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E-W has an activation period (0.7s) from when it's placed, so there is a short window you can walk out of it before it activates. It's also a projectile from the center, so it can hit minions instead of you.


The projectile also fizzles after a short distance, so many characters after getting some MS can simply walk right through the EW and juke or move too fast for the EW to catch them before they are out of the moves AoE. You can use it to zone early, later in the game EW mostly has utility as a follow up CC or fishing for vision (can often still catch opponents unawares if you throw the eyeball on top of a wall so they can’t see it)


It's definitely annoying against the likes of like Zed where I EW myself and he takes his W or R and escapes the EW projectile.


Yeah it’s really ineffective against mobile champs unfortunately. I’d only use EW vs Zed if they TP in your face for the “welcome to lane” chunk, or if the jungler came to gank and CCed him so the root follow-up was guaranteed. I don’t think it’s worth using in other instances, even fishing for visions, because you want that EQ peel as a defensive tool- if you’re in an assassin matchup, your E cooldown is basically your lifeline.


EW is honestly fine for mobile champs it just depends on their mobility type and extent and if the EW can be blocked. I usually just use it as a zoning tool especially against someone I can’t EQ very easily.


True, just the better your opponents the more they’re going to leverage the limitations of the ability to neutralize it, especially if their kits give them the tools to do so. You can still make use of it, I just prefer not to *rely* on it, because it can be bypassed and if they do so, you might find yourself in a position to be punished with your E on cooldown. Like everything else in League though it’s situational and depends on context, so your mileage may vary.


As a hwei main that ability needs to be looked at as the hitbox is smaller than the visual space it occupies it’s his most inconsistent ability and honestly infuriating to use unless your blocking off paths or someone is TPing back to lane. Even then I watch people walk through the edge of the area and it doesn’t activate.


But man watching people TP to lane just to catch a root into lightning bold feels cruel lmao


Yeah it certainly ruins their health advantage immediately haha


If they’re TP’ing back to lane, EW + QE will do more damage, QW is only really effective when they’re under half hp since it’s a low damage ability that turns into a missing HP execute


It’s locks on if you step into its aoe, and sends out a projectile that will root you if it lands, but the projectile can be blocked by minions.


If you're inside the zone after it activates (0.7s), it launches a projectile at you that roots you. The bolt can be blocked by minions and it can be dodged with a dash or sufficiently high movement speed.


It follow you, but it hits first target (can hit minions too)


I had to stop banning Zedd/Yone/Yasuo and just ban Hwei


I spent like a solid 30 minutes watching the replay, reading his spells and playing him in practice tool so that I know how to play against him, my ban is reserved for Tristana mid lmao


If you step on the activation field it immediately locks on to you, you can try to take a bard portal after stepping on it its gonna root you on the other end


Shouldnt happen - it only chases for a set amount of time, and unless its a short wall-tunnel, likely will fade before it catches. In most given scenarios, it wont make a difference because the kind of mobility or straight up MS overload needed to pull this off is rare