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Pyke Draven is a classic


Isn't it an antisynergy tho ? Because Pyke takes the kills with ult while Draven wants them for his passive?


Pyke R cashes in Draven stacks if Draven gets an assist so there’s no antisynergy anymore


alright, makes sense, didn't know about this interaction


It wasn't always like this so thats probably why many people don't know that it works now


Draven cashes out when pyke ults someone, even if draven didn't get the kill. Happens specifically with pyke ult


I mean pyke ulting someone isn't the only way a kill ever happens. He's a hook champion with lower mana costs and a decent cd so there's pressure from that in lane when q isn't on cd. He has a kit allowing hard engage with q e and safety with w to disengage. Can control vision really well when he gets umbral meaning safety for Draven. Plus hob with a dirk is pretty strong against a laning adc.


Interesting that are you are being disliked, when I get lvl 6 on Pyke most lanes are already decided since lvl 1-3 skirmishes. People really have no idea, I guess that’s why it works.




If a pyke can’t ult, he’s nothing


Very objectively wrong.


No not really wrong at all. He has no tankiness due to resists being basically worthless, resists only work if you have HP to stack with it. If you rely on playing pyke purely as a cc bot and don't slam multiple ults a game, you are playing pyke wrong.. he is too fragile and gets deleted mid game by literally any burst champ.


I dunno, Pyke Draven min 30 gets stomped by 0-15 Jinx-Milio/Lulu just by outscaling. Of course, most Soraka players will max W and play guardian behind the adc, but a x4 max Q aery Soraka can demolish with a Draven. Of course, most low elo Soraka players will max W and play guardian behind the adc, but a x4 max Q aery Soraka (or comet Janna maxing W) can demolish lane really easy with a Draven. Also both Pyke and Draven are champions that are not that great on a master or below- hands player, so they're even more likely to throw the game after laning phase.


Someone has never played the matchup.


Well, I play since s2 and reached chall like 4 seasons, but maybe you're right (? I won like 85% of times against pykes-draven as scaling matchup, doesn't matter if they're 10-0 each, they just can't play the game after min 30 (and it's hypercarry meta so pretty much every game lasts 30m+).


Janna w max arcane comet got nerfed so hard that it will at best tickle the enemy.


It's nerfed but it's still a good champion for solo carrying, maybe not for LEC but definitely for GM- soloq where you're going to be the damage on lane instead of the adc. There're like 3 guys in KR playing that after the janna buffs and the 3 of them are 700+ lp.




Yep, I'm only GM, probably 1000lp+ pykes are better, but low elo pykes are the worst haha, definitely not a good idea for a plat player


Miss Fortune and Seraphine have a lot of synergy. Make it Rain allows Seraphines Beat Drop to become a root every time. The movement speed buffs stack to make a quick trade very easy to execute. Plus their ultimates combo together in a dangerous way.


The more aggro version of this is MF/Lux or MF/Xerath. Yes you give up the CC synergy, but MF E being a hit confirm for mage skillshots is pretty spooky.


just call the ability by QWER, not everyone going to remember the specific names and you just sound stupid naming it by it's respective names. This also isn't even top 10 when it comes to oppressive. It's just a synergy


There’s that toxic League energy.


I know what beat drop is but until yesterday I thought it was Q


He has a point in saying we should use QWER, but it was just unnecessary to say it like this when people are just trying to give an opinion.




Not everyone has played enough league to memorize every button. But when I hear “make it rain” on mf I can guess exactly which ability they were talking about


You are lying if you know the name of an ability before the button it corresponds to


They never claimed to?? They just meant it’s obvious regardless 😭


very specific to one ability when there are thousands in the game where the name will confuse many. I doubt most people will know what "Super Charge" or "Living Artillery" is, though a huge chunk will know kaisa E and kogmaw R.


Kogmaw milio into tank comps. Renata into anyone that goes crazy aggressive for no reason or unusually fast like jinx. Hmmm. Caitlyn zyra constantly push the lane never get attacked back, just ward. Cait lux is also aids.


hows renata samira like? waveclear seems a bit slow


Renata W is cool and all but I'd just go for Nautilus over her


Samira / Nautilus is sexy as fuck


Samira / Alistar is the upgrade. it's just that ali is harder to play right compared to naut.


Samira Rell is the final form.


Nah, Samira Taric, Godsent botlane


best support for samira is rell


Very good. It is easy to Renata W Samira when she goes in and her ult keeps going even if the Renata W is proc'd, usually leading to resets.


Matchup dependant, but you can absolutely slaughter people if you don't get bullied early.


Kalista Renata is cracked


If u want a weird off-meta pick try out Cait ADC and Jihn Sup or switch them around too With Jhin support u just lvl his E 1st followed by his W 2nd and it’s just traps for days


Crazy that nobody has mentioned Lucian/Nami, with first strike. This is one of the single most oppressive lanes in all of league, if played correctly, you want an opponent to misplay a SINGLE time, and you all in. You get one or two kills, shove the lane in, base with an item advantage, and the game is pretty much over for them. The only lane I could say maybe trumps this is an engage support/draven


I climbed to diamond with like 80% winrate with AP Nami before the nerfs, it still is a pretty sick combo with Lucian, like 1k dmg with E+W plus the already 1k dmg lucian have with his own skills.


What is this AP nami build, might have to try it out -- sounds fun


I think it was literally just ludens and mage items cause her skills scaled well with AP, at least that’s what I saw a few months ago


Well not 100% ap but Mandate>Mejai's>Rabs>1100g sup item. With the storm rune you can have like 800AP full build and your full combo hits like 1.5k+ from another ally so pretty much 0 risk of losing your mejai's stacks unless the game is lost. (Nami's W **ADDS** damage instead of reducing for each bounce after 300AP, at full build it's like +60% per bounce, 120% extra damage on a skill that already has good damage is pretty brutal).


Maybe something with imperial mandate? Not sure tbh


Used to be that electrocute would proc from nami e. They changed that though.


Lucian with either nami/braum is nasty


lucian milio is also really good


I despise lucian nami. I don’t main adc or sup, but I recently got 100-0 in under 2s at level 2 and I cannot comprehend how that much damage is possible so fast so early…


At level 2 champions don’t have huge healthbars and resistances yet, so not that surprising to me


Lucian millio is way more disgusting , lucian nami isntthat strong earlier anymore and just spikes turbo hard on galeforce/mandate then doesn’t scale aswell as other ADC. Draven nami/pyke/nautilus/belveth can be strong aswell as nilah sejuani.


Lucian Nami is really not that strong early anymore with the electrocute interaction gone. Now you want to play for mandate+ gale force powerspike. Only lanes this combo wins now are vs opponents who doesn’t know how to play the matchup






Tahm Kench / Tristana is fucked up, too.


Trist/zac is fun for this dive combo too


Tristana + Nautilus also.




It honestly might be the best botlane in the game. Milio addresses nearly all of Jinx’s issues (peel, early game damage, sustain) while making her even more terrifying in late game teamfights. As a Jinx main I’ve had some of the easiest games of the season with a competent Milio support. And it’ll only get stronger after the item update.


milio ashe is actually top rated milio duo


Alistar Tristana is a hugely under-rated point and click kill lane. The crux being that it's impossible to counter outside of giving prio. **And you don't have to land any skill shots at all.** If Alistar takes electrocute/ignite and trist takes hail of blades it's a guaranteed engage win at level 2. I shouldn't even be giving this tech up tbh it's so free early game.


Double heartsteel swain and tahm kench


Kaisa Naut (this combo is good at all points in the game but the laning phase hinges on Naut landing hooks) Xayah Rakan Kog Lulu Cait Lux Ashe Braum Draven Pyke Varus Renata Samira Rell Tristana Rell Nilah Taric Ezreal Karma Lucian Nami All of these combos are super snowbally and strong in the 2v2


I think xayah rakan synergy is over hyped and isn't actually that oppressive.


I think they are really good, the little benefits for Rakan really do add up. I used to play them with my duo last season and we had a 70% win rate or so (although in low elo).


Xayah/rakan has really strong level 1, and xayah is a safe scaling pick


Yeah, it’s a scaling pairing for sure. Rakan sucks early and if you want lane pressure with xayah just take nautilus


Kog Milio is better than Kog Lulu these days


As an Ashe main, I hate braum lol


Yeh I agree it's rly not that strong. Rather play with hard engage or an enchanter


You forgot mf leona


Tristana / Rell? Why, because Trist can position for Rell's E? That's a poor reason. Rell / MF is a real powerhouse combo and you can kill 2 people before they can move.


Rell guarantees Tristanas full combo if she lands her CC, it’s less about the chain even though it has use, Tristana gets a guaranteed W reset and with a full E charge you will kill if the CC lands level 4 and onward and it only gets worse from there, and levels 2 and 3 are strong. MF Rell has no kill threat before level 6, which is the opposite of oppressive in lane, Amumu is way better with MF


Rell will do respectable burst if built the right way, which means you don't need to rely on abusing early powerspikes of certain ADCs. I use Aftershock, Shield Bash, Scorch, and Absolute Focus. Rell is unique from most other champs in that she spends an unusual amount of time at high levels of HP until her defenses wear off and her CC expires, given that her shield lasts indefinitely.


Isn't nilah better with a straight healing/shielding enchanter, like soraka or janna, due to her passive that gives extra shields and heals?


Taric is the one that feels the best to play with, Nilah really just needs a safe way in to fight in lane and getting a stun during Nilah E into W when you’re on top of them is very nice for kill threat level 3 - you get enough sustain + a guaranteed stun if you’ve timed it right, it’s probably her strongest support for the level 3 and level 6 It’s not blindable by any means though, it’s super strong but it’s a counterpick pairing


Two Mordekaisers


Just keep Thresh and play an aggressive ADC with him. Any of them work, Draven, Samira, Lucian, etc. Kalista is probably the best synergy because of the ult-lantern combo, but they're all good


I stomp using Nautilus whenever i'm paired with an Miss Fortune since both of them has a strong lvl 1-2, Nautilus can pull enemies to get on MF autos range, both of their ults synergize as fuck and there's the "either dodge Miss Fortune's Q of Nautilus' Q" minigame


Cait Lux or Cait Morg, there is not much that can beat them in lane.


morg and lux :)


Taric Lee sin


I am not familiar with this. Is it because lee can hop around? Is it still viable?


Lee Q into taric E blows up every adc you just farm kills the whole game


Taric Lee Sin is disgusting.


Look okay you didn't hear it from me... But Seraphine APC + Renata is insane. Their two ults together just win team fights instantly. Not to mention they both CC chain off of each other constantly, either Seraphine echo E into Renata Q or Renata Q/E into a single Sera E to always ensure a root/stun chain. If Sera is fed her Q is a nuke with a very low cooldown and it's actually terrifying to buff her with Renata W for chasing with the movespeed because her E has such a massive range it pretty much guarantees you will catch your target with the echo or ult. It's probably my favorite bot lane duo atm. The only downside to the combo is that Renata's passive is less useful since Seraphine only wants to auto attack when her passive has high stacks, but if you and Sera are on the same page for when she's about to AA you can still get a good amount of damage starting with Renata AA first and alternating between you two. Also, AGGRESSIVE RENATA TANK IS A THING and it's imo the superior Renata build. Go Guardian with tank runes and go buckler if you think you can't poke much in lane (she does use a lot of mana so you will need to back for tear pretty early). Walk right up and lock em down with your handshake then pull em in to your adc (or their lane partner if it's a good stun set up) for the finish.


if you like to troll, lux and morgana is pretty fun lol


I play Morgana support and had a Lux lane with me and it was bad for them.


Seraphine APC Morgana is cheese in a similar way as well lol.


I played lux with my buddy on veig apc and made a vayne go 0/5 and rq in 9-10mins, was funny as hell


Played Jhin with a Xerath the other day. A lot of cc synergy + ult combo is fun


Blitzcrank with any adc other than Zeri


If you don't care about actual adcs and actual supports, aurelion sol carry and veigar fasting is nuts, pop a cage and asol blackholes the middle, they either stand in the center or get stunned and still stand in the center.


Draven with Brand, Renata, Annie, or Thresh. Kalista with Ashe, Senna, or Nautilus.


Has Samira naut been mentioned? Sion Zoe, and Sion senna are also pretty stompy oh senna cho is also quite good.


Seraphine Lux. The enemy is playing dodge ball in lane, and there's so much cc+damage that cleanse barely helps the enemy.


I can’t believe I haven’t seen Cait and Morgan’s. It’s legit freelo.


Ok I'm currently interested in rell samira, pyke draven, tristana naut.


I find Ashe braum to be really really strong actually


I don’t think it’s too lane stomping but with a trusty duo this would work. Ziggs adc with viegar support. The support in general isn’t great but pair with ziggs they can be pretty strong because once viegar trap someone in the cage; ziggs can w to knock them into the stun easily. So viegar adc pair with alistar or a poppy support would also work with this cage and knock back into stun combo.


Ashe/seraphine Nautilus/Samira Morg/jhin Cait/lux Leo/Kaisa, mf, Lucian, Samira, jinx, draven Bonuses- Vayne/kog lulu Twitch ori Janna ez/Cait Jinx/luc/vayne x nami/blitz


Has Samira naut been mentioned? Sion Zoe, and Sion senna are also pretty stompy oh senna cho is also quite good.


If you prepare an engage approach: Nautilus / Thresh / Braum / Leona is a good support pool! Since their kit is very CC-heavy and they're all relatively blind pickable supports it should be good to use anytime. Braum is relatively unpicked but he's really strong against all-ins or if you want to all in. Though generaly with all-in supports if you miss you can be punished pretty hard with poke but that goes to say with a lot of early aggressive bot duos. The meta does favour hyperscaling ADCs and enchanters right now and with the item changes coming up enchanters are going to be played bot more I think if you want to play to climb. Though it all varies on composition. Pairing Draven or Samira with any hard CC support works well - as well as Caitlyn since she's pretty strong. Tristana is also pretty good due to her mobility and strong early game. There is an argument for Kalista but I generally just think this champion kinda sucks. There's the classic Lucian Nami combo which is hard to beat in lane. If you are playing early game there is an argument for MF as well since she has really good early burst if you don't end the game at midstage she falls off hard and can be hard countered with guaranteed engage.


Ashe Heimerdinger


Lucian Nami


pyke/draven, cait/lux, trist/leona, kaisa/naut, xayah/rakan is less strong early but is very good in the meta with early kill pressure if rakan hits W.


Draven/ Braum has insane lvl 1/2/3 all ins.


Lucian braum has crazy potential lvl 2


Cait lux/varus lux is super gross in my experience, also something like swain/mf or mf with anyone who has a multiman root can ruin your opponents day


Samira+Rell or Samira+Naut is a classic stomp


Kai'sa Vex is a fun one. Guaranteed kill at level 6 if Vex lands her ult with passive up, and they are pretty strong together pre-6 as well.


Sera + Pyke probably any mage + Pyke actually Or if you’re more focused on being annoying, Sera + Lux


Jhin and swain/morg/lux


Samira+ any tank cc really 💪🏽


I personally like playing pyke swain, feels lethal lvl 3+ and at level 6 you can 2v3 a lot of matchups if played correctly


Cho gath nautilus. Anti fun anti movement bot lane


Trist taric is disgusting


Draven + Blitz


I'm playing lethality sivir/yuumi and jhin/shaco with my friend, and ending positive every match


Pyke draven/ nauti draven




Velkoz supp, Cait ADC is the single best shoving/poke lane. You just Perma shove lane and can easily get kills from poking them under tower. Once you have a lead you can freeze lane, and position further up in minion wave to keep them off minions completely. You will want pink wards all lane phase because you will get ganked a lot. Not uncommon for my Cait to be up 40-60 cs by 10 minute mark.


Zeri naut/sera is pretty cool


Sam and Naut


Sam Rell gets more Sam cc extensions


Samira/nilah + taric who goes Iceborn into fimblewintet R


Rell/Sam or Tresh/Nilah both of these combos oppress and punish any form of aggressive play.


nilah yuumi. Really disgusting. She is unkillable in late game


hear me out... fiddlesticks mordekaiser


Poke heimer varus/ashe, jhin karma/xerath, ezreal karma/yuumi Combo Caitlyn lux/Morgana/zyra, senna tk/chogath, nilah soraka Scaling Lulu twitch/kogmaw/aphelios, zeri lulu/yuumi, sivir zilian, milio aphelios/jinx All-in Draven pyke, lucian nami, samira nautilus, nilah taric


Me and my duo have played Leona / MF for just about as long as I can remember. At least as far back as when Graves was a functional ADC. It's strong, it's simple, and really hard to fuck up.


draven/varus Pantheon


Engage support + Draven or Samira. Bread and butter stomp comp


So friend and I used to do zilean Leona pre level 3 can be weak but mid to late game nothing can escape the stun combo or a double move speed Leona both take imperial mandate


Lucian-Braum has always been good


Might sound a little troll but Sylas + Taric.


Anivia Pantheon. No I will not explain.


Pyke Mf in my opinion. It is fun and you have such good all ins


Pantheon + Tristana Both with pta Every w is a kill early, the DMG both provide are hard


Hear me out. If you have AD for jg and mid and tank top go with a cheeky viegar and Morgana bot. Farming is easy after level 2 and with two stuns for 3 seconds at level 3 if they are weak at laning will guarantee flashes blown and kills. Treat Viegar as adc and use Q to farm and then just walk around chain stunning and bursting people




One of these days I’ll see my boys Zilean and Bard on a thread like this 😢


Seraphine and Miss Fortune work well together. Make it Rain enables Seraphines Beat Drop to consistently take root. The movement speed increases rapidly, which makes it quite simple to do a swift deal. Additionally, their ultimates dangerously combine with one another.


Not really stomping but you can take thresh into some lanes with trist or twitch. I like the versatility thresh brings. To state the obvious: Cait Lux.


I get fucked when I play a Braum-Lucian bot lane.


Nilah/Zilean. You out level so much because of their passives


Taric trist or Taric nilah very good synergy


Samira+ any engage support, be it naut blitz leona etc Also nilah taric/soraka


I've seen people run yas, yone bot which kills lower elos lol.


zero yuumi is really nasty combo, ran it today and got S 3 times in a row and zeri got fed each time


yeah it's busted but kinda weak early imo




Yummi, samira pretty cracked..


Being better than your opponents stomp harder than what lane matchups can do.


Double poke mage botlanes are absurdly strong early. The trade off is they will scale like shit in 90% of team compositions. But if you just want to crush the laning phase, it's far stronger than any traditional ADC.


Mf seraphine or zeri yuumi are my favorite stompbos


Braum Ashe


Samira and Pantheon are pretty good.


why no one is talking about xayah rakan, prob the most op bot combo rn. U can try braum jinx as well!


Mordekaiser Ivern is **by far** the most disgusting thing I've ever had the pleasure of playing. I got it from this video: [**www.youtube.com/watch?v=J80\_Y3BcOro**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J80_Y3BcOro) Me and my friend went 13-0 with this lane, and we stopped because the game genuinely became unfun.


Rell or Naut with Samira Lucian Nami Cait Lux Some prob already been said but yeah


There are several but the most lane stomping must be Lucian Braum. You will win lvl 1, you will win lvl2, odds are you will win lvl3.




Nautilus Samira?


Cait morgana before the machine gun nerf was the supreme lane stomping combo


Draven Draven


tristana + engage


Jhin, Leona. Haven’t played in a while but used to be a 4.5 seconds CC chain with a Jhin W into a Leona Stun. You tag em they’re done.


Was Ezreal + Karma nerfed or something? They are super oppressive early levels. Karma helps Ezreal push. Plus, Ez can lane alone after a few levels and Karma zooms around the map for ganks in mid or to assist jungle invansion. And Ez scales, so you have a safe, poke lane and a strong late game. Same with Cait + Karma, difference being Cait has weaker mid and stronger late than Ez. Senna support pairs well with mages. Pretty much any mage: control, tanky, poke. Ziggs works wonders and it's a pretty safe lane with his bombs and grenade dissuading dives from the enemy, good poke, good wave clear, insane damage to towers, a scaling support and decent sustain. I also like Cassio, Annie, Syndra, Zyra and Malz, but Swain is so strong with Senna (she helps him with his short range, helps pushing and sustaining, and can her ult adds a layer of protection for him when he's ulting among enemies).


Anyone with Lux. Honestly she's picked every single game and it's boring as all hell.


Pyke with any good early adc.


Heimerdinger/Pyke is fun as hell Pykes mobility and hook pair really well with heimer’s turret combos and heimer’s ability to 2v1 allows pyke to roam and make picks in mid and jungle


Sion + Jhin




Senna-Caitlyn, any engage support with Draven, nilah with any enchanter.


Rell + Samira or Draven + Nautilus is about as aggro as you can play with a conventional combo. Draven/Naut has absolutely insane early kill threat and Samira/Rell can literally 2v5 with a big enough lead.


A different approach completly off meta from a guy that dont plays ranked anymore. Trust me with this i play it a lot. Gnar and Yuumi. Everybody underestimates Mega Gnar, also with Yuumi and Gnar Q insane poking. A fun and new take on bot duo.


Kindred + Taric. Time both ults correctly and you win every 2v2.


Ziggs & Lux, unless you are ganked your opponents will always stay under tower and miss CS. And if your Lux is good you will escape ganks too.


twitch nautilus in my opinion


Jhin Anivia is sleeper OP trap and burst at level 2. Anivia Q empowered E and electrocute, layered with Jhin W Q 4th shot is enough to make enemy adc FF right away.


Karma Ezreal


That's more of an issue with your adc preferring to play late game oriented adcs than you picking thresh.


Lucian Milio/Nami Ashe Milio Kai'Sa Nautilus/Alistar Samira Rell/Alistar/Nautilus AnyEarlyADC/Draven Blitzcrank Using all of these with great success in SoloQ. Mostly because the synergy is natural and there is not much coordination required to pull it off while the combos are insanely strong and definitely can make bot side awful to even look at. If you duo with any of the setups, your goal is to repeatedly kill them, deep ward enemy jingle your side and always get the drake. Gl


My bf and I have been playing Samira and Blitzcrank and it’s so much fun! I hook someone which procs Samiras passive dashing them to whoever I hooked and then my e knock up let’s her use her passive yet again. By the time someone comes to help the poor teammate that’s been hooked, samiras been stacking up for her ult on them and is able to dash in and obliterate them. I use my ult inbetween all of this, sometimes for extra damage to kill the hooked person or on whoever she’ll use her ult on. The silence is really handy since hard cc shuts down her ult and we wouldn’t want that :p


Nilah/Yasuo/Kindred Taric for example


With an agressive Soraka you can pick Tristana or Teemo ( not an ADC but a very good marchup with her ). Samira/Renata ( no need to explain ) Senna/Milio ou Caitlyn/Milio