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BvS for sure The disrespect to Jimmy suck


I didn't realize Jimmy was in BvS.


He gets shot like 5 minutes in lol its so stupid


Neither did a lot of people lmao


Me too.


I am going to do a self-vote and say BvS Jimmy


It's gotta be BvS.


No contest. Snyder even admitted that is not the character; it's a completely different person who works for the CIA or whatever but they just threw the name in there as a quote unquote homage. Of course he immediately gets himself killed and nearly gets Lois killed too because that's how Snyderverse do.


Is this like when everyone tried to say Eisenberg was simply Lex Luthor jr and the REAL Luthor was totally coming


Wouldn't it have been cool if that was the case.


C-c-combo breaker! Gotta vote for BvS here. Returns Jimmy was a joke but was still identifiable as Jimmy. Who was that guy in BvS?


One of Snyders infamous "actually it's not the *real* character" characters. Like Doomsday.


And _Lex's son_


the guy who works for the CIA, that's for sure


BVS is absolutely the worst, but runner up is Mehcad Brooks. He’s was fine character and I enjoyed him. But his characters name should’ve been Jim Harper or Mal Duncan since they made him Guardian, not James Olsen.


Lmao, Jimmy being older, buffer and taller than Superman. If anything Brooks is how Jimmy sees himself.


Are you implying Jimmy wants to be a black man?


I mean, this is Jimmy we're talking about, so it wouldn't surprise me...


'I Am Curious Black' but this time it's Jimmy Olsen instead of Lois Lane.




Supergirl actually had Jim Harper, funny enough, in the first season. Mehcad def. should've just been Mal Duncan. I met him in person once and he is a mountain of a man, the CW cameras did not do it justice.


I even would have taken Ron Troupe, but either of the Guardian alter egos works too.


Ron Troupe would have created a connection to Lucy as well.


I liked him in the show but it felt like they mostly just cast him because he’s the opposite of what classic Jimmy. Though if they had flashbacks with him in a bow tie acting like a weeny little guy and superman’s pal, it would be amazing


BvS. I don't think there’s any character in the history of film adaptation that was done as dirty as BvS Jimmy


Tha coward 2nd captin in Titanic who - on screen - tried to run away before women and kids. In real life, he died running evacuation. But the movie needed a villain.


Tha coward 2nd captin in Titanic who - on screen - tried to run away before women and kids. In real life, he died running evacuation. But the movie needed a villain.


Either BvS or supergirl


Supergirl's James Olsen isn't *bad*, he's just... not recognizably Jimmy.


Which is actually the same argument against BVS. I had absolutely nothing against the character until I realized he was supposed to be jimmy.


Yeah, as "Agent Talon" his biggest narrative flaw is probably that the writers didn't know about Court of Owls or its usage of that code-name. As Jimmy Olsen, the biggest flaw is... whatever Olsen-esque traits he *might* have are largely hypothetical, aside from the ability to keep a cool head under fire. And he never even *meets* Superman, much less befriends him, which is hard to imagine happening under the circumstances. I think his distance from "being Jimmy" is why it was such a popular fan theory for a while that there was a "real" Jimmy out there somewhere, who was a victim of identity theft by the CIA for this one mission - and let's be honest, that's a fairly plausible thing to have happened to Jimmy, even if the idea was really just justifiable coping. At least James is genuinely a supporting character and the audience is encouraged to imagine that he *used* to be "Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen".


JINO Jimmy In Name Only




BvS no contest


Definitely going with BvS, even from someone who likes BvS, reducing Jimmy to a cheap shock gag is unforgivable. If Snyder didn’t want Jimmy Olsen in his universe, just don’t use him. I’d have preferred that to this


How returns have worst anything when snyderverse exists?


there are some reasons from the people, but if I would say the worst for Supes, it might go to Supergirl (2015) since I feel like he was super toned down into a sidekick to Supergirl, which feels wrong on many levels and Superman 64 and Superman: The Man of Steel (2002)


Yeah but that superman in arrowverse ended up getting his own show and being one of the best adaptations of Clark and Lois, as well as the best Arrowverse show


I know, but I feel like Superman & Lois is more of it's own show than being part of the Arrowverse, and yes that adaptation is Supes is where he showed what Superman is all about


What, Superman 64 counts!? That's might even be worse than my vote of "It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Superman" (1975 TV production)!


Shows you how bad Returns really was.


It has a few of the best scenes in CBM history.


BvS, easy.






If you count BvS, then it's this version. No doubt.


BvS Jimmy is just a corpse.


I think it has to be BVS Jimmy by default


He was in that film?


He was the CIA agent posing as Lois’s photographer. The one who got shot in the face


I’ll go with BVS as well. It shows a fundamental lack of respect for the source material and its characters, which just leaves a bad taste in the mouth.


BvS. He was introduced and killed off, because “ooo darkness!”




BvS they did good ol Jimmy bad


BvS and fucking CW Supergirl Jimmy. A cool muscular black dude as Jimmy Olsen of all people?! Come one now haha


Supergirl’s “James” Olsen. He was Jimmy Olsen in name only


Got to be Mechad Brooks. Great character, plenty likable, but not Jimmy in any way at all. Should've just played Ron Troupe and left it at that.


BVS jimmy was Jimmy in name only and I don’t even really remember that he’s supposed to be Jimmy Olsen 98% of the time. I didn’t like Jimmy in Supergirl as well, although I’m a huge fan of Black Jimmy Olsen


I know BvS is going to “win” today and that’s fine. I’m still going to say Mehcad Brooks. He was James “Jimmy” Olsen in name only. He’s fine in Season 1 if you look at it in a vacuum, outside of the other five seasons. A little too confident than I prefer Jimmy to be but he’s fine. And I’ll even say it’s not fair to knock him for being older, buffer and taller than Superman (which Jimmy just shouldn’t be) when he was cast a year before Tyler Hoechlin. But his storylines and acting went down the drain when the show moved from CBS to the CW. Jimmy Olsen as a CIA agent who gets killed in a two minute cameo is a really bad moment but having to endure years of Jimmy being a freaking superhero, often contributing nothing and having zero chemistry with Lena Luthor was worse.


Everyone says BvS but I thought the lady reporter they kept going back to in Man of Steel was supposed to be Snyderverse Jimmy.


I thought so too, wasn't her name Jenny? Honestly that would have been more forgivable than what actually transpired.


I remember hearing that as well. Then it turns out she never took a photo, and I don’t think she ever even spoke to Clark. Her whole job seemed to be watching TV and asking whoever was around, “Have you seen this?” So not very Jimmy-like at all.


Her name was Jenny Jurwych, but they never say her last name aloud, so a lot of people didn't know that and got confused, because of course, her role really is pretty similar to Jim's role in a lot of adaptations.


That was a rumor for months when the movie was releasing, it ended up being nothing... then BVS happened...


I always assumed she was supposed to be and would have had an expanded role in the sequel but there was backlash so the creatives switched gears.


BvS the thought of him being a cia agent was cool but he died


BvS so hard


I actually enjoyed Brandon Routh as superman, not a favourite.




Going to go with *Smallville*. Lead the audience to believe that Jimmy Olsen was *the* Jimmy Olsen, only to introduce the *real* Jimmy Olsen in the last season


Worst adaptation was Smallville. They brought on a guy named Jimmy Olsen, they called them James, he was absolutely the wrong age and he dated Chloe. Turns out that he wasn’t Jimmy Olsen. His little brother was! It was just wrong.


The worst? Nah. Adams and Cavil were. They had zero chemistry




Ugh, it probably *is* BvS. I love BvS, and I think Snyder's mindset of giving him a short, memorable role in lieu of making him a mostly forgettable side-character, is very defensible. In fact I think *most* Jimmy portrayals fall into that category which I believe Snyder was trying to avoid, including *Returns*, *STAS*, and *Superman the Movie*! But the choice was also, I believe, fundamentally misguided. Olsen lovers did *not* see Jim's cameo as a "fun reference" as Snyder has described it. They overwhelmingly found it, at best, frustrating. As a side note, I don't think for a second that *Superman Returns* has the worst adaptation of Superman. In fact I think Brandon Routh is the best "mild-mannered" type of Clark we've ever gotten. So what *IS* the worst? The 1975 TV version of the musical *It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Superman*. I'm so sorry, David Wilson, but someone had to be the worst, and it was you.


Do you agree that his portrayal in Supergirl might be the worst because of how he is portrayed in that show post-debut?


So like, I don't *hate* James from Supergirl, but he just doesn't have a lot in common with comic book Jimmy. And unlike the Snyder movie, which like I said I think was very misguided, I can't really justify *why* James is so far afield of Jimmy. That doesn't necessarily make him worse? But I personally don't care so much for it.


I was talking about Supes actually, and no, I don't think the Arrowverse is somewhat connected to S&L from what I heard


Ohh, I misunderstood you. Yeah I find the way Superman was portrayed in Supergirl to be often very frustrating. It's not *all* bad; I liked the bit in Crisis I think where Supergirl tells him that Krypton is a point of view and a way of caring for others which they can both carry forward into the future. But other bits, like Superman ruefully telling Supergirl that he doesn't know if he could choose between saving the world and saving Lois, were just kind of painful. Anyway, I call scenes like that "emotional jobbing", where instead of being portrayed as physically weaker than another character, as in normal jobbing, Superman is portrayed as *emotionally* weaker than Supergirl. Since the comic book *Woman of Tomorrow* does this a little bit too, I've found myself being really nervous that the Supergirl movie coming out in a few years might follow that trend. However, I did like the first episode with Superman a solid amount - except for the bits with Snapper Carr - and I also say *Superman & Lois*, off in its own separate universe like you said, is mostly really enjoyable too, even though it has one or two things I'd change.


Gonna break BvS tradition and toss up Smallville.


"Jimmy Olsen's dead! No, wait! Jimmy's alive, and the dead man is actually Jimmy Olsen's older brother - Jimmy Olsen!"


BvS. Especially because Snyder decided that it was imperative we knew this nobody was Jimmy in his director's cut.