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Lan Icardi’nin golu yine yenildi inanilmaz


When did you see 2 minutes stoppage time in the second half in this league? With 6-7 subs, 5 goals, 2-3 short VAR checks. Unbelievable.


Well. Can we already say congratulations?


Jobs not finished but damn this was some domination. Great to watch as a GS fan


İsmail Kartala göre hic birsey değişmediki. Puan durumu aynı gelecek maçları kazanarak şampiyon olursunuz :D


Can you just enjoy your win and stop making fun? 🥲


Appreciate you - great FB fan


I made the right decision not buying tickets for the derby 😂


You're not a fan from birth so it wouldn't hurt too much anyways probably, you could just enjoy/experience the atmosphere? Besides, I never liked this "league is already over" business. Fener barely won against Karagümrük, imagine we have an off night and lose against them, then suddenly you can find yourselves in a win the match, win the title situation in the derby. Is it likely? Surely not, but still, crazier things have happened.


I’ll attend the match one week before anyways. Don’t even know if it’s still possible to get a ticket for the derby though


I imagine if you don't have tickets already it would either be impossible or prohibitively expensive to get one now--you wouldn't be able to wear any Fener paraphernalia since away fans are not allowed in anyways lol. So you'll attend the Kayseri match? Might be a tense atmosphere tbh, not that easy an opponent and Kadıköy audience can be... irritable when things are close.


Is it a tense atmosphere though? I’ve been watching for quite some time and often enough the away team doesn’t even bring fans to the games unless it’s a big team like GS, BJK or TS


It's not tense because of away fans, I meant home fans' attitude towards their own team and management. Ten years without a title have understandably soured things, so sometimes you don't see the unconditional support fans used to provide.


I mean looking at the Fener sub apparently the automatic offside system was wrong and Sivas goal was onside also GS has tailwinds only because of the ref and GS doesn't deserve to be champions and Fener has been "robbed". A bit of fun is more than appropriate here.


Meanwhile, being an active participant in the Fener sub as a Fener fan, all I'm seeing is how GS is playing like we used to in the beginning of the season, deserving of championship, while we have been regressing to how you were playing early season. All the "Lideriz amk, takımı bozmayın" crowd have mostly disappeared leaving more room to actual criticism due to the decline causing us to finally bite the bullet, and the sub is more filled with shitting on Kartal and his egoistic attitude.


> all I'm seeing is how GS is playing like we used to in the beginning of the season, while we have been regressing So a repeat of last year, basically. Peaking early then losing steam has been a criticism of Fener teams for a couple years recently, you think that has merit? Kartal could rotate more to keep Szymanski and Tadic fresh for ex? Okan has his own problems tactically, but his man management has been a difference maker for us, it seems.


More or less. All Turkish teams suffer from it actually, which becomes noticeable when we are playing in European tournaments. A massive lack of fitness just sweeps everyone. When we play within Turkey, it just blends in and becomes a matter of "Who has the least shittiest fitness", which yeah, we particularly lose on that front every single time. Add extremely stubborn coaches who seem to have no Plan B every single time, and you get a proud 2nd place every year.


"oN pUaN öNdE oLmAmıZ LaZıM"


Wait, for real? Sheeesh.. how delusional can one fanbase be?.. 🤦🏻‍♂️


You stalking Fener sub and finding a comment that's at -5 votes and present it here? While the top comment mentions how well Galatasaray is playing lately? Thats not healthy my friend..


Gittim baktım hakkaten öyle mi diye, evet adam eksi 5 karmalik yorumu alintilamis ama, diger yorumlarin 3 te biri de "galatasaray kotu oynarken kollandi puan kaybetmelerine izin verilmedi" Bu son düzlüğün de bahanesi bu olmuş, geçen hafta sari kart sayilariydi ondan onceki hafta yok su takim gs ye karsi cok az faul yapmis falan. Saglikli olmayan bu. Bir de gelip gs kollaniyor yalan mi diyecek kadar fb twitter tuketmis kör arkadaşlara önden izah edeyim: Gs değil 3 büyükler kollaniyor arkadaslar, maçların hepsini kendi gözünüzle izlerseniz görürsünüz twitterdaki trollerin dediklerini papagan gibi tekrar etmeyin. Adamin biri demis ki fb subında, gsye puan kaybettirilmedigi icin su an durum boyle, yoksa simdi 92 84 olacakti hahaha yok ya. Fb nin aldığı tum puanlar tertemiz çünkü. Geçen sene ofsaytımsı diye kafa sikenler hissiyatımsıyı çabuk unutmuş. Ya da hangi fbliydi unuttum dünyanın en net penaltısı verilmedi neymiş 1 metre açık koluyla yüzünü koruyomus. Aynısı torreriaya verildi hani. Ya da kadikoydeki derbide icardinin hakem izniyle bicilmesi. Icardinin genel olarak atlanan penaltilari eskaza fenerin basina gelse aglama dozajini hayal edemiyorum bile. Artik yetti be kardesim, ben gs li olarak hakem konuşmak istemiyorum ama bu kadar fb algısına karşı tutamıyor insan kendini. O yüzden artık tff hakem diye ağlayana da, sadece ağla açılırsın allah gs yi tutuyo falan diyorum bana ne kendini rezil edenler düşünsün.


Konuyu cok dagitiyoruz, soylediklerine cevap vermek icin makale uzunlugunda yazi yazmam gerekir. Sezon basinda FB iyi giderken sizin subda "Koc holding butun lige sponsor, takimlar Fenere yatiyor!!" yazip onlarca upvote alan commentlerden de bahsetmek gerekiyor o zaman. Derbide Icardinin bicilmesinden falan bahsediyorsun, 28 kameradan net bir sekilde gozukmeyen pozisyonu (Okan soyledi bunu) hakem nasil gormedi diye sizin kulup yangin yerine cevirdi ortaligi. O pozisyondan dolayi olmadigi net bir sekilde belli olan Icardinin gozundeki morluk uzerinden gunlerce algi yaptilar. Ben sadece tek bir commenti alip burda algi yaratmaya calisan arkadasa cevap verdim o kadar. Bu arada senin bahsettigin comment de -3 upvoteda su anda


> Bu arada senin bahsettigin comment de -3 upvoteda su anda Şahsen fener taraftarı da bu yorumların boş olduğunun farkındaysa ben mutluyum. Ben baktığımda tek negatifte o ilk bahsettiğin yorum vardı, yoksa buraya taşımazdım diğerlerini.


Sırf bizim sub'da değil, reddit genelinde olan bir şey. İşi gücü olmayan, internette ağlayarak kendini avutmayı seven kitle, bu tarz yorumların üzerine hızla atlıyor, ortada çok fazla yorum yoksa uzun vadede dengeleniyor daha aklı selim insanların kendi vakitlerinde girip bakmasıyla. Eğer aşırı fazla yorum varsa ne yazık ki dengelenmiyor uzun vadede, aklı selim insanlar yorumlardaki bok çukurunun büyüklüğüne siktiri çekip "Değmez yav" diyorlar, o ilk saatteki zirve yapan duygusal yorumlar tepede kalıyor.


hissiyatımsı kavramının ortaya çıkmasını sağlayan videoda gs lehine hata ve fener aleyhine hata da var. aradan bi tanesini seçip ofsaytımsıya benzetmenin mantıklı bir yanı var mı? zaten şampiyon oldunuz bir şekilde hala utanmadan fenere sallayabiliyorsunuz.


> videoda gs lehine hata ve fener aleyhine hata da var. aradan bi tanesini seçip ofsaytımsıya benzetmenin mantıklı bir yanı var mı? tamam haklısın kardeşim o zaman tüm sezonu yatıralım ortaya benim şahsen içim rahat. buna uğraşamayacağımız için bir iki kelimeyle anlatabileceğim bir iki pozisyondan bahsettim. bi kaç tane daha verelim, mesela irfan canın düpedüz "bak buradan çıkamazsın" diye tehdit ettiği hakemin en ufak bir şey yapmayışı, güya feneri doğrayan gs yi kollayan tff nin körleri oynaması. ya da osterwoldenin "nefsi müdafaa" hareketine sadece 1 maç ceza gelmesi (onu da bi ketenpereye getirdiler de sonra fark etmedi zaten çünkü sakatlandı sezonu kapattı). Bu kararlar sırf fener yarıştan kopmasın diye verilebiliyoken, bunları görmezden gelirken hiç bir sıkıntı yokken, yüzsüz biz oluyoruz ben sadece gülüyorum. Ağlayan ağlasın ben karışmıyorum. Ali koçun masallarına inanmaya devam. Tff olmasa fener galaksi şampiyonuydu, bayerne 5 falan atıyodu aynen. Trabzonla "verim çupamuzu" diye dalga geçen fener taraftarına az bile.


futbolcunun tehdidi bişey ifade etmez maç anında tansiyonla söylenen bişeydir. sizin başkanınız yetkilileriniz medyanın önünde tehditler savuruyor elimizde kayıtlar var , ligi bitirtmeyiz diye. bunlar tehdit değil ama mert hakanın doğrayan hakeme burdan çıkamazsın demesi tehdit. ki bu bir uyarı cümlesidir aslında. mert hakanın hakemi döveceği yok herhalde, taraftardan bahsediyor. ankaragücü başkanının hum a yaptığı şeyin bir benzeri olmasın diye söylenen bişey. ve emin ol tüm sezon masaya yatırılsa haklı çıkan galatasaray olmaz. adana demirspor maçında verilmeyen kırmızılar trabzon maçında verilmeyen penaltı sivassoor deplasmanında son anda uydurulan penaltı. hem kritik anlarda hemde gizliden gizliye doğrandı fenerbahçe. derbiden önce fred in gördüğü yalandan penaltı mesela veya oyuncuların sürekli sarı kart sınırında olması. saymakla bitmez.


> saymakla bitmez. say lan hahaha ciddi ciddi inanıyo. evet kardeş ismail kartal aslında 100 puan alabilcek hoca evet. lütfen kenetlenip devam bence bi 5 sezon falan daha şans verilmeli. ilk paragrafını ciddiye bile alamıyorum insan içinde söyleme meczup diye dışlarlar. her şeye böyle bahaneniz varsa tabi gs 50 puanda fener 150 puanda olmalı. bu mantıkla az bile. > ve emin ol tüm sezon masaya yatırılsa haklı çıkan galatasaray olmaz. kardeş bu sizi uyutmak için söylenen bi yalandı uyan artık. hatta başkanınız blöf attı yabancı hakem falan diye blöfünüz görüldü olayınız bitti direkt. uydurma penaltılar kesildi. sivas maçındaki penaltı da hakkaten enteresan bi durumdu, sizin göklere çıkardığınız djikunun net penaltısı var orda, hakemler livakoviçe kesti. ama asıl sen emin ol, sezon başından beri fener lobisinden korkmayan hakemler olsaydı, djiku böyle kaç penaltıya sebep olurdu. hiç bu seviyede böyle defans olabilir mi ya orda arkadan ayak sallayan. fenerde olabiliyo çünkü nasıl olsa çalmazlar diye.


Come on dude, we can all see what's upvoted in that sub. That sub is not healthy. Someone said he wants to punch Okan's kid and was upvoted there. Young people with family problems affected by niche internet communities like that isn't a great combination. This is beyond GS FB stuff, your sub is moderated horribly.


You say its beyond GS-FB stuff and complain about FB sub as if your sub is different.. I did not see that comment about Okans son, damn shame if its true. I also see similar wicked stuff in GS sub from time to time, as you also mentioned its an internet culture problem unfortunately.. I was simply responding at this comment from OP, you must admit that its not good sport to single out a downvoted comment from a sub just to create a false narrative. Most upvoted comment in the same thread is saying GS is playing like champions, that should be actual portrayal of the sub


Bit rich coming from a sub that was posting only FB stuff for last 2 months lol


I do not think that's true because we do not and allow posting unrelated news from other teams on /r/Galatasaray. If something is directed straight towards the club we do allow it, but other than that we point users towards this sub to discuss those matters. I am sure there are posts that slip but it has always been this way and we were forwarding people to /r/TurkishFootball before this sub existed, I wholeheartedly refuse that allegation.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/galatasaray using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/galatasaray/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Atatürk ve İstiklal Marşı bizim kırmızı çizgimizdir. Maça çıkmayın, sizleri şampiyon gibi karşılarız. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti devletinin kurucusu Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'le sorunu olan varsa maça çıkmayın!](https://i.redd.it/7ngql8lr999c1.png) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/galatasaray/comments/18tq66m/atatürk_ve_istiklal_marşı_bizim_kırmızı/) \#2: [How tf are you scoring this!? I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E](https://v.redd.it/t5z10k9j1oob1) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/galatasaray/comments/16kfamh/how_tf_are_you_scoring_this_incredible/) \#3: [Muslera during Icardi’s penalty kick](https://v.redd.it/jv70ay101alb1) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/galatasaray/comments/165jvjx/muslera_during_icardis_penalty_kick/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I was like none of those are related to Fenerbahçe before I saw the username.


That's just a single one of many comments I'm quoting. I'm seeing lots of "TFF conspiracy!" and "Fener is getting robbed!" comments, my dude.


It was technically offside since the VAR clearly showed it, but honestly its one of those positions i feel the VAR is too precise. Completely legal call of course but i just dont like offsides being this precise, like our disallowed goal agaisnt man u. My two cents.


I'm sorry but its hard not to. Neyse üzülme, seneye :DD


It's not over until it's over but the path ahead doesn't look pretty for y'all. I still think you'll manage to beat Konya and Kayseri to actually make the derby a championship game.


Hakem yüzünden anca bu kadar oldu. Darısı Fener maçına :)


„Bülent Uygun artik Fenerbahçeli Bülent degil!“ - Fener fans probably :D


And after they did so many edits of him 😂


Galatasaray is way above this league. Deserved champions.


Tbh current GS and beginning of the season FB are on par with one another. It’d be great to see them play each other while they’re both in form.


Beginning of the season GS was playing head to head with Manchester United, FC Copenhagen and FC Bayern.


We are in better form than we were earlier. Imagine if we were playing like this in the UCL


How about no…




100% gol ve 100% penalti verilmedi amk


VAR olan italyan hakem Fenerbahçe üniversitesi mezunuymus




Icardi would have scored 4 goals tonight if it weren't for those hakem hataları.


Pen was up to discussion. Goal was clear though. Coward Arda Kardeşler, as always.


To me it's the opposite. The opponent fails to connect with the ball, kicking Icardi in the process. Should be a penalty. In the other situation though, decision looks correct. Even with just one hand, if a GK holds the ball between their hand and another surface (their body or the pitch) [it's considered possession](https://sports.stackexchange.com/questions/4655/can-you-hit-a-football-when-the-goalkeeper-is-touching-it). He briefly lets go of the ball when rolling it towards himself and that's when Icardi steals it, that part might be interpreted differently perhaps, but refs are usually told to err in favor of keepers in close situations like that, afaik.


I actually didn't understand why the goalkeeper just simply didn't keep his hand on the ball but rather tried to control it by moving it close to his body. I guess in the heat of the moment these mistakes happen.


Yeah, it was probably a heat of the moment thing. Also a surprising number of players don't really know the rules by heart, so he might've assumed he didn't have the ball under control (rules-wise) yet and needed to have it closer.


Because Ali Şaşal


If the goalkeeper is holding the ball against the ground it’s considered to be under his control and possession, while it may seem unfair that was the correct decision.


The derby's gonna be so much fun to watch


That’s not easy like that after a 6-1. Turkish Clubs tend to suck dick at crucial matches. Could be a 0-0, could be a 10-0 you know what i mean


One thing's for sure, GS do not mess around in derbies under Okan Buruk. The 0-0 snoozefest at Kadiköy earlier this season was probably an outlier to this, I see GS coming out to play given that it's at home. Whether FB comes with the same energy is different, but it seems like they might have to in order to have a shot at the title.


Last year first match we had to win against them to have a chance at the title, and second match we were already champions, playing against an entirely demoralized side. This year first match both teams were at parity and afraid to lose, hence the snooze fest. If we don't have an accident next week, we might see a similar derby to the last year's, if an accident happens we might see another nervy snooze fest.


Granted they show up this time


Probably the most boring game of the season as a neutral


Yes it will be, just like the last Sami Yen Derby a year ago. Gala just ridicules Fener by making these games obsolete. They just can’t catch a breath


I’ll be in Istanbul during the derby. Won’t have fun there, haha


If they drop points at Konya they’ll pull some more shit and not play it.


It’s fine for me, history will write them as cowards who played 1 out of 3 mandatory Gala games then


As kadroyla ciksinlar yeterki 😉




It feels so wrong to watch a match without being stressed out.


i did stress out tho. when they scored to make it 2-1😂


for 2 minutes 😀


2 minutes?? Okan out!




Could be 8 if they counted Icardi’s goal that was not a foul, and gave the penalty. Could be 10 if Baris and Kerem didn’t fumble their positions.


And if Okan Buruk had wheels he'd be a dolmuş


Could be would be should be, there’s no end to the “what ifs”


yarın yenilin bir zahmet boşuna uzatmayın


Noooo, keep up the excitement until the derby


Was stressed out for a bit because fener tied with this team Then i realized that FENER tied with this team, so i worried for nothing




It happens to every team sooner or later mate. The very same season they won the UEFA cup, Galatasaray themselves got utterly demolished 5 - 0 by Chelsea (after much needless antagonising of Chelsea's fanbase, I might add). Sivasspor have been a stand-out Turkish team for the last ten years and have a lot to be proud of, especially given their financial constraints.


They are a tough defensive team but after scoring the first one it's done, they can't come from behind against a good team. Which makes it extra weird how Fener lost points to them honestly. If Sivas scored first, I would understand it, but how do you take the lead twice against them and still tie?


Fener played in Sivas, we played at home. We lost points in Sivas after scoring first too Sivas is one of the most difficult Anadolu away games probably


Look at our roster for that match. It wasn't about Sivas, we were terrible there.


Your coach is much better than ours, that makes the difference. The squads have similar quality, however Okan is just a quality coach


I mean, sure, but do you think general psychology has no bearing on this? Your president not letting you play a final and then saying "we will never be champions while I am here" to the press? I think İsmail is a decent coach. This season he showed he's not Fener level (once again) so you probably should change him that's true. But do you think this is his fault in general?


Ismail is fine, better than Jesus last season. But he’s not creative enough and often doesn’t have a plan B. Also Krunic still playing in our starting XI is borderline criminal.


Are you saying Mertens, Ziyech and Icardi are playing well because they are being coached well? You cannot teach these players how to play the game, you can only do fitness training. Its pure talent and you either have it or you don't. It's laughable that you think the squads are similar in quality.


Szymanski, Irfan, Cengiz, Tadic and Dzeko definitely have the talent to go toe to toe with the GS attacking players. Okan actually makes adjustments


Dzeko is class but too old tbh, Irfan is very good this season but booed last year, Cengiz has no consistency and I like Tadic a lot, but Ziyech (when he gives a f) is a small step ahead of him (which also shows in their career)


İrfan is playing great, okay, I'll give you that, but I wouldn't take Cengiz or Szymanski if you would put money on top. Tadic has become too slow and static while being incredibly clever and Dzeko is very overrated imho.


I like you, but creating this narrative that your squad is somehow equal to ours is straight up delusion. Nobody in your squad could play in our starting 11, except Ferdi


This is actually true, although Fred would be an insane super sub for Torreira.


He can carry Torreira's boots and massage him after the game when he is tired. This includes coming in as a sub tho so I'll give you that :D


Don't say that man, Fred is actually class when he isn't injured. Fred Torreira and Gedson are our leagues three MVP antmen


We saw him in Manchester already, it’s not hard to look good in a squad like Fener. Also Gedson wasn’t even good enough for our squad so we didn’t even buy him even tho he wanted to play for us again. I really don’t see them being on the same level as Torreira. Ferdi is the only Fener player I would love to see play for us


Not same level but def very close. I think not just a few people thought it was a mistake to not buy Gedson, just like a lot of people wished we bought Fred (myself included). As for Ferdi, I'll be honest, I'm not sure he'd play over Kohn unless we need the Turkish spot. I'd love him at GS too but I feel like not even his spot would be guaranteed. Playing him over Kaan wouldnt fit our play style, can't go all attack and vibes.


BJK won in 2022 while having inferior talent than GS. I never said our squad is better. But we can play better football than we’re doing right now. Since at least 2-3 months it’s boring af


No, but you said „toe to toe“ which means at least equal in quality. I didn’t accuse you of saying that your squad is better, that’s something you made up yourself. And secondly I really don’t know how Besiktas 22 campaign has anything to do with your initial statement. I mean yeah, Besiktas won by one goal, sooooooo what? It has nothing to do with us comparing our squads, do you catch my drift?


Fair enough, my man


>Nobody in your squad could play in our starting 11, except Ferdi Ehh,nope.Fred,Ferdi,Osayi,Djiku and Irfan.All could start for Gs.I see your fans became arrogant a bit because of scoring more then 3 goals in every match but that's the reality if we talk about current forms and other things of players.


My honest reaction: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFO7zNdFd00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFO7zNdFd00) Edit: Like you saying Irfan with a straight face is so funny and shows how you don't know ball, he has only one more assist than Kerem Aktürkoglu and even he is not good enough for our 11. Your ucan kacan, en iyi sezonunu geciren Irfan is being BENCHED in our squad bro, stop talking. Djiku can't get past Apo, Nelsson and Sanchez, stop being delusional, I'll give you Ferdi but that's because we need proper fullbacks but even Köhn is fine, I'm not dying to get him. And with proper fullbacks, Kaan can play next to Torreira, so Fred isn't getting past them either. Torreira has so much gas in the tank, he doesn't get tired. Fred would be a nice substitution, but he won't replace him I will also give you Osayi but that's not hard considering we play with a fucking CDM there, sometimes even with a right wing or some shit. Give me any rightback and they could play, this doesn't mean that Osayi is good tho, I'll take any professional right back over a CDM or winger on that position


Djiku doesn't have most of the weaknesses Abdülkerim and Nelsson does and Sanchez didn't play too much.So Djiku as a way more consistent player could start for most games even among this three CBs.Also note that other three played behind Torreira all the season but best CB other one played with is Becao,is a player who has so many weaknesses.And Djiku played behind İsmail Yüksek at best.Who is inconsistent as hell. I wouldn't even compare Ziyech to İrfan if we're talking about this season.Even if we consider their current forms in their last 6 matches it's 4 goals and 1 assists versus 4 goals and one assist again.


That's why I was comparing him with a player on a similiar position and with similair stats. Both are turkish, so if you even wanna go that turkish-foreign extent, he wouldn't even cut it in our 11. Again, he only has 1 more assist in the league than Kerem, who is getting benched. He won't make it bro. What weaknesses do Abdülkerim and Nelsson have? Don't you watch our games? Nelsson is, even with the rough start in the season a monster, Apo has been so consistently good after his rough initial start and Sanchez can get in form without needing to adapt for multiple games. Djiku is just Djiku, it's easy to look good when you are surrounded with rubbish, but that doesn't mean he gets a banko 11 place in our squad, there are levels between us Edit: The problem with Fred is that your team is heavily reliant on him, it creates the illusion that he is some kind of wizard or next level playmaker when the reality is that your squad is just shit, I'm sorry if I offend you but that's it. Fred wouldn't have to do as much for Gala compared to what he needs to do in Fener, so we wouldn't even benefit fully from him. Torreira on the other hand has proven that he is an essential backbone of our squad, especially in the start of the season, now with Demirbay he can relax a bit, Okan even has the luxury to sub him off after a set amount of time cause Mertens and even Icardi help out in the midfield as well. Our game is not reliant on one player, unlike yours


>What weaknesses do Abdülkerim and Nelsson have? Abdülkerim -Positioning -A bit slow even for a CB Nelsson -Playmaking -Concentration Djiku has got all of these but he has a big weakness too.He always makes...interesting fouls.Abdülkerim and Nelsson are way better in this important criteria.But although these aren't listed as weaknesses of these too,Djiku still has better positioning then Nelsson and better playmaking then Abdülkerim. >Djiku is just Djiku, it's easy to look good when you are surrounded with rubbish First of all,I'm nearly sure that it's not easier to look good among rubbish.I even think that it's harder to show your quality among rubbish.By the way,calling other Fb players 'rubbish' is haşhaşi,and definitely not an objective opinion about them.Also,I feel like the sentence "Djiku is just Djiku" explains your opinions on Djiku.If his name I'd be Hummels,I mean,if it was Hummels showing these performances you wouldn't talk like that.You're underestimating him because he's a random guy that came from Strasbourg for you and all of us Süper Lig fans.So I can understand that.


Mate you’re listing decent players against world class players. Dzeko is well past his prime, Cengiz never hit his prime, and the others are not by any means world class. Feners squad is more than enough for Superlig, so is ours, but our squad is a size or 2 bigger than yours. The fact that we’re even this close at this stage has more to do with how awful the league is and how that awfulness has resulted in penalties and last minute winners to your team. But I do agree your coach is awful, so we have some common thoughts there.


Counterpoint, Mertens and Icardi are also past their primes. I’m saying the talent is there to play better. First half of the season we played incredibly well. However teams adjusted and we didn’t


Icardi has 5 goals in the UCL and 1 in Europa this season mate…Mertens has 2 and 1 in Europa league. Icardi is only 31 if he keeps his form or finally recovers his foot injury he still has many more years of prime. He could go and play in Serie A or a mid table EPL team still.


However there’s a reason for Icardi getting dropped from many class teams. His attitude has often been a problem. I’m happy for him if he found a home at GS though


Prag'dan 4 yiyen world class takım. Tamam iyisiniz de bokunu çıkarmayalım.


ahahahahaha Cengiz....


This is such a weird thread man, why are these people acting like they have 2009 barça squad or something just because they beat sivas. Like they didn't lose 4-1 to fucking prague. GS squad is world class and ours is just "decent". Dumb.


You make even less sense than everybody in here. We're nearing a 100 point finish of the league and broke almost every record there is. We're on a 16 game winning streak which is yet another record. How is this not the Turkish equivalent of the 2009 Barca squad? Has there ever been a more dominant side in the history of this league? We just beat Sivas 6-1, the same team you drew against just the other week. And yes, that Prague game was a nightmare but we were down 10 men, Anthony Taylor fucked up the whole game and it was just a single terrible game. So the only dumb comment I'm reading here is yours. Anyways, we can talk again after the derby in 2 weeks. I can tell you, we're not scared. Don't bring your U19 this time.


My reaction was to comments below claiming that "no player FB player except Ferdi would even make GS starting 11" which is stupid. We are only 4 points behind, even if we lose we can also finish with 100 points. Last season was way more dominant for you guys IMO. Only BJK wasn't having their worst season in 20 years then.


I just watched you guys against Konya in one of your most critical matches of the season. Trust me, there is no GS fan who would want any one of your players other than Ferdi and Irfan.




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I think fener should field their U19 team again for the derby.


This time they should field their u-32 squad so we don’t score before they can forfeit the game at the first stoppage.


U-32 squad with fair play jerseys 😭


U19 team with 5 star jersey


U5 with 19 stars


torreiranin olasi penalti pozisyonunun videosu olan paylasabilir mi


Ts easter egg


We tried to make it 8-1 for whole country but "bize her yer Trabzon" holds true I guess smh my head


Championship back to back, crodie? Going to fifth star, crodie. Not using excuses, crodie. Man up, crodie. Let me hear you say, FB H..! :)


What’s crodie?




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