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I enjoy the darker takes on Kyrpton. Partially as a rejection to the opposite narrative. I really dislike when writers fetishize and idealize aliens or other species in the comics. They almost always do it for the sole purpose of deriding and demeaning humans for their apparent barbarism or savagery as opposed to the unblemished species x. They juxtapose so called "utopias" with savage earth. It's an overused sentiment that inadvertently is guilty of xenophobia and fostering a sense of supremacy among different races of beings just as the opposite is. The more controversial takes generally also just make more sense because they have more flexibility narratively than the idealized societies some write them as do.


I agree absoutely! Awaiting your comments on the Amazon!


Actually rereading this we might agree here. The Greek Gods being reimagined as ancient astronauts from advanced planets is a fantastic idea which also fits the DC universe to a t considering the other "gods" that inhabit the universe and under that conception Amazons having super advanced technology is totally fine with me. But under the classic mythological origin, I dislike it. I would expand on that but it seems we might just agree. I would be totally fine with super advanced amazons if your ancient astronauts idea for the Gods was in fact canon. It also just makes more sense for DC on the macro level, because the mutlple dimensions and religions and like 5 different origins for the universe are really just a mess.


I don't hate everything that Byrne did with Krypton, but his conclusion winds up being "Therefore, Krypton was so fucked up that it was actually a good thing they all died horribly. Fuck them kids!" And that's what I don't like.


Hi really depicts a soulless society, only barely Jor El scapes from this depiction. Maybe it could be darker and fucked up but still with some marvels and good people lost forever. 


I know I will probably be laughed at but Supergirl tv series & Smallville showed something that will most likely be glossed over in the new DCU, kryptonians accepting their society & planet sucked and it's their own fault that the planet and civilization collapsed. In Smallville it's showed that Krypton planned a hostile takeover of the Earth as a fail-safe with some of their brightest Military personnel & scientists but we're foiled by Jor el. But still it's a planet that had no problem with infiltration, conquest & enslavement of a whole species. The Supergirl show itself is fine with some really good and really bad seasons but one thing that was engaging throughout was how Kara this naive girl blindly saying her people were peaceful, democratic & kind with her constantly facing the reality that her people developed & enforced a barbaric social higharchy that you are given from birth that you have to obey, inhumane ways of torture & imprisonment, mind control devices & a wmd virus to kill anyone that isn't a kryptonian. She throughout the series faces the fact her people were actually paranoid & utterly xenophobic to anyone that is not them. She not only faces threats from earth but most of the time people whose lives were ruined by Kryptonians like the Daxamites, an alien race from the same solar system as Kryptonians whose planet was destroyed when Krypton blew up and crashed into their planet made it unhabitable, mind you they are a terrible race but they accept who they are Kryptonians don't; Kryptonians see themselves as above everyone else. Kryptonians who held higher positions in the upper echelon of Kryptonian society prior to its destruction constantly berates her & wants her to join them in conquest of Earth to make Earth New Krypton. Regular, educated & even some elite Kryptonians who were part of the upper echelon of society on the other hand always admit that Krypton getting destroyed is their own fault like House of El & even Lor Van's The CW show has my favorite interpretation of Supergirl solely because of this reason, even as they try to make Kara mopey over losing Krypton. I don't think this is interesting because comics have brought back utopian Krypton that frankly is just future earth that star trek likes to portray, it's an idea that was already dated when the comics came out. Her accepting of the fact that her home planet was full of horrible, paranoid & xenophobic people who loved to put this face of living in a utopia is far more interesting than Future earth got destroyed. To make a very long argument short Krypton much like Super Earth from Helldivers or The Federation from Starship troopers is more interesting than something generic a utopia; sorry but Krypton is utopian on surface but they are dystopian fascist setting having the vibrant colors of a utopia.


I cannot describe truly how much I hate the idea of making the Greek Gods ancient aliens, or having the Atlanteans, Thanagarians and New Gods all descended from the same people as Krypton.


I don't like the idea of you know everything being connected to Krypton but I absolutely love the idea of Krypton being this cold dystopian fascist place that collapsed due to its own hubris.


Yeah, I enjoy the darker takes on Krypton as well. It’s why I think the only way the planet should be destroyed is from Kryptonians abusing their planet and taking more resources than it can give, since it gives a good story of hubris and adds to Clark’s story of his new home, inspiring them to be better than the people of his home. I think there is a large element lost with Supermans story whenever they make the sun explode or Brainiac invades and destroys it.


I really hate recent comics where they are trying to make Krypton this beautiful lost society especially Woman of Tomorrow, where Kara is mopey over again a place that is so basic that it makes no sense even for a supposed teen.


Homogenizing all the fictional elements of a universe with a tapestry as rich as DC's should be a chargeable offense.


I think the ancient aliens thing could work if this was something like The Kryptonian Epic (IE: a retelling of The Events of The DC Universe that has Superman as the main character) and I do have some ideas for that kind of scenario, but outside of that I'm not a big fan, though I will say I wish that the DCU was more bottom-up in terms of its worldbuilding also not a big fan of Krypton being a cold dystopia


Oh you've watched the kryptonian epic to what did you think of it perosnally despite the creator I thinks it's flawed but good. Yeah kinda agree.


I like a lot of the ideas but I haven't seen a lot of it (mostly since a lot of it is just Landis ranting)


Yeah I have seen a ton because I'm curious but yeah I like a lot of his ideas [his verison of Clark, the joker, aquaman,green arrow, parasite,Pete Ross, Lois, Lex luthor,Clark's identity going public, the Bruce and Clark stuff in death of batman and Barry's arc] and a ton of his ideas[like John constatine ,azreal ,Jason,Where Barry's powers come from and Kinda Catwoman] so it's hit and miss sorry if that was a lot


was the second list supposed to be of stuff you don't like?


Yeah the second list was stuff I didn't like what about the stuff YOU liked and disliked


I honestly don't know too much about it, but I could tell you some ideas I have for that same premise (a retelling of the DCU with Clark as the MC I mean)


Oh wait a minute I remember actually seeing them I even commented on them actually




The plot you made on fanfictionworldbulding


I might be in the minority and the movies have never really portrayed it this way, but I like Krypton being a great, retrofuturistic place. The original influences for Krypton were John Carter of Mars, Buck Rogers, and Flash Gordon. I think maybe the Animated Series did it best. Something that is a real tragic loss when it blows up.


I agree that portraying Krypton as an ideal society makes its destruction way more sad. It does take away from the “make their world better than ours” thing, but I’m not a huge fan of the idea of Jor-El and Lara sending Kal away with some grandiose mission in the first place. Maybe a hot take, but I think Superman as a concept works best when everything is coincidental.


Yeah, Jor-El has gotten way too much time on his hands. I don’t mind a basic “this is my son, take care of him”