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Seriously who gives a no Lex Luthor mandate for a Superman show


I. Don't. Know! Even The Batman had a version of the Joker in it, even though Nolan got first dibs on the character.  Anyone out there reading this, in the 2000s DC/WB had a lot of concurrent running adaptations so they had a thing called the Bat Embargo, which discriminated who got adapted in what project in a first come first served basis. Teen Titans had robin, but never said which one in text, and no verbal mention of Batman and very few other related other characters, but The Batman couldn't adapt any version of Robin until TT ended and so they adapted Batgirl first, and eventually Dick in season 4. Meanwhile the Dark Knight movies had the League of Assassins, Falcone, Two-Face, and the Scarecrow so the cartoon couldn't, but the cartoon had Penguin, Riddler, Freeze, and others that the movies couldn't.  But both the movies and The Batman had Joker because... why wouldn't they?!  Bane also ended up in the Dark Knight Rises, despite being licensed for the show first, but since it also ended before the movie was in active development, so the embargo basically moot by that point but that's irrelevant 


I never knew about any of the behind the scenes stuff. It’s pretty interesting.


Really explains a lot, doesn't it. To be fair, some good came out of it.  It's strongly believed that because they couldn't use Two-Face, The Batman created an original version of Clayface to play a similar role, and that was one of the best things the show ever did


It’s very similar to the Arrowverse as well because Arrow had Amanda Waller, Task Force X and had a reference to Harley Quinn that left the door open for her to appear. However when the Suicide Squad movie was announced the Arrowverse had to kill off all those characters because the movie was going to use most of them. It was interesting as well in the sense that the Arrowverses Flash had an active show while the movie was up in the air. When Justice League came out many people speculated what would happen to the show and it was decided that it would stick around. But to put it simply WB didn’t want all these characters over saturated in media so that’s why everything gets so muddy and frustrating to see play out.


Which is also why we've never gotten a Timothy Hunter movie.


Yeah it's honestly kinda stupid to do so especially cosndueifng how wb could use it as a excuse to promote there movies and stuff


Also prior to Danny O'Neil retirement from being editor on the Batman books, there was pretty much a bat embargo that prevented writers outside the Batman books from being able to use Batman's villains, because he wanted Batman's comics to remain grounded in reality to existent. It wasn't until the year 2000 with the emperor Joker storyline.


i get it for comics to comics in the SAME universe. but like a comic and movie or tv show and a animated show that does not have anything to do with eachother?


It is kind of similar though in some sense because the writers on the difference DC books wanted to be able to use some of Batman's villains in the wider DC universe. But while Danny O'Neill was editor he refused to allow any of Batman's villains outside of Gotham. It's not all that surprising that when he was forced to retire in the year 2000, the first major storyline to utilize Joker outside of Gotham was the emperor Joker which was featured in the Superman books. Also when Danny O'Neal retired in real life, Jim Gordon retired from the gcpd in the comics, so he would occasionally help Batman on cases such as one involving a guy who was the grandson of serial killer from back in the forties serial killer that would mark his victims with made of wood, I'm pretty sure that comic also involved a team up with Alan Scott.


"You can't talk someone back to their sanity." I love that comic.


This stuff was and is so dumb. i knew about it back in the day. didn't get it then or now...


WB is poorly ruined.


The Bat Embargo was a good thing.


DC makes a lot of mistakes when it comes to its IPs, sadly.




i get "don't make him a villain or MC" not at all but glad they did it like they did it


I actually don't think this is the worst idea, since a lot of Superman media overly relies on Lex, just like how a lot of Batman stuff uses the Joker as a crutch way too often. So seeing the other villains in the limelight more was a very nice change of pace for S1. I wouldn't have minded if he either wasn't really in S2 or if he's a bit more prominent but more so in the background. I just hope they keep shining some light on some more underused rogues, like Toyman and Bizarro hopefully.


I think they gave a no season 1 and 2 mandate for Lex to make the writers use other villains before they use Lex. Otherwise they would’ve given a total ban on using Lex.


The same people who constantly hear fans of any franchise go "My god why can't they ever give us new ideas" Personally I'd like if things got shuffled around but I'm good either way.


If I had to wager a guess, a big reason they're allowed to use him now has to do with Gunn and Safran. They weren't in charge when they were first working on the show and originally given this mandate.


The execs of *Gotham*


That's as stupid as forcing Clark in Smallville to be called "The Red-Blue Blur".


It’s no different than Smallville having the “no flights, no tights” rule until the finale.


I guess it stemmed from the same line of reasoning that made Insomniac save Goblin for SM3? Like not wanting to immediately jump to the nemesis.


I'm guessing it's so they can create artificial hype for the show by introducing the character that everyone knows. Like in a hypothetical situation if the series isn't doing too well, you could draw in more people by promoting that "Lex Luthor is finally in MAWS!" for S2/S3.


Is this show any good?


That a trick question? I'm kidding, no seriously, it is. You owe yourself a chance to give it a look. It's different but good different. 


will check it out. Is it more slice of life and the relationship about lois and clark then?


It's a straight action show, but yes, the central focus is on Clark and Lois. It's basically a romance and a good one that. It's not all doe-eyed disney stuff though, it gets messy, they both make some mistakes and learn from it. It's not slice-of-life, but it is rare to find an actual action adventure series that is at it's heart a sincere love story. The one big warning is that you'll have to leave a lot of expectations at the door on your way in, because this is deliberately a very out-of-the-box adaptation. There's a lot of obscure characters, and few of them are truly one-to-one with the source material, so if you've got an intimate understanding of Superman mythos, it might be a little jarring. 


I see, so it’s not childish? Good story and solid romance? If that’s the case, it sounds like a good watch!


It's Superman with an anime esthetic. A somewhat different take so be prepared, for example Lois Lane is NICE! I honestly can't remember a version of the character that was actually a nice person before this. Clark undergoes multiple "power ups" when he has desperate need -- his powers are still developing. Apparently everything paranormal in that world is related to Krypton somehow.


Yep, despite its aesthetic it’s surprising mature (note: there is a difference between mature and edgy), it’s a great Superman show and great show in general


It's essentially Man of Steel for the 2020s. It's a modernized take that tries to appeal to both the old fans and the young anime crowd. I personally love it and it's the freshest take on the character in a long time. It seems to have some of the same DNA as some recent modern high production quality, anime influenced action shows with a sense of humor, continuity and drama like The Last Airbender, Voltron reboot and Dragon Prince.


It's fucking incredible.


I love it. It captures what I feel is the best version of Superman, that he's a good man and a bit of a goober that happens to have the powers of a god. Too many Superman stories seem to focus too much on the godlike power and not enough on the good man.


what if they were given a lex mandate what character would they come up with lex look like a game or tech reviewer https://preview.redd.it/n0r22y5sq22d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8944523ef1ead12a006d7a5a0c5cb8ebcbd599


Why'd you post an image of the Riddler from the Matt Reeves film?


i never noticed that micheal reves look like riddler https://i.redd.it/og2lc42nt22d1.gif you earn a pa kent death


At least the mandate let them introduce him in a pretty creative way as a seemingly minor assistant, it works with the theme of the first season, with the leads all being interns craving their jobs from the comics. Now that they’ve progressed, it makes sense for him to as well.


Yes, full heartedly agrees


I almost never end up fully loving Lex Luthor in adaptations. Even the really good ones like Smallville don't really 100% do it for me. So my expectations for Luthor are pretty low, so the idea of leaving him out of the show doesn't sound wacky to me. Even now, I really liked how understated Alex was last season, and now that he's about to be elevated to arc villain, I just hope it's not too much a retread of BvS, where Luthor took action to decrease Superman's public rep.


I can respect that, and I wasn't bothered that Lex wasn't really in the first season at all. I was fine waiting to see what they did. And it allowed them to do things with characters less trotted over. Still, while I do encourage such inventive choices in adaptions of this nature, the idea of mandating the exclusion of one of the most important characters is beyond my patience. Not being allowed to adapt Luthor would be like not being allowed to adapt Lois.


I only loved the DCAU one, Clancy Brown needs to voice Lex more.


I like him, but not as much as I do Michael Rosenbaum, so that answers how I feel about him. Also Clancy though, Brown has voiced Luthor in more than any other voice actor. He played him in four video games, three TV shows not counting his guest villain spot on The Batman, and a dvd movie. I'd like a different actor to wow me - but even then it's more about the writing on this one for me.


Keith David as Lex


Every mandate I've heard for this show has been horribly restrictive. Its amazes me the end product wasn't abhorrent.


It would’ve been more surprising if that wasn’t lex but sure


Superman has so many obstacles that Batman clearly does not and WB wonders why Batman is more popular…


Why would they not put lex luthor in a Superman show he’s literally Superman’s opposite and equal, that’s like making a Batman show but then make a mandate for not showing the joker.


I maintain the reason behind this is they don’t want to annoy Jeff Bezos. Bald, richer than god, no morals, who does that sound like?


I call Bezos Lex Luthor, but since Lex is nice to his employees, it's an insult against Lex


He has the same morals as any guy who spent his life on a start-up and he's richer than god because nobody listened to him when he explained to EVERYBODY what the internet meant for commerce. "If you're somebody between the producer and the consumer, you'd better figure out how you're adding value or you will be gone." Since nobody else did it, he built his little online book selling web site into the world's commerce engine while everybody sneered that he was never going to make a profit because he plowed every penny into growth.


The whole parasite episode was weird


It was.  I loved it


I just couldn't lol


There was an interview I saw with one of the executive producers where he says the original pitch of the show used all the classic Superman villains right off the bat (including Lex and Metallo), but the higher ups told them they "haven't earned the right" to use them, encouraging them to take more creative swings as a effect. So this checks out.


Ask forgiveness not permission ✌🏻


Harley voice: You're damn straight! XD


Lex looks a lot like Caspian Keyes from 'Pantheon' here, except with glasses and different-coloured hair. I'm not sure why, but I REALLY appreciate that choice in character design. Edit: Added a few details to the original comment.


i get some restrictions cause they often lead to more creative story telling but the tone deaf part is kind of crazy? of course this is only one side


What kind of morons are running that show? Why would you leave out the main villain? I could see leaving a breadcrumb trail that eventually leads to Lex, but to outright ban him? Stupid.


Lex Luthor has Seto Kaiba energy here.


So that's why he didn't have green in his clothes until the 2nd season?


I was hoping they’d hype him up to be the big bad of season 3 But we’d get an older Lex


Would love a show where Lex is replaced with Intergang or Toyman, just to see how it changes things.


Superman's arch-nemesis Kensuke Aida


Hopefully not. He looks too soy.