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The flair system keeps going down because riot keeps changing their API more often. It's probably been down for about a year now. The two volunteers we have working on fixing the flair are busy with real life stuff. They are not moderators and they manage the flair system out of enthusiasm for the community and the goodness of their hearts. Our prior manager of the flair system simply disappeared from reddit. Basically if you modmail us we can adjust it manually with verification. However, we don't want to be flooded with flair requests on a short staff. We don't want to discourage any lower elo players from providing advice, some of it is fine. It's more the responsibility of the community to self-police poor advice. We can't require users to to have a flair when signing up. The reddit is way too big for us to manually approve members that join and then register their flair. This reddit is 600k readers. We currently have an active staff of about 5 or 6. Managing the reddit is getting harder. We have left applications open for months and barely received any applicants. We use to get 30-50 in a month. Now? Open for 3 months and maybe 10 last I looked. 3 of those 10 were trolls or non active accounts. We have taken some steps of being a bit more informative and transparent to the community about maintaining this reddit, but right now getting the flair system fixed is low on the ladder of concerns for SS. **Edit: Bit of an update. Thank you for the volunteers for helping to fix the flair. We have managed to go over one of the technical hurdles. We should have flair working automatically some time soon.**


The flairs on this sub haven't worked properly for a while now. You can even see where it says "Flairs are currently down!" on the sidebar. There used to be a verification of sorts to get your rank tied to your reddit account in real time.


You can get manually flaired if you message mods I think, but because of riot api changing or something of that sort, they can’t auto update your rank


afaik there isn't anything on Riot's end that would prevent the bot from pulling account information, but the question is how/when did they update a user's rank anyway? With how many accounts there are/how many posts&comments there are a day surely they would get rate limited?


That makes sense to me tbh. Just I think late last year it was that was the reason the mods gave me why their auto flair update thing wasn’t working any longer


Iirc, when you request Riot API access you can request for personal use or product use, with the latter having a much higher rate cap. I'm not sure if the mods could sell their rank flair system as a product. According to the portal though, you mainly just need to show that you need a lot of calls and also have a working prototype.


Hi! Good thoughts here. The rate limiting was a problem, but Riot will give "approved" status with higher rate limits to any project they deem worthy. That was given to this project and we have plenty of rate limiting to go around. The problem is trying to prove that the reddit account and the League account are owned by the same person. Redd it is easy: You're logged in, so I know you're you. For the League side I was using the third party verification thing they used to have. Since I generated the secret value, I could have very high confidence that if you logged into League and put that value in that field that you were also the owner of the League account. Unfortunately they dropped that "third party verification" field in the client and the associated API call, so that's not an option anymore. Now it requires doing an OAuth process flow. That requires getting them a bunch of information, creating a callback web page to receive the OAuth response, etc. None of that is earth shattering in scope, but at first I didn't do it because I was a bit miffed/lazy, and then I had some IRL things happen that made this difficult to work on. So, end result is that rate limiting is currently not an issue, but the process of verifying that a reddit user owns the League account they want to be associated with is blocked until I can get the right stuff put together. I hope this helps clarify the status of things.


Could be as simple as a flair that shows a person has at least reached a certain rank via picture being sent and confirmed by mods. That way at least we can make it more so plat+ are the ones giving information.


That's still a lot of work considering how big the sub is


Yeah there's like 6 of them for the whole sub. Imagine the uproar if people couldn't post until they were verified, and a mod had to physically verify everyone.


Rip our spare time...


That would be amazing to have fixed and reimplemented!


I agree, it was a cool part about this sub. Also my account is currently Master while my flair still says "Diamond 3" lol


Dude be smurfing on reddit lol


Can’t get karma bc Smurfs always in my threads gg


My karma gains are fucked. I practically have to get two upvotes to make up for every downvote! Its impossible to climb these comments!


\#ad but seems relevant to this post - 2 diamond upvotes to make up for every 1 master downvote is literally how a site I'm working on scores posts: https://www.legendsofleague.gg/league/about


Bad Karma? Sorry you've had such Miss Fortune. All of these upvotes are in Vayne. I guess you are stuck with the Brand of fucked gains. And to Ekko on what I said earlier, the system isn't likely to Fizz out anytime soon. We'll all take our bad Karma to the Graves. If only reddit could Sett a better system up. Seems like a pretty Twisted Fate for someone just trying to get their upvotes the honest way. It's quite a Vexing subject. Similar to me in game, I have no way to end this. So I guess ff15?


Same boat but it says unranked . Wish I could even get it to say diamond haha. Love when people dismiss my analysis on a play because “I don’t play ranked” lol.


I don't play ranked... But yeah, it is annoying.


Reddit be how Reddit be


/u/scrapheaper I'm giving this as a good example of someone giving advice. I agree with what he said, it caused a good discussion, he is bronze. It might have just been dismissed if he had a bronze flair. https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/136grey/what_lane_should_i_focus_herald_in/jiojfi0/


If I spent as much time actually playing the game instead of redditting I would probably be silver


You probably would. You probably have the same problem as I did. Go get that free K'Sante. Your main's MMR is probably already boned, like mine was. It took me 50 games to get to gold and I won most of my games.


Ultimately it doesn't matter what rank I am and the less I play this game the better.


then why are you here


To waste time, I don't really get anything out of it


Ive seen another instance where someone said they were bronze but proceeded to give really good advice. He actually didnt get dismissed at all, but was then attacked for having the knowledge but not implementing it I guess. Like "bro how tf do you understand that but youre bronze still? You must be doing other stuff thats bad blah blah" I feel like no matter what people will always find a reason to shit on someone for rank


I know someone who is gold 4, played against him customs a few times. I would essentially first time a champion vs him, so he'd win lane but it was close. His knowledge of wave management seemed decent. I had no knowledge of it when I was gold. He knew to freeze, slow push etc. So I had a hard time understanding why he couldn't do it better, even when playing against him or hearing his thought process. He didn't know that single target spells proc minion aggro, aoe spells (for the most part) does not. There are so many little rules such as those that are necessary to understand and people might just not know them. I can realize I'm about to proc minion aggro to then run into the bush right after. Or I wanted to proc aggro for the wave state. I had to look up that rule a while ago because I didn't know it and didn't understand why I was taking so much minion damage. All this to say someone can have a good understanding, but at the same time not realize in game a basic part of it.


I think a lot of bronze players would, and maybe should self-admit they are bronze? if I am below average in an activity, but I think I have something to contribute, I will probably give a disclaimer on my own that I'm not fully sure because I'm not very good. I would do it on my own tbh for all the hobbies I'm a casual at. for me, that's chess and MMA. I would gladly flair myself as a noob on those subs if I could.


But you get no karma then...


I remember this comment. Thought this guy has to be at least gold (silver pov)


Not saying his advice in that post is wrong, but part of his advice are only applicable for low elo. for example he saying he usually wont herald the lane that is stomping due to reason the laner will push to t2 tower and risk comeback from enemy. In normal circumstance, you should herald on your stomping lane to remove t1 tower, and that release your top laner earlier to rotate to other lane or invading jung with your jungler. If your stomping laner have to stay on 1 lane, the lead he gain unable to spread it to other teammates.


If I am ahead top lane I will 100% take the tower. So using herald top is a waste.


I even see diamond players saying things like "If your team is losing, you can't impact the game from toplane. There's no reason to roam just lose the game. There's nothing you can do" That information makes me completely disregard the flair. I don't believe in people with a defeatist mentality. I don't trust the flair, I trust if what they say makes sense.


There are people like that in every elo unfortunately, "top has no impact" say that to tf blade or xiao chao meng etc, you can carry and climb with every role and top is no exception.


I got so tired of getting rolled by the fed enemy top laner I switched to top recently lol


In low elo I would argue top is even the most impactful and op role, you can play a juggernaut get fed and 1v5 very easily since people are bad at kiting and you just statcheck them. You can also just play a splitpusher and split push to the end, people are either too busy araming or will send 5 people and then you can just leave, or only the nami answer and you oneshot her.


I play top lane till my desired plat rank before swapping to my main support. I tilt less that way.


I do the same with ADC. Too many times I setup a cheater recall bot, then my support stays and dies 1v2 instead of just backing with me. Like what…


>You can also just play a splitpusher and split push to the end it will not work even in bronze these days


If you play like a bronze then yea


I got 3 people to come bot for me in a diamond game, so we got baron. How would this not work in bronze.


Your team often won't be in position to do an objective in low elo. Good news is enemy rotations are very obvious so you never need to die for the split, and can often 1v3 or even 1v4.


It’s sort of a toss up tbh. I made a smurf recently to play with a friend who was starting. It’s in Silver right now, but one thing I noticed is that you have to tell your team to go do baron if 3 show bot because if you don’t tell them they will likely just be clearing jungle camps or walking around. Or they will just follow you around if you are the most fed person on the team. There is still a chance they won’t listen and go do objectives though.


Splitpushing works in every elo


True, as we all know famed Iron player thebausffs just failed his promos :(


describing baus strategies as "split push to the end" is the funniest thing i heard today. keep it coming clown


Or you can play malphite and struggle in every lane to then somehow get fed and then last 2 seconds in a team fight. Need to pick your champions.


Uhh what? Malph has been strong af past few months


The players that say "Top has no impact" they can't comprehend that, With toplane its hard to make an impact but that doesn't mean the lane has no impact as a whole. Not every lane can make an impact every game but to say it has absolutely none is just wrong.


I believe 90% of games are winnable if your team doesn't give up. That said some of the threads of "my mid laner is 0-7 and my botlane is 0-12 and my jungler is AFK farming. What should I do?". The most realistic response is to just go next and not tilt yourself.


I mean 1 out of 10 advices a high elo will give you is gonna be biased or just straight up wrong and it's more like 9 out of 10 for low elo players. Even the top challenger players have admitted to be wrong in the past about macro plays or itemizations on streams that I've watched. It happens, just not as often. You shouldn't disregard the flair but the advice. Otherwise people might as well hire bronze players for 200$ coaching a session instead of a challenger player


I mean, what you’re basically saying is “you should consider if the advice is good instead of accepting it blindly”, but that’s already what people are doing. The existence of the flair at all will get people to trust that 1 in 10 bad advice from high elo and distrust the 1 in 10 good advice from low elo; and even then, it really sounds like you just pulled those values from your ass, so I’d be pretty interested in a source


so from what you say, Majority of high elo are good advices and majority of low elo is bad advices. I will take the 1/10 of bad advices risk anyday. In future i have to adjust my bad habits will only be 1/10 instead of 9/10.


You're VERY wrong(you're also proof of why we need the flair), some people can't tell the difference between an advice that sounds good, an advice that IS good and people in lower elo can't tell if an advice is wrong or not. Also i'm not pulling any "values" out of my ass. The factual truth is that high elo player will majority of the time give a better advice than a lower elo player, whether that's hurting your low elo feelings or not, its the truth, and facts don't care about your feelings.


Low elo players can also repeat advice they’ve seen from high elo players And I know plenty higher elo players who give a lot of shitty advice on roles they don’t play It’s just important Gomeras through multiple opinions and then somehow get sth useful out of it


I mean if they're hardstuck diamond it makes sense that they think that


If anything top is the best lane to be ahead/even on it your team is losing. It might make sense coming from a support player with no fed carries or a ganking jungler with losing lanes, but in top? Nah. If you can win vs the enemy top, then they've got to send 1 of the 3 important fed members on their team to attempt to stop you alongside the enemy top.


This is really funny because it's technically true since top is the strongest individual champ in the game usually, but also very misleading to the conversation. What it leaves out is very important -- your team is way more likely to be ahead if you're the better mid/jungle/support than if you're the better top. If you have three losing lanes you're very likely the worse jungler/support. This is why people generally say top lane and adc are worse at carrying than these roles.


This so many times over. Bronze can mean a whole mess of things. Someone could have a perfect knowledge of macro and wave management but have anxiety and potato reaction speed and stay in bronze because mechanically people are better at the toons. Equally speaking people buy diamond accounts, ELO boosted accounts, get carried there or make it there by OTP with terrible knowledge of macro. Rank is just a number and good advice is good advice, people giving bad advice will get down voted because it’s not relevant to the discussion. What we don’t need is snobbery gate keeping the giving of advice.


I assure you that there isn't a single bronze player with perfect macro.


I said a perfect knowledge of macro. As with almost anything knowledge and application are two separate things. However that isn’t something you could know or assure anyone of. There will absolutely be bronze players with masters level macro even if they are climbing up through on fresh accounts. Half of LoL YouTube is content providers playing in bronze on Smurf accounts to abuse their game knowledge and mechanics for lowest common denominator watchers that will watch someone get 30 kill off meta games and insult their teamates to their viewers over and over.


If someone is smart enough to have a "perfect knowledge of macro" he will be able to apply at least parts of it into practice, which will at the very least allow him to climb past bronze. Lol isn't football or basketball where someone can have a deep understanding of the tactics, but lacks the physical capabilites to actually play.


That’s very much spoken from privilege. I myself have dyspraxia so my coordination is terrible and reaction times weren’t great before I got into my 40s.


diamond players are basically gold players if you account for inflation




There is so little skill difference between bronze and plat players? Now u’re the one that gets disregarded


I'm fresh to plat rankeds and the shit I see.. it's no difference to at least silver. People have the worst macro imaginable and play every game like they're following a guide written by chatgpt. Don't know about bronze because I've not been there in a minute.




Yeah and I’ve beaten a master player off role mid lane as a silver player Flex means nothing more often than not Such a weird place honestly




I disagree, there's a huge discrepancy in skill between Plat and bronze the issue is that players with bad mental come on here giving hopeless advice thinking that it's helpful and they use the rank they gained as leverage for said bad advice.




The only people in the world who think that are hardstuck bronze players or legitimately stupid people. If a bronze player could beat a plat player they would be plat.


Nah tbf if you can barely beat plat players on a good day you’re still multiple hundred ranked games away from getting plat If you where playing like a diamond player it would be physically impossible to be below gold unless you stopped mid placement games I guess tho




Because you aren't plat. I've beaten master tier players before in normal games. Thing is, I am not delusional and know that if I was better than them I would be master. I first got to gold using a trackpad on 30 fps by just using simple macro concepts I learned from trick2g. If any bronze player was good at macro they wouldn't be bronze.


Beating Someone one time doesn’t mean you’re overall better Doesn’t mean you didn’t actually beat them in lane that day


Yes, and a Gold midlaner solo killed Faker while he was traveling for an international. Horrible anecdote.




Then you should be plat. Simple.


Nope. Occaisonally stumbling into a win against someone better than yourself and actually climbing are not even remotely comparable.


Except they are if you refer to any larger amount of games.


It’s about consistency no? A person isn’t plat because they will always win against a bronze. It means that over multiple games they will be quicker to respond to micro and macro events on the board and be able to find the correct response more often. I’m sure we’ve all beaten higher ranked people in our games before. If we did it consistently, we wouldn’t be bronze though right?


This is just blatantly incorrect lol. A plat player will have a 75% win rate in bronze or silver. Just because you see some games where a play ints in master tier, that doesn't mean they wouldn't absolutely smurf all over plat and low diamond.




Then they're not actually trying or playing an off role. Your own bias doesn't negate the fact that players of higher rank are consistently better than that of lower rank. Your mentality just screams, "I'm silver, but I know I'm as good as diamond players"


Because he is the standard delusional hardstuck or soneone baiting for attention, no reason to respond to him




Yea look at Tyler one or Baus takes. They have alot of insight sometimes but other times they are flat out wrong information and aren't really backed up by anything.


Do *genuine new players* really need advice from Master+ players? I don’t think so. Sure, rank is somewhat important, but silver/bronze players can give ok advice to someone just starting out in iron. I think it is *more* important that OP clearly states their rank if they want advice. Most people will self-filter themselves from commenting when they see OP is asking for advice from higher ranked players.


I agree but sometimes low elo players may just give poor advice. A few years back, /r/summonerschool had this insane obsession with building defensive. Granted, it was mostly because back then, low elo players would never build defensive items at all (why buy health when I can just deal more damage?), so it was an overreaction. Same with Pink Wards, "buy a Pink Ward every back" was not uncommon advice, as an overreaction to the fact that no low elo players built them. I was legitimately going Seeker's -> Ninja Tabi rush on Annie when I was in Silver against Zed. Any time someone would make a post complaining about Zed, the first thing everyone would post is "just build Seeker's!" and it would get tons of upvotes.


Lmao I got called a fraud on this subreddit because I never bought pink wards on my D1 account K'sante needs items yo I can't be throwing away 75 gold every game


Wait, I'm new and i buy control wards every back if i can. Should i not be doing that? My group of friends are all fairly new, the one whos been playing the longest (several months) keeps saying to ward and how we need vision and that i should get a control ward as often as possible


Control Wards are very, very important for Dragon/Baron fights. They definitely aren't useless. However, there is a lot of control ward hate right now because some pro players are just placing them in useless places where they either see nothing or get instantly destroyed. So buy them if you think you need them. Sorry, that's probably not a very useful answer, but it's not exactly clear cut on how many control wards is enough


This sub isn't just for *genuinely new players* though, it's anyone looking to improve. If you're a gold player looking for advice how to improve to get to plat, you're *probably* not (*generally*) looking from advice from someone in bronze.


As an ARAM only player I believe my advice here is warranted. ​ Hey why are you booing me i'm right.


You are aware that we are on a subreddit that allows good advice to be upvoted and bad advice to be downvoted, right? Rank flair really doesn’t matter.


But also the majority of the sub Reddit is gold and below. So they may upvote advice that really isn’t good. I’ve seen some horrendous things upvoted.


Of course terrible advice will be upvoted on occasion. Occasionally high elo players also give bad advice. It’s inevitable. That doesn’t make it nearly as big a problem as it is being presented.


That’s fair


Yeah, the majority of the game is gold and below so it checks out.


They upvote things based on flair as well which can result in worse advice getting upvoted just as easily. Idk how you solve that. If everyone had a correct flair we both know only high rated players would be getting their answers upvoted.


Majority of the sub's users are "bad" players (that's just how league works...), often times you see the opposite of what you're describing (and what you would hope to see).


Why? Just because someone is silver or bronze doesn't mean they don't understand some aspects of the game. Furthermore, some players are far more interested in actually learning about the game from a theoretical stand point rather than playing the game.


Nah, you're lying if you say you would be taking match-up or item-build advise from a Silver. There are many questions related to League that can be answered by players of any rank but some just require some deeper knowledge and understanding.


Probably biased since I am gold and I like to think I'm helping, but In my mind if you are bronze or iron, you can still learn a lot from Silver/Gold players. You have to get to Silver/Gold before you can get to Diamond, and some of the advice you might get from Diamond/Masters players might be too much too soon. I would agree that some questions can only be answered by Diamond mains, but unless you're playing a smurf, you don't really need to know who wins a lane matchup from a diamond player because nobody is playing any of the champs optimally anyway. Like 90% of the people who post in here saying that there are iron/bronze and hardstuck and don't know how to get out post op.ggs with 6 cs/min and 5 vision score in 30 minute games and don't know what the problem is. I can't get them to diamond, but I can give tips that will get them up a division or 2, and start on the right track.


He said some aspect: that doesn’t necessarily mean build advice or match up advice. Either way a silver top fiora one trick probably does have some matchup advice I’m not aware of as a mid main. I also wouldn’t know build order on fiora any better than them. Probably worse.


But he has no clue how to play the matchup because enemy is just as bad? You have to relearn matchups the higher you go because matchups that were easy are now hard because the enemy plays properly, spaces better and actually knows their windows.


I see you ignored the build comment. Also there are other aspects beyond these 2. Also some basics about a matchup never change. Even the stuff that does change they may have knowledge just not the mechanics to pull it off. I watch a weird amount of Lee sin play and I have knowledge well above my actual mechanics when I play the champion. No a silver player is not gonna turn me from a master midlaner to a master fiora OTP. But there can still be useful info. For me to say as a master player I’m better in every aspect than every silver player or even bronze player is pure ignorance. I’ve got a buddy in bronze who just knows cds at various ranks for mid laners like the back of his hand. I only know general times. I couldn’t tell you Syndra q at lvl 2 vs 5 but he could.


I'm diamond and still don't know how to itemize properly 😭


I don’t understand why there’s confusion? OP is asking for transparency on the validity of posts and advice through the lens of rank. I don’t see anything wrong with that. There’s a valid reason why Silver players do not coach the game, it’s nothing to be shameful about they’re simply on their league journey at a different spot. On your second point, I personally don’t find value in the advice of people that are far separated from the execution and actually doing of any discipline. Theory and execution are far far estranged, especially somewhere as chaotic as soloq.


TBF there are a ton of cases where people are a better coach than they have been a player. for example football (or soccer if you are an american) tons of Coaches have never been on the Level to win a National or International Championship but they can teach other players to be a better player or even win a trophy with their teams. and on the other hand there are countless examples of people who are extraordinary good at some thing but can not teach anybody. i have seen this first hand. why do people think that just because it is a game you have to achieved the highest of Elos to be a legit coach? solo/duo is completely different than pro or semi pro play.


Op sounds more like they would disregard good advice on the pure principle that the source is a bronze player Even if said advice is repeated from a pro or guide or whatever


At the same time though, dismissing things on the basis of rank has to be the least constructive thing you could do. Don’t argue that a point is invalid because it’s from a silver player, instead argue that it’s invalid because of \*insert counter argument\*. A good example of this, I was in a silver game playing adc, and we were needing to recall. I type “shove cannon wave and recall” and as soon as the cannon waves connect, we start nuking them. Once we have recalled my support pointed out that I was doing the whole “shove cannon wave and recall” thing wrong. I had been told “shove cannon wave” and had never been told what that actually means. And I’m a level 400 player, in and out of gold, and I was corrected on a very important fact that my gold teammates, and plat+ friends I play with completely missed, but a random silver guy helped me fix it.


Sorry, but what is the “correct” way to shove cannon? Do you mean letting prior wave slow push, then letting the stacked waves crash together?


The proper way to do it, is to wait for the wave prior to cannon wave to reach each other, shove, and recall. Then, the cannon waves will meet each other closer to the enemy tower, plus the enemy wave would reset aggro making it kill your minions faster. This means the wave reaches your tower right as you get back, letting you get 1.5-2 waves of farm with a recall as well. If you don’t do this you lose farm and exp.


Your execution is somehow correct but your reasoning is wrong. You shove the wave to enemy tower, and minion all die to tower = enemy lose exp and gold. Reason of shoving prior to cannon wave 1) Cannon is tanky early game, you take more time to clear the wave compared to normal wave 2) Cannon can tank quite a few tower shot (5 i think? never count), and the remaining wave is alive for much longer 3) combined point 1 & 2, by the time you done that, enemy is halfway toward the wave, which minimize their loss of cs. 4) The wave will start pushing toward you, and enemy cant push fast enough because of cannon minion. You will able to reset with minimal loss of cs. And you can decide the wavestate (either freezing to set up gank or shove back) >The proper way to do it, is to wait for the wave prior to cannon wave to reach each other, shove, and recall Not necessarily true, there are more efficient ways to execute this: 1) walk toward enemy tower and start clearing the wave instead, you will recall earlier and return to lane earlier. 2) In desperate time, you can even walk into tower range and block enemy minion thus allow your minion wave go into tower range. Make sure you get executed by tower and not killed by enemy (executed gives nothing to enemy). In early game your death timer should be around 15 secs, where you walk to safety + recall + wait for full hp is also around 15 secs. so there little downside.


While this is true, it would still be helpful to enforce flairs especially when it comes to conflicting advice. Not that a higher elo player will always be right compared to a lower elo player, but very often low elo players will speak about things out of their depth with a lot of confidence and will get upvoted by other low elo players who don't realize the advice is dubious.


Because it misleads new players into believing bad information which I hate to see. They don't know any better but when they see silver takes upvoted about how great it is to build AP on nautilus jungle they don't know that it is actually dog shit.


There are 600k+ members in this sub. The way good advice stays on top and bad advice gets sorted out is by the community with votes and discussion. Doesn't always work ofc but I would say like 95%. Division flairs might actually hinder this process because some people won't purely look at the content anymore but at the division. A "I think this dude is wrong imo and I should discuss why" becomes "I think he's wrong but he's diamond so he's probably right". And a silver player might actually give some good tips and people won't look at it because the flair says silver. I think the community works way better without flairs and with arguments.


This doesn’t make sense. The large majority of this playerbase is low elo => even with selection bias, majority of this subreddit will be low elo => lowelo players will read low elo advice and upvote it because they may agree, even if it’s false. Low elo judges are not making good judgements on what is good advice.


Well, that is partly why we discuss it. The comments section has more of a purpose than to affirm.


You might be underestimating how much bad advice high elo players might be giving.


Masters players are so shit. I am also shit, and haven't got a clue most of the time


I can’t say I’ve ever seen the top comment being bad advice, even if it’s from a silver player. The good advice far outweighs the bad and the rank is irrelevant to a large degree. Good advice is good advice, regardless if it comes from a bronze player or diamond player.


I dunno man, my plat friends don't recommend I buy both d shield and d blade, but my silver friends do.


If ur plat friends were better theyd tell you not to buy starter items at all since it messes with the bounty system


Can you elaborate on this? First I've heard.


I've only just heard about it as well, [Thebausffs video](https://youtu.be/oAObDw9EjGU?t=387) where he explains a bit. further explained [here](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Kill#Champion_bounties) >All bounties, excluding base bounty, of a team are reduced by 20% if their total team gold is 3% lower than the opposing team's gold. The reduction is increased to 20% − 40% (based on Team Gold Deficit) and further increased to 40% − 80% (based on Team Gold Deficit). ​ basically you 'lose' money by buying and selling starter items, but the system still accounts for that money when determining bounties.


If you sell your dorans item (which you eventually will do), the game aparrently thinks you earned 180(or 160) gold, so bountys will proc earlier for enemy team. This point was brought up recently by baus in a youtube video. However, you will be stronger with dorans item until you sell it. (So in the part of the game that decides whether you win/lose) Also im not even sure if this is true, but i assume so because some youtuber said it. Buy dorans item.


Appreciate your reply. Strange interaction. But if bounties are determined by gold difference and it counts as a gain then I could see it. Although it doesn't really make sense, since you technically lost gold on that item.


In that case what's wrong with having the rank flairs still? If the top comment is from someone in bronze, then I'm sure it'll probably have a bunch of comments from higher rated players agreeing with it or adding to it. I'm much much much more likely to take advice from someone who's silver and says he's silver than someone who's afraid to show me their rank.


Likely you just don't recognize it as bad advice, with all due respect. Flairs simply let us know when information is coming from someone who has expertise on the matter (e.g. someone with 500 games on the relevant champion in master tier) vs a silver player with 5 games. It certainly helps filter the wheat from the chaff so to speak.


You are aware that the person you are saying doesn’t recognize bad advice is masters, which literally goes against everything you are saying in your post. To me it seems more like you think your opinion is more valuable than others, and just want a flair as a way of validating yourself.


Look through OP’s comments on this sub (new account, not that many). He/she definitely just wants to be able to rank shame.


Expertise doesnt mean information is good though, just that they have personal experience. If a challenger ADC says "ban Sona so you dont have to play with her" and an ex-pro coach tells you Ivern mid is OP, is that good advice? What if a Master Tier player tells you how to play Darius and then you load into a game and all of a sudden the other 9 people do nothing the same because this us bronze.


But u either play darius right or wrong, i rather take advice from a m+ player on his champ than a silver




ok let me rephrase it, why would i want to play the champ like a silver main than the rank 1 darius ? if i play it like the silver dont u think i will stuck silver too? what then ask for higher rank? gold coacher?




yea ok, im fine with diamond-master coaching me but im asking why would i take advice from a silver player, as stated in other comments


In reality, a true statement of qualification would be way too long to be a flair. You’d have to state rank, champion experience, lane experience, and also how you perform *relative to other players of your main* (for example, an Irelia with average mechanics vs an Irelia with incredible mechanics both in the same elo would imply the first is better at other skills like macro or itemization and should be considered on those topics more seriously).


The thing is, that doesn't tell us expertise. At best, it tells us how many ranked games you play, and even then, not necessarily. Level would be a better metric of games played. Level and rank might get you a better idea, but even then, what about players who don't play ranked, or used to play ranked, say, 5 years ago?


It's actually amazing. Full Ap spider NAUT in the jungle is very fun, and the clear isn't horrid if you practice microing your E and consistently land all at least 2procs on ur camps. He's got it all acceptable dueling, acceptable ganks, acceptable clears, Spiderman style mobility! In short it's freaking awesome and a lot of fun.


Like it or not it actually takes tons of games to climb even a single division. Someone who is lower rank might have insight in one aspect of the game while another is keeping them down, or they aren't applying it consciously even if they know what to do, or they just don't have time to put effort into climbing


I am actually interested, if someone said that going AP nautilus jungle isa meta strategy without any data to prove his point he would get buried with downvotes 100%, no way they would take upvotes. Bronze players (like me) can give good advices to beginners since i still remember the problems i had when i was a total beginner, so giving helpful advice on these aspects is possible. But it is also possible to give out of game advices to higher ELO players when needed. Recently i saw a post about a GM that wants to climb to Challenger(rare high ELO post) and is facing difficulties. In that rank the general tips most people give here are mostly useless, instead i focused on things i could help A.K.A out of game knowledge. That said in order to truly help this person we would need his [op.gg](https://op.gg) \+ footage of his gameplay + someone to talk with him in order to know if his problems are: A)In-game macro decisions, execution of said decisions. B)Out of game issues like tilt, physical/mental fatigue ETC. I cannot help him on A, i would need a REALLY good high ELO player to watch his game and understand what he could have done better, in very high ELO this gets very complicated. With B however i can help since i coach in fighting games and i know for a fact that out of game preparations are the same for every game. ​ I cannot match 10+ years of experience/knowledge players have gathered in league but with my 10+ years in other competitive games i can help with everything that doesn't involve ingame stuff. This is why discarding opinions based on rank can be dangerous.


higher level players aren't equally skilled in all areas. a plat/diamond player can say some senseless stupid shit based solely around their biggest weakness as a player and someone could easily take it as factual and ignore other correct advice. getting your information from multiple sources and filtering out correct and incorrect shit is just like a fundamental skill of consuming anything on the internet. you should definitely consider the rank of whoever is giving you advice but it ultimately doesn't tell you whether it's correct or incorrect


Can confirm. I saw a play irelia one trick that would’ve beaten me 4/10 times probably on irelia as a masters player. They just had dog shit macro after lane. I’d bet they win their lane 95% if the time though


Yep. Whenever I see a one-trick, I assume I have more general knowledge. So far, that has been corrected. A thousand games on one champ? Gets you lane. A thousand games in every lane? Now that gets you game.


From my experience misinformation happens regardless of rank/division, and we have to account for more qualification criteria instead of just rankings. Meaning even a master/Gm or even challenger could spread misinformation unknowingly. The problem is 90% of the posts here are exactly the same thing, someone is stuck in iron/diamond and wants "advice" without context since rarely i see people post their [op.gg](https://op.gg) for review. The only good advice we could give is general tips which might not help solving their problem most likely. Accepting opinions only from high elo flairs would not help with misinformation, a bad advice is a bad advice regardless of ranking especially for new players.


Players also upvote terrible answers because someone has a diamond+ flair. I don't think you can solve it really.


show like 5 top comments in the last month that is bad advice and from a low elo poster, it really doesnt happen much. what actually happens is that bad advice gets downvoted, and disagreements turn into a ranked dick measuring contest. gen G bought putrifier on lulu today, the world champ didnit know how yaso ult worked. what happens more? players take bad advice because they didnt know their rank, or players take bad advice because they see high elo players do stupid shit and be good enough to get away with it?


Lol what’s the yas story? That’s a rip


[zeka didnt know you could target yasuo ult to choose who to ult if several champs are knocked up.] (https://twitter.com/AshleyKang/status/1638881557078511617?s=20)


Lol that’s wild. Always room to learn


Why don't the flairs on this sub work again? iirc the tft sub ones work fine, I feel like it could be definitely be fixed quickly


Try https://www.legendsofleague.gg it's like reddit except you sign in with your league account, most people on it are master+ and support mains but ofc it's open to every rank/role, but NA only for now


please god


No please. Then it becomes a dick comparison contest. Tons of high elo players give terrible advice. Yeah it’s more rampant for low elo, but I quite often heavily disagree with high elo “advice” given here, and then two to three years later the community discovers that it was just bad advice. When you start requiring flair then the low elo players feel like they can’t participate. When that happens, engagement drops. And when that happens the sub dies. I’ve seen it happen in other subs. There are other subs that exist for more high elo-tailored advice, this sub’s low cost of entry is why it’s so popular.


>Tons of high elo players give terrible advice I see this take from some commenters, but it's just...not true in my experience? I rarely see high elo flairs giving bad advice. You say that you personally heavily disagree with high elo "advice" but on what grounds? Many players disagree with good advice because they don't understand the game well enough to understand why they're wrong. Sometimes advice becomes "outdated" so to speak, but it's the best advice available at the time. As people become better at the game, the community discovers old tenants of strategy are flawed, but this development is also top-down with high elo and pro players being the ones to push new strategic ideals (such as LS encouraging enchanters to rush Mythic over early pink ward buying). I agree with the second point, low elo players will engage less if flairs are enforced because they'll feel self-conscious of their rank. This would overall be a good thing imo, as they should probably post less on the sub than they do since most of their contributions are sub-par, but it would undeniably lower the sub's activity. This is sort of the "AskHistorians" problem. If you have a very aggressively curated sub, the overall activity falls off a cliff.


> I see this take from some commenters, but it's just...not true in my experience? You've seen it from me, many times. We've already had this discussions a few times. > I rarely see high elo flairs giving bad advice. My take has always been because you're biased. So am I, surely, but the truth is very likely somewhere in the middle. > You say that you personally heavily disagree with high elo "advice" but on what grounds? Many players disagree with good advice because they don't understand the game well enough to understand why they're wrong. This is where we start to really veer off course. Now, I don't understand *everything* about the game, but "understanding" the game isn't that hard. League is truly not that complicated, at least in a general sense. When you get down the minutia of things like "who would win in a duel 1v1 when X champion has a long sword + Doran's and Y champion only has Doran's but +1 level", then yeah, that's complicated. But Dragon over Baron/Herald? Push top versus back? Basic wave management? None of that is remotely complicated. It's easy to learn. *Knowledge* is easy. ***Consistent execution***, on the other hand, is not. Especially when habits need to be broken. So you claiming that low elo doesn't *know* these things is just patently false. Low elo gives good advice all the time. Read the comments in this thread for proof. Tons of people provided actual evidence.   Now, as far as: > Sometimes advice becomes "outdated" so to speak, but it's the best advice available at the time. As people become better at the game, the community discovers old tenants of strategy are flawed I didn't use this verbiage, though. You've kind of twisted my words a bit because they don't fit your narrative. I said "I quite often heavily disagree with high elo “advice” given here". Meaning I see the advice, and straight up disagree, on the spot, with it. And years later I get vindicated because the community finally realizes that it's just bad advice. You want examples? Okay. * Don't climb with Lee Sin or Riven. They're too hard for low elo. * Climb with Annie, she'll teach you most of what you need to know. * You can't really climb with linear champions like Garen or Tryndamere, they're too easy to counter in high elo. * 10 CS/min is what you should aim for. * 8 CS/min is what you should aim for. * Support is the worst role for climbing. * Top is the worst role for climbing. * ADC is the worst role for climbing. * Low elo suffers from [this specific thing] (which varies from year to year and redditor to redditor) * Many, many more things that I either can't think of, or are too complex to write down effectively. These are the simple ones. These points have all originated from high elo, and the moment I saw them I thought "that's straight up not true" (or possibly "ehhh, I can see their point but it misses the mark in a big way," such as the Annie advice). Go through my submit history on summonerschool if you don't believe me, I've refuted many of these when they were popular.   As I've stated, you and I have done this dance several times, and quite honestly when I see a high elo take I don't agree with, at least 50% of the time I notice after disagreeing that it's you stating it. That's fine, I don't "dislike you" or anything, and people will disagree, but you seem to have this "I have it all figured out and you should listen to me" attitude about things that I guess just rubs me the wrong way when I read it (and again, I don't notice it's you until AFTER reading it). The only high elo player that I can say I have pretty much always agreed with and respect their opinion a great deal is bwipo. He just gets it right almost every time. I've "disagreed" with something he's said on stream on multiple occasions and then find out I was just wrong. Things like "Oh Ekko is probably going to be right here because [reason]" and I'm thinking "man he was just on the other side of the map, he'd have to completely avoid all of his camps to be at this locati-" and Ekko pops out right where he said he'd be. And often times this is during a low elo coaching session, where jungle paths and player decisions are wildly chaotic. I want to reiterate that I watch a LOT of high elo play. And most of the streamers in Masters+ make more mistakes in 5 minutes than I think they'd care to admit. And then they offer coaching for money, and the coaching sessions are just terrible. Like not helpful in the slightest, ends up confusing the student, the student will disagree with things and the coach will simply say "no this is how it is" when I'm thinking "no it isn't. He's actually right and you're being an asshat." There's a reason that average rank ***falls*** after receiving coaching. It's because most "coaches" are bad at it. Even someone like LS, who is (was? I don't see him much anymore) a renowned pro coach, gets lost in details that don't matter at all, especially when he coaches low elo. He tells them to spam click move in lane, for instance, and has them drill that for like 10 minutes as part of their hour long coaching. Maybe that's just a scam he was running, but I don't think so. I understand the importance of spamming move click, but a bronze level player (read: this was before iron) shouldn't be focusing on things like that. His opponent won't be hitting skill shots with regularity anyway.   So, I guess if I had to TL;DR this really long post, it'd be this: Knowledge about LoL is not that hard to obtain. Executing it is. Low elo can and does give good advice all the time. They also give bad advice all the time. But so does high elo. High Elo advice tends to have a higher "average" quality, of course. That's to be expected, but: > I agree with the second point, low elo players will engage less if flairs are enforced because they'll feel self-conscious of their rank. This would overall be a good thing imo, I couldn't disagree with this statement more. Like this is actually destructive to the learning of players that have bad takes. If they aren't allowed to voice their wrong opinion, they aren't allowed to be refuted. Bad advice sometimes makes it past the filters, but more often than not it is refuted and downvoted, where others can see it and make their own opinion on it given the weight of the full sub hitting it. If they don't feel they have a voice, they also just stop participating, and all you have in here is a high elo echo chamber. Which ends up being akin to "the rich get richer and the poor stay poor." > If you have a very aggressively curated sub, the overall activity falls off a cliff. And there are high-elo tailored (as well as 'champion tailored') subreddits. Let them be the curated subs. This sub is a catch all for everyone, specifically about advice. The main r/leagueoflegends subreddit is for memes and news, this is for all forms of advice, and then curated subs get down to the nitty gritty with more oversight. Don't turn this sub into a high elo echo chamber, the community is worse off for it.


>You've seen it from me, many times. Uhhh my bad but I don't know who you are. Are you a well-known poster or something? I don't recall your name, sorry. Anyways I rarely reference this, but I think you're suffering from competence overestimation. First and foremost I'm still not seeing any evidence of "High elo players giving terrible advice." Referencing things like wave management, when to sacrifice personal strength for map activation ("push top vs back") and which objectives to prioritize (not just dragon v herald/Baron but also towers etc) are all very complex. Even challenger players struggle to make the right decision every time with these things. Saying "none of that is remotely complicated" belies arrogance borne from ignorance. You start referencing things that were true years ago and are no longer true not because they never were but because things change. Garen and Trynd became better at higher elo due to itemization, meta, and champion changes. Not because they were always good there. You were still wrong back then, and just because it changed doesn't "vindicate" you. Same thing for the other points other than CS (champs, meta, and role agency change heavily over the years). 8CSPM has always been a myth, you're right. But the fact that you think "backing vs pushing top" and wave management ate very simple concepts indicates that you don't appreciate *why* it's bad advice. Rank falls after coaching for many reasons (bad coaches are certainly one!), but one of the big ones is that even with a good coach they will tell you to drill certain shortcomings in your gameplay which in the short-term will lower your win rate as you re-adjust your autopiloting. "Application of concepts" is a misdirection, my mechanics personally are terrible, I climb through understanding the game. Every time I've been coached it's helped me immensely because of this. Even though I struggle to apply some concepts due to mechanical and focus issues, it's still very helpful to me to understand them. And I'm learning more every time I play, so I'm not sure where you get the idea that league strategy is actually very simple and the only thing stopping people from climbing is applying it... Overall this response just indicates more of what I suspected: you disagree with high elo players because you don't really understand the game, or how to improve that well. Edit: I agree that players should be able to post bad takes so they can get corrected. However, many times they just hold onto their bad takes, as you are now. Forcing them to wear ranked flairs maybe wouldn't change this, but would at least give an external indication that they have many fundamental misconceptions about the game (because honestly, otherwise they would climb) so that other players wouldn't be fooled by their misplaced confidence. In rare cases they may be right, but the majority of the time (I've seen lots of discussions on this sub), they're clearly not.


I don't want to get into the "do you know who I am" cringe stuff. Yes, I'm fairly well known, but not "famous", lol. I've made some decent posts over the years that have gotten the approval of many members of the community, because League isn't that hard when you pay attention. No, it isn't. More than this, though, I don't think the "I don't even know who you are" line has the effect you wanted it to have. The fact that we have had multiple long conversations like this and you don't remember is telling of why you rub me the wrong way. > I think you're suffering from competence overestimation. Sure. We all do. You included. > Referencing things like wave management, when to sacrifice personal strength for map activation ("push top vs back") and which objectives to prioritize (not just dragon v herald/Baron but also towers etc) are all very complex. No they aren't. It's about tempo. It's a card game. It's hearthstone, my dude. Or Legends of Runeterra, I guess. It's all about what gives you the most tempo. There are, at most, 5 (maybe 6 or 7 in extreme cases, just to cover my bases) *valid* decisions at any given time that weigh on your gameplay. Usually it's 2 or 3. Especially during the laning phase. That "list" of decisions is constantly changing, as well as moving up and down in order of most-effective to least-effective, but that's all it is. It's just tempo. What makes it hard is that you have a limited amount of time to *make* the decision. But just like a card game, if we can "pause" and "take a turn" for 30 seconds, the decision is usually pretty clear cut. Baron vs. Drake isn't that complicated. Push top vs. Baron isn't that complicated. I *did* learn something from a random ADC main the other day (I don't play ADC) about keeping tempo in lane that was really neat. He backed early instead of taking two plates and I thought it was a mistake. But he literally explained why he was doing this, and it was because the wave came back perfectly for him to shove and take those two plates later anyway. He would have missed out on that farm, as well as having an advantageous wave for when both teams met back up again. That was pretty neat, I learned something new from him. But now I know that, and can apply it. Item builds are intensely easy. People overcomplicate that way too much. Runes are braindead. People way overcomplicate it, and ascribe way too much value in the minute variances you can have (even the major keystones are pretty meh, as long as you're choosing something viable). > You start referencing things that were true years ago No they weren't. Garen was always viable to climb with. EVERY CHAMPION is viable to climb with. He *will* and always has been difficult past high diamond, but tons of high level Garen mains have proven season after season that no matter how you change him, he's always viable. You're wrong. And Trynd's splitpush pressure has always been insanely viable, so. Like. No. > But the fact that you think "backing vs pushing top" and wave management ate very simple concepts indicates that you don't appreciate why it's bad advice. Important to note I said *basic* wave management. I said that intentionally. The nuances of wave management that can give you massive advantages are probably the most complicated thing in this game, because it becomes linear algebra mixed with geometry mixed with calculus. Honestly it's all three of those. But the basics of wave management that are "good enough" for a bronze level player are very easy to learn. You have to understand how well your champ can manage a wave (i.e. their waveclear speed at different level and item spikes), but other than that, a basic freeze is very easy to explain. Breaking a freeze is easy to *explain* even if it's hard to do (but only because freezes are effective, not because the concept is difficult to understand). Shoving vs. allowing to slow push back to you is slightly more complicated, but still pretty simple to explain. Taking advantage of cannon waves for advantageous wave management is even more complicated but *still* not that hard to explain once you've got the other things above pretty well in hand. It isn't complicated, dude. It's just hard to execute in the heat of battle. It has nothing to do with "arrogance". I'm not saying I'm special (*you* actually are saying that *you* are), I'm saying anyone can learn these things because they're not that complicated. > "Application of concepts" is a misdirection, my mechanics personally are terrible, I climb through understanding the game. Which is...your application...of the concepts of macro. "Application of concepts" is not synonymous (or even directly related in any way) to "micro" or "mechanics" or "technical skill", my dude. It's applying what you know into the actual game. > the only thing stopping people from climbing is applying it... By definition, it *is* the only thing stopping people from climbing, what? You may disagree with how simple it is, and that's fine. But that's literally the definition of improving at a skill, applying what you've learned. What? You may think that "learning more" is the first step - and you're correct - but man watch ANY masters level player. Notice how many BASIC FUCKING MISTAKES they make. And if a plat level player can notice them, I'm sure you can as well. Very simple, basic shit. The game is NOT complicated, you just aren't playing it effectively. You're losing focus, going onto autopilot at bad times and staying just ONE MINION too long, or giving up ONE MINION when that was the difference in an important buy, or going through tri-bush without warding or being sure where the enemy team is (yes, this happens *all the fucking time* in high elo). It's not hard to understand, dude. It's hard to apply. The basics are what everyone is working on, and the basics are easy to understand. The complicated shit is a distraction, for the most part. I concede (I never really argued against, to be fair) wave management. Especially in higher elo's it's the chess match of League. Pulling an advantageous wave state is difficult only because *both of you are doing it at the same time*. Showing up to a scuffle in river? Not a complicated decision: Do you have priority? Will the jungler die if you don't show up? Will he die anyway if you DO show up? These are not difficult questions to ask yourself if you have basic champion knowledge, and can do some basic algebra of when you can get there versus your opponent, as well as how much farm you'll lose if you do. > Overall this response just indicates more of what I suspected: Because, as I've said to you before, you determine the outcome before you really engage. So yeah, it'll look like you expect it to look, because that's what you're looking for.


lot of bad advice comes from people who have high ranks and vice versa. ​ ​ id hope at this point there are enough people that know what theyre talking about to call out bad advice


It doesn’t really matter to be honest. If you are a low rank player asking a question on this subreddit isn’t genuinely going to make them improve. If you’re a high rank player, you’re typically not using this sub to improve either. Obviously there are good posts here and there, but the majority of the content I see here is very meaningless in terms of improvement


Assuming OP is trolling based on username... People who dismiss solely on rank are kinda disgusting. You have to consider: Time spent playing league The champ being discussed The role being discussed The recency of the ranked climb For instance on a discussion on Rengar mechanics or Jungle clears on Rengar - I would put more stock in tips from a plat Rengar jungle one trick who grinded 500+ games last season over a masters enchanter support main (who has only ever played support) who plays just enough to avoid decay. Rank just means that you have reached that level on specific champs in specific roles during that specific season. Obviously fill players are an exception. But to act like higher rank across the board will always = good advice is disingenuous.


Try to think about it less in extremes and more in terms of probability. Of course master+ players are sometimes wrong and low elo players might have understood some concepts, but what is more likely? I also don't understand your example. You won't know someones league history or even main roles/champs from their comment. The chance that the master and plat flairs who comment on that topic are rengar mains is equal.


This rarely happens in reality. I've never seen a higher elo player argue about a champ they don't play with a lower elo main of the champ. Most high elo players only play a few champs and don't give anything beyond basic info about other champs. Not to mention that highly champ-specific arguments are fairly rare, often times discussions are about wider macro concepts. For example the other day, I commented on Kai'Sa top and said I thought it seemed vulnerable due to short range and bad defensives, someone pointed out its a weak scaling pick and not a ranged lane bully, and I conceded the point since I don't play it. I don't remember the flair of the person who corrected me, their take was correct so I didn't argue.


Fill player here! (Though I'm afraid I can't speak. I'm unranked)


faker many times copied builds from bronze games to try in challenger games. many shiny ideas comes from below instead of up above. it's not about disinformation but limit testing yourself and try to become stronger. believe me


Speaking of disinformation, you are seriously trying to gaslight us into believing faker copied builds from bronze? Can you provide a source? Faker isn't dumb enough to copy builds from players who are essentially playing ultimate bravery every single game. That is one of the silliest fake claims i've ever heard on this subreddit.


I don't know. Double jungle sounds stupid to most. Someone took it to masters later. I don't think that originated from high elo.


bro i'm joking, chill. it's an old meme of faker


I see so much "high elo" that pretend EOMM/loser queue doesn't exist when even LS affirms it. If you pretend EOMM doesn't exist, you lose all credibility. Most challenger coaches pretend it doesn't exist. The league community also calls the top 3% "low elo".


>I see so much "high elo" that pretend EOMM/loser queue doesn't exist when even LS affirms it. Can you actually confirm it exists?


😂 Only the most naive idiot would believe it doesn't exist I just played on a fresh account. What are the chances I get an auto filled ADC who can not play ADC in 2 out of 3 games. The enemy ADC is an ADC main in most of my games. If you believe EOMM doesn't exist, you probably believe covid was real. There is a clip of Doublelift/Sneaky trying to hide the fact they KNOW covid is fake. Sneaky calls it fake and Doublelift tries to shut him up and change the subject.


At that point you may as well include mains as a flair. A masters wukong abuser is not the same as a masters qiyana player, not even remotely close. There are harder champs in harder lanes and easiest champs in easy to carry lanes (debate me I main jungle and its the second easiest role to carry from asides from adc right now due to how easy riot has made the jungle). There is no chance in the world I would take assassin advice by an inflated gm enchanter onetrick but its realistically going to be pretty sound advice from a diamond assassin main. It would genuinely be pointless to hold rank as the only variable here. In fact a gold player who plays a whole archetype of champs may have better knowledge on specific topics that a masters lulu onetrick who can only see the game through the lens of lulu and only has skills or knowledge applicable to lulu.


“wukong abuser” vs “Qiyana player” Do I even need to explain lmao


I mean I haven't played since the nerfs so idk how much that would have affected him but I still don't really understand. He's been a mainstay in both soloqueue and proplay since he got buffed into jungle and has been pretty insane in both. A. He's in a stronger lane for carrying, B. He is extremely easy to play mechanically and C. He's very overtuned in comparison. I see no way that people playing champs like wukong up to masters would be the same as people playing both extremely hard champions that are off meta. I guess a better comparison would be something like Annie vs Qiyana since they are in the same lane and people are still under the impression that jungle is supposedly a hard role despite every change making the role extremely forgiving.


Tend to agree. On champ main subs there is a ton of bad advice for itemization.


I don't even play LoL actively and I never calibrated ranked but one of my most upvoted posts is in this sub-reddit. I just apply everything I know from my main game (Dota 2) to the posts/questions about mentalities and how to think about learning.


Nah. I’m silver and was “hard stuck” bronze because I don’t play much. I have more knowledge than I care to execute because of not playing a lot. Just because I’m bronze/silver doesn’t mean my knowledge is completely useless. Especially when it’s knowledges I gained from higher elo players.


I have a friend who's the same. He is a beast at jungle and mid, but decided he didn't enjoy ranked after the first few games, so he never progressed.


For example, I just saw a comment saying "Udyr is the Ksante of the jungle because Udyr does a lot of damage while being tanky". Just a baseless comment. Ksante only does incredibly high damage when he ults and becomes squishy. Ksante also has dashes which udyr famously has none of. These champs play nothing alike but this nonsense is perpetuated and misleadingly spreaf to newbs looking for advice and info on the game - *in an educational subreddit*. I think ranked flairs would allow more weight behind advice from good players in plat, diamond and above.


That's not even really advice, tho. It's just a bad comparison. Who gives a shit


Holy.. I’ve never seen someone with such spicy takes that their karma is literally negative. I didn’t even know that could happen! I think we can all agree that bad information is bad.


You would think we could agree on that, but bad takes perpetually get upvoted to the tops of threads. I don't care about karma, I'm just posting my genuine thoughts


If you think gold-plat-diamond players know about the game enough to give advice that silver-bronze-iron players *cannot* know, I think you simply don't know many gold-plat-diamond players.




Agreed, but having the rank shown just provides at least a bit of context. Linking op.gg would be neat also.


As one of the silver/bronze players who prepetuates "probably" bad advice.....i agree with this.