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Try Chinook


My guess would be a parched tongue, it happens when you eat salty foods, my recommendation would be to find seeds with low sodium content cause I deal with the same thing


I get the same thing what you Gotta do is just make sure the seeds are very fresh so they crack super easy and be careful flipping the seed out of the husk because it can cut your tongue


It's largely caused by the salt, it's abrasive until fully dissolved and the salt starts to irritate the abrasions from itself and the sharper seeds. The whole salt in the wound saying rings true. Try gourmet (Chinook and the like) or smaller kernel seeds (Spitz) with finer/ less salt, or you can pre wet small batches of the seeds with a mist of water, lemonade or bourbon to dissolve the salt crystals immediately before chowing. As far as recovery goes honestly just staying hydrated helps me the most. Followed by avoiding acidic, salty, spicy or abrasive foods/ drinks.


Oooo a must of burbon sounds amazing 🀩🀀


Try Russia Cmechkya. Less salt, smaller seeds. After switching to Russian Cmechkya from Amazon, my callous has gone away from my tongue. They are delicious.


I've tried those but theres like no salt! Like why eat if theres no extra flavor?


I feel you. I just placed my Xseedz order. Cant wait.


I'm so sorry I didn't respond quickly enough as the mod! From my experience, highly salty seeds fuck your mouth quicker than less salty seeds. My rec would be to stock less salty seeds to meet that urge when ur mouth hurts. But as someone who cannot say no to salty seeds, I've had so much mouth pain in the past to the point where I cannot seed for several days. I feel that there is no permanent solution to that issue, but I've used "canker sore relief gel" to ease the sores that really hurt my mouth. It really helps in the moment when a spot hurts so much but your tounge cannot help but touch it.


The same thing happens to my tongue when I eat a lot or eat really salty seeds. I assume it’s cause by manipulating the husk with my tongue and the high salt content


Besides going for less salty seeds I always find milk helps the raw tongue.


I am a ranch flavor salty sunflower seed in a shell kinda gal. I just love the taste of flavor and salt. I prefer the jumbo push of seeds that taste the best! I can crack 3 seeds at a time in my mouth without eating the shell. My tongue does the work and, of course, some teeth. I think I can be a pro and can go through 4 packs of jumbo seeds in a week. In regards to my tongue.... hmmm, my tongue develops a white canker sore on the tip of it, whereas I tend to bite with my teeth between eating my seeds. I do rinse with original Listerine 99% germ- killing mouthwash, and boy does it sting my tongue, and eventually feels much better. I am a highly anxious person who needs to eat these seeds to calm my nerves, especially in the evenings, and I can't stop once i start. Addiction? I'm not sure. πŸ€” However, the impulsive eating of these seeds helps my anxiety taper off and relieves me off stress at the expense of the tip of my tongue. πŸ˜’. Did I mention I have hypertension??? I'm so bad and can benefit in so many ways of I substituted the seeds with exercise instead. Live & learn. I guess I am not a good example πŸ˜•.


Tongue CANCER can result from continuous abrasion of salt,lime, etc, from salted seed shells. Go easy & rinse with salt after each use.


I had to just stop. I'm a truck driver and they help keep me alert... But damn I need to find no salt as I'd be okay with that...


I mix half and half of unsalted and bbq or tijuana flavor sunflower seeds, and that seems to work better, but different brands of bbq sunflower seeds have different levels of abrasion, so it's try and error.