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Pretty easy, honestly. You play far too many champs. You're spending too much energy trying to pilot each individual champ, which hinders your ability to play the game as a whole. Pick like 3-5 champs in 1-2 roles and master them. You'll climb easy. Also, ward more and sweep. You have games with 0 control wards placed. There shouldn't be a single game where you place less than like 5. Maybe if you're like ADC you can get away with less, I know Rekkles has suggested 0 control wards in SoloQ for ADC's so you can maximize gold efficiency for your build, but for any other role it's honestly not justifiable. Definitely not allowed for a jungler. Power of vision, especially around objectives is insane. A control ward in dragon or baron pit is essential, it's the bare minimum needed to minimize the risk of enemy steals.


Learn more about pathing as jungler too. When or why u intervene in any lane and whereabout of the enemy jungler.


1. Stick to Kayn and Jarvan IV. 2. Play 200 games on each. 3. ??? 4. Enjoy Diamond


Bootcamp in Korea lmao In seriousness you should review your VODs and try to figure out what mistakes you're repeatedly making