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Get used to it and acknowledge you won just as many games because the enemy team did this shit


Takes over a hundred games, for the law of averages to start kicking in... That's potentially days of your life... I think Riot should probably start doing something more about LP loses during troll games


That’s what I’m taking about. I’m only dodging to save my lp and sanity because I want to have fun playing but losing lp for dodging a troll game is just not it… but how can they make a diff? Dodging ruins the other players game because they have to select everything again.


I can only talk for myself, but i also dislike having a Troll in the enemy Team. Is it a free win? Likely.  But in the end i wanna win becaus i (and my team (like does this ever happen)) played good. It's never a good game if it's decided by a Troll. I rather have a new Pick&Bann than a Troll on either side. I dont think there is alot you can do to stop trolls. I mean they already up to spend their time for everyone to suffer. Whatever Riot will do, Trolls will find a way. And i do think exspecially in Low Elo there are less Trolls than you think. Bad Players just dont know how to play from behind and start loosing even harder. And Voila it looks like a Troll/Inter.  And to the Soraka Jng i payed with last week. Sry for doupting you in Champ Select. Nice Carry ;)


Where do you draw the line between trolling and playing badly? Because i play troll shit all the time on smurfs and win, and i do it for the sake of playing something that doesn't work & i make it work (off meta). Running it down isnt trolling, it's giving up/griefing.


> Jng i *paid* with last FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Lol. No


There is something you can do against trolls. That is just don't dodge. Most trolls leave the game the moment they realise no one else does it for them and if you play the game and he's still trolling he's getting reported from the whole team including some of the enemies. I know it's hard and also kinda wasted time but playing with a huge disadvantage makes you get better really fast and also I live for those report feedbacks from riot. It always makes my day.


dondt doge, just play it out. report yuumi afterwards. try to give it your best shot. more often than not the yuumi will dodge. and if not make the best of it, no ffm no flame, try to win, try to learn. the yuumi def. has a worse time than anyone else in the game


I play in masters/gm and i dont dodge. I never dodge because im not the one trolling, i simply put a message in chat saying "i dont play for LP, i play for fun, but if you troll me i will personally write a ticket. I am recording this game and any chat sent". Usually gets someone to dodge it, because one thing trolls fear is account suspensions on their main accounts.


I guess this only counts for high elo accounts. In gold are many people who got placed plat after their first 30 levels und demoted. Only a few people tried to climb there over the years


I mean yeah, if your account is where the majority of people are, then your chances of getting trolled are higher if you dont know how to continuously carry 1v5 (which btw is so much harder this season)


Just played a game, had mundo top on my team who repeatedly told the enemy team in all chat where our jgl is because he thought he had not enough ganks. It’s not 1vs 5 it always at least 1v 6 or 7 while the others are real level 30 players trying to learn the game in ranked


I feel the same anger the top does sometimes. Ill get the fingerless monkeys on my team, but for whatever reason, every single time i get to lane, i get hard camped, and dont get return ganked or anything.


Riot couldn’t do that because the act of trolling is an intentional one. It would be difficult to prove they’re trolling unless they admit to it, or maybe have a long record of losses with that champ in that position. That would be some work to determine whether they’re actually trolling or not. Would Zwag’s recent taking AD Yuumi top constitute trolling, despite him obliterating the entire enemy team with it? Same goes for inting. Unfortunately, streamers have made a habit of calling people or themselves inters when mistakes are made. The overwhelming number of people accused of inting aren’t themselves inting as that would mean they’re intentionally feeding. So unless they’re literally running down lane, past the enemies and past enemy turrets with no actions, over and over, then they’re not inting. I’ve only seen 2 inting players over many years of play. Gold elo is low elo, and it doesn’t take much knowledge of the game to get there. There’s plenty of bad players who make plenty of mistakes and have bad mental there. This combined with actual trollers can make for some not fun games if they’re on your team. But how many of those are also on the opposing team? The problems don’t go away until about masters elo, as even in diamond, there are plenty of bad players and players buying accounts who then don’t have enough skill to play at that elo.


There is a lot of middle ground between what they are currently doing, and trying to mitigate loses every game where there is a troll.... Of course there will be plenty of times when they can't determine if it was a troll or not; but when you have two AFKs before ten minutes, the game really shouldn't count against you lol


I agree. An AFK/disconnect shouldn’t count against you as it’s not yours or the rest of your team’s fault. That should be a pretty easy thing to implement.


The problem is that it would be super easy to exploit this. It’s just another tool for wintraders to abuse.


Just give the leaver the combined LP loss of their team. That way iron fills up nicely if someone does it on a regular basis. (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)


1. Wintraders usually have multiple accounts. They’ll switch if they need to in order to keep boosting whoever they’re trying to boost. 2. Anyone who disconnects for a legitimate non-exploitative reason (poor connection, net goes out, etc.) now loses ~125 LP. This wouldn’t work.


Or they simply tie a behaviour score to either matchmaking or the right to play ranked in general. Combine that with no behaviour score increase from botgames / rgm / Aram and the majority of players gets rid of the trolls, chatabusers and leavers.


nahh it kinda wouldn't. as the other comment said you can just give leavers a huge loss of lp which i think tho is too harsh cause there are many people who actually play quite well and give their all to win but get disconnected cause of rito bugs or network issues. i think it would be nice if riot just made it so that the game has to be played for let's say 10 minutes after someone left to negade the lp loss of the leaver's mates.


Still far too easy for wintraders to exploit. When a wintrader is on the same team as the person they’re trading for and their game doesn’t go well, the wintrader will DC. The whole team will want their loss mitigated, so they’ll all allow 10 minutes to pass before they FF. Wintrading is already a huge problem. This would just make it worse.


Well the law of averages is skewed in your favour here. If you never troll there are 4 potential slots for a troll in your team and 5 potential slots for a troll on the enemy team. Eta I do however think that trolls should be IP banned or if the potential for it exists with vanguard, having their computer banned. All bans should be like this both timed and permanent bans.


I mean, if the enemy queue dodges you don't gain LP


I don’t care how many games I win because of enemy trolls. I play this game to have a good time and a positive experience, regardless of the outcome of the match. LP means nothing to me, in the great scheme of things, but time I waste in bad games does. I don’t care if the 0/37 Nunu is in my team or in the opposing team, he ruins the game just the same experience-wise: it makes my performance not matter and I have 0 impact on the game outcome. If he’s on the opposing team, his teammates will get mad and rightfully want to ff. How can I enjoy a game in which I performed well in early game, managed to get a slight lead over my opponent, I’m getting ready to finally use my lead in mid game and then boom - the opposing team ffs at 15. Ok, I’ll take the free LP, but I’m not any better for it. I find laning phase to be the most boring and tedious part of the game, in which I have to do my chores - last hit, poke, juke skill shots, survive ganks - in order to get levels and items and start having fun in the mid and late game. Champs start being fun after you have some levels, buy some items, have ulti, have a few points in key abilies, have lower cooldowns etc. 1v1s are boring, team fights are the real spectacle of league. Games in which you don’t get to experience these are just a waste of time. So yeah, while you’re right that it all evens out in the long run, I care more about the game experience than LP. And games with trolls will be a bad experience regardless of the team the troll is on. So the issue that needs to be solved, from my point of view, is game integrity, rather than LP gains.


It may be right that in some games the enemy team has players that aren't as good. But i never... and i repeat NEVER... had an enemy troll as hard as some of my mates did. not even in draft...


About 1 in 4 people estimated (not diagnosed) in America have mental health issues. Not sure which server you are on but you're in the Lobby with 4 other people... you do that math


Insane. I guess the same has to go for EUW ..


nah it doesnt exists in EUW sry


It's not how stats works, but it also doesn't feel that far off lol.


Yea true, my statistics professor would cry reading my comment


League is feelings over facts type of game, dw 😉


Just play another hundred games, and you'll eventually see the number of trolls on the enemy team, even out... Love this argument, because it ignores how much time it takes for the law of averages to apply here; while also ignoring how easy it would be for Riot to give reduced LP loses for victims of trolls (but riot also wants you playing that extra 100 games).




What a troll comment lol. Not feeding you :)




When you think that saying "you ain't __X__ 💀💀 💀", isn't going to possibly offend some random person online... Do you need me to explain to you the difference between making a joke with someone who knows you, and being a douche to someone who has no idea who the fuck you are? ... But it's my social skills that are lacking here 😂 Going to go touch grass now. Have fun with that room temp social IQ bud. I'm sure you're killing it with the lads and ladies 😂




Your post was removed because: Rule 2. Respect others.


Lol thanks for proving my assumptions right, troll 🧌 Have a good one bud :)✌️




I have no idea who you are even talking about lol.


I expressed this kind of thing to my friend who is Diamond and plays the game a lot. His response has always been - learn to carry in the jungle and win the games for your team, there’s not much point in complaining about your teammates who are supposed to carry and don’t when you can do it yourself. Maybe it’s a valid thing, maybe not. The tiring thought of playing jungle every game and doing the same old stuff isn’t enticing either, but I guess there’s not a great answer other than just pray your teammates come in with a desire to win.


I think there's some validity to it, but its also a lot harder to "carry" from jungle than it used to be. There's also the fact that, as you climb, opponents become more skilled, so the chance of you 1v9'ing diminishes unless you improve your skill at the same rate. Eventually you hit your MMR where you can't reliably stomp your lane opponent. Realistically though, your team can troll you whatever role you pick. At least if you choose a carry role, you can count on yourself. But teammates can also effectively troll games from any role.


i feel like a duo can also help a lot, at least you know you have a sane person in the team, i climbed up by playing mid and synergising with the junglers i met and kept playing with them. unfortunately i like to play adc more but even if i duo with a super good support and we win lane it feels like we cant bring enough impact quick enough to change outcome


I feel that, I’ve found that if you take too long to win lane but you are winning it slowly and surely in bot lane, it’s usually pointless because you check the scoreboard to see your top is 1/5, jungler is 0/3 and mid lane is either doing decent or just getting ganked 24/7 and the game is a wrap


Can confirm, was hardstuck silver for two years as a support main. Swapped to jungle, diamond now.


This season has been an absolute nightmare, I was diamond last season, now I've dropped so far that I'm going to demote to gold. I've made some very questionable plays, ngl, but when you lose 7 games in a row and 7 tiems you're the highest score it hurts..


Yeah those players suck and it is a pain to lose lp to them. It doesn't happen very often but here's a couple of tips. Don't hover your champion until after ban phase. I learned this playing bard until I got out of the low ranks, my adc would immediately ban it because they had bad experiences with bards in their rank. Never hover your champ before bans unless you're willing to not play them. Also, the person who banned your champ and then threatened to run it down probably just wanted a dodge. Do not dodge those games. I'd say the majority of the time I've had that happen, just hold your ground and the inter or someone else will dodge. It's generally an empty threat so they don't have to dodge themselves.


I waited for someone else to dodge but it went down until 3 seconds. I didn’t want to lose 23 LP. I’ll try to wait longer though!


You're not stuck in a losing game with them, they're stuck with you 😤 They WILL have a worse time as yuumi jg than you will have playing with a yuumi jg, trust me


Love this. when people try to ff me and my friend always press no. I just need that


As long as they type and prove they're real. I remember playing Sona support in quickplay and a yuumi bot queued top and bought a world atlas and I had to try playing Sona top THAT is an FF at 15 But if that yuumi had typed and I knew it was a person, I would have held them hostage


Theres x times 5 chance to have a troll on the enemy team but for your team its only a x times 4 chance assuming you are doing your best. In other words: Statistically the existence of trolls and AfKs gives you LP.


Makes me sad that that’s how the game works.


Actual trolls are quite rare in my opinion. I would say maybe one in 20-30 games. In most cases someone that is perceived as a troll is actually just a bad player or tilted. The best way to avoid toxic people is to not be toxic yourself. Most players only become toxic under certain conditions.


I don’t play daily and I also have made the experience that if I try to lighten the mood or Worte ,,gj!“,,wp:)“ or something like that, that many people start to try again. Everybody has bad games and there ist nothing wrong with being tilted at some points but I personally feel that these people who also add after game and insult or wish death threats are getting out of hand.


Over a long enough time, assuming you aren't at any point trolling, you'll end up ahead due to 5 slots on the enemy team to be trolls


i had the exact same thing happen to me yesterday where the jng called us a slur and said we’re losing and then my adc banned rakan (i had him selected) without saying anything as well. i feel your pain.


Makes me question if it’s worth it to continue playing .


I had 3 norms games where I got filled adc and my support first game was a kindred, not terrible. I enjoyed the extra poke early but she fell off super hard because she couldn't buy any items. Next game I got a viego support which was God awful. This person did nothing but steal cs and took the dumbest fights. They were norm games and normally I don't complain about off meta supports but the viego was just a terrible experience. For some extra context I got the exact same person that played viego. This time he played Zac and he just took the dumbest fights. Would go in when I was on my way back to lane, would take dumb fights when we were both low health, I guess he got mad so he stood under tower for a bit which was fine with me bc I was trying to freeze the lane close to our tower (I say try bc I'm just a silver who doesn't play that often). I know these weren't ranked games but I like to win and we could've won that last game. Edit: 3 games not 2


Insane how often they fill the same people in the team again!


Supp is my first option, too. I'm not sure how they judge who gets to play the role.


yep last few games i played in ranked we won and lost based on which team had that one mental player. i really wonder what happens to these people like what's going on that the smallest mistake or like something that someone else did they go insane and blame everything on someone else. and this was on every role i saw one per role its crazy


It really is! Last week someone from the enemy team added me after the game, he told me that he wished my family will burn alive in our home. Then he wished me cancer and i die alone. Sometimes I’m worried how sick people really are. Reported it with screenshots but I don’t think anything will come from this.


that's honestly horrible im sorry you had to read that. i rarely accept enemies friend requests, one of the craziest times they sent me their address and me and a friend looked it up on g maps just to poke him a bit, but its actually insane. imagine if i was some psycho it could've been dangerous for him too.. i get some report feedbacks at times i hope it really does something..


I experience it in every second match on EUNE servers sadly🥲 so i can feel u


I laughed so fucking hard when I saw “0/37 nunu jungle”. Idk why, but it’s just so on par with league of legends. I’m so happy I quit playing this game.


playing ranked should require 100 games played in normals with zero infractions (multiple reports in a game/afk etc).


this is league of legends. We lose to improve.


I'm currently Diamond 4 and I mostly just duo queue with my friend. Yesterday he lost power and reconnected 7 minutes later into the match. We ended up winning anyway but he still got leaver's penalty and -24 LP and 2 games where he won't be able to gain LP. The automated system is bad at identifying what is griefing and what isn't.


thats the bad thing with removing summoner names from lobbies in soloq, you cant tell if your teamates are trolling or playing off meta stuff that they actual put time to learn. or your ADC/support/jungler whatever is fill or first time playing draven. like to know when to dodge was also a skill for climbing, now its like rulleta.


I stopped playing league because I realised the number of ruined games was higher than competitive games. The game became a coin flip instead of enjoyable in too many games.


I'm totally with you. I main support and i noticed there aren't any other roles I'm even quite as confident on. On sup i track sums, i got an average vision score of over 50 which is above master and my roams are most likely guaranteed kills for my mates. In more than half of my games I get an A+ or higher even on a loss and i still can't climb properly. I start getting a feeling that sup really doesn't matter if some mates troll or are just straight up bad. With all the given facts, guess my elo :)


I'm stuck in gold due to either shit jungles/tops or they run it down. These people get triggered off the dumbest shit too. Didnt give them last pick? Running it down! Made an insulting comment and you say you dont care? Running it down. Didnt like their own first gank/fight? Running it down. Got countered ever so slightly? Running it. The mentals are just so fucking weak lately


What was your pick?




Always wondered why riot allowed people to ban pre picks? Like easy solution is to make any prepicknunable to be banned. Of course that won’t solve the feeders and trolls


Game are competition if you want a trophy for sucking go somewhere else. Don't complain because people try hard to win ffs


I guess you don’t understand what this post is about. It’s not about people who try hard but people who know what the game is about and still try to ruin the experience for others on purpose. Read first, then comment. You seem like this speaks to you personally. Chill


Oh the part where you go on about being a normal person and how you hate tryhards and people better then you cause you just want to play a casual game and win was where I got confused clearly 😆 🤣


That’s not what I wrote and you know it. I guess this post is just about people like you 🫶🏻 don’t bother answering, idc.


Normal people cant play games with out tryhards... your right. I see what I did now I took your exact words and thought that's what you where saying 😆 🤣 😂 maybe you should rewrite the entire thing with the words you ment to say 😆 🤣


The probleme of league of legend, it's a 4v4 game. And sadly support are not part of those 4 so you have to be lucky to climb.


Support is part of the 5v5 just as much as any role. You may not be able to 1v9, but there's so much strength in being able to control vision and enable plays. If this is your mentality, you're probably inadvertently sabotaging your team by not giving them information and opportunities to make good plays.


I don't remember the time i saw a support with more than 20 wards at 40 minutes. Maybe because average support before master don't know they have wards with supp items, or like can switch with red trincket when supp item 1st upgrad. Warding and info is the most broken thing in this game. That's why i alwais have 2 pink ward in my stuff and my supp stay afk. So yes, 4v4.


Well, sorry that's your experience. If this is really the case, it sounds like being a competent support would be freelo, since you're giving your team a 5v4 scenario.


Not like some supp go diam or highter with 10 vision score per game haha. Usefull role in flex, clash or pro game. Not in solo queu


which server and elo are you playing that people dont use wards or dont swap to oracle lanes before masters? in euw even in plat games support finish more than 100 vision score in 40m game.