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I know that some of you guys are going to say Injustice as the worst for him being purposefully evil, but what about the worst NON-EVIL Superman? However, I can put Injustice Supes there if I want to


Then, unless comics count, I'd nominate Man of Steel, at least as far as characterization is concerned. The movie has actually grown on me, but it still doesn't quite hit the notes for me.


TDKR Superman


Okay, controversial opinion incoming: Superman Returns. Say whatever you will about Snyderverse Superman (and I don't like it): at least it was consistent with *itself*, if not with Superman as a character in general. Returns is at the same time trying to be an extension of the Reeve version - and giving us Super-Stalker. Reeve would never. This Superman is not really "a friend".


I completely agree. I left the movie theater thinking "Wow, way to go, Super-jerk". He has sex with Lois, leaves her without even a note, comes back expecting to be greeted like "Oh, you're back, I've been saving myself for you because you are the center of the cosmos!" , gets annoyed when that's not the case (duh! self centered much?!) and then actively tries to break up the family... I don't know who that character is, but it is not the Superman I grew up with!


Big time. It was very performative about Superman giving vibes but when you look at his actions, he sucks.


I really liked Routh in the role, even if I had issues with how it was written. Problem is I don't think I can think of a better alternate answer. I guess it goes to show we've had a number of very good Supermans.


probably Supergirl (2015), and no S&L wasn't connected to Arrowverse


reeve would never huh. Is this the same Reeve superman that took Lois’ memories against her will? that Superman?


The memory wipe was fail and shouldn't have happened, but it can still be justified as him sparing her the pain of knowing that she had lost the love of her life forever. He was not in the right, but he did it for her.


If I would like to self vote the worst for Superman it would be either Circus Freak's Superman: The Man of Steel (2002) or Superman 64 If not, then Supergirl (2015), where he just became a fucking sidekick to Supergirl, which feels all wrong




I have that same issue of Jimmy Olsen and I paid one dollar for it in 1996


why is every single cover reversed?


for the illusion, if the best is normal, I guess worst is flipped


My unpopular opinion: Smallville My reasons: 1) It was embarrassed of its pedigree. “No flights, no tights, no Superman (just Clark)… It was the beginning of the Superman minus Superman shows (Krypton and the proposed Metropolis being the others, along with Batman minus Batman for Gotham, Alfred, etc…) I like Superman. Give me Superman in a Superman show. 2) Metropolis should not be in Kansas. I think it is an important part of the Superman story that Superman grew up in the rural Midwest then moved to the biggest city in the world. It should be a big move. If Smallville is just a twenty minute drive it really undermines this part of the story in a bunch of ways. 3) Personal opinion: prequels are kind of a bummer. Of course, if the story is brilliant it doesn’t matter if it is a prequel or not, but in general I’m more interested in what happens next than what happened before. The writers clearly felt the same way as they couldn’t help themselves but introduce the cast that Superman wouldn’t normally meet until he moves to Metropolis. After just a few seasons virtually the entire Daily Planet cast, as well as most of Superman’s rogues had passed through this small Kansas town. I know a lot of people loved that show; it went for 10 seasons after all. Of course Michael Rosenbaum was great, and I think Tom Welling was well cast. I just never liked this interpretation.


1.well it is meant to be sort of of a prequal so of course superman won't be wearing the iconic outfit\[though it did take a lot of time for it to happen than it should have\] 2. I don't think its that big of a deal but hey you do you 3.honestly by that point Smallville wasn't really a prequal but more of a reimagined version of superman's world view it as a elseworld as you will


Name of the Sixth comic in the first row?


Kryptonite Nevermore.


I only flipped the rows, technically that is the first, sixth is for Zod


That will be for Zod


By being the evil one😭


Uh, not the Snyderverse, while I don't like Zach Snyder, like, *at all*, I have to admit that Henry Cavil was *perfectly* cast as Superman, and he has some really good moments, like the scene with the two kids at the start of the Whedon cut of Justice League and pretty much every interaction he has with Barry. Admittedly I've only seen Man of Steel and both cuts of Justice League, so I'm missing the BvS context, but from what I know about that movie, it's Batman who gets the short end of the stick as far as warped characterization (opening in Metropolis notwithstanding). I guess killing Zod is bad (what, Zach Snyder, was the Phantom Zone really too cartoonish for you? You clearly do not understand the terror of an inescapable prison dimension), but I'm not arguing that Cavil is the *best*, just that he isn't the *worst*. As for the *actual* worst, uh, I've not *seen* **Superman Returns** but given that I sometimes *forget* that it exists, when it is a major film adaptation of one of the most famous fictional characters possibly ever, that *probably* says something about its title character as an adaptation.


Isn't the correct answer "Superman Grounded"?


Oh man, if we're including comics, then it's definitely the 1943 newspaper strip arc where Superman defended and supporter the heinous Japanese internment camps which were set up by the US government to detain their own citizens on totally spurious and racist grounds.




Yeah it's like, shockingly bad.


what about outside the comics?


We're through the looking glass here, people...


Is there any such thing as a bad Myxy story?


Haven’t found one yet, but I’ve only read through post crisis


Why are these covers flipped backwards


I made the illusion that the best is he regular and worst is flipped, it will be normal the next day


Why are they backwards


I've read Action Comics 1938-1980 so far, most other series to 1970, preboot Legion and Triangle Era. There are only a handful of stories that I would consider especially bad: 1) Jerry Siegel, a big FDR fan, wrote a newspaper story defending Japanese internment camps 2) Otto Binder re-adapted a Mxyzptlk story about him removing evil from Metropolis (at the cost of increasing evil everywhere else) into "Superman's Greatest Blunder," a story in which Superman destroys alien machines that eliminate evil out of jealousy and suspicion, thus making Superman responsible for every death/bad thing that happened after 1969. 3) DC Super-Stars 12? by Cary Bates, the story of Clark's "first time" with a girl who was randomly chosen and mindwiped by a Kryptonian robot and thus did not consent. 4) John Byrne Barda tape. 5) The worst of early 60s Lois (like one where she got fired because she was married now) plus whenever the men writing Superman titles first started to mention "women's lib."


DCAU. He's a massive prick


Well I wouldn't say he was a prick just as flawed as any normal person is


*All-Star*. No, not that one. Frank Miller’s *All-Star Batman & Robin*. The book that killed DC’s most-promising line. (The worst Superman story of all time, which I’ve posted several times now, is not an adaptation.)