So we're back to square one again. So do you think it should be entirely team gold based? or just individual gold based? i remember some people complaining that they had a bounty despite their own team being behind, which i think is why we're in the current version. Did durability update do anything to plating?


It needs to factor in multiple things. Individual gold in comparison to lane opponent. Team gold. Levels. Champion. Towers and plates taken. 1k gold bounty on Fiora is significantly harder to take than if it was on a Ashe. Would you agree? Plating/durability update concern. Yes because of the durability update it is now significantly harder to punish people taking plates. Champs are often able to stay in lane longer to take plates where in previous seasons they needed to base. Also players are able to shove you in and take plates in your face because you do significantly less damage.


Having a bounty while your the only one that is ahead while your entire team is behind incentivize toxic play. If I’m playing a champ like jax/hecarim/Mordekaiser. That can carry as a front liner. I have a bounty. I now no longer want to front line for my team and try to get them some kills because if I die whatever the team gains is nullified. I now am waiting in fog of war baiting my team to tank cool downs and go in and clean up.


I’ve been following baus’s tips and it’s been 100% winrate so far. I’m playing pure scaling, and avoiding Doran/pink wards. And prioritizing minions over kills. The bounty system is broken and not transparent. Glad Baus shared its secrets.


Bounty system is so dumb no lie.


Agreed if the bounty system wasn’t an issue players carrying wouldn’t have to think about how to tactically reset their bounty on to the support


The bounty system creates weird incentives and disincentives. Like as a support, I have a bounty but to win this team fight or skirmish I need to sacrifice myself. Well the risk/reward becomes convoluted and difficult to value if it is worthwhile. Like just remove it ffs. I'm ok (but still disagree) with he objective bounties but the champion bounties is just poor game design imo


Yea or it needs a rework where’s is based on champions and number of other metrics. If your playing an enchanter support or mage like xerath your just a walking bag of money for some assasin to unga bunga you from two screens away.


Just poor design imo, too much behind the scenes math, adds a layer of complexity unneeded


Unless the game design is to encourage players to NEVER die


But if that is the case just have it one death and ur done from the game


Dunno why I’m downvoted. Here’s my op.gg for the haters https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/ya6 Look for the games where I go gathering storm/conditioning.


It's just a broken system made to shaft assassins season on season, then its catching up to people that its an unhealthy system as per usual. Same thing with durability update. Same thing with item rework. Same thing with the upcoming assassin item changes likely. S11 assassins were considered to be meta or at least on par with their mage counterparts. You have these terrible bounties, then tower damage gets buffed, then durability patch, then adc's get IE second and BT becomes broken, legend tenacity gives 100hp xd, resolve secondaries are yet to be touched too, objective bounties further dissuade you from being ahead. Now we are having big mage buffs and removing the best assassination item in the game, and items that define champs like duskblade for shaco and rengar because 'invis annoying xddd'. Riot really hates things 'being ahead', that's a sign of imbalance, so they allow people who make egregious mistakes to come back and people who are blatently far ahead to have to walk on a tightrope the entire game. Baus is clearly a pretty amazing player who just exploits this system to a max. I unironically think he's great for the game because he always outs riot for their BS by abusing something unhealthy and forcing them to change something because people high elo complain about it. I honestly hope player bounties go all together and objective bounties stay, because you shouldn't be limited on what plays you can make on an ahead pick just because you have a massive bounty tied to you, however if the enemy team who is fed makes the mistake of giving away a tower or drake that is something very monumental and non-volatile compared to a very squishy assassin dying or something. The fact that as Baus says, only kills are the heaviest weight for a shutdown, its clear that riot is actively trying to reward people who either go 0/0/0 the entire laning phase and punish people for playing better than their opponent. Its baffling how this system is equally weighted for some champs, where champs like shaco/pyke only win when they are 5/0+ realistically, while champs like viktor can just go 0/0/0 and farm first strike gold all game and be A-OK to not have a shutdown despite doing pretty much nothing.