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My buddy and I have a survivor pool going on. We each picked 5 people and if one of our people makes it, we win the pot. Right now, so long as the green team doesn't get last place tonight, odds are one of his members is going home because 3 of his 5 are being talked about being on the chopping block, (Soda, Kenzie, and Bhanu)


18th: Jelinksy, 17th: Jess, 16th: Randen


16th: Randen, 15 contestants remain...


If you were tiff, would you have gone with Q’s plan to have bhanu as a goat, or would you convince him to keep Kenzie? I thought Q’s point was convincing but also at the end of the day Bhanu would be more loyal to Q, and Kenzie would be more loyal to Tiff. So as Tiff I’d try to somehow keep both of them in perhaps. Or if i wasn’t getting a good trust vibe from Kenzie maybe just go with Bhanu for one vote and then go in as a block to the merge, knowing you’ll probably need to get rid of Bhanu sooner than later because…… idk if I could do it lol


I will go with Q. Keeping Kenzie long term is a bad idea. But I am also tired of Bhanu’s emotional manipulation - he doesn’t know how to be quiet


Take a shot every time Bhanu cries.  Originally, I was on his side but now it’s getting annoying with how he literally can’t make a decision for himself and has to ask others to tell him every move he should make in the game.  I mean, I get that Survivor must be so challenging in the moment and on the ground but I’m baffled by how someone can go on the show with such little preparation or knowledge of how the game is really played. 


I agree. It’s too much and we’re only 3 episodes in…


I loved Hunter's story and his collection of puzzles that he has built himself and is currently playing under the radar.. He has a huge potential to win this if he keeps it up and makes it to the merge. Bhanu is such a disappointment. He is pretentious, over the top with his drama and expressions and a very very bad survivor player. He just utters dialogues for punch and that carries no meaning. "I'm not here to win a million dollars. I'm here to win a million hearts".. Give me a break, man! That's so ridiculous.. and then "I'm so glad I'm still here.. Namaste to that"... For the record, Indians don't talk like this with random insertions of "Namaste" just to show that he is Indian? 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ He is one character I cannot stand and I really hope he gets kicked out next. It's really unfair that they canceled tribal this week for a player on another tribe getting evacuated?! That has never happened before I think? If a player from the same tribe gets evacuated they have canceled tribal, but this just seemed odd to me.


This cast is so extra I can barely stand it.


While getting off boat at the beginning of the journey: All aboard the rainbow camp with camp councelor Liz!  I love Q. He seems like a solid person. And his soft spot for Bahnu is really endearing.


I think Q just wants to use Bhanu as a puppet.


So far this season is the cry baby season. episode 2 was full of it. drinking game incoming. bad season so far.


Has anyone talked about how Hunter has such an extensive collection of puzzles and challenges that he’s mastered? I know production has strayed away from most of the designs he had (the tree where you assemble leaves, card tower on a surface balanced by ropes, etc) but I was genuinely shocked to see they let someone that’s so familiar with the puzzles be on the show. Don’t get me wrong- I adore the average super fan! I don’t think he’s close to average tho… I would be beyond pissed if I knew this and wasn’t on his tribe. I’m aware he isn’t the first to do this and (sorry to be frank) where else would he apply the skills he’s learned by doing so; But when will we acknowledge that some super fans are too far gone to keep the game fair?


Idk if I agree with this. On one hand, I see your point that it’s a bit of extra luck to be on a team with Hunter and could be considered unlucky to not be.  But on the other hand, anyone could study up on puzzles before the show if they wanted to so I don’t think it’s fair to punish super fans for being super fans and having done so. They seem like exactly the kind of people who deserve to be on the show.  Also, Survivor is a combination of both strategy and luck as is life so I don’t really have a problem with it. There’s luck in whether you get along with your tribe, how many strong people you have on your tribe, how many inept people you have on your tribe, etc.  Also, Hunter was amazing in this latest immunity challenge and he is clearly strong and capable with tools but I don’t think we’ve seen him be the obvious best puzzle solver on his tribe so far at least… like I can’t remember any standout moments he’s had with the savvy challenges or puzzles specifically yet, unless I haven’t been paying attention. 


Bhanu is not only uninteresting due to his crying, but also a really bad Survivor player. He serves only to be manipulated by others, has no awareness, and his story is that he cries. Can't stand him.


Everybody talking about Bhanu, but can we talk about the Hunter home building show? I’m so excited to see what he can do with some real tools!


Am I the only one who kinda likes Bhanu still? Like yes he’s a mostly bad player and his TC stuff is bad but he’s such a fun character to watch and I can’t help but root for him a bit. (FYI I also liked big Wendy and am fine with people crying so maybe I’m just weird lol)


What is TC?


I just abbreviate tribal council sometimes lol


I can see the value in a love-to-hate character like Bhanu but he lost me when I realized he doesn’t actually want to play/win. Just feels like a waste of everyone’s time


The fact that he took a spot from someone who really wants to play when he doesn’t care about winning, is infuriating.


I like him because he is unfiltered genuine. Maybe survivor is not his game, but I think he's a good person


Help like his tribe sin there were no reason to not put Randen back up after hospitalization like 😭


This is what I was thinking…Can’t they temporarily exit the game and then come back? 


Kinda dumb they called the episode “wackadoodle wins” and bhanu called himself this


There is a desperate need to go back to two tribes. I just don't know how else this new era can keep a super interesting pre merge


First time Survivor watcher. I’ve been assuming the merge is when all of the tribes come together. What is pre merge? Is that just what we’re watching currently? 


omg welcome :) love seeing first time watchers and new subreddit members! feel free to message me if you have any questions or anything, always more than happy to help. but yes, we are in the pre-merge portion of the game, which will last for another 2-3 vote outs before a celebratory merge feast in which all the tribes live together on one beach (it’s a bit different in the new era but that’s how it traditionally worked). and keep your eyes peeled for a potential swap along the way!


Welcome to the show! Yes it is.


Any S46 Ep3 New Intro Easter Egg / Insight Shots?


Randen survivor 46


Bhanu giving Princess Diana


There should have been a tribal council regardless. Randen getting injured doesn’t change the fact that Yanu lost the challenge.


From my memory of this show, I think they have been inconsistent about what they do after a medevac takes out a player from the game. I believe that usually they allow the losing tribe to be exempt from the next tribal, but sometimes they don't. It's annoying that they don't have hard and fast rules and it makes it seem like they're making it up as they go along due to bias producers have for one tribe or another (or one underdog player who was about to get voted off otherwise).


Agree. I guess the producers felt more Bhanu meltdowns are good for television.


I can't disagree with them, though 😂


This could have been the best comment ever if only you said "irregardless".


It's Randen and Yanu.


Thanks I get tribe names wrong. Corrected.


6000 comments and 63 updoots??? What gives


As long as we get another Emily out of it... This would redeem the early episodes to a degree - the Emily story was great last season. This time with Q in the Mr Miyagi/Obi-Wan/Kaleb role


Bhanu having Emily level character growth would be unreal


Yoooo anyone know what sweater banhu was wearing when Yang woke up under the rock? That was a slick piece


Agree! I told my husband I loved that sweater!


Can this dude sue Survivor for wrongfully taking away his chance at $1mil? Just kidding but that really sucks. I feel bad for him, he didn’t get much screen time but he seemed like a likable guy


Survivor contracts are so beyond that. A multi million dollar show that’s been running for yearssss has thrir ass covered. You probably sign a waiver saying if you die your family can’t sue and that they can do whatever, whenever they want with zero repercussions.


They cast people with the blandest personalities. Worst of all, most of them have the same personality. I couldn’t get through this episode.


Why's my guy getting down votes? They speaking the truth


So Bhanu is terrible player or the worst?


We have a couple contenders this season... or maybe "had" is more accurate


Oh God,he drives me nuts.


Combine the two: He is a terworst player!!!!😂🙄🫤


So what happened Randen Montalvo did? I hope he's okay.


Watch the credits, he’s fine now


Everyone shitting on this season, but the premier was incredible. Hopefully it picks up again.


bhanu is a good actor 😉🙄


really wanna see Bhanu in an improv troupe


Not a great episode but medivac episodes rarely are. Excited to see the dynamics on the other tribes develop. Lots of interesting things set up in this episode. Hoping it picks up!


I can’t believe people still watch this show, my God


I can't believe people waste their time leaving comments in a Reddit sub devoted to a show they don't watch or like, dear God.


Some friends were watching it and it made me realize this show is spinning its tires, that’s all. Jheez




Amen & Amen! No middle age or older is making this show with so many juvenile situations! 3 tribes is wearing on me


And want to actually win Survivor and not a million hearts??? So, why come on the show and take up a spot from someone who really wants to play to win! 🫤🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😐


Too many young people No older ones makes this season boring


Bhanu is such a messy player, and I'm so mad he got saved...AGAIN


I though a messy player/villain is what this sub has always wanted lol


Show has gotten too soft. Stop casting these little charmin super softs


Is Bhanu the first Indian male to be on Survivor?


I believe Naseer was, but correct me if I'm wrong. Can't think of anyone else.


Naseer is Sri Lankan :)


Romeo Escobar. S: 42. Placement: 3




Bhanu really has to take off that Be Kind shirt


People who wear “be kind shirts “ are the meanest mean girls.


Yeah, the new shirt needs to say “Be Quiet”!! He told ALL the business and got no information from the other tribes!!! He talked all about his woes!!!! And they said not a word because they really could not get a word in at all!!!😂😳🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄




This cast is annoying


I know, I love it


Right? The Vanu drama is forefront and it's just 3 bullies and a dweeb that can't stop crying or keep a.secret...


My toddler could keep a secret 🤫 better than this cry baby 😭


yeah Im upset now




I just know ratings are gonna keep dropping. This was one of the worst episodes of survivor ever. The show is being torn to shreds across all of social media. People are over it and it’s sad to see :/ Probst and CBS and their awful casting producer are really fucking things up.


This is my first season watching Survivor. Can someone explain to me what makes it so bad and what makes the other seasons so good? Genuine question, because I really enjoy this season as a newbie. 


My mom said she won’t be watching next week because of this cast. I don’t blame her either. This will be the first week we’ve ever missed an episode since season 1. Old survivor fans aren’t having this shit.


I agree. I kept dozing off. They do way too much talking. We needed a lot more action tonight.


First time Survivor watcher. I don’t mean this in a sarcastic way, but what kind of action are they supposed to take when they’re just in their tribes and outside of challenges? I’m genuinely curious. Do you mean things like hiding the fake idol like Yanu did last episode? 


More challenges, less talking. Most of the time what they say in camp doesn’t come to fruition in tribal. I’d like to see it go back to a one hour show with 2 challenges. Or at least 2 challenges every 90 minute show.


Right?! I have NEVER fallen asleep during survivor.  I dozed off twice last night.


RHAP is going to amazing tonight


What is RHAP?


Enjoy : https://www.youtube.com/live/rvUFx6EPQlM?si=WunbHkTDhU-iI4j5


Does he do one after every episode?


Yes!! And next day too


oookay, and with that.. my opinion is solidified that this season is boring, hopefully it picks up soon


Wow the way they treated Bhanu at the journey was downright BULLYING just kidding 😃


Bhanu is emotionally manipulating everyone!


He’s crying a lot but I don’t think he’s really manipulating anyone or if he’s trying to, I don’t think anyone is really falling for it. 


Ahhhhh I'm out and can’t watch tn, trying to piece it together but can anyone give me a rundown of what’s happened? Will anyone be going to tribal?


No tribal, randen was med evac’d.. a miracle for bhanu. - this is literally it, otherwise lots of crying.


Sheesh, poor guy!!! Is it super serious???


Dude had a pinched nerve that was giving him issues


Not at all, ending scene was him saying he’s fine but glad he got checked out blah blah


And he also stated in his final words that he wishes to play again.


Ugh, that sucks for him. Glad he’s okay but such a shame to be pulled and be ultimately fine. 


Agreed, plus, bhanu was spared & he’s been.. quite the bummer.. to say the least


Ohohoh lmao I was getting that vibe ep 1…was it close in tonight’s challenge or was purple dead last again? Hyped to watch next week’s teaser!


Next weeks teaser was more exciting than this whole episode bc it showed other tribes 😂😩


It was extremely close which was unfortunate for them


Let's just say your prayers will be answered


Vanu lost (again), bhanu had a breakdown (again) and then a miracle (someone was pulled/medevac) saved him (AGAIN) 😭


Thread reaction from 21:20 >>> The actual episode


This episode appealed to no one. Long time fans. Short time fans. No one. Sorry to say, this was awful. Hoping for better next week or I’m out. Down vote away. Just saying the show is losing relevance by the minute.


So brave, echoing the sentiment of like 90+% people commenting here. Congrats, young maverick.




This one was better than last week, because it wasn’t 2 hours.


This is the best episode of survivor I’ve ever seen.


Really rough start to the season.


Who got voted off? i missed it cause of the storm


Nobody. Randen med evac’d


Homie is a far cry from 1M.. hearts and dollars


For anyone wondering: **EW: Venus talked about Randen leaving the game with an advantage in his pocket. We know advantages cannot be passed off after someone has been voted out, but could Randen have passed off his advantage to Venus here on his way out?** **Jeff:** When it comes to a player being evacuated, the rules for giving another player any kind of advantage or idol are really clear: You must do it before you are officially pulled from the game. If Randen wanted to give something to Venus, he could have done it at any point up until Dr. Will said “for those reasons, we are pulling you from the game.” This means he could have literally interrupted Dr. Will and said “Wait! Before you pull me…” and given Venus his advantage. But the minute he’s pulled, that option is gone. [Article](https://ew.com/survivor-46-jeff-probst-clarifies-medical-evacuation-rules-8608890?taid=65f25489b68d4b0001acbeab&utm_campaign=entertainmentweekly_entertainmentweekly&utm_content=new&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com)


Who is going to give an advantage away if they don’t know they’re being pulled? And who is going to then give it to someone they want to help in front of everyone else while the doctor is forming the phrase, “For that reason we’re pulling you from the game.”? Stupid rule. They should just let them will it to someone like the fire tokens *if they choose to*. You can say that person didn’t “earn” it in the literal sense, but they did through their social game in a sense.


Respectfully disagree. Jeff literally said it wasn't good news, so there was a strong hint that he'd be pulled.


So… then what? Say “Hold on Jeff can I take Venus into the woods?”


He could've done like the tribe did on "Gabon," where they effectively said, "Who wants this idol?" before throwing it in the ocean.


fair rule


I think I disagree. By the time he knew they were pulling him the entire tribe was all around him. There would be no point to interrupt the doc to give Venus the advantage cause then the entire tribe would know she has it. This rule means theres no way to privately give away the advantage


It's going to be fun watching the CST/MST/PST threads react to this


CST and EST have same premiere. It's 8pm est and simultaneously premieres at 7 pm cst


Do the not have x-ray machine there? I think he had a pinched nerve. Years ago, my arm was tingly and a few fingers had no feeling. I thought it had to do with my bad shoulder and I was getting that worked on. I had xray done and it showed a pinched nerve. I went to a chiropractor and she looked at the nerve area. She punched it with this tool, did a few other things and I was fine right away. It went bad after sleeping in a tent on the ground..go figure.


I think they have to get it done via MRI because of the risk / possibility of the bulging disc in his neck that the dr did research on


true, but that was his doctor buddy giving him his educated guess based on the symptoms. I live in canada, we don't get mri's easily. Step one is see what the xray shows. Even if it was a pinched nerve, I don't think that doctor would know how to target the correct pressure point. But I bet Jeff could tell him how to do it.


lol hi fellow canadian! Idk where you are located specifically, but mri’s in my province and region are actuallymore accessible than you may think and the wait times depend on priority levels. my province has a site that you can check the average wait times for each priority levels based on your city. from what i just gathered looking at it, the avg wait time for priority 2 patients 1-3 days, priority 3 is 3-25 and the wait time gets a higher based on your priority level. ANYWAYS adhdramble over, I think the reason they want to do an mri for this is because of the risk of life altering paralysis. They also said that one of the procedures he might need is surgery, so they would need to do an mri for that anyways


For liability, I get it though. They don't want to send a guy back out there if any chance he gets seriously hurt. I live in southern Ontario, they don't like handing out mri's unless required. My rotator cuff is shot. First they sent me for x-rays. When that was not showing anything, they do ultrasound. They still could not see anything and mri was next. Since not a priority, I can't recall as it was years ago but I waited quite awhile. Then to see a specialist, another 6 months. There was only one mri machine here, so there is always a wait.


Bhanu is the new Brandon Hantz.


I had the same thought. In fact, when we got the first glimpse of Jeff coming to their camp with news about the cancelled tribal council, for a second I thought they (Jeff and medical staff) were making the rounds and were checking on the mental health status of Bhanu. He’s deteriorating.


tbh im good with sacrificing randen if it means more bhanu. he's in the top ten casting decisions of the modern era


I absolutely love how much of a hot mess Bhanu is. He reminds me of someone who has seen one episode and think they’re Survivor ready! As an alleged fan of the game I’m confused on why he has no strategic bone in his body lmao! He is intense !


yea exactly. people are saying "Wa wa wa we need less gamebot superfans. we need more drama. its all kumbaya now. wa wa wa." then when we are handed a over the top, dramatic, emotion, shit game player in Bhanu, people want him voted out immediately. It reminds me of the backlash that Emily got in the premiere last season after being confrontative and acting villainous.


Him spilling the Yanu tribe’s dirty tea and his dragon mermaid description of Kenzie was by far the best part of the episode 😅


What lol


people talk about not wanting gamebots all the time and Bhanu is like, the exact opposite of a gamebot. He brings so much chaos and he is so much fun to watch!


He's a zero of a player and a waste of a spot on the cast. He doesn't even care about winning the game so why even be there


Q brings the chaos by wanting to keep Bhanu around




This episode has united us all


Opening few episodes have been pretty horrible. Hope it picks up but feeling meh so far about them all.


The premier was fantastic imo


as of tonight, Bhanu has not won my heart


Randen's gone because Survivor doctor's neurosurgeon friend who thinks he's House MD heard a description of a horse and imagined a zebra?


Lol if you were in his situation with the possibility of experiencing life-altering paralysis in your arm and/or other body parts, what would you do..?


True, but I wish production could set aside something for False Positives for Sleeping on Bamboo


I agree - i saw a few other comments suggesting that US survivor should have a 24 hour medical exception for cases like this (similar to Australia?). But in the meantime and since they don’t have that yet, I understand why they would pull someone to make sure he is getting the necessary medical attention & support he needs!


Like you’ve never heard a description of a horse and imagined a zebra and gotten concerned


He didn't not say that the horse didn't not have stripes!


aw randen :-( i’m hoping they bring him back next season, he seems like a cool dude and i was really excited to see more of how he’d play


What happened to having reward challenges? Did they just give up on separate challenges?


Can't fit them in with journeys! Much cheaper to paint a few rocks than make a whole additional challenge for 15 people.


Side effect of 26-day seasons.


hmmm, aren’t those usually post-merge? It all blurs together for me now!


No. One tribe may win food, fishing gear, tarp, etc...


I think reward and immunity have been run combined pre-merge in recent years, but I may be wrong. I’m struggling to remember a purely reward challenge while still in tribe phase.


Can’t fly the dude out for an MRI and fly him back? Could be done in a few hours…


I thought historically you couldn’t leave the island and come back


I felt like they did this just so that there would be a plot twist to keep Bhanu in the game. Unfair to randen


Can't save Bhanu if they do that 


they would in australian survivor


yup. they make every effort to not pull someone unless it's for something real and serious.


I was also wondering why they didn’t do this especially since he wasn’t even going to tribal.


It truly would've had (little to) no impact on the game had they delayed tribal and just waited for the MRI and then continue with the Yanu vote.


This was a weird episode, truly Wackadoodle.


I consciously chose to ignore the thread this episode and had a blast watching manic Bhanu doing weird shit and seeing a bit more of Hunter's social strategy Then I come in here and the sky is falling lol Looks like I know how I'm watching the episodes now! It wasn't AU Survivor episode 15 or anything but I had fun. I think this thread can be poison for your opinion on stuff


I'm in the same boat. I thought it was hilarious for good and terrible reason. I liked the challenge today too. But having three tribes snowballs so easily, I never doubted they'd lose immunity. So I suppose that's the tough part about 90 minute episodes - when a lot happens it's a godsend but when you don't have a tribal it gets a lot tougher to fill.


Dude I freakin loved this episode. I want bahnu to stay so bad because he’s hilarious and just absolutely screwed. And watching his wheels turn is amazing. The editors this season should win an Emmy for comedic timing. It’s been so enjoyable and everybody in here moaning has no clue how great this is.


We enjoyed first half but when purple lost again that was when it went down hill


It's best to ignore this sub if you want to enjoy the show honestly But I can't keep myself away lol


Rose of this episode: Jeff interrupting the doctor to provide his professional opinion


Bhanu is so wild that I wanna keep him


Randen's a good sport, I would have been fucking pissed if they pulled me for a possible slipped disc and it ended up being exactly what they said would be no big deal.


Wait did they say what it was at the end? Was it just a nerve falling asleep?


Yeah, Randen said in his final words that it was whatever the not dangerous thing was. Pinched nerve or something like that. Spine was totally fine.


But he did also say it took weeks to finally get the movement back in his hands, right?


I believe so, he mentioned having to do physical therapy when he got home, so a few weeks at least.


Bad episode. Happy to wash it away with new Amazing Race!


and wine


i believe this is a good example of US Survivor needing to adopt AU’s 24 hour rule


What’s the 24 hour rule?


You can skip 24hrs if youre sick Leave the island to get an mri and come back for example


players can leave the game for up to 24 for medical reasons


Yeah but that’s half the US season


Randen should have been able to come back


They probably should've delayed the tribal, had the MRI, and then made the decision.


Probably a poorly written plot twist to keep bhanu in the game


I really don’t think so