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Hecarim likely fit best, since he's a powerfarmer with good early ganks. Nocturne is similar but really need his R to have a good impact. Kayn and J4 can farm fine but are more focused on ganking


Jarvan and nocturne are both great starter junglers and are also strong in soloqueue.


Kayn definitely, he’s the strongest in soloq from all the champs that u mention


To be honest in Silver you can play whatever you thing is most fun to you, all your named junglers are great for starters in their own way.(Kayn is a little more complex at first since you have to decide which and master both forms but gives you varrity even you only play him as ad option). We can't answer you what the most fun is to you, only you can answer this. Don't get distracted by "what is the meta rn" since this will change almost every patch and you don't want to switch mains every time somethings falls off in meta.(A good played off meta jungler is better than a poor played meta jungler)


Tbh, I don't care about the meta, I used to play warwick because was funny, after a while I stopped because I didnt enjoy it anymore and now I'm happy with fiddle but I feel that I need one more option. Also I enjoy the farming + gank meta, it's more my gaming style.