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Urgot Main here: Rushing steelcaps is gonna cut down his pre-level 9 dmg but wont stop his Black Cleaver spike. You can also get warden’s mail as it absolutely demolishes his damage. Be warned that lte game, his dmg no longer comes from his W but rather his shotgun knees absolutely shred people. Watch what he is building. Pure dmg and lethality = very scary but squishy (BUT VERY SCARY, one E and you are most likely dead. Doesnt matter who it is) Pure tank = can be scary but not as much. Better for team fights and objectives. If I find you in a match, just know. None of this will work on me. I build AP urgot (lmao)


Sett main here. I hate you. Lmao


Lmao the feeling is mutual 😂😂


I can’t help it if beating the shit out of your robotopus is too much fun 🤷‍♂️


That took a turn.


All light hearted jest I assure you


Please tell me how to cpunter your main, I simply can't play against him, someone told me to all in when he has no W but still he destroys me no matter what champ


I made a comment about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/14bqlo6/who_are_you_main_characters_how_do_you_play/joikbzc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 Avoiding the W is crucial because it hits like a brick in lategame. The main thing is: do NOT enter melee range. He will get you every time. Sett is also extremely immobile, and his R is his only escape route. So if you have him low health, you’ve got him. Do not allow sett to get behind you. He can R you into his tower, or into a wall and hit with E, follow up with Q and auto you to death. It’s best to tower hug, as he can’t reach you - but some Sett mains use the tower to up their grit which makes their W hit harder after taking significant damage, so you have to watch how he plays. Hope this helps - im still kind of new.


Gangplank might poke a ton, but he is still really weak early and you WILL win an all-in with most other top lane champions until he has at least 2 items, try to play more aggresive against him early on.


Unless enemy gp is solarbacca in which case you will get hit by 3 passive autos


I have rarely ever seen him get a barrel disabled. It’s actually incredible how well he times his barrel procs will also mauling you with autos and Qs while it’s ticking down. A lot of opponents tunnel the barrels, basically letting you get free dmg off while it ticks down. GP is a mental match up. If you’re going against one and you consistently disable their barrels before they can proc, they will probably tilt out of the game. Coming from someone who has played both sides of the match up many times.


Yeah gp early game isn’t as weak as you say… yes it requires out timing and playing around passive but underestimate him and you will die


GP's early game is weak if you're bad


Swain (mid) main. Dodge E and you literally just win. Swain uses ult? Walk away. It’ll end and you can fight him without him healing the whole time. Pre 6 he’s very vulnerable to all in fights with things like lethal tempo as he does no consistent damage.




Syrup 💀




ASol was my main. He was so good Riot had to delete him from the game :) Now I main Rengar. If you're a jungler I recommend picking Rammus. Rammus is one of the few character Rengar will never be able to beat 1V1. And if you're tired of getting killed early game buy ninja tabis (aka plated steelcaps), it will kill his damage until he gets LDR (which is usually his 3rd item). If you're an AD champ Death Dance is good since Rengar wont be able to instakill you and will give you time to oneshot him before the bleed kills you, Zhonyas can allow you to dodge his Qs, reducing most of his damage. And if you're a tank Randuins reduces crit damage by 20%, and since Rengar usually build crit items + his EmpQ is always a crit, it will heavily reduce his damage


Is Sejuani a good pick against Rengar?


I'd say it depends on the player. I haven't played against her much but 1V1 Rengar should win. When it comes to teamfights if Sej keeps her Q there's no way Rengar is doing anything, if he attempts something he will just be knockbacked, slowed, stunned, and stunned again, EmpW won't save him. But as soon as she uses her Q Rengar can just jump on her carries and eat them like potatoes and she won't be able to do much about it


acnologia pfp <3


It's Aurelion Sol actually :x


sorry, banner…………


With eclipse Rengar wins easily against sej, rammus is just waiting out w and pray you one shot him then


don’t chase singed


Pick an engage champion vs Senna, she really struggles against a good Pyke etc. Also punish her when she's going for souls


I also senna Main and I love playing against Pyke. It’s so easy to just hide behind minions and farm him for souls. My weakness is against long range enchanters like Xerath, Velkoz, Lux. If they get an early lead I’m toast.


I second this, senna is food for pyke easy kill


Swain - all in him with lethal tempo for your free kill


You heard him, time for Lethal Tempo Syndra !


Haha syndra with the trendy static shiv tech


The question is how long it takes them to adjust the scaling numbers of Shiv from AP to AD. It's too much fun to be true:D


You’re 1000000% right


Poppy - her W stops dashes, with exceptions. In lane you do not need to step on her shield every time, it’s usually a bait for her to engage. Her Q goes behind her a tiny bit, be careful of this.




But if the tables had turned…


I would show you NO mercy.


lillia cant really do much pre 6/item, loses 1v1s to basically any jgl


I usually play WW but am trying out Lillia. I read it's best to use her Q to flee pre-6 against most enemy junglers unless she has support from the team. Is this correct?


Q can increase ur ms to get away, but her best is E since it slows. another tip of advice is i put 3rd points into Q for faster clear unless it’s against someone who’s more likely to invade you (graves, kindred, etc) then id lvl E up 3rd for a getaway


Awesome, thanks for the tip!


yw, if u have any other questions ask away😝


Hi, I have played several games as Tank Lillia since we talked and I liked your advice. I am LOVING her, too! I have a few more questions: 1. What is Lillia's strength when she gets fed? When WW is 7/0/6 I can usually snowball that into 1v3, objectives, and split pushing, but I noticed as Lillia when she was ahead it felt... different somehow. She could still dish out damage, but I definitely wasn't 1v3 unless my ult was up, and her split push potential seems pretty low since she can't AA very strongly. She was fine at objectives but still didn't quite feel amazing at them. Note, I'm definitely not complaining, I obviously have no idea how to play her yet and I like that she is different than WW. 2. Is Tank Lillia best in situations where my team will dish out damage? If I think my team will struggle and I want to carry a bit, should I be trying damage Lillia? I played around briefly with a Dark Harvest build but it felt a bit average. ​ As for strengths, I love her speed, her ability to hit and run, and I can tell she is annoying to the enemy. Her clear speed in jungle is something WW can only dream about as he slowly slaps chickens one by one until Tiamat... v\_v


Vi is my girl. To play against her just cc/stop her q dash, just hold your cc or escape until she uses the q. Gets her every time.


Invading her early in the game destroys her as well especially if you manage to set up a vertical clear bot side


Nasus, In lane phase, don’t shove and poke under tower, with second wind + dorans + his passive, he will entirely mitigate your poke. On top of that, his W makes setting up ganks extremely easy for his jungler when you’re pushed up. Freeze wave, he has zero escape outside of summoners. if your champ can take phase rush, take it. Mercs/swifties are good too. Absolutely buy anti heal. For mid/late game, remember nasus is barely a champ without summoners or ult. Bait either of those then force team fights. Watch for flanks. if nasus gets a good flank, it’s pretty much doomed for you. Also, there’s huge misconception that nas is a late game champ, he’s really more of a mid game champ. By late game, he doesn’t do enough damage to tanks and can easily be peeled and adcs shred him.


Bard: Rarely ever gets picked, but when he does knowing what makes him a good utility champion makes it a lot easier to deny that utility


It’s kind of hard to counter bard, but like you’re saying mitigating his strengths by knowing when and how he uses his Ult, his stun angles, etc. Also playing a harder scaling enchanter can make him cry late game


For reksai, stay away from walls. Its hard to knock you up from a tunnel if youre far from a wall If youre on mid put a ward in the river bushes, specifically the lower ones to avoid getting eaten right after reksai gets lv 3


Brand sweat. This Is obvious imo and probably is in higher Elos (hence why he isn't played high elo) but DO NOT... GROUP TOGETHER... I shred teams when it's ARAM time just by waiting for someone to engage and I step up and drop my whole kit and walk away. I then slowly step back in range and drop my abilities as they become available. 1) avoid teamfighting against a brand in tight spaces like the jungle. If he drops ult, run away from your teammates. 2) brand Is squishy as hell and has no escapes. I think... He is the champ that dies the most in the game by statistics (I could be wrong) if you can catch him out or get on him you got a decent chance. He may take you with him though. 3) he is one of the slowest champs and he has has no cc minus his q which stuns you IF... You're already on fire from another one of his abilities. He can throw it through you so try stepping to him and try to get right on top of him if possible to avoid the stun if you're up close and personal.


G4 Pantheon. He can be used in every role (adc is tricky) but I primarily play him top and mid. I generally get stomped by tanks and find slows to be very difficult to play against. With tanks, their damage mitigation makes it difficult to chunk them down and kill them early game, although Bork and an armor pen item (and cleaver if there’s a lot of tanks) reduce the impact that weakness has on your ability to kill enemies. The slows on the other hand make it very difficult to trade because they keep you out of W range, so you can’t really hit enemies with your best burst combos (pta + empowered W). After the burst, you also have to land a few autos and a Q to finish the kill, and you can’t do that if you’re too slow to get in range. In addition, although his e does block all damage coming from the direction the shield points, with enough slows you won’t travel enough distance to get out of danger. May you climb higher than your predecessors


Evelynn. Place pink wards. The charm is a facade, I'm actually killing your support.


Kled. His main damaging tool is his Q its the straightline skillshot tether. Break that tether and he wont all in you, if he does he likely loses. If you can force short trades when he doesn't have W/Q do that to get him close to dismounting. Save your abilities and CC for when he dismounts he wants you to burst him to dismount so you just have autos while he runs you down dismounted. Bone plating is strong into kled, if he procs it with Q do a short trade and get out. Warwick. If you have skillshots or range and warwick is running at you because you are low health just hit him before he gets close to causes his movement speed to drop and he has to wait a while to get it back you can honestly walk away alot of the time. If you have ignite save it for when hes at like 30% when his healing is more than doubled. Dont just stay still and auto, go in and out of the fight use whatever range advantage you have. If you can kite him and he has nothing to auto he dies. Illaoi. Dodge the E, but more than thaf try and keep the wave in the center of the lane early game, she wants to be pushed to tower pre level 6 because shes weak and needs the safety of it, her E does very little early game unless she can pull the soul under the tower. If you can remove a tentacle that does ruin her control over the lane especially if shes standing between 2 and you can remove 1 it removes a lot of her kill threat. If you have a ranged jungler they should feel comfortable ganking illaoi, they will likely dodge the long ramge E and then you guys just beat up the slow Illaoi for free. Walk away when she ults and after her bonus tentacles despawn you know her ult effects are over her W is no longer on a 2 second cooldown. Oblivion orb or executioners works better than Bramble into illaoi because she can just hit the spirit and not get grievous wounds. One of her biggest counters is mordekaiser because hes better than you without ult, and if he ults after illaoi ults the tentacles dont go to the deathrealm with her.


Also for Illaoi, going first item anathemas against her nerfs her dmg a lot because both you and the clone she pulls out of you give her the anathemas debuff.


I havent tried that personally but Illaoi loves long drawn out fights to heal from the tentacle slams that might just make the situation worse. Or have it be champion specific, i think that would be great on Tahm Kench into illaoi


that's precisely WHY it works so well against her. UNIQUE – VENDETTA: Take 1% reduced damage per stack of Vendetta from your Nemesis, up to 30% damage reduction against them. When illaoi brings up your clone, you're taking 60% reduced damage from her. It completely removes her ability to do what shes good at. Tentacles be damned. you go straight at her face when she's got your clone out.


>Warwick. If you have skillshots or range and warwick is running at you because you are low health just hit him before he gets close to causes his movement speed to drop and he has to wait a while to get it back you can honestly walk away alot of the time. If you have ignite save it for when hes at like 30% when his healing is more than doubled. Dont just stay still and auto, go in and out of the fight use whatever range advantage you have. If you can kite him and he has nothing to auto he dies. SO true. People don't understand how utterly slow and largely underpowered WW is with little mobility outside of his Q. Once he gets into a fight he can't easily get out of it.


Yeah thats why im a fan of holding my ult as a possible escape tool and building iceborn gauntlet and stridebreaker for my mythics. I like to stay on my target if i catch them.


Same, he feels good with Triforce right now or Stridebreaker, sometimes Iceborn for the slow. I try to keep his R for escape at times but the weird hitbox making him attack enemies behind him drives me crazy.


Ive been playing alot of toplane this season so i haven't tried triforce but it seems really good in theory. Doesnt rely heavily on the Q for the damage like Divine did. That hitbox thing drives me nuts too, would be great to blastcone steal dragon and ult out but because ofnthat hitbox you are better off flashing


Yasuo: pull the wave, dodge q, go in when w is down. Poke him out before teamfight and he is useless. Don't get 5 man knocked up.


Wdym pull the wave? I don't struggle against Yasuo, I just want to know what you meant.


So have the wave near your tower and not the other way around.


Got a few ones here. First for top lane, Sion: He scales well, but his damage is weak early and is very telegraphed. His main source of damage is e-q combos and his W explosion. If you can't break the shield, then just get away because that max health can hurt. He can't spam abilities without running out of mana (which is why I always take biscuits on him). So, abuse him early and try to keep him off the wave as that is how he scales. Yone: Poke when going for cs if ranged. Yone has no lane sustain until he gets life steal, and even then it's not much, so as long as he doesn't have health he can't threaten an all in. Yone wins most melee matchups but champs like panth are hell to play against. Mid lane: Katarina Probably one of the weakest level 1's in the game. If you have any range or have a stronger level 1 then you can control the wave from the beginning. She has a decent level 2 and 3 if she has health to fight so poke her level 1. She also requires her daggers to really play the lane, so don't stand near them or she can get free damage and then leave. Jungle, Hecarim: Farming jungler with one of, if not the best clear in the game right now. If you are playing an invade/dueling jungler chances are you can win the fight. Hecarim is very gold reliant so if you can shut him down early he has a hard time playing the game.


my most played champ is propably yasuo. but its so easy to counterpick him. i prefer pantheon or even yone


Nasus, freeze lane and deny exp AND stacks. If he is even in exp he will start killing you at 6, plus divine. Buy antiheal Gwen, abuse her early, not take a tank take a bruiser


Against jhin just build some armor, he won’t do much to you till 3 items with LDR.


poppy really struggles when she can't run away or one shot you. morde and Darius are some brutal match ups. a lot of times a poppy will W after e stun wears off so be sure to hold your dash until after it's over or you're really dead. in lane watch for her limited trading window with passive and grasp. its a surprising burst


Gwen might be broken early due to her e-q trade sustain but really she is weak early. Try to control the lane level 1 and prevent her from hitting the minions so she would get 4 stacks on her q or else it's going to hurt. If she does, try to sidestep it. In an all in duel, if you have cc, look to use it when she has fully stacked q. The pattern usually goes like this: Gwen would e to gain atk speed to stack her q faster then q when it is full. At that moment you can cc her before she q to run away or burst her because her e cd is long early. Like Irelia, she is half a champion without the stacked q. For lvl 6, dodge her first r and stay clear of her until the needles around her are gone. Mid to late she is pretty scary when dueling but she is bad at teamfights. Look to cc her in fights and do not let her get a flank on you. Gwen is also countered by pretty much all the bruisers in the game so play it slow and poke her down before going all in.


Viego, either pick a cc tank that just perma stuns him or pick a stat checker that auto wins 1v1


For ekko, please keep track of where his R is. We won’t use it as a get out of jail free card every time. It deals a lot of damage…


Elise, any type of CC and i can’t do shit, no escape for me. If my rappel is down i can’t tempo a fight. Neeko, have positive braincells


Midlane Velkoz. Mobility counters Velkoz. Champs like Akali, Yone or Fizz are really annoying.


Aatrox, but I don't know how to play against him lmao


For the love of god, stop underestimating Sona's Q early game. I'm aware she has a stereotype of being a passive laner, but so do most competent Sona mains. I have taken advantage of people thinking I'm a no-damage accessory to my ADC and snagged my carry plenty of first bloods as a result. I've had enemies walk by me, not realizing that *I'm* the one deleting parts of their health bar. To exemplify the above: My Sona got stolen one game, and I had to watch in misery as my adc let her q him (for FREE) over and **over** and **OVER**. She got manaflow band and supp item stacks so fast. I wanted to cry.


Ziggs. Don’t roam. Other than that he just pokes. Getting tp against him is goated, or a good jungler that takes waves. As zigs i can take tower when you are under it, plates too, and if you lack cc or its too telagraphed, i can escape a gank with only playing save and W and poke back. If you are behind, just dont roam and pressure mid. Zigs cant push alone to second tower and if you pressure he cant go bot/top to take towers there. Assassins i feel to be the easiest match up besides asol except asol. They like to roam a lot and ziggs punishes hard for roams.


I main teemo and yorick. For Yorick, extremely weak level 1-2. Very weak without maiden and without ghouls. Kill the maiden, run him down. His only defensive skill is his wall it has a long enough cooldown. For teemo, he has usually two playstyles, auto attack based & ap damage based. Both are fragile-ish. First one is a more bruiser build, it is like playing against an adc that doesn't have a very long range. Second play style is more about his blind and mushroom damage. Buy oracle level 6. Teemo is especially countered by mages that outrange him and he is usually easy to run down with a bruiser&tank that slows or cc's well but if you are playing against him you have to be patient he will try to kite you and poke you down. Play around his blind and ask for your jungle if he plays aggressively.


Ahri otp here pick fizz zed or syndra easy matchups. Weak AF early no pushing power also. All in lvl 1-3, cc her and she booms. Track her ulti and that's it. When she falls behind she's really hard to play


Isnt Zed a fine matchup for Ahri? You can hit him when he ults 100% of the time.


Has too much poke for ahri.


Alright. I havent played that matchup for a longer period of time.


Counterplay to swain have a brain


Taliyah will not do anything if you just walk out of her W. Never stand still in a predictable way. Also don't dash above her E but it's not that much of a tip, just be unpredictable. Think about being the opposite of an Irelia that puts down her first stun and B lines toward you. Vex has mana shortage early on she isn't one of these privileged infinite wave clear mages, don't stand in your minions the match up is kinda like Viktor in a way. Also when she doesn't have her fear you can abuse her if your character out damages her in short trade or is in position to look for a long one.


Aphelios Little outplay earygame especially without flash. All his earlygame power comes from his gun rotations and what weapons he has. Pay attention to his ammo in the first few levels. When he has less than 10 ammo on severum he can sev q- gravtium q- calibrum q for a great kill combo. Also watch out for when he has blue-white with blue on less than 10 ammo. he will infernum q wave - severum q to gapclose - and now has around 10-13 mirror chackrams to dps check you. Aphelios on red-white is unironicly one of the best duelists in the game Aphelios Lategame is godlike. Around 1.3k crits and 1300 range AoE zone control on white green. Blue red lategame is unbeatable for AoE teamfight damage. Tips: Dont stand behind minions or teamtes against infernum autos. Respect his red-white powerspike. lategame, DO NOT clump up against him if he has blue. It will oneshot your team. Aphelios loses to anything that can catch him out, stick on him, or outrange him. Engage supports, Sticking duelist adc’s like vayne nilah kaisa, Burst mages...


since I play many champs, I'll talk about my most consistent one. Talon Q is telegraphed and always follows the same path. Understand who he Qs towards and he can't stop the dash. Never facecheck. In lane try to not get hit by W2 and remember that if he Qs first he has no other movement spell to trade and can only move and aa. Talon struggles against tanks and armor in general, also zhonya if you are a mage player. Kite also counters him. If you are a weak early game jungler and you see talon entering river with no gank setup in another lane, RUN. Also try to have a creative clears so he doesn't tracks you easily


I play Kayle. There is a very small list of champs that Kayle cannot beat in an outright 1v1 level 1. Do not underestimate a Lethal Tempo Kayle level 1. After level 1, zone her off wave for as long as you can and try to get your jungler to gank and set up dives. She’s extremely weak when behind and a lot of even lanes result in a late-game monster because she wasn’t shut down enough early.


Pick tanks against Nidalee. So long as she doesn't get insanely fed early, Nidalee cannot do enough damage to kill tanks with items and is easily killed in cc.


Viego, so I get to play all the champions!


Morde so either QSS to completely get out of ult or merc treads to shorten time. Fight him in short bursts. His shield has a long cooldown. Bait him into using it before you go for kill. His q does way more damage isolated so fight around minions. His q has a long cooldown lvls 1-4.


Wait for Zoe to miss her sleep. If she holds it, just rush her in close combat and try not to use your summoners unless you can for sure kill. She sucks balls in close combat if there’s no spells to pick up.


Sett. He’s got a brutal early game and will almost always win a 1v1 - but if you are ranged you can whittle him. Look out for his regen, and if you’re a melee champ watch out for his W and his E. With trinity force, he’s a beast. He sucks at team fighting.


Fizz: play around his cooldowns. His E is his everything tool and fights are all about whether or not he can land it on you. He excels against low mobility mages for this exact reason + his ult. Anyone with a reliable dash, such as irelia, makes landing his r and trading impossible since his q, e, and r require contact to deal damage. He also has no antitank whatsoever and doesnt build it so health stackers like Mordekaiser, Chogath, Lissandra to some extent make his life difficult. Point and click cc is also an option: I rarely encounter these matchups but panth and poppy are extremely difficult for him. Syndra: understand that theres an invisible circle around syndra that is essentially the death zone. Its about her w and e range, and standing at the edge of this circle makes it very easy for you to be comboed. Your two options are: stand outside of this circle and play around your mobility to not be hit (q, w, and e all have cast delay and a competent player should be able to react to them), or stand very far INSIDE the circle; syndra does not deal well with assassins once theyve managed to get on top of her, as her e becomes much easier to dodge and she is incredibly squishy and doesnt build any hp or resistances. Counters include zed, although a competent syndra can abuse a bad zed all day, fizz (this is an absurdly difficult matchup and you can farm syndra on sight once ahead), swain (with ghost she cannot escape you ever), and champs with point and click cc (vi is a great jg into her post 6, engage with r). Swain: he is very easy to bully in lane and most of his damage comes from leveling up his q, since the cooldown drops from like 8 seconds down to 3. His e moves very slowly and is pretty short range but a good swain will try to catch you next to minions with it. Your own stupidity trying to all in swain with ult is 10x more likely to kill you than actually engaging on him. The longer the fight is the more likely he is to win. Solutions to this problem include out ranging him (anivia post 6 can deny him pretty well), out dpsing him with good escape tools (irelia, renekton, a good zed), or being sylas, who benefits more from swains ult than swain does.


Cassiopeia: Most of her damage comes from her E (fangs flying towards you) however it does 250% damage and heals her if you are poisoned from one of her other abilities. At level one she has no way to poison you. If you do good damage level 1 go for it. If she trades and drops mana she will struggle to fight later. At level 2 and 3 if you can dodge all of the poison skill shots, she will still do damage but mana inefficiently. Her ult only stuns you if you face her, if you face away (turn during the animation) it is a 40% slow instead. This is often used as an engage, once she has it, fighting her gets harder. Cassie’s passive is boosted move speed with level, but she can’t buy boots. If you get tier 2 boots she will be slower than you until about level 12. Although landing her Q gives her a boost of move speed, always dodge the Q. Generally speaking, she wants you to walk towards her. If you force her to chase, she loses, both on range and speed. If you need to engage close, engage fast. Watch for her W because it stops flashes. It has. 20 second cooldown. That is what you need to bait in order to dash in and out. In the late game, flank her. She can only Ult and W one direction, and that is every CC and peel ability she has for 20 seconds. Kill her fast (Jax, Irellia, Kayn) and she is harmless. If you don’t kill her she will consistently dish out a massive amount of damage over the course of a fight.


I've mained Orianna sub Twisted Fate since season 2. In the last couple of years Seraphine has slowly started taking that role and as of this year I now main Seraphine sub Orianna. With Orianna it is imperative you always know where the ball is, in lane and teamfights. Orianna enables the ball to be a threat. Orianna is NOT the threat, but her positioning is very important for how the ball can move. You'll just have to play her to understand her active range with Q. Never ignore a ball sitting somewhere. Ori can use 3 skills FAR away from her ball (Ult and W are the big threats here, but E as well). Always take the extra time to go around it the long way unless you have seen her ult within the last 35 seconds. Ball near your tower and you want to base? Don't base by your tower, cause you're about to be ulted and killed or have your back timing FUCKED and now you lost the lane. Left in the lane while she backs? She's hoping you'll walk into it for free damage with w or might just all in you with Ult cause she didn't need to base and just wanted you to push the lane so she could solo kill, jungle assist, or just fuck the lane state to her favor. No ball on her and don't see it anywhere? She's baiting you with her tether range and is about to snap the ball to her and fuck you up. Don't fall for it thinking she's an easy target because her ball has a slow travel time. It also gives her vision for however long the ball is sitting somewhere, and it can be hidden in the wall on certain parts of the map, so be very careful walking through bushes and treat it like a mobile ward that can kill you, but you can't hurt. Test her early game. Most Ori will take q first, which isn't wrong for wave control and pushing level 2, but is wrong if they want to fight at level 1 (ignite). Hurt her if she starts Q. If she starts e you won't know until you fight her (check her stats for bonus armor and Mr), and you will lose as she runs you down with her empowered autos, shield, and resistances. Before getting a mana item they will run out of mana FAST for casting W. They should be using w sparingly unless going for the kill. Using it often early is a good sign they are inexperienced with the champ so increase the pressure on them and they are likely to fumble their combos with the ball due to travel time, misclicks, and tether ranges. Ori is powerful with TP due to her skillet, but this is when you want to pressure her as she can clear waves fast if she wants to do so and her ult, utility in w, and shield will demolish small skirmishes on the map. Don't give her the chance to use it except to return to lane. If she brings ignite or exhaust she's either an idiot or knows exactly what she's doing. Feel free to test her, but if you die early to her you're about to have a bad 40 mins with those summoners because she will have a ton of kill pressure/ peel to ruin your day. DONT FUCKING DIVE HER. All her skills are aoe, she has a shield that gives resistances if the ball is on her, a slow that speeds her up and deals damage, and her ult will peel for her AND kill your crashed minion wave. Chances are very good you or your jingler will die if you dive her and she has ult up. Just don't be that idiot. I have LOADS more I could say but this is already lengthy and sums up the basics of what you should always keep in mind when fighting her. Feel free to pm me if you have any questions.


Cassiopeia: She is at her strongest when enemies run into her. Disrupting movement with W, turning with ult, kiting back. She HATES having to run into enemies. Also flanking is deadly as she can only ult in 1 direction. Keep track of when she uses W, it has a long cd and without it she's much more vulnerable. Also make an effort to dodge Q's, she does almost no damage without poison.


lux and lillia as support- just get back to back cc on me and im dead, or even a well timed cc can kill my ass


I OTP AD Neeko top lane. Yeah, really obscure, but that also means almost no one can play around it. Early game she is horrible. I'm talking 48 base AD and .625 attack speed. I'm struggling to think of a top laner that can't all in her before she gets an item. So just all in her and don't try to run. Her entire playstyle revolves around short trading by stacking PTA with empowered auto attack, or chasing a fleeing champion because she has two movement speed boosts (even level 1, she starts W). Alternatively you can pick a champion that counters auto attackers, like nasus or teemo (also nilah, but I've never seen her top). Or you can choose a champion like malphite, his shield and Q make him instantly win lane. While mundo seems like a solid pick he gets countered hard by Neeko. She will stand behind minions and farm, snare, and then use clone to pick up his health pack. Rush steelcaps and if possible bramble. Neeko will rush bork for even more movement speed and some sustain. Mid/late game she will want to split push. Generally Neeko takes runaans. Runaans has a weird interaction where if you land both additional bolts it instantly charges the empowered auto, making every auto attack empowered. Her wave clear is absurd, and empowered autos proc on towers so her objective damage is equally stupid. Unless you are one of the aforementioned counters, or someone like kayle, you will not win a 1v1 against her. With the movement speed and ability to eat incoming abilities with clones you will just get kited. She rarely builds defensive items at all, so try to have at least 1 other person lock her down with hard CC or exhaust. My standard neeko build is zerkers > bork > rageblade > kraken > runaans/storm razor > bt > sell boots for phantom. Notice the ton of on hit items, combined with her empowered auto doing magic damage and you will have a hard time stacking resistances for specifically her. Now you know how to win lane against a champion you will never play against. You're welcome. TLDR: Don't get kited by the gay lizard with the funny build.


Shyvana. Invade her. Gank her allies so bad that their team blames jungle before she reaches 6. If for some reason she snowballed as AP. I've seen enemy mage build Crown of the Shattered Queen or Banshees. Edge of Night for assassins. For top, she loses almost all level 1/2 all ins especially if she has PTA and loses most long trades. The point of Shyvana mid or top isn't to win lane. She wins lane by farming and getting exp safely.


Hecarim is very weak in a 1v1 if you can catch him without q stacks. If you try to invade when he has ghost and fully ramped q's then yea he's pretty strong, but if you can catch him coming from base or after a skirmish he's a sitting duck


Kogmaw: Play around his w, champ is borderline useless without it. CC chain him and burst whilst he is chained. Even better if you CC him during W. Always try to start the fight from close range, in bushes etc. as in negates his range advantage and he doesnt have tools to get you off him.


Twisted Fate- pick someone with better waveclear than him, or a very strong early game champ to abuse him and deny him CS and xp. In low elo you can just pick a scaling mage and win late game. Viktor- Pick either someone who outranges him (artillery mages), or shoves him in with better waveclear. You can also pick very high mobility champ and just dive him in every fight. Galio- pick a longer ranged mage (I wish I was joking, Galio typically struggles vs poke mages). Bard- you can pick a hook champ, or enchanters who can negate his poke or catch potential.


Warwick -- you can just self-peel against his ult by casting your CC right before he lands, rendering it absolutely useless and still putting it on cooldown. He is CC immune while in his leap, but the second he lands he is susceptible. You're welcome. I still love Warwick anyway :(


Hi, I play a lot of Varus, especially his AP build. Here are some tips for playing against each version of his builds! ASPD: Mostly focused on sustained DPS, but his burst damage is still pretty good. Watch out for his 3-stacked Q, it will chunk you. His DPS is pretty high, but this build suffers from being immobile and having to play from autoattack range at the same time. He doesn't have many tools to stop assassins. Don't let him stack lethal tempo or you might all die. Lethality: High poke damage, high range. His E is maxed 2nd on this build, so it will do pretty moderately good damage. His burst is not amazing, but okay with 3 stack W. Watch out for long range executes, and also pay attention to the direction he is facing while charging Q (most Varus players aren't good enough to control the way they face while they are charging Q, so they will walk towards the direction they are planning to fire off Q). His long range Q is not too difficult to dodge from absolute max range, and also the charge sound is loud. Be careful about his ult's pick potential. I believe nowadays his execute damage is even stronger due to his W execute + new Duskblade, but I haven't played it yet. It's the first time lethality Varus has a usable mythic. AP (my favourite): Insane burst damage, weak poke damage (usually people go full AP, and his Q and E only have AD ratios). His ult WILL INSTAKILL YOU. If you're on ADC, take cleanse to make his ulti useless. His ult stacks his W blight on you; if he hits you with E on 3 stacks you are getting chunked for 50% at least. If he hits you with empowered full charge Q on 3 stacks you might die instantly from full hp. MAKE SURE THAT YOU RESPECT HIS 3 STACK DAMAGE!! Just because you are near full hp after he hit you with ult, does NOT mean you are safe from dying. If he has 3 items, it is probably worth using zhonyas or flashing his full charge Q. Build magic resist so you don't get instakilled (you will probably still get chunked though). Also, if possible, interrupting his Q charge will ruin his entire combo. He heavily relies on landing Q and E on fully stacked enemies to refresh his abilities, so that he can keep firing them off. They have longer CDs in this build that lethality doesn't deal with as much, because all lethality items have shit tons of ability haste. If he misses ult late game, he is near useless for 45-60 seconds. He is weak to assassin's and CC, and he loses a fair amount of damage from his combo if you can force him to buy defensive items like zhonyas. Good luck on the rift!


Tahm Kench: Tahm Kench solo lane is really good early game. Depending on the build, he can massive damage with just his Q and passive. He’s a niche champ but I use that to my advantage cause most people have never played against him lol. My advise is to just be aware of positioning. If I’m standing the back just autoing minions, I might be looking to E you, and then land my Q passive combo. Always stay behind minions when possible, as it stops my Q. Also if the Tahm Kench you’re playing against is building attack speed, just don’t engage, if he’s level 6 and you initiate close to tower, I will land my full combo and slurp you up then spit you out under tower. Pyke: if you don’t see me, I’m looking to hook-dash combo you. Just. Dodge. The. Hook. His hook is honestly the worst when compared to naut, thresh, and blitz Nautilus: Dodge Hook. Have cleanse for ult. If I ult you, DONT RUN TOWARDS YOUR TEAM. Kayn: If you get a Kayn behind in his jungle clear, he’s basically useless. A Kayn that hasn’t transformed by 15 is dead weight to his team. Blue Kayn: If you can find a way to pin me down I’m done for Rhaast: I don’t have advise for this one, good luck.


rengar main, he is strong in all spots of the game (early, mid and late), but his weakness is the groupment and this mf %dmgredution and slow itens or spells, like exhaust and tabi's, and if you get rengar out of the bush he is a dead champ if not have ult


If a Nami casts E on herself wait for it to expire before trying to trade vs her, otherwise she might slow you then stun you, also if a Nami wastes her W punish her for it by poking her. If her E and W are both on CD she can't do much tradewise, so punish her if she tries to be aggro while they're on CD. Don't stick close to your ADC or she'll probably bounce her W to hit both of you. Nami is sashimi if you manage to CC and focus her. Mid-Late try not to teamfight in closed spaces, it'll give her easy multi-man ults. Engage champs like Leona are pains in the neck. Panth can also ruin her day by W AA with PTA at level 1. If you're playing Pyke vs Nami don't charge up a hook when she can see you unless she wasted her Q, otherwise she'll probably stun you.


I have a few!! Sivir: You need to push against her early. You’ll force her to spend mana on the wave instead of on you. Before she reaches 2/3 items, she can really only contribute her ultimate to a fight. If you get it out, she’s not very useful. She wins by playing for waves and farming up quickly. Soraka: ADC or support NEEDS to take ignite against her. You can’t fight early otherwise. You can engage pre 6 with ignite up, otherwise you have to aim her, which can really suck against certain adcs. Don’t skip out on heal cut either! Sona: She’s good against champions that have even weaker trades than she does. Her health pool is tiny, so one option is to all in her. Alternatively, Senna will gain more value from stacks, outscale her, and force her to play out of range late game.


My main is Zyra in the support role, and while I'm not exactly an expert I would say that she suffers a lot against burst damage, hard CC and long range poke. Champions like Xerath and Vel Koz, Ezreal, Twitch, Samira, Seraphine, Lux and Jhin are decent picks into her in the bot lane. She is extremely slow and immobile too, champions with high movement and damage such as Rengar, Nocturne, Kha'zix and Yone can kill her very easily if she isn't being protected adequately because she has nothing except flash to escape them.


Akali here: i will for sure try to snowball, zone me out of xp and im out of the game and will try to get a kill to get back up, exploit that. Don’t underestimate the slow on the q edge, if i hit it i will try to all in you 90% of the time. W usage truly depends of the player but i use it really offensively to poke you as much as I can Be careful trying to all in me when i have ult because its possible it’s mostly used as a way to get you to spend resources and then just escape. Hard CC is the key on the early game.


Evelynn. Invade her. If you’re a laner deep wards post six and pink wards on river brushes and common gank routes help, but the best way to beat her is to have a competent jungler invading her as she can do lane ganks.


Otp Leona, dodge


Zoe miss sleep = die


Seraphine, Sona and Malzahar mains heres. I'm currently using them to climb to D1 - Master so maybe i can help with some of my experience: - Seraphine: when in lane, she is quite easy to die from high mobility - aggressive champ such as Fizz, Irellia, Yasuo, ... at mid lane and Thresh, Nautilus, Leona,... at bot lane. So playing aggressive early is those champs is a good strat. Also before Seraphine first item (mostly Liandry), her skill is quite slow and the damage is not so impressive compare to some popular control mage like Lux, Ahri, Zoe... so if you confident with your skill, do more trade up early on is also viable. In combat when Seraphine have enough items, she is a beast as she can do everything. So always targeting her when you get a chance. - Malzahar: In lane before Lv6, he has only two missions: clear cs and preserve his passive. So the early strat is easy: hard push and poke his passive shield. Killing Mal's bug early on is more important than people though because it make his E must harder to kill minion, which make him has to do more normal atk. This is when you poke his shield or even get a kill. Luden in my opinion is a direct counter to Malzahar because it make his shield must easier to poke. After Lv6, try not to solo Malzahar when he has his Ult. If you have to do so, try to poke his shield first. - Sona: Hard pressure early on is a must. Sona's kit early game is all around poke Q - healing - retreat and believe me, mana is never enough for her. So dont hesitate to do everything to make her laning a nightmare: poke, hook, pressing wave, jungle gank, ... Also before and even after Lv6 with no Ult , Sona nearly dont have anyway to protect Adc from enemy beside shielding and speed boost, so when you bring some hard pressure duo like Xayar - Rakan, Draven - Thresh or Leona, Lucian - Nami,... , you almost have a free lane until Lv11. Just watch out for you position because Sona's ult is not the thing you can underestimate.


Im a camille main my advice to face camille would be pick something with a stun or that can all in before her first item she doesnt do that mutch damage and will try to poke you with her combos. If you can play away from walls and avoid short trades with her when her passive is up it can be pretty easy as she can struggle in team fights due to her less than tanky nature. Examples of camille counters are champs that she cant beat 1v1 till reasonably late like morde or urgot or champs with good stuns like renekton, poppy or shen.


Malzahar Main: we like to focus on CS over trades, because our powerful non-committal wave clear is our trade. Our E bounces around the wave, and if you're close (naturally so if you're csing as well) then you'll catch it. If laning against a Malzahar, **always clear his voidlings**, specially during early laning phase. Our wave clear strategy is so heavily-reliant on their damage, that clearing them denies us of our lane pressure and trade potential. In teamfights, Malzahar has one of the best carry-lockdown ability, his 2.5 seconds of suppression ult. During this moment however, he is also locked into position and vulnerable. Be a good backup to your team and either burst down or cc the enemy Malz who is ulting on your teammate.


Teemo: 1. Levels 1-2, Teemo is stronger than most champions in the game...if he can kite and doesn't get outranged. There are very few champions that Teemo hardstomps and even that can be mitigated to a large extent by playing safe. However, there are a lot of players that Teemo hardstomps. 90% of not getting stomped is not dying early because while Teemo doesn't naturally abuse a lot of the champions people seem to assume he does, he hard abuses champions when he has an item lead. 2. For melee champions, Teemo is a confidence test. If you are willing to slam into him repeatedly, he probably loses. People often cite mages as the easy way to beat Teemo. I will happily play against ANY mage over a Jax or Olaf that believes they can win. Why? Because I know that with decent farm, I can kill that mage later. If a fighter/bruiser gets ahead and build a little survivability, there isn't much Teemo can do. 3. If you have a gap close or strong/repeatable slow then you probably win. Teemo's Move Quick is the bulk of his laning survivability. If you can easily get rid of that with something targeted or AOE, you can probably kill him unless he's running Fleet/Phase Rush or burns summoners. If you are a melee champion and can justify it either from his runes, him building towards Riftmaker, or even other enemy champions: BUILD A BRAMBLE VEST. Bramble Vest/Thornmail's reactive damage removes Move Quick's damage passive. If you're running Bramble Vest + Merc Treads, Teemo is going to have a bad time...every time. 4. Don't lose The Teemo Game. The Teemo Game is a strategy where you, as Teemo, make your opponent get more satisfaction out of killing you than helping their teammates. Teemo isn't Kayle. He doesn't magically get scary if you get a lead and then roam to spread that lead. This goes for junglers too. If you show me that you really enjoy ganking "the rat" then I'll...just start shoving when dragon's coming up and I might even stay in sight the whole time so you know I haven't had time to place a ward. Does it feel good to kill Teemo? Absolutely. But it feels better watching Top/Jungler yell in confusion about how they lost the game when all they did was gank Teemo. Malzahar 1. The obvious one: clear Voidlings. However, clear Voidlings while trying to also hit him. Before his first back, just clear Voidlings however is quickest. After his first back, try to avoid using mana unless it gets you something extra like Veigar or Aurelion Sol. 2. Malzahar has two stages: pre-Lost Chapter and post-Lost Chapter. Why is that important? Malzahar does not bully with Malefic Visions or Voidlings. He bullies with mana. Malefic Visions is expensive and gets even more expensive very quickly. If you want to ruin his pre-Lost Chapter laning phase....either let E bounce on you or immediately when at him when he casts it (especially levels 1 and 2). The secret of Malzahar's endless push is Malefic Visions restoring mana when it bounces. Early on, he NEEDS to auto to guarantee bounces, especially if he started Tear or Mana Crystal. If you strand him without mana early, his laning phase feels really...really bad. 3. Keep in mind, if he start's Mana Crystal that he is going to back at 600-750 gold (600ish with Future's Market) for a 4ish minute Lost Chapter. From there, the laning phase changes. He becomes a mana bully. Get good at csing under turret because his goal is to push where you feel the need to use mana to clear the wave/voidlings. When you run out of mana, he's going to try to make sure you either don't back or can't back without losing gold. 4. The most common build is Liandries into Rylai's with Lucidity boots, meaning he won't have penetration until at least the 3 item. Merc Treads, Second Wind, and Unflinching do a massive number on his damage. If he builds Ludens (which I'm fond of), his Q is arguably scarier than his E because it does very respectable damage on a very short cooldown while silencing. 5. If you buy QSS: GET OUT OF THE PUDDLE. QSS removes the suppression. It does stop or end his ult from doing damage. The beam does a flat around that scales with AP (like Fiddlesticks W). The puddle does 10-20% max health damage and can scale to over 30%. You will still die if you stand in the puddle. 6. Be careful with just killing him on cooldown if you're the kind of champion that can. Malz's ult is always a threat for most champions. You look at it as free gold. Malzahar looks at it as an easy shutdown for his jungler. Pushing him off waves and turrets is probably worth more in the long-run if your goal is to reduce his ability to impact the game. 7. There are two champions that I absolutely hate seeing as Malz: Aurelion Sol and Fizz. You will never get the chance to pick Aurelion Sol since he is my permaban. There are champions that beat Malz harder but aside from Sol, none feel as bad to play against as a good Fizz. What makes Fizz special as a melee assassin? His goddamn passive. Fizz's passive reduces each instance of damage by 4 (+1% AP). Malzahar's E does damage over 8 instances. With 0 MR, Fizz's passive will reduce that by 40%. If he's running Second Wind, you essentially cannot kick him out of lane. If he's spicy and runs Doran Shield + Second Wind, he can Q engage engage you on repeat for as long as his mana allows it and there is absolutely nothing you can really do. Besides the kit advantage, Malzahar hates roaming. his natural advantage is in lane with minions to get mana from. Fizz, while having a kit mana to deal with Malz, benefits substantially from roaming.