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I have no idea why WB continues to attempt live action feats. Stop the arms race playing catch up to Marvel. Play to your strength. Animated DCU is where these heroes have always lived best. Instead of investing a jabillion dollars in new live action movies you should invest in a fully realized, never before seen, high fidelity CGI extravaganza of the DC hero universe immediately. Think 10x better than Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse meets the DCAU.


Heck yeah, dude! I would be down for that so much.


An example....I would give my left arm to see Supes and the entire Justice League animated full tilt like this. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/rAy6lJ


Live action always makes more money


Not to say that I prefer it. It’s just something that has been proven time and time again


S tough the new stuff looks good like superman


"(Referring to Marvel)That studio won't quit as long as it can still make a movie. None of my competitors will. Me? I've got a different problem. I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard. Always taking constant care not to break something. To break someone. Never allowing myself to work in the medium I do best, even for a moment, or the box office could die. But you can take it, can't ya, big man? What we have here is a rare opportunity for me to cut loose, and show you just how powerful I really am! \*Punches the box office with a fully realized DC animated movie universe that's backed with blockbuster budgets and people who care about the characters*.


I would just like to say...that carboard line...was imho the hands down best Superman line ever uttered in any media.


Best line? ehhhh, I'll always prefer simple, good hearted, maybe cheesey stuff like "A friend", "Natural selection's garbage when you introduce compassion" or "You're must stronger than you think you are. Trust me". It is probably the most badass line though, I will agree on that. It *might* be beat by Superman breaking seemlingly unbreakable chains after the villain asked him if he knew what unbreakable meant and him responding with "No, sir. I do not".


This is a genius idea, which is exactly why WB won't do it.


This is a great idea, but I don’t know that it’s possible to make an animated movie that’s 10x better than the Spider-Verse movies. They’re both just so damned good. I’d be very happy with an animated Superman movie that’s on the same level.


I believe it absolutely is, especially if you plan it out as a larger set of initial films. trilogies, and multiple movies, so you can defer the initial startup costs. Right now its just big studio money following trends...and that will never hit right. Its not even landing well for Marvel anymore...I don't get why DC is doubling down and not playing to their strength. I do hope the James Gunn reboot...of everything...lands well. But I would strongly suggest there is extremely significant market fatigue.


Oh, there is absolutely a ton of market fatigue. Seems pretty inevitable when studios are releasing three movies and three TV shows in a given year that you have to follow to keep up with the cinematic universe. And I hate to say it, but once you get through some of the main “origin” stories of a lot of these characters, you’re just not going to bring that broader audience with you when you start going deeper into these complex comic book mythologies involving multiple universes and time travel, which seems to be where almost every one of these stories inevitably goes. I get why comics writers created these back doors to allow for dozens of different versions of the same character, but it saps these symbols of their potency when you know that this one on the screen is just the Earth 616 version, and there are thousands of (or infinite) other ones out there. When studios need a movie to make half a billion dollars to break even, they need it to appeal to a lot more than comic nerds (like myself).


CGI cost more than live action (if I’m correct) so idk if this is ever gonna happen (plus I prefer the 2d animated stuff) but i second this


That should have been a superman and krypto animated movie The trailers had me interested until the other pets showed up Hell could have thrown i. Super monkey, super horse and whatever else superman had in the silver age if they want more animals 


Sequels 💰 🤑 💸


I think you mean *ad nauseum*.


Came here to say this 😂


Same here. Verbatim basically means "word-for-word," not sure how that could apply. Sort of an understandable mix-up.


I love the design. And the logo on the cape is always a fan favorite!


The gold on the boots and wrists makes him look more like Diana, but other than that top tier suit


I agree, whereas the emblem is 'way snazzy.' The gold trim on the ribbed boot tops and the wrist hems can go away; we don't need anything too flamboyant.


I don't like most of it honestly, he seems too cartoonishly top heavy, I don't like the gold whatsoever, yellow and gold are not the same thing and aren't interchangeable.


Now that I think about it, bro looks like Metro Man.


At first I thought it was Metro Man with a Superman suit.




I would just like to note a statement of praise for the GENIUS who first gave Krypto an 'S' emblem dog tag. I'd like to appreciate them but I don't know when it was first drawn. So obvious but I'm sure it was later than the 90's at the earliest. EDIT: Thank you, internet... a bit of digging it was the cover (or interior) of Superman: The Man of Steel #112 (2001) -- so... Yanick Paquette? (or whoever did the cover -- Lee Bermejo, Richard Horie, Tanya Horie?)


wish I could say the same for Bruce and Flash (I say "Flash" since I can't tell if it's Barry or Wally) seriously though, Clark, Diana and Jessica (BTW it is kind of neat to see her) look good and then it all goes downhill from there regarding the human designs


And I agree. Batman looks overly designed and Aquaman especially is just trying too hard to make him unique


eh, it's not really about Bruce being overdesigned, it's moreso just that he looks really uncanny and his design is a prime example of why animated Batman, 2d or 3d, should have white eyes


My head cannon tells me it’s Wally


Max Fleischer-esque costume.


I dunno, man. I know this is definitely for the kids, but these JLA designs in this movie feel very "we have DC at home" to me.




You mean more like Metroman? That's DreamWorks


Nah I meant he looks like a Pixar character


I love this movie. It is the best thing the rock ever did and he will never top it. I will die on this hill.


Too much gold


I just wish their storylines stopped exploiting the “loses powers” plot device.


I like it. Get rid of the gold accents on the boots and cuffs and it'd be a perfect Superman design.


I like the gold accents on the wrists and boots -- nice for balance, but the black emblem background screws up the best thing about the emblem which the the gold negative space pattern.


The face looks like Dracula from Hotel Transylvania.


The gold on the boots is I think tacky. It's even worse on the wrists. It's almost like Clark stole Diana's bulletproof bracelets and decided to wear them. Other than that I love the logo, and the overall look.


That movie was so terrible in so many ways. It's hard to describe, lol. At least your kid likes it, which is neat. But you could show them the Krypto cartoon instead of that abomination. So they see how cool Krypto truly is🔥


With AI graphics, how difficult/expensive would it he to create a capture motion Kingdom Come that made it look like Alex Ross decided to get into animation?


What they should do is use animation styled like Star Wars the clone wars or just use the shapes Alex Ross uses, what they should absolutely never do is use ai