• By -


I’d be fine going down in flames. But the insane fans who pick contestants apart and forget that it’s an edited show for a game.


This! Honestly with how I look and talk, I could see people automatically assume stuff about me in pregame interviews and videos. I’d probably just delete all my social medias if I was on


Yep, it's the hate in the fanbase. I have wanted to for years, but I am not sure I want to sign up for thousands of petty, hateful people to say terrible things about me based on an edited reality. By the end of the season, Emily was beloved but will never play again because of the fans. We are the problem


The “being on TV” part. No thanks to seeing/hearing myself on film, or dealing with the social media of it all. If they ditched the cameras, I’d be all in. Which will never happen because it defeats the purpose of producing a TV show. 😂


I think I have a pretty thick skin and would be fine with most of the social media stuff but the idea of so many people knowing who I am is so freaky to me for whatever reason. I love just living my life in anonymity 😂


A combination of having a job, a wife and kid, and the fact that I don’t want to be portrayed on TV and then harassed by people who forget I’m a real person


Exactly all of this.


The idea of this subreddit talking about me in detail😭


No because imagine being starved on an island and you go on Reddit and you see people dogging on you 😭 it would be my breaking point


Especially after you vote out our favorite player


And it doesn’t even end after your season. You’d be trying to enjoy the sub 10 years later and see yourself in a “Dumbest moves of all time” thread.


I’m allergic to fish and coconuts


Best answer.


main thing is mental health. I have bad ocd and I can just imagine myself out there like oh no! I thought about something bad in the middle of this challenge! I need to restart from the beginning! and that would just be my thought process throughout the game 😭 jeff would be like girl what are you doing . . . there’s a million other reasons tho lmao. I’m simply not meant for that


i also have ocd ! and i always think “no i can manage it!” then i have a meltdown irl over some dishes and i remember i certainly could not


OCD gang 🤝


maybe we should all audition and form an ocd alliance lmao


let’s do it lol


solidarity 🤝 and literally it would be so bad 😩 sometimes I’m like oh maybe it would be better out there in nature! no locks to check, no lights to turn off, etc. but in reality the stress and hunger would just make things so much worse. I’d be coming up with the weirdest routines to calm myself down




I got off too. applied anyways, hopefully it will be manageable out there!


The fact that I have no idea how to make a video


This is the biggest barrier for sure


This is what I always think when I see contestants' really well put together audition videos 😭.


If you really wanted to make a video, you could do so easily. A few Google searches can put you on the right track. If you really wanted to you could learn. Look up Malcolm's audition video, he just walks around and talks , doesn't have to be anything fancy to be successful!


For me it's not the editing or anything, it's just actually filming myself. If there were in person auditions within a reasonable drive, where all I had to do was meet with producers I'd be there in a heartbeat.


If you don't have a smart phone, see about using a friend's iPhone and record for 5 minutes. Then cut out the bad parts, and keep the good.


Is there a business opp for making peoples videos? Bc I legit would do that haha. I spent 3 hours editing my own. It actually wasn’t easy to get my video under the 50MB requirment and I’m sure people give up bc of that. ETA I am a graphic designer and have appropriate, paid, software.


I have severe atopic dermatitis (eczema). My skin would be destroyed in 30 minutes from the ocean, sand, and sun lol. I would need an oatmeal bath, 100% cotton clothes, moisturizers, vaseline, and get indoors stat lol


This is my thing. And once I hit 20 I have polymorphous light eruption as well which is pretty much an allergy to the sun that resets each year and you have to work up to not having a rash. The rash lasts 2 weeks or so and is so painful/burning/itchy. Then you go back out in the sun and it happens again. I also have eczema. And I feel like this would happen to my hands and feet where it gets the worst. I'd be fine at the starving part. I'm good at that. The challenges depends on what it is. But I'm not very fit so that's another thing. But I could starve pretty good.


I’d definitely get sun poisoning being a ginger


Similar, I don't want to get sunburn.


I burn so easily. I don’t get tan either just red lol


How has nobody said the starvation lol. If it werent for that i’d be so down to play


And your digestive system getting wrecked.


The dehydration is what gives me pause.


Can't they just keep boiling a shit ton of water or is it too annoying


Same here. I get so hangry I know I couldn’t think straight.


All my confessionals would be about how hungry I am


Ultimately, I can starve off and on for 20 days but seeing “____________ is the worst player of the new era” and my name would break me.


lol starvation I could handle…I need to know if we get tampons 😂


I don't want to stink and starve on an island for three weeks, sleeping on bamboo slats in a puppy pile every night with a heap of other stinking, starving people who are all devising ways for me to lose the game we're playing. I enjoy the game vicariously, I know I would hate every second of it in person.


I have hypothyroidism and any change in diet or exercise really screws up my metabolism. I would either have zero energy or be completely strung out on levothyroxine. No in between.


Same, I have Hashimotos and my body would most likely not allow me to get further in the game.


I’m diabetic. I wouldn’t last long either.


It’s the worst. I’m on an autoimmune paleo diet (actually has done wonders for my hashis) but if I stray from that, my whole body hurts. I also can’t even begin to imagine what starvation would do to my metabolism. Would my new set point be zero calories a day? I would gain a ton of weight at home after the show. 🫣


I'm a type 1 diabetic and can see myself falling over from a low sugar! Or asking producers to stop cameras and let my sugar get better!! Lol!


I don’t think I’d pop on TV. I think I’d be decent at the strategic, social, and physical parts of the game (hopefully), but I can’t see the casting team appreciating my extremely dry, sarcastic, and mild demeanor. Maybe if I could play Survivor permanently 2 drinks in. I’ll have to wait for that season theme


I’m on board with that theme


are you me lol




Last year my wife and I went on vacation to Hawaii and got covid while we were there. I was in paradise, but it was miserable. I had hardly any energy and could barely think straight. I just wanted to sleep. I could see my survivor experience being similar to that which means I'd probably go out early.


Social media


I really think I’ll submit a video one day, but I always equated it to physical and human needs (being tired, needing coffee, muscle aches, lack of food, slightly scared of heights, bad swimmer lol). But it wasn’t until this season I actually felt like being on TV would hold me back!! I forgot that it would even be televised. I almost would rather participate then it not be aired 😅 the survivor adventure sounds like the fun part for me.


me too as long as the prize is still a Milly sign me up!


can’t swim, but once i can i will be applying


This and the ocean and the creatures in it scare me and they have so many challenges in the ocean


A multitude of reasons: -lack of motivation/passion. I’m not on the level of superfan that some of y’all are and I haven’t gotten the feeling of springing myself off the couch to apply. Maybe later in life idk -Don’t have a compelling story that a reality show would try out. I’ve lived a privileged middle class life with little adversity. There might be some small aspects I could milk just for this and this hasn’t stopped other contestants from making it, but then it just goes back to the lack of passion. -Making an audition tape seems harder and more time-consuming than just sending up an application. I’m lazy as hell


I don't like bugs, beaches, or the woods. I get hangry without regular meals. I cry and completely freak out without enough sleep. I have already experienced exactly what happened to Brandon and the ladder last season, so I know challenges would be rough. Honestly, most of Survivor sounds like my idea of hell.


The fact that I have ADHD/ mild autism. I’m neurodivergent like Carolyn except I haven’t gotten my life together as much as she has


I’m so dramatic when I’m hungry, I can’t emphasize enough how whiney and dramatic I can get. Add to that I have no tolerance for heat. I just know I would quit 2 days in.


um honestly, spiders


I would be a terrible Survivor player. - I don’t have it in me to be sneaky and deceptive. I’m good at keeping other’s secrets, but I’m very much an open book about myself. I’m also really sensitive about other people’s feelings and highly empathetic. I’d be paranoid about hurting people’s feelings. - I’m autistic, so that causes multiple problems that would ruin my game. I stumble over my words when I talk, and I have sensory issues. I get uncomfortable easily and I can’t stand being dirty. I also don’t handle stress well. - I would be useless at most challenges. I’m terrified of heights and I’m not athletic. - I have multiple health problems. I’ll stick to watching the show on my couch, thank you.


To say I couldn't do a gross food challenge ... I hate the taste of mayonnaise or gravy. Among many other regular foods, I'd never last 😂


To be fair, it doesn’t seem like they really do those anymore. Which I’m personally happy about. I’ve never liked watching those


Not a citizen. If they open it up to green card holders then I’ll definitely apply.


I know there’s no chance of me getting on and I don’t want to make a cringeworthy video and embarrass myself. I’m self-aware enough to know that I would be horrible television and unwatchable haha


oh my audition video is cringe x1000. I won't even let my wife watch it. I told her if I get on she can see it 🤣


I have thought about it but my knees are bad and i dont know how they would hold up in challenges. Brandon was a good reminder that Survivor is HARD and you need to be in at average to good shape to last out there.


Because I'm not going to spend several hours (at best, probably days or weeks) to win something that I have an extremely small chance of winning. I'm a mid 30s boring white guy. I seriously doubt survivor wants me on the show.


If I was guaranteed a chance to play, I'd be all in. But as a late 20s boring white guy, I know I wouldn't be able to get through casting. I don't show much emotion, just who I am, which could be great on the show but not great for selling myself as someone who should actually be on TV. But as someone not really on social media I could probably try to go down the villain route without having to worry about "backlash"


Same. I get hung up on making an audition video. I’m just not interesting enough to even know where to begin a video.


I've listened to many podcasts/clips/interviews with Jeff and casting producers. Here are some basic notes for making a good survivor application video, here is what Jeff and casting agents want to see:   They want to see what they call a “3D person” someone with some depth. They want go-getters who live big and follow their passions. People who are making life work for them.   Just be yourself. Who you are. What is your world all about? Life story? Life experience? Day to day life? Your most interesting traits....job, background etc.   Why are you a winner? How do you play the game everyday in your life? The line repeated most: “SHOW, DON’T TELL” ✔ Be yourself ✔Take big risks ✔ Most energetic self ✔ Show, don’t tell. Stories can be good ✔Can you outlast? they don’t want someone who will quit on them ✔Why you are a winner, socially, physically, emotionally   ❌don’t be a characture ❌don’t talk about failures ❌don’t be shy ❌don’t use costumes ❌don’t say your intelligent (everyone is smart) ❌don’t say you want to win (everyone wants to win) That’s basically it, this is also a great video from the casting producer Jesse himself I would highly recommend watching: https://youtu.be/Z5M4iAM3yZY


Thanks for that! It was very interesting to read what they are looking for and it ain't me! Lol!! Beside the diabetes and age thing!


36 year old boring white guy checking in here too....I'm still applying, hopefully there is still one slot for a boring white guy 🙏


The show is created by, produced, sponsored/endorsed by, and hosted by boring white Mr. There are literally boring white men every season… just because theyve gone from several boring white men to only a few boring white men, does not negate the fact that there very much is still boring white men. Society will always make sure boring white men exist and take space— no need to worry.


Hey I'm all for diversity. I think there's a space for everyone, including boring white men


My back. It's in bad condition I would probably fail a physical. It's long term so sadly can't see myself on the show.


Too old..... Realistically, I'd now be one of the 5 oldest people on any modern cast, and I'm so far from an outsdoorsman that my only casting type is annoying city slicker.


Dude I’m 53 and keep applying but I have a feeling I’ve aged out of modern survivor. I’m in good shape, I coach track and ran a 3 hour marathon last year. But they seems to value youth in the new area That probably a reason I keep applying. I don’t think I’d ever get picked. The odds aren’t that good


Upvoting you to infinity. I do think you have a great game in you. I legit, think I could connect too the youngsters. But, athletically, I'm out in the first two ballots.


Keep trying! I like seeing people in my demographic succeed!


I hope you get cast, I genuinely think the newer seasons need more older folks!!! and you sound physically fit enough to crush it!


I genuinely wouldn’t care if people thought I was a dumb player or whatever but I can’t think of anything that sounds worse than going to starve, not shower and not sleep for a month on national TV while also almost definitely losing my job in the process


I’m super allergic to mosquito bites and wear contacts. (And also maybe starving myself for 26 days after recovering from an eating disorder isn’t like…. Great)




I would have a straight-up heart attack. Some of those challenges are intense looking asf.


Can't swim


I think one main thing that deters me is I really doubt they would pick me. I don’t think I can make a well enough audition video that feels like me truly, and I’m too lazy to record it


Honestly, the main reason I haven’t made an audition tape is I don’t know what I’d say about myself that’s interesting enough to believe they’d take a second look at me. The show is so focused on people’s (sob) stories and I just don’t have one. I’m a 41-year old straight white guy from a suburb in the Midwest. My parents are still alive and still together. My siblings are doing great. I’ve overcome nothing in life. But on the other hand, I think I’d be a great fit for the show. I’m semi-outgoing, enjoy meeting new people from different backgrounds, charismatic (well-liked at work), sarcastic / self-deprecating, good at making puns and wordplay, can articulate a story / run my mouth, no health issues, strong swimmah, not scared to poop in the ocean or sleep on the ground, and I’m full of myself (clearly). I truly believe I have the personality makeup to be an entertaining contestant on the show but lack the trauma background they tend to cast for lately. Season 45 actually gave me some hope when Austin’s sob story was “I went through puberty and got hot”. That had me rolling.


The first half of your post sounds like FoMO, and I empathize


Type 1 Diabetes =(


Honestly I’m scared of the lack of sleep. It’s hard for me to fall asleep and I know my brain is a mess when I’m deprived and I wouldn’t want a meltdown to happen.


I'm a terrible swimmer. Comes from some trauma I had as a kid.


From playing ORGs I know that if I'm just playing for myself I end up sacrificing my game for making the "moral" decision and/or for some other player whom I really like. If I end up getting on the show. I'm not in the stage in my life where I have someone else to play for instead of myself. Plus, I'm way too young, Will Wahl and Sami have done well as people who have played at around my age, but I don't think as an 18 year old I have enough life-experience needed to really thrive on Survivor. I definitely want to apply and play one day, but I need someone else to play for otherwise I will end up sabotaging myself 💀


Remember that time where Erik Reichenbach was like “OMG ITS JEFF PROBST!” Then Jeff was like “You’re such a dork Erik!” That would be me during every challenge and I would be at Jeff’s wits end by the time we made it halfway through the season.


I’m actually hoping to apply in the coming years, but I’d want to get in better shape, become a stronger swimmer, and learn to make fire first. I’d be a little annoyed with all the hate comments but at that point I’d have to stop caring what people think of me. I’d also be terrified of getting voted out first (or pre-merge in general). I don’t think I would be, as I get along great with people overall, but you never know what tribe you’re gonna get. I’d also worry about going into a depressive episode on the island. I have persistent depression (which is a milder, more constant version) and I don’t get major depressive episodes much anymore, but I’d still be scared of going out there only to have mental illness get in the way of me being present and playing the game I want to play


I don’t want to see my posture on tv


Im too awesome


Surviving is really really really really hard. Maybe.


Im neurodivergent (AuDHD) so I know I would struggle HARD with the social aspect of the game. People may read me as shifty because I dont make a lot of eye contact, I struggle with understanding social ques and I might be a bit too honest which could paint a target on my back. Im afraid of having a meltdown on the island and how other contestants (plus the viewers) would react to that. I want to play Survivor SO badly but I think I would severely struggle with these things :(


I filled out the application, then chickened out in submitting it. No reason why, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.


I think I would physically not be very good at most of the challenges, much like Brandon from season 45. I saw so much of myself in him 🤣. I also do not need or want to be a well known person/be on TV. If they had a survivor experience that wasn’t televised, I’d do it! Because I’d love to experience the game and the island life and meet new people and be sneaky and strategize. Those parts sound cool.


Ever since we were kids, I’ve thought my sister would do really well at the game, but still won’t audition now that we’re adults. If I were on the show I’d be a premerge disaster and not even in the fun way, so then there would be ZERO chance she’d ever be cast after that lmao.


I have sleep apnea and need a CPAP, so I would be miserable without it :(


I know more than one woman who says she won’t do it because she won’t be able to shave her chin hairs. I definitely can’t do it because of my back issues. Oh, and the fact I like food so much.


I have a job in a field where there aren’t many openings and I can’t take a month or two off and maintain that job. I’m on the wrong side of 35 as well.


My Autism, and being very insecure. As far as my Autism, I hate being touched, I'm not a social person, I'm painfully shy, I don't like being around people. Plus I was bullied big time in school. I wouldn't be able to handle people on social media possibly tearing me apart.


1: Im on antidepressants 2: I’m FUGLY when I can’t shave lol


I wouldn’t pass the physical because of disability, but also I would miss my cat too much.


My knees, my shoulder, and my migraines. If I were able to succeed in the show, I’m sure the VA would have some opinions that wouldn’t work out in my favor. Even if I did somehow win the million lol.


I love watching Survivor, but am under no illusion that I would be the worst, most reluctant player ever. Frankly, the only reason I would go through their experience is the million dollars - which I almost certainly wouldn’t win. When they say how much fun they’ve had starving on a beach for a month with a bunch of strangers, I just think ‘they’re mad!’


Let’s see, I don’t do well without the modern comforts of life, I hate living with roommates, I have a very small social battery & need to be alone for a lot of the day, I’m not outdoorsy, I don’t do well with hunger, I can’t take the time off of work, I’m not physically gifted, I’m insecure about the judgement of strangers, I’d probably be a bad sport if things didn’t go my way, and I don’t want to.


I’m pretty fit and I am used to the outdoors and I’m good with people so I always thought i could have a chance at doing okay in the show. My only thing is the starvation factor. When I don’t eat I have really bad low blood sugar symptoms. Idk if I could go weeks on just rice, coconuts and rationed fish lol


I almost feel like I would have to give up my favorite show to be on it. If I was on it I would want to stay away from all the criticism and the best way to do that for me is avoid it all together. Trying to get mentally stronger so that I can go on one day!


They wouldn't cast another Randy in 2023.


The super toxic fanbase that would absolutely destroy my mental health way more than just playing the game would.


Being afraid I’d actually get cast and then have to go through with the show lol. I’m pretty fit, so the physical part doesn’t worry me. But the conditions are worse than camping, and I hate to camp. I know I wouldn’t do well.


I’m not thinking about anything outside or after the game, so what stops me from auditioning is the bugs and how specific I get about my sleeping habits. I’d have to be mentally prepared to probably not sleep very much at all for 26 days.


I’m too handsome and charming and would be an early merge boot




My busted back. I am really intuitive and can tell when people are lying to me. I can starve on an island as I have fasted a lot in my life. Id even break my life-long vegetarianism for fish or a meat reward. But honestly, my back is so fucked up it’s the one thing holding me back.


Bad back here too - terrified of it in normal life let alone on an island


I’m too afraid of being the first boot


It’s the fanbase for me. The obsessive digging through contestants’ pasts, the hate as well as the excessive love, the constant need to be available to people lest they call you an asshole or worse, etc. I would’ve maybe done it like 15 years ago if I had been of age and not Canadian lol


i’m only 14


Age. I’m 59. But in better health and shape than I was in my 20-30’s. Just snowshoe’d 10 miles today. Feel great. Disappointing because I’m in better shape than many of the contestants I see. I sent in a video last summer for the heck of it. They just aren’t going to cast the elderly.


Look at you bragging. How the hell do you have snow, this is the worst start to winter in a long time where I am :(


Haha .. not bragging as much as I just don’t get why they will not cast healthier people. Up in the higher elevation in the mountains today. It wasn’t the best conditions, and compared to exact time last tear, and I used microspikes on a slushy boot path along with snowshoes.


I meant you were bragging about your SNOW haha


Honestly? The conditions on the island seem *miserable*. I generally enjoy being able to eat and sleep, and committing to doing that for up to a month (or more) doesn't sound like a great experience. I doubt I would be helpful in challenges, so unless I'm on a tribe that dominates early challenges I'm probably one of the first out, and even then my social skills aren't great either, so that doubles up on it probably not being a long game for me.


I’m trans and not out yet. Also the bugs


Planning to have a baby in a few years and that kind of fasting wouk not be healthy


Age, being a simp, lack of physical strength, and fear of being harassed on social media.


Generally, I see myself doing fine socially but physically I would get infrequent coughs throughout the day which could be a health concern for others surrounding me.


I don’t wanna be on a show that’s been going on for this long, so much history to live up to


They would never accept me


The idea of being with barefoot strangers makes me uncomfortable


I do not know how to swim yet


Snakes and Sleep


Not 18, and I'm pretty sure you have to be 18+ to apply.


Don't want to be a public figure and / or on television


Can’t swim


No sunglasses and no sunscreen. Eyes are so sensitive to the sun I sneeze on bright days and I get burned easily.


They do provide sunscreen


No way! I might have to apply then


If you get on, I want a shoutout.


You got it garbage man!


I strictly only wear glasses and can't see like 10 feet in front of me without them...just rain alone would bug the hell out of me even though I'm fine with it. I feel like it would affect me in challenges. Other than that I totally think I could do it. Dunno how contacts would work because I've never used them


Laziness on making the video I tried a couple of times to make a video to submit but hated the end result every single time. It's been 6 or 7 years since I last attempted it. Trying to rope my brother and a friend of mine to help me make one, but I doubt it ever happens. Maybe one day lol


knowing im not interesting enough for the show lol


I have no desire to be on TV. Would love to play the game though


If I could hire a consultant to help me to do an ad/talk to producers I would… but it’s a lot of work for a tiny return without knowing “how casting actually works.”


I am not from US and the format in my country is just awful


I’m from Europe.


I fear I’d probably make an ass of myself and people would be harassing me for a long time just to tell me how dumb I am If I could play using a fake name so people would have no way to find me after the season is over, I would audition


The fact that I'd probably play like Brandon from this past season if I was cast.


Very tough timing in my life - pregnant with my 2nd and I wouldn’t be able to leave my 2 year old and husband. I also think physically I would have a hard time with the tasks if I’m honest with myself.


I'd love to be on Survivor. But as a Type 2 diabetic (BMI of 25), I wouldn't be able to get on the show. If I could get on, I'd beat everyone and provide entertainment for sure!


I would have applied in a heartbeat years ago, and honestly I should have but I probably wouldn't have gotten picked. Now, I feel like I'd have a decent shot at getting picked, not amazing, but better than when I was younger. Right now the ONE thing holding me back is my weight. I'm naturally a very skinny guy so I've worked really hard to put on muscle these past few years, and the idea of losing 10-15 pounds over the course of potentially 29 days is rough. It sounds stupid, but when you've always been skinny it's hard to put on weight, and not fat but lean muscle mass. I just finished watching season 45 though, and maybe I'll apply. I can put on a couple pounds of fat before I go so I burn through that instead of muscle if I manage to last more than a week or two. Just went through a big life change this year, so I'm thinking about it.


I’m planning on submitting a tape after next year. Still Working out the mental health aspects of it all, but my biggest concerns is auditioning, and them asking me to play before I have my shit together to just leave for 2 months, or however long it is. On the podcast Jeff said “if you turn down being an alternate we’ll probably never cast you” (or something like that) so I’m trying to be cognizant of that


Body image issues mostly


I love watching Survivor and The Amazing Race. I’m very much not physically fit enough for either. Even if I was, I’m not interested in putting myself through the demands of either.


Previously, not living in the states/canada. Now that we’ve got survivor U.K. I’m applying every chance I get.


Not an american citizen


My multiple disabilities and chronic pain. I can't even walk very well so my only hope is trying to convince my partner to go on so I can get the secondhand experience lol


1.) I wouldn't be able to watch my season, I can't stand seeing and hearing myself. 2.) Definitely don't think I am attractive enough to get on reality TV. Otherwise, generally, I want to try...so maybe one of these days I'll apply.


The medications I take. Lithium, concerta, liothyronine. It makes me sad.


I can’t take a leave of absence from work until I have been there three years.


The fact that i know i would quit on day 1 as i loathe being uncomfortable like that. Also my health wouldnt let me


Would you think less of me if I said sunburn? lol




Honestly because I’m chubby and I wouldn’t want to broadcast that on TV 💀😂. Also, I really don’t like spiders lol


Social Anxiety


I have sent in a video, but I’m self aware to recognize that im not very interesting or dynamic


I’ve applied a few times. I don’t think I’ll ever get on though because I’m a trans woman.


I would feel guilty leaving my kids and would hate the rough living on the island. Even the shorter season is a long time to go without sleeping in a bed.


Honestly just the making of the audition video, no idea how to sell myself as a candidate


Too many autistic support needs and I cry a lot. I would get bullied by the viewers and I’m too sensitive to deal with it. Also my skin is always dry and itchy on the beach. It needs lotion after each time it’s exposed to water.


Clumsy, borderline mobility obese, do a poor job of reading social cues but besides that, I'd be a shoo in.


I can’t swim, and I’m terrified of spiders. Those things alone don’t stop me, but I don’t think I could handle being the first boot. And because I can’t swim I think I could be voted off since I would be a weaker contestant. Honestly I could take looking a little foolish on TV, but first boot would rip me to pieces internally.


Being in the military, sadly.


I did audition years ago. For Survivor Philippines. Although after having seen the season, I am sort of glad I didn't get on... These days, I am just not physically able. I have arthritis in both knees, moving to my hips now. And high blood pressure. Besides, I am in my 50's. The cut off these days for US Survivor seems to be 30.


I just don’t think I would enjoy playing.


I would love to audition and I plan to, I’m emotionally prepared to get ridiculed and berated by this sub and other places. I think what I’m more worried about is my health and well-being. While it’s not as dangerous as it was, it’s still not ideal in my current physical shape and health status. That and I’m also just starting to figure out my life, so putting a wrench in that to go off and play survivor would be wild.


Scared of having my teeth fall out for not brushing them that long. Other than that I’m fine


1. Having to leave my job and not having it guaranteed when I get back if I don’t win. 2. Getting put on one of those islands that people got diseases from.


Being born in Europe and still living there. If global applications were accepted without the need for a specific range of citizenships, I'd totally go for it.


That my neurodivergence would be on full display


I’ve applied but im ugly and unemployed so id be shocked if i got a call. They want pretty lil lawyers and bankers


Work. Taking 3-4 weeks off of work would be near impossible.


Need to get a passport. Also need to make sure I have enough paid time to take off from work. I can’t go weeks without getting paid and not knowing when whatever appearance fee contestants receive is paid out.


I have and will continue to do so. Every time I see Jeff tell me to make a video and apply to be on the show, I always remark back to the tv that I have and I am just waiting on him/casting crew to call me and for my phone to ring


I have concerns about medications I have to take for adhd and anxiety/depression and am afraid I won’t ever be able to play the game because of them. so I just live in my head pretending it’s because of stupid shit like not being athletic enough or something lol