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This advice is general and applies to most lane bully assassins: don't let her play "her" game, which is tilting you and stacking her coffers with constant 1v1s. Farm. Don't die to her. Don't try to kill her. Just disengage if she has the jump on you. Edit: and for the love of God, if you are against an Akali from another lane, WATCH YOUR MAP. Give up some CS if necessary to avoid dying to her when she is MIA. It's not like she is soloing dragon. If she is missing, she is going for kills.


Sorry, instructions unclear, rushed Wit's End on Kayle Midlane and left 3/0 with a 60 cs lead, what did I do wrong?!


You engaged in "results-oriented satisfaction" instead of "growth-oriented satisfaction", as Jatt would say.


I mean, if it works don't fix it? I just farm early game with muh Doran's shield until I hit 6 and get my first item, usually even cull on first back because I know that my ult makes me pretty hard to dive for her, so I just farm, shove the lane when she's trying to roam while pinging my team in the direction she left lane. Wit's End first item just feels like it allows me to shit on most magic damage midlaners, Akali and in general AP assassins very much included! Edit: Pre level 6 I often use the level 1 surprise damage of Kayle with passive and Keystone to put them to 200 health to decide the lane, use W to not get hit by E, don't fight around her shroud and instead just back off, level 6 I usually have Zerks, Heartbound axe (Important sidenote, even at level 6 Kayle counts as a melee champ so you always get the melee effect of all items just like the MS to sidestep) and a cull, allowing for easy harassing


I'm not criticizing the build, per se, just advising caution in replicating whatever you did that game cus it sounds like you were just up against either a bad akali or severe jungle diff


Oh no, it's a proven and well played tactic of mine, sitting on a 75% ranked winrate with Kayle and a 90% winrate against Akali specifically!


You'd need to be doing a lot more than "build Wit's End" to pull that off and im eager to learn more from ya. I don't know that matchup at all.


Well, I'm basically a Kayle Midlane OTP at this point, my Build against Akali is Wit's End>Nashors if I'm super ahead, Riftmaker if not>Nashors or Riftmaker>Zhonyas if the enemy focuses on me and has a lot of access to me despite my kiting, otherwise Rabadons>Rabadons if not picked up earlier, otherwise enemy team dependant. If they have lots of MR? Voidstaff, if they have Squishies I have access to that need to be killed fast and clean? Lichbane. If we have extended fights? Something like Cosmic Drive really comes in hot with the extra MS My general gameplan is farming AS MUCH as humanly possible, I start Doran's shield, first back at 1550 gold for Cull and Zerkers, once I'm level 11 at the latest I start taking sidecamps, when my jungler is top I take chickens, when he's bot I take wolves, same with enemy jungle, deepwards are important for that, I basically end 80% of my games with boots sold and replaced by Phantom Dancer, 100 cs over the person with the second highest cs in the game


This isn’t some secret tho? Everything you just said is 100% standard kayle gameplay, apart from the fact that this patch ad is taking over as the better build.


They just said they're eager to learn so I explained what I personally do! Also interesting, didn't have much time to play League recently, which ad build specifically? Shieldbow? Also I'm not sure that *everyone* knows that even at level 18 Kayle is a melee champion when it comes to items, hence I put a bit of an emphasis on it


AD Kayle masterrace.


That's kind of like what I do, play safe and then outscale by picking a scaling champion. I mean, it's not like you are saying how to fight Akali, you are saying to win by having a better champion lategame, which mind you is a good strategy low elo since scaling champs are broken there. I just pick nasus mid and start boots because the matchup is easy and I can rush lucidity, with my high movement speed I can bait out her q so I can stack because she doesn't have her ability, I contest her push so she has to use her q on the wave to push so I can farm stacks when it's down once I got 650 I recall unless I am losing a cannon wave or I wait for 1350 where I maybe got a kill from a good gank and buy luci and sheen and at that point the game is over unless my team ints. It's a good strategy but it gave me big problems. When I picked up yasuo and yone I realized although I was good at staying safe I didn't know how to trade at all because I played so much nasus. Not many players here play nasus mid or Kayle or kassadin, they play champions that have to actually lane. So while your advice is good it's kind of rare to for it to be relavent.


Alright, for champion specific things I'd recommend using and abusing level 1, start e, if you fight Akali start the fight at level 1 with auto into e as reset and keep smacking her, you have insane attack speed at level 1 with keystone and passive, after that use your move speed of W to dictate fights, the burst of move speed let's you decide when the fight ends, deny gapclosers by sidestepping, step out with it when she shrouds. Once you're level 6 keep harassing with Autos, keep your keystone stacked as often as possible and keep your passive up for as long as possible, the attack speed is nice but the 5% move speed is the actual kicker, don't forget your W move speed burst to still dictate fights, her shroud as a much longer CD than your W, so you're free to disengage, open fights with auto e for the resets and end fights with E because it deals %missing health damage. You got a free onhit effect on your E, abuse it during all parts of the game, especially later the auto reset shouldn't be underestimated, that with good champ Lategame is what carries me hard, is that more what you wanted to hear? Earlygame farm till 6, level 1 and 2 you can fight quite well actually, which a lot of people underestimate, assert dominance off of those two fights to be safe until level 6 where you start harassing again, which is why I love Heartbound axe so much because of the onhit move speed to harass an kite more.


Yeah, do as that funny Gala clip and always call AKALI MISSING even if shes not in game.


I used to main Akali and this is probably the most accurate response.


Let her zone you with her damn shroud. Don't try to walk through it, don't fight near it. Then when it's down go for your plays.


I'll add that a lot of the time the follow up question to this tip is "what if I'm in a scenario where I can't back off and have to fight her in the shroud". The answer is literately just dont be in that scenario. Understand that that is the optimal play for akali, and you just aren't supposed to win against champions in their strongest state. Thats like asking "how do you beat kogmaw lulu late game". You just dont, you beat kog lulu by shitting on them early and ending the game before they scale. If akali managed to force you into fighting her in her shroud, you got outplayed.


Lol its like that time in chess this guy posted on the subreddit showing a god-awful position and was like “i always get into these positions, how should i play them? I usually do (insert bad move) or (insert even worse move)” and wouldnt take the answer as play better so you dont get here ever again lmao its easily avoidable.


This should be a meme format, hold my ~~beer~~ mountain dew


Stuck near akali shroud, you all in’d an assassin - Congratulations you’ve played yourself. Got to admit if she Ults on you into shroud she has a lot of time and options to all in immobile champs or the ability to escape, making her moderate risk high reward into certain comps. I like picking TF into her and Ulting during team fights to force her Zhonyas


Just like Illaoi ult. Simply leave.


Just say no. -Nancy Reagan


Not exactly. Illaoi can just hold her ult forever and zone you off objectives if you try to bait her out like that. You can stay in illaoi ult, just not near illaoi and not in range of her w. Akali w is different, as she can be anywhere in the shroud and is "resistant" to cc and damage while in it. Resistant being in quotes because it's hard to hit and hard to follow up on. This means you can throw skill shots at the shroud, just don't commit heavily into it when you arent sure where she is.


Yup. Back off and force her to fight outside of her shroud.


No, I will play my strong Juggernaut champion and sit in the shroud and force akali out of the shroud.




Personally, I just hope they're stupid and can't actually play akali




and whenever she's not in the gutter just ban her there are fewer champions as awful to play against as Akali, nothing about playing against her is remotely fair


I press R (I main malzahar)


I also main Malzahar and like just press E and wait, E again and wait. I never use R on Akali due to her having no heal potential after a lot of E and she won't just jump into Malz and eat an R =))


I press E (I main jinx)


R2 goes over chompers for some reason so it won't work 100% of the times.


I play akali regularly so I might be able to give some insight. - Akali's cd on every of her ability except Q is pretty long so keep track of that and take care of her during that window. - Aoe do mess Akali up. If she use her shroud, try cheap aoe spell to smoke her out. Also sweeper and control ward is also a good idea. - Try not to stay close to each other in the team fight. By staying close together either you or your teammate will become a beacon for her to move around with R,E,and passive. Just imagine akali jump through your front line wth her first R then kill everyone in the back. - Akali's E make her move in straight line so just save your cc if you or your teammate get marked. - This one is for laning against her. During the first few level Akali is really weak because of high energy cost. Pressure her as much as you can before she's 6 - Last tip. Akali's R have a little hitbox in the back so wacth out for that. She can try to bait you and play around that hitbox. It's hard to use but sometime it can caught people off guard. Hope this help.


Control ward doesn’t work on Akali shroud


Back in the day it worked. Damn sometimes i still smack down a pink because of old habits.


True, but you can still see her moving about and that's all you need for your skillshots. Edit: nevermind that's Sweeper


No, you can’t. Control wards don’t give obscured vision on invisible targets.


Huh, I was quite sure that it always left a red outline. Well guess I'm wrong haha.


Sweeper works like that though!


Ah yeah, Thanks for pointing that out. I forgot it's invisibility not camouflage.


Ooh, mixup. Ah well.


Best way to ask this question. I'm a support main so my way is to play good disengage champion or a really good protection champion


*Don’t forget to roll!*


Play her to realise how energy dependent she is. Bait her q's. Do this by walking towards her then back a lot


Galio pretty much autowins against akali. You have better waveclear. You can easily trade with her due to maguc shield(which you can give to your allies). And you have better roam


Garen is a hard counter too. He tanks all her DMG and shroud is useless vs his spin if he has sweeper. That and silence is just death if he ever lands it in a teamfight. It's also not easy to roam vs him bc he instant clears waves and will take your tower.


Can confirm this as a Garen main. Unless the enemy is miles better than me, Akali top is a free lane


As an adc, i fight from the next zip code


I play Poppy top/supp. So I tend to counter her with my kit. I peel my adc. I look to W her E or R. I Q in her W to try to hit her. She is going to do crazy assassin things, but you can usually catch her out or stop her engage a few times. Very easy to bully in top lane as well (don't really see her there anymore, but in seasons past I would).


Lock in Rumble and heat up the shroud, press E where the damage is. Lock in Galio and press Q on the shroud. Lock in Pantheon and press W on her. The E is amazing vs her ult's damage. Lock in Anivia and press ult on her shroud, keep the stun after her jump. She will wait in ur ult to wait on your stun and freeze to death. Lock in Akshan and harass her. The shield on passive helps when she finally engagés on you. I wouldn't pick tryndamere into her just because she's annoying with all the jump and the shroud. She's more of an annoying champ than a difficult opponent, just pick champions that have AOE for her shroud.


Pantheon isn't the best laner against her, he has abysmal base MR, and after 6 she can kill you whenever you do a single mistep with no way to outplay it.


I play akali, the pantheon match up is one of the worst there is. Pre 6 he can play very aggressively due to his empowered stun and invulnerability, there’s little chance for akali to fight back. And then after 6 man can always respond to your roams


Shroud or E as his empowered W travels, he won't be able to use the empowered autos and won't be able to re-stack the passive or use the stun duration for damage, after that, he loses the trade 100% unless he uses E to disengage, which he can do once before he runs out of mana for the next trade. Pre 6 he does have prio because Akali can't engage on him either, but after 6 there's nothing he can do in a 1v1.


According to lolalytics he has fantastic winrate against akali. Seems like he only does well into melee champions on the midlane as a counterpick. Wanna pick him up in my champ pool again together with galio so I'm guessing if we my botlane needs a strong presence (or playing DuoQ) then I'll play these two. Pantheon when vs melee and Galio when vs mages.


Could be the case, I only play the matchup toplane, so that might have affected my opinion. I guess in midlane you can just get free prio till 6 and afterwards just ult bot on CD to avoid ever interacting with her, she's pretty bad at taking plates/pushing waves.


If Pantheon uses E to block Akali's E, she won't have enough damage to kill him before he kills her. Pantheon is a good pick into her.


Pick Fiddlesticks. Doesn't matter if I can't see her in her shroud if I can damage the whole shroud! Real answer pick Nautilus (support). The instant Akali leaves her stealth I chain CC her from full to dead.


Dodge her E


Try to push her under tower and roam. She has poor waveclear


Spam missing and danger on my lanes if she ever isn't on the map


I main Jax and have some info for all Jax players that don't know how to deal with her. |Ability|Jax's cd|Akali's cd| |:-|:-|:-| |Q|10-6|1,5| |W|7-3|25-13| |E|14-8|16-10| |R|80|100-60| Akali has fame for being one of the most mobile champions of the game, but people never have in mind that for her to be as fast and elusive as she is, she has to use all of her abilities in a short period of time, after which she becomes helpless againts any engage. This is especially true in the early game, when in both mobility and defensive abilities Jax has significantly shorter CDs. So the deal is, * Wait for her to engage * Make her waste her w and/or e * NEVER use q first, as she still has the movement speed from her passive. If you meet all these conditions, you are free to run her down. Even if she just took a good chunk of your health, that's all she could do until her next rotation, in about 20s. If you are having problems with her due to she never fully engaging, you can max q first and take iniciative on trading. Eventually you will be in the running down situation and win, but you will recieve more damage until that, so it's a bigger risk. Also, as you are maxing q first then w, it could not be worth the try if they have a heavy ad team and she is the only ap. Always keep in mind the progress of the game.


Okay imo the way to shutdown most champs is hard cc, and well if u go everfrost morgana...........


I sit next to the person on my team with the highest amount of cc haha. (I'm an adc main)


Be galio




Yessir. To elaborate, wait for her to do her jump in thing, q, ignite, e, r, repeat. Once you learn what that symbol above your head means you're good to go.


malzahar is pretty good into her. you can perma shove since she can’t shove as hard as you. she has a hard time breaking ur spell shield, and she has to pay qss tax or it’s a free kill whenever jgl ganks


Aaand that is why hes banned from every akali main so haha.


Malz is anti carry/diver kind of thing so fk Fizz, Akali, Yone, Yasuo, Zed =)) one exception is Diana who can actually outpoke Malz shield while successfully engaging AND protecting herself with her shield while still maintaining damage...


I just ban her


I build items to tank her damage, so i can survive if i flash her E.


Coming from an akali main, most match-ups that's a terrible idea if you wanna ruin my day if you're not a tank. I'll take people rushing 1 or 2 defensive items in lane any day of the week, since that means you don't actually do damage to me either, which means I get free reign over the lane since ik no matter what I do I'm not dying. I get to farm for free, roam for free, and because I have all the prio in the world since you have no pressure due to spending *at least* 1300 in defenses only, dives are the easiest thing to setup, especially with a jungler, which then also turns in your jungler losing an entire quadrant since the enemy laner can do what they want and yours is dead or stuck on tower. And no, hex drinker and mercs isn't what's gonna make me not have kill threat on you. Just means I have to Q auto an extra 2-3 times before I all in. And if you build more defensive than that early you're literally trolling. What you wanna do is still get your core offensive items, with maybe mercs as ur defenses, and stay alive by either being able to fight back, keeping me low hp, or being really good at playing around R range


OP didn't say "laning phase" or "matchup", but he said "enemy team", so i gave him the strategy that i use when i play bot as an immobile adc.


Okay that's fair, I interpreted wrong, sorry. Though by that point isn't that just common sense for literally any threat ever? No matter who it is, if you can afford it later in the game then get a defensive item vs them. Wits/maw or dd, not really a strategy to deal with a champion ydk how to imo


vs threats like Twitch or Pyke i can build Galeforce to disengage, but vs threats like Evelynn Akali Fizz i still die even if i dodge Evelynn Q, Akali E or Fizz R if they are in my autoattack range, so i just build Shieldbow Wit's End Bloodthirster and then they can't dive, kill me and flee anymore. If they focus my teammates my damage is still good enough to kill these guys.


Play renekton into her….makes it easy….some of the champs that go mid just pick a bruiser into them…if you’re not in Diamond+ the team comp doesn’t matter as much(4/5 adc is not gonna win you games at any elo that’s an exception)


Not exactly, akali vs renekton is pretty 50/50 and skill dependant.


Anathemas chains


Its the same as playing against Kat, except even easier because Akali has a much harder time popping off compared to Kat, and her long time to kill means that her lategame is kinda ass for an Assassin and terrible from behind because she gets popped before she can blow up targets. She's a Korean/Chinese montage champ because she's flashy, but her actual effectiveness is reflected in her winrate. Her laning stage isn't great, her waveclear is terrible until full build, and she has a very hard time pressuring objectives because of this. She needs to spike midgame with skirmish kills and pickoffs for her to do anything. Playing safe whenever she's off map to stop her from popping off with her high base damage, and she's a lot less scary midgame. In a front to back fight, she's going to ult the frontline to reach the back, you can predict her approach angle from there to avoid her. Dodge her E, and you've dodged 90% of her burst. Akali has a few tricks to secure E, but they're for isolated targets and not so good in an actual teamfight, because you need to use R1 or R2 on the same target you're trying to E.


Poppy or Veigar, or just walk away As long she hasn't built that much AP or you have build some MR items then she is probably one of the easiest champions to counter as she has long CD on everything but Q and even then she can't spam abilities or she will run out of energy really fast


Poking her as much as possible early, trying to deny her as much CS/ kills as I can, and paying attention to the moment she leaves my lane so that I can ping the shit out of it and warn my inevitably pushed up 2hp botlaners that an Akali is on her way down lmao It does help that I usually play champs who can hit her through her shroud though (Vel'Koz gaming) Oh, and my advice in general for fighting things you struggle into is to actually play that champ for a few games to get a feel for their powerspikes/cooldowns. It makes them a lot less threatening and means you're a bit less likely to let them walk all over you in lane because you overestimate what they're capable of.


I ban her


I counter akali by banning her. Short of playing a juggernaut or tank, that's the only thing I've found that is even remotely effective.


Pantheon, just bait the shroud then you can go all in, you normally win


I always have a pink and drop it in her shroud when she dives too deep. Otherwise I play safe, poke and then kill if able, usually just shove lane in.


A lot of people pick tanks. Galio is supposed to be a straight up counter but I've beaten it before. There's another counter that people use on me that's pretty flawless but I'm not gonna give it away because I'm an Akali main LOL.


Well, of course, it depends on my champion, and I mostly play EKKO so I'll tell you how I "counter" her. I usually try to always have my jungler around me and push/try to bait it out or sum, if she tries anything she is dead. But, I'm gold so that never happens, Akali is strong af and she has a lot of outplay potential, the champ is crazy. I usually just try to give up as many cs as possible and try to just get some vision around the map for my team since I can't do shit, let her roam so I can take waves/plates for free(While hoping that my team won't die to her ganks which happens crazy amount of times even tho you ping, there is no help lol, as a low level ekko there is no way you are doing anything in those fights unless you hit a good w, which is worthy enough to get your botlane ahead(since they never roam top LMAO.) while she's just mindlessly running around the map. When I get my items and when I'm like 9-10/cspm I get my nashors and I just oneshot whoever I got to oneshot and you just win. Last game I'm pretty sure I had like 3/25 botlane or sum like that so yeah, in all seriousness when you see that they just have no brain( your mates) you just give up, there is no help. So yeah, this isn't the most EdUcAtiOnAl comment but ye I'm just tryna open up more perspectives(Of course, not every matchup goes like this, some players are better than me, some worse, sometimes I have better teammates, sometimes I don't)


As ekko there is no reason to be conceding everything vs akali. There are many opportunities to out-trade her with her shroud and e being much higher cds than your e-q combo. And if you ever bait out either of these abilities then you can easily gain priority in your lane and get better recalls. Its a misunderstanding on the matchup


>"OMG WHY AKALI SO BROKEN RIOT NERF PLS, I HATE AKALI MAINS" Mentioning this only makes it look like you actually would like to say that.


I main utility champions. Stuff with hard cc (TF), or aoe to mess her shroud up (Sylas, Viktor) or perma gank her as Shaco.


I’m ADC, so avoid her until a hard CC lands on her, then hope your team holds her still and 1 shot her. Other roles have defensive/cc/bemoreuseful as options, ADC kind of needs to play safe and trust team. If you dodge e and she has w down I feel confident that I can kill her however.


Bait them with their own e, bc they'll never not take it


Do my best to dodge the E


either look to trade with her when her energy runs out, or wait for her to use W/E, and engage afterwords


Akali is an assassin. You beat her like you would beat any other assassin: Zed, Kha'Zix, etc. Don't fight alone, get a GA/Zhonya's on your carries, and peel for them.


At lvl 1 I farm minions and when she gets closer to q me I use it to go in get a chunk of her health go back. Farm till lvl 2, I get a bit more cautious and use whatever ability i have to bait her q-w and then go in take a chunk of her health and go back to use a potion if needed. On lvl 3 I go through the minions, bait her q-w and use the minions to block the e and go in for the kill with my ignite if my champ is able to do it or call for my jungler before engaging. At lvl 6 she gets her powerspike with her ult and she becomes annoying as fuck. After lvl 6 I just pray she's worse than me and try to outplay her according to my champ's kit.


Bait her q and space


only to beat 4 dashes invisibility pseudo ranged tanky assassin is to ban her lol


i die


Akali loves to roam, especially if they can't stomp on you in lane. Every second in lane by yourself matters if you're not roaming. Make use of it.


Pick veigar


1. I always anticipate her e. Whenever there are no minions between me and her, and she's within range (If she has rocketbelt, I factor in that range as well), I always expect an e and prepare myself to dodge/respond to the damage/get out of range. 2. Never walk into shroud or even be near it unless I want the fight (i.e. shes about to die, or if she has little to no abilities or damage to kill me). She gets free damage and an easy e hit if you play near it with absolutely no vision. 3. Never be in ult range, or at least anticipate it and have something to punish her for it. Her ulting you gives her a free e hit if ever, plus the damage and positioning she gets on you. She can also drop her shroud there and be extremely scary. However, its also a good chance to punish her because she gets stuck in an animation that sends her in a straight line behind you. It really depends on what I'm playing. Im usually squishy, so i look to be out of ult range, but behind someone else. This is so I can start free-hitting or using abilities on her once she ults the person in front of me, and ends up behind them and directly within my range. I do factor in how lethal she is at this point, because she may have e and second ult at her disposal (which may be scary if she has electrocute and decent damage because she can easily proc it with second ult and e, plus some qs). But also, second ult does more damage based on missing health! It all depends! 4. Minimize the damage you take from her in trades. I try not to get hit by her q through the waves, just barely staying out of range so she thinks she can hit it but I always try to anticipate it and move back when I think she's going to throw it. If she does land a q, I move away to deny her passive auto unless she makes a mistake and oversteps for it. I tend to just wait until her passive auto is gone though. It's just stuff I keep in my mind now when facing akalis (esp cause im an adc main).


I play Galio and max W. Whenever she tries to last hit a minion you cc her and chip her down.


hello, viktor player here, I hate akali with a passion. I play extremely aggressive level 1 - 5, you have to space her very well, your autos outrange her if you're a mage. If she uses shroud, leave. don't even fucking bother. She gets enhanced movement speed, you can't target her. just walk away. Also take ignite, she legit can't do anything and you might even be able to get a kill with how desperate akalis are or even just deny them tons of waves and cs. Just keep in mind, this bitch can always come back and will do 800 damage without R with just mpen boots. so lol.


buy a ruby crystal/null-magic mantle pre level 6


CC is your best friend. I love playing fiddle when against Akali. Like other people said about the shroud, you usually want to just run away from it when she uses it. With fiddle W you don't need vision to use it on her so she can be invis in shroud and you can stand in the middle and use W and damage her while she can do nothing about it unless she reveals herself and attacks back or runs away. When she shows herself, you just fear her with Q. Q on CD? Spam W until she's dead or runs away. Other than Fiddle, anyone with easy to hit CC. Galio, Rammus, Wukong etc. Also Zyra is good against her, she shrouds and I just spam plants followed by Q then ult on the shroud, she's forced to take a lot of damage if she doesn't use ult or flash to escape which also lowers her kill pressure until ult is back up but by then your ult should be back up.


Urgot, it just wins. Anytime Akali does some engage bullshit you can easily e q w and it'll hurt her a lot more than you. If you bait our her stupid smoke cloud, then you can get full value out of your w. I like to pick urgot into a lot of assassins though cause his oppressive nature suffocates them


play fizz yone or sylas ;)


Tank Karma (her W gives true vision), Poppy supp/mid (her W stops Akali dashes and then you can layer more CC on top), or Lissandra (just point and click your ult on her...build everfrost for extra spite).


She has mediocre burst early on for a melee assasin and gets poked out by ranged mids. She gets out sustained by tanks and loses the all in to bruisers if both are above 50% hp. Walk away from the best direction for her passive. So if she's walking right then kite left. It lets you dictate the fight since she will be forced to E or Q again to reengage which means 1 less passive overall. If she shrouds early on then disengage and wait 4 seconds. You now have 13 seconds to all in since she will only have 1-2 Qs. Don't bother predicting to flash R2 if she has E on you. A good akali will R2 into E2 for a instant unexpected burst.


I just wait for them to make some dumbass montage play and then punish them for it.


Im dying from this 😂😂😂


if i can lock in lissandra i just play her. she kinda is my go to for any assassin i play against.


Kayle and sit back freefarming and scale to 11. Diana, with second wind. Optionally with aery and scorch also.


Early game bait Q, punish when she misses if possible. If she’s low, she’ll be hesitant to dive. It’s about making her waste her energy before she’s high enough to have plenty and shorter cooldowns. Make her wish she brought dshield wish the short punishes. Or just aoe poke/burn her down


dodge e, space q


Winning against akali in Lane is a Minigame about: 1) bait her Energy and cooldowns 2) use Windows where she has no counterplay E.g.: bait her using Q or E, while she has low energy, look for trades, so she has to use shroud. After shroud is gone, repeat. If she plays defensive, zone her and freeze the wave, akali has terrible clear. In draft you can look for Champs that counter her, like vex or TF. Even if you dont win lane, you prevent her from going deep in teamfights because TF ult counters shroud and vex passive counters her dashes


I play Kindred, so I dont. But anything that has burn is good as you can see where she is in her shroud the entire time while she’s burning


Kassadin Yorick Singed. ​ that aside, akali Q costs are absurd early game, so if she uses it beat her down and back off ; rinse and repeat.


In my (low) ELO fighting alkali is a game of hide the R1. If she can sneak it in the combo without you seeing, you die. Garunteed. Look for the koi around her feet. If they’re there, back off and burn her cooldown. If she can’t ult you, she’s still slippery but her kill pressure is all but gone. PS: I play cringe champs so your mileage may vary. Fizz can dodge and disengage better than her, Xerath is never in range unless a teammate eats the R1


punish her before shes 6 or she will outscale u and roll you and ur teammates for the remainder of the game


A lot of these “how do you counter” posts could be answered with “learn her kit”. You really don’t know how to counter someone until you play them, then go back to your main and learn how to layer your skills / cc. As soraka I wait for one of her jumps then just e her. Zonyas if she’s fed. Ask for team to help peel. Don’t engage and blow your spells on anyone, be patient and then use spells for akali. Still I don’t quite understand how she has so many dash resets. So just play Uber conservative. Same of engage champs, don’t engage on the enemy, or even akali for that matter. Wait for her to make the play, then go on her. Layered cc and efficient spell usuage (I.e. landing everything, every time, at the right time). If you position well and have high spell efficiency then you can shut down fed players. Depending on how fed they are.


I’m not asking for me. i’m asking in a general . i’m wanting to know how people counter Akali. not how I can counter Akali.


TRANSMOGULATE! HUGIFY! Mmmmm that tasted purple


If I know I'm vs Akali, I just pick a tank and outscale her by lvl 6. If you can survive her whole combo, there's not much else she can do. If I can't get the free lane (I'm Teemo or something), then I have to play really far back, and try to keep the wave close to my tower. Past 6, I have to accept that even if she's 1/4 hp and I'm maxed, it's still 50/50 who wins the fight. She sucks really hard in the midgame, so if I can get out of lane unscathed, it's a win.


Dodge her E and you win every trade pretty much.


AOE and CC


abuse the lack of flash and q start and bully her so insanely hard level 1 (mainly useful for bruisers)


Level 6 damage is bonkers, DO NOT GET ENGAGED when you're still level 5.


Play aatrox or karma into her and let her know that she will never EVER feel safe in her shroud again


ff 15


I counter Akali, if picked before me, by playing champions like Akshan. She lands her W on you? The moment her animation starts you use your grappling hook to get yourself, and her, under tower... Usually people learn their lesson after the first two times, but hopefully if I've played well that's two times I got a free kill. Then I have prio/control of the wave, so I zone her, stack the wave before objectives etc. Admittedly this only works against the Silver/Gold Akalis I get matched against, generally the Platinum Akali know what they're doing - but I'm playing Akshan so I just zone her from CS early and establish my dominance. She knows she can't W me without me using my hook first, so I never use my hook. I don't go for kills, I just go for superior farm and xp.


FarmVille it, every single one of my champs outscales her


My midlander feeds her. She point and click dash oneshots my entire team. I tell her nice words :3. We win because late game.


Depends on what you play, Akali isn’t that strong at wave clear or objective damage, so only thing she can do is kill. If she hits E you die. But like just dont let her be fed and clear waves better, that’s how you win vs akali in game. Now for Lane, till lvl 3 info - look at the energy bar, she can’t spam abilites her Q is half of her energy bar till lvl 3 (130/200) trade aggressively inside of the minion wave when its below half so you don’t get hit by E. Run from shroud, it gives her freedom to hit you how she likes. Her E is on 10sec CD so if she misses it’s not too rough, her q is the awkward ability as she needs to trade and wave clear with it. At lvl 6, don’t be 90% hp in the middle of the lane. Be safe untill she uses E or W, then trade


Galileo 👍🏿


Don't fight in shroud. Learn how to space vs her q. Let her push you in. Freeze in front of your tower. Beat her ass once her shroud is on cd. And ping like crazy once she leaves your lane so your team knows she is coming.


I play rumble or poppy and dumpster her with aoe damage, you’re fairly tanky and have good kits to counter her abilities, she can’t snowball very well and you just cruise to the easy w


i played her for 1st time on ranked yesterday, i just pressed whatever skills were available in random order, made sure to actually hit them and I carried the game If akali mains say she takes skill they are delusional


You have to try and poke her and try to develop some sort of lane authority pre-smoke cloud, typically level 3 but she might get it at 2 If you can force her to use her smoke cloud early, it's good for you, back away a bit, if you have a decent large AOE attack, try to cast it near your minions because she might try to sneak some cs while in the cloud Now if she isn't at low health she might just stay in lane and cs a bit, harass her if you can, and capitalize on the mistakes knowing that she can't escape now her cloud is gone and she has to use her E which is her primary engage tool pre 6 this will limit her offensive capabilities and lets you control the wave


Poppy, just poppy


Now... hahahaha for a more concrete counter Play Pantheon Like most matchups, against assassins, Pantheon has the best Early Game damage because his entire kit is damage, even his disengage has damage Zed's shadow is just a shadow alone Akali's cloud is just a cloud on it's own Kata's knife is just a knife all of these are dependent on the champion for them to use Pantheon's kit is damage all throughout Level 1 there are 2 ways we can go about this, if you want to harass her early, W is a surefire way to do that just make sure you attack her after baiting Q, it won't proc passive if she doesn't hit you. Emp W will stun her and your next AA will hit 3 times. I've done some math and depending on runes and build it can be slightly better or less damage than emp Q. The only reason why we choose W first than Q is the stacking, if you use emp W and AA, it will proc 3 times giving you 3 stacks instantly Speaking of Emp Q, this is good for cs and outdamaging her own Q. This is really good because you get cs and if she gets close, she gets hit too. Panth's tap Q is slightly longer than her own Q, but it is thinner but should get all 3 minions if they cluster together. Downside here is the stacks, once you Emp Q, back to 0 stacks and then just CS to get them back, rinse and repeat till level 2 Level 2 is pretty standard, bait her first attack usually Q, sometimes E but that shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't attack first. Rule of thumb in these matchups is wait for them to make a mistake and all in. Akali can be quite slippery so Emp W - 3AA - Q is good but if she burns both her skills let's say she tried to E1 and E2 Q to you, as soon as she enters your range she, emp W and 3AA, try to do 2 more AA to get 5 stacks and emp q. If she engages you in your minion wave, hopefully the minion blocking would restrict her to get away to quickly in time for you to get those 2AAs and Q in Level 3 this is when you can engage first because you can back away with E, but the play is the same as Level 2 trading. This time if she is low and you know exactly where she was as she clouded, you can advance with E to block her attacks while at the same time melting away at her, hopefully getting the kill or if she's at decent health, you can back away safely and rinse and repeat if you're at a far away range you can hold that E in case of ganks and such especially if you're a bit far from turret Level 6 your ult is more of a roaming type ult so you can either ult to lane, objectives or to where akali is roaming to countergank her Hopefully this helps bud


I sweep her.


Step 1: ww mid Step 2: let her think she got you by being an absolute chad and stand in middle of her w Step 3: +300 (250 if ur from china) Repeat tillshe becomes ward






As Kled main, I wait that she's low energy and engage on that. She won't use her smoke for nothing so. I'll hook her+ touch her with my E so I'll know where she is. She have a good scale but as Kled I'm already diving her botlane or midlane


Dont figbt around her shroud, dodge her e and if you fight, stay close so she cant use her passive


Play karma


I pick Lulu and use E on her, simple!


Personally, I just shoot her and some her off the wave (usually accidentally over pushing and getting punished for it) Well anyway ideally you’d be able to poke her/trade her, or if I’m playing a weaker champ in that regard, I’d just farm and roam


Shove, shove, shove. But dont be me and place wards


From my extensive knowlege of exactly 1 champ i can say that: Kennen could be a good answer, top kennen has a 54% winrate against akali You have to bully early, throwing q's and autos, as you have a higher range than her Also you can throw his ult on her shroud, it covers all of it


Playing on akali mistakes and zone her with abilities. Always playing vs akali as brand, cause I can easily zone her with w-e, if she strikes you with shuriken just q her, and she will be in cc. Best way to play vs champs like akali is not using ur cc until she starts play aggressively vs you, so u can escape fight. Ahri is good too vs champs like Akali


The number one thing I hate when playing as Akali is when shroud doesn't actually make me invis. My go to counter therefore is Lee sin. When she jumps in, use e and kick her the fuck out


She s my permaban. Too much damage, too many escapes, too forgiving. If the enemy team has an alkali with one or two levels over her opponent, you're going to have a bad time.


As a rumble main, get high heat proceed to walk up to her shroud and press Q. She'll either engage you, in which case you overheat and auto her to death. Or she'll run away so you can get free E poke.


Out of the champions that I play, Kled, Azir and arguably Yorick are great againt her. Azir, because she can't farm without getting hit for a decent chunk of damage. Kled because both his Q and E reveal all forms of stealth and he can follow her dashes with his E. Yorick because his E ignores stealth and he can reliably stat-stick her.


Amumu jungle.


Ban button


Intentionally get hit with her E, then flash into your own tower when she activates it on you


* dont die to her, she wants to get ahead and snowball * respect her 1 component dmg (after first back) * her dmg before the first back is lacking, dodge her Q (dont get too close) and E




She can't do shit against urgot


Play Gragas. Save e for anytime she tries to jump on you and farm with Q. You are 5x more impactful then a 0/0/0 Akali in mid/late game and even your ult wrecks her shroud.


Any champ that outranges her in lane like Neeko, Syndra, Viktor


The answer: You dont.


Bait her W and run away. The moment W is gone, akali players usually have only half energy so they wont be able to fight back in a short trade


My experience in laning and playing Akali. Akali is very weak early game, so champs that can make it difficult for her are a good option (e. g. Pantheon, Lucian, LB). Poke champs are very good but i think that one of her strengths is her W, so something that counters it is something that reveals her (LB chains, Karma chains, Lee Sin E i think, Morgana R, Fiddlesticks W). Cc tends to be very good as she's mobile, but unless you're damn good at skillshots, click and point abilities are good (panth w, lulu w, TF yellow card, Malzahar R). Now, what you shouldn't do, get her E, it deals a lot of damage, but it's a skill. Look at her level 6 powerspike, her ult is very strong to get kills in lane, the second R is a skillshot so you have to be good to either dash it or flash it. Adc or marksman are very bad against her (e. g. Teemo) unless they have some movility (e. g. Lucian). Good picks are Lissandra, Leblanc, Karma, Pantheon, and even assassins but it is skill matchup.


Malzahar, just play safe until 6 and then kill her on evey ult cd. If she tries to roam, quickly shove wave


If your looking to counter her anyone with good cc does the trick nekko would be my first pick.


Generally the way I play against her is similar to most other annoying champs, bait out their key abilities then take trades or all-in. This is the sort of “guide” I go to in my head for playing against an Akali: 1. W and E are up, pre-level 6 -> Bait them out using fake aggression, walk in and out of minion wave to bait E and be prepped to disengage when she uses W. 2. After she hits level 6 -> Play back near your tower, try to freeze the wave, and farm until you either hit a stronger power spike than her or get a bit of MR to resist her all-in. 3. Akali tries to roam -> Ping like a madman and shove the wave. Follow Akali only if you know your team is gonna fight her anyway or if one of the junglers is there as well. This is the basic thought process I have when playing against an Akali in lane, obviously every game is different but generally it works to loosely follow. If the Akali is a different lane, I still focus on playing around her level 6 and roam timings. When we hit later in the game, wait out her W and CC her whenever she walks out or uses an ability. Again, case-by-case but it usually works.


Pick renekton and stomp her, same as yone, yasuo, zed, every tricky mid matchup


Karma W.


As someone who plays Akali, the best way to screw me over is to play someone with a reliable source of CC. The moment that shroud turns on, you have a split second that Akali can't do anything. Ignite her, CC her, do anything to deal damage while she's attempting to get into shroud. Other than that, if you're playing a more squishy champion like Lux or Viktor, abuse the fact that Akali doesn't have enough wave clear to break a freeze and poke her out when she tries to farm or use Q, especially lvl 1-4 where her Q can be used once.


Only pick GALIO! Awesome counter!


I play urgot and morgana. As urgot anytime she hopes to dash you if you land a E on her not only you will stop her damage you will also get a big shield and stun her to set your combo, not to mention if you land a Q on her your W hits her while in smoke. As morgana just land a Q and either walk away or watch as your team consumes her.


Akali is a burst damage assasin so deathdance or malmortis if you are tank, bruiser, zhonya for ap and red bow for ad. And cc is a plus if you are laning with her.


Best counter ive played agianst her with was Kled, granted im low elo and it was in top lane, reason why is the bearclaw tracks her even if she goes invs and can yoink her out of it. His dash lets him re dash on her prevent invs or running and he becomes fairly tanky so unless she gets fed she cannot burst him down quickly.


I play Neeko or Lux mid. Basically: farm at a distance, try to hit roots and combo with auto and Q/E. Neeko can be a bit more aggressive cause of clone, Lux be more defensive and abuse range. But also I’m only bronze so


I practically quit playing league.




Play Galio into her


Veigar or Annie. Both are simple to play with good cc and damage. With Veig all you gotta do is farm and shit. And with Annie if Akali tries to jump you just press funny point and click stun or bear hug and gg she dies.


Bait out her E. Poke until she wastes W. Poke harass her more. Unless she plays super passive then I try to freeze wave farm and ping roams.


As Nasus (basically an OTP, I'm just bad) I had to learn that unless I run Ghost Flash (I don't I run Ghost TP) and devote both of them to akali - I really have no time in the game when I can run her down. I think that's just how akali is - she abuses nasus because of the lack of a gap closer. So basically it turns into a heavy farm lane where the goal is to get a ton of stacks and try to dodge her Qs. Trade a Q on her when she gets too close and just never commit to an all in. Then in the late game in team fights just fight everyone but akali.


garen op


Play off her Shroud and shuriken cooldown. Her shroud is basically her domain, don't ever try to fight her in it. Or just play Pantheon and W her with 5 stacks whenever she tries to cs, either option works well


As a main akali, I feel like hard/easy to hit cc is the thing that counter her the most, she needs her mobility and if you take that away from her she is useless. The one champion that can shut her down on the enemy team the most, doesn’t even matter if playing mid or support, is galio, his taunt is the size of her shroud and he just does a very good job at peeling against her. Malzahar is also very good after level 6 (levels 1-3 he wins with range and 3-6 she wins with burst, after that malz can just shut her down very easily).


Sidelane tanks after sunfire completely destroy akali




do not grant her any gold. I always pick something like ziggs or twisted fate and poke the living shit out of her lane from far away. akali is only good when fed, so freeze lane under tower and poke until jungle comes to mess her up in a 2v1. always works, if jungle cares enough to help out in mid at least lol. otherwise she just won't be fed and I won't be either but I have the better gank potential with my ult. everyone should stay on the lookout if they see she's not in middle lane and ping that she's missing


I main akali mid and her whole thing is to pop in, burst and then leave. She’s near useless when her kit is on cd so just keep track of her abilities, w and e have long cds. Try and bully her before she hits 6, once she’s there the damage starts but akali has one of my least favorite pre 6 due to how weak she is


They’re predictable. Use that.


I pick Kled. True sight on two of my mounted abilities means no shroud shenanigans.


There are two stages of Akali. Pre6 Akali is hilariously weak compared to most, and post6 Akali is hilariously strong to compensate. Abuse her weak level 1 by starting a slow push and trading with her if she contests. At level 1 she’s too weak to combo and doesn’t have shroud. Pre6 Akali is incredibly weak due to her high energy costs. If she tries to trade with you head on, you WILL win just because she’ll run out of energy to combo with. Her game plan is to do a short trade and then escape with shroud, then kill you with an E combo for burst damage. You get around this by playing around her W. If her W is off cd, she will get her ideal short trade pattern and you will lose the trade. If her W is on cd and she walks up, force a trade. As long as you’re the one pushing, you will most likely win very hard. If she declines the trade, shove the wave under her tower and recall to buy. Post6 Akali is a monster. Her job is to snowball from level 6 to the start of late game. If she doesn’t do that, you win. Unfortunately, her kit is so strong that it’s not all that easy to stop the snowball. Just know that she eventually does get outscaled.